Description says it all.
Kindle Paperwhite from now ships to Australia.
$139 + $11.98 postage (USD) Approx $148.70 AUD.
Kindle Paperwhite from, ships to AUS. $139 + $11.98 postage (USD). Approx $148.70 AUD

Last edited 24/01/2013 - 14:09 by 1 other user

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Well its borderline yes it's normal price however it is less now because previously we had to buy through an on forwarder as Amazon wouldn't ship it direct so technically it is cheaper than what an Australian would've paid to buy it last week :)
yep I was forced to go through a reshipper for mine for an xmas present. Ended up costing about $160 delivered. So from my perspective it's a bargain :)
Can you find it at a cheaper price? IMO it's a bargain and at least it doesn’t deserve a negative vote. People posted Google phone deal which is also at Australian inflated RRP and yet it received a lot of positive votes.
Wait till you see prices at DSE. Last year, kindle touch was 185 here. (and it won't be soon……)
Does this one have adverts? It's not clear from the description.
Thanks - I've been waiting for Amazon to release this for us.
Awesome, I've been waiting for this too, thanks for the info… it's a bargain considering the prices you previously would have to pay to import into Australia… however yes it is just the RRP now.
I have one. Excellent device. Calibre software is also great.
FYI there's a plugin for Calibre that lets you host your collection via web page. Port forward the port on your router then you can browse your collection anywhere online via the kindle browser and download books directly :p I do this, works well.
Your sharing your library on the WWW? Link please
Neat trick but is it really necessary to host your collection online given the Kindle can store more than enough reading to last you many years! As a backup, it's a good idea though.
More for allowing mates with Kindles to grab new books off of you. Or for downloading books while you're away from home having discovered that you'd like to read a particular one.
Sharing: Sorry I was mistaken it's not a plugin but a feature of Calibre called Content Server. Google "calibre content server" for more info.
Just tested today over whispernet - works fine as long as you have your server running on port 80 or 443 (or have those ports forwarded on your router to the real port). This may pose a problem for some people.
Yeh I could stick 1000 books on my kindle but it's a bit of a pain to browse then and just selecting those 1000 would take quite a while and yet still not mean it'll be the books I want to read at any given time :p
Nice! I think it's time to pull the trigger on this - I was contemplating using a mail forwarder to get one anyway.
Currently using a 3rd gen Kindle Keyboard 3G but I've found I don't use the 3G feature anyway. Might even be able to upgrade without much $ either side by the looks of the completed listings on eBay!!
Can you get the $119 with ads shipped to Aus?
Not via amazon directly as the ads only one is technically for US only
I prefer the ads instead of the default screen, even though they are not very useful.
It's possible to replace the default screens with your own images.
Yes, you always could and still can - just sign up to a third party forwarder, eg MyUS (probably the cheapest one if you use Amex), Comgateway, Borderlinx, and there are definitely a couple that I missed. Just note you'll be paying around $20-$25 for shipping though, much more than the $12 Amazon charges.
8 weeks is 28 hours of reading :)
Thanks for the heads up. Great price :)
$150 is more than how much I paid, including a mail forwarder to get this in my hands months ago. If you get the Special Offers (advert) version imported, you can contact Amazon directly to get them removed since there is no option for non-Americans.
Not everyone that I know of has been able to do this free, a lot of people have had to pay $20
Had mine removed this morn via live chat with Amazon rep. :)
I might give it a go, they weren't bothering me until I did the firmware update, now they are really annoying!
They annoyed me from the start, since I'm using the flip case and instead of opening it right to where I left off, it shoves an advert for a new release in my face. I thought I might need to pay the $25, but talked to Amazon rep and they waived the fee. As far as I know, the reps can do this at their own discretion so just say it was a gift, you're very disappointed etc.
Damn it I bought a normal kindle a week ago. Eh I'll sell my normal one or see if a family member wants it, I want that back light.
Worth upgrading from a Kindle 4?
You can still buy the ad-supported ("Kindle with special offers") version for $119.
Not outside of US I believe.
nah don't bother, even if you get that version on ebay, doubt it will be much if any cheaper.
$119 is the price for the paperwhite that comes with Special Offers which is basically a kindle with advertisements…
But as far as I know $139 is the normal price for the non Special Offers version that amazon as been selling them for.…
Also I'm sure that Amazon have always shipped all Kindles (except the Special Offers version) to Australia. I purchased the Kindle keyboard over a year ago and also the current standard Kindle ($89) late last year and amazon shipped both here.
This could be considered a bargain if it was from a Australia seller, but from the Amazon site I don't think this post is a bargain…
Nope buddy! The kindle Paperwhite was never able to be shipped without a 3rd party shipping company (e.g. shipitto)
I'm not sure why my comment was negged. Please people, feedback please?
The ad-supported version is not very different from the non-ad version. The ads dont come up except when you turn your kindle off (they form the base screen for your kindle, and is a nice change from having a blank screen).
You could always (and still can, apparently) purchase the ad-supported version and have it delivered to Australia for less than the price advertised on this bargain.
I dont see what's to neg.
I dont understand either. Since when is the Kindle RRP a bargain?
You got Negged for asking LoL. I bet I'll get Negged also :)
"Also I'm sure that Amazon have always shipped all Kindles (except the Special Offers version) to Australia."
1) You're wrong. The Paperwhite model has been a US-Exclusive for several months, which is why myself and many others had to resort to American forwarders like Shipito. This is the official launch of the Paperwhite in Australia, so you can't compare it one-to-one with the American release.
2) Special Offers Kindles have NEVER been officially sold outside the USA, even when the standard versions have launched internationally. So that $25 discount you're talking about will simply be eaten up by the premium you need to pay for a forwarder since Amazon doesn't ship here till now.
3) The 'Special Offers' adverts on Kindles are increasingly obnoxious. I lived with it on my Kindle 3 because they were fairly unobtrusive but with the Paperwhite… now a good 1/3 of your home screen is occupied by new releases. It's particularly egregious on the Paperwhite, because this model has a magnet-unlock feature. Normally you open your case and the Kindle wakes up, ready to read. With the Special Offers version, it opens up to an advert that you then have to take another swipe to close. This friction is cumulative. I would not recommend anyone purchasing the Special Offers version of the Paperwhite.
That's why we negged you.
Thanks for giving such a long n detailed explaination. You are truly hero.
Got the 3g version, purely for worldwide wikipedia access when traveling, woo! :)
Thanks, ordered. Best price to AUS so far for non-ad version. Good call OP.
how did you order? It won't ship to my address =/
Nvm i had the old one in my cart and they wont ship that one. All good now
I would buy this if I wasn't so invested into the Kobo ecosystem
I would buy this if was actually on special and not the RRP
agree. its Amazons rrp.
Damn! Just opened my xmas kindle touch present last week. I was holding off till I could get a paperwork in oz, but eventually have up
Shit, really tempting but got a touch, can't find enough reasons!!!!
(PS: its not as if I read more than 100 dollar worth of books each year that its worth changing.)Same problem. I think my Kindle Keyboard is going to last a long time and I can't really justify buying before it breaks. I really want that backlight but not for $139. Maybe we'll see it at Woolies next year for 99.
My kindle keyboard died (screen frozen) 2 weeks after the warranty expired. to make it worse, I bought the genuine amazon leather cover with the builtin light and only got to use it for 3weeks.
That sucks. Mine is still running strong.
let me know if you are interested in buying my case with builtin light :)
Have you tried the hard reset? 30 sec hold the power button. Happened to mine too and this helped. Also, if it is only 2 weeks out of warranty I would still try the Amazon customer service, they are always helpful.
OK, that is only if you don't need an excuse to buy a new one :-)Yeah tried that plus other troubleshooting methods that's I found on google. Contacted amazon but they wouldn't cover under warranty.
The Kindle paperweight… whoops paperwhite.
Kindle Keyboard is enough and even better. I realized it when I got my paperwhite. Unless you read books mostly at night, or a touch screen fan, or you do not have one e-reader, or buy at Woolworth at half price, I don't recommend it.
Considering I own both, I have to disagree. Highlighting and selecting text is far, far easier on the PW. On the Keyboard, you need to use the little D-pad to move the cursor from the top left corner to where you want it… every time. Typing is faster too than the little dinky buttons on the keyboard, the screen is higher resolution, the refresh rate is much faster, there's a magnet-wake function, then there's the light of course.
The only advantage I give to the Keyboard happens to be a big one, physical page-turning buttons. The keyboard can simply be held by the side edges and you can page turn just my tensing your thumb, moving very little. With the PW, you have to tap the actual screen and the virtual divider between left-side screen (back) and right side (forward) is very fickle.
Actually the one feature that I use the keyboard for that the paperwhite doesn't have is the text to voice feature. I know the voice is not to everyone's taste but it's great if you're having a facial and it takes aaages, you can just pop on the headphones and not be bored.
I tried that on the Kindle 3 and that voice… jarring. It sounds exactly like what you'd expect a computer clunkily enunciating text to sound like. I don't miss that feature in the PW but I know people who love it.
that was quicker than anticipated but awesome. i bought this for the gf from flingshot (for her first ebook reader) and it's a pretty good device!
If u know someone in Japan or tend to travel in Japan, buy a PAPERWHITE there. The official price of amazon jp only is 7,980 yen which equals around 85 aud!!! Besides, PAPERWHITE sold in Japan contains no ADs. All are the same with US version, functions, styles… U can also register it with ur us amazon account then u may get into us amazon bookstore with english books, and still no ads! So pretty wise to purchase fr Japan if u have friend there. Or looking for if some website stores can buy one for u and mail to u. As what I know, PAPERWHITE can be EMS to Australia.
GOt 2 for ~$100 each from Amazon Japan. Used vpostasia as shipping forwarder.
How are you getting shipping so cheap?
At a non conservative 1.5kg shipping weight, even with the 30% off discount code, its $45.50
If you said the item was 2kg chargeable weight, its $53.20Add that onto your $85 and it isn't any/much cheaper than getting it from the US…
try Tenso as the forwarder, their fees: service fee of 490Y + shipping
This site…
says the shipping weight is 0.96lbs.So to be safe, round up the weight to 1kg for a shipping fee of 2400Y
Total Shipping: 490+2400 = 2890Y = ~$30.75AU
Total Cost: $85 + $30.75 = $115.75
Pretty sure Tenso will not ship anything with lithium-ion batteries.
New users get 50% off. Check the website. Also splitting the shipping cost as my friend is paying half…
$259.00 from readershop. That makes this Amazon offer a bargain.
Thanks OP
have to say the 259 aud is really a greedy price.
The best bargain of all is your local library. Doesn't require a costly e-reader, no need to buy ebooks and as there is a set return date, provides ample motivation to focus and finish the book.
I go to the library with all my kids every few weeks, and love it. But I still have a kindle, as do my older two kids. We find it best to have a library and the web full of books to read, because we read a lot. You can have both.
Some libraries now also provide access to audio and books in digital format….. Eg…
An ereader is $100-150, lasts forever, gives you a healthy discount on every title. I like to own books, I need no motivation to read because it's pleasurable enough for me. If your argument is against the purchase of books altogether, that's something else.
I like to own books
Then you probably shouldn't be buying a Kindle, where Amazon can block access to your books if they feel like.
If you like electricity, then you should get a gas generator because the power company can cut your access if they feel like. If you like email, store data on hard drives rather than the cloud because Gmail can ban your account if they feel like, etc.
This notion isn't worth a thought because almost everything we take for granted these days is provided by for-profit companies. Disregarding consumer protection and trading/regulation commissions, there's no point being paranoid because I trust Amazon not to block my paid books for no other reason than it's not financially sound. It's a buyer's market.
Its hard to understand why a lot of the popular titles are more expensive for the kindle version compared to the physical copy.. Especially since there is no printing and distribution costs..
Hey all, I found a better deal at, it's only $259 with FREE SHIPPING for the Paperwhite Wifi with FREE ads! :)
259 aud, Better deal? U serious?!
actually I wasn't…were you?
lol…got u…i'm too serious…:D
I already got one B&W version and one kindle fire, still like the B&W monitor better so I can read under sunlight :)
The PW is pretty much the same thing but with better resolution and a litscreen for reading in the dark.
Yep, the Paperwhite dims its screen to look like the B&W version when it's sunny outside. It's extremely well-adaptable.
Hi. Can anyone please let me know if it is possible while reading an unprotected ebook an a Kindle Paperwhite to select a text (it can be just one sentence or a whole paragraph) and then copy and paste it into a text file on the Kindle.
The reason I am asking is that when I read documentary books on my tablet I often take notes and save memos for a ebook I am reading in a text file, so that I can easily find saved information later on.I found an answer - yes you can do it via My Clippings file.
Thanks. Picked one up with express shipping (2-3 days to get half way around the world!).
Anyone know of any bargains for cheap slim on/off magnetic cases. Ones on Amazon wouldnt ship here.
I picked up an ugly red faux leather one on Ebay for $9 delivered. Does the job well and thie missus likes the bright colour
I bought their official one (…) - Not cheap but it seems to get good reviews.
I just ordered one but they won't have stock for 3 weeks. Should have ordered sooner. :(
Looks like Dick Smith will finally have these next week - $149 for those who haven't pulled the pin on an order from Amazon directly. Quicker now probably to wait and buy locally as they'll be shipping them from Tuesday. Hopefully they will be instore too.
Even if you have already ordered from Amazon, if they haven't received stock yet then they haven't charged your card and you can just cancel the order.
Now I'm not sure whether to wait for my Amazon order (they estimate they'll ship it on 19th Feb), or cancel it and buy from Dick Smith…
When I ordered mine back in early Dec Amazon had the dispatch date at mid Jan. It shipped on the 17th of Dec.
Still $149 at DSE is very reasonable. I'm surprised, I would have expected it closer to the $200 mark for a local price.
dick smith jacked their price up to $169 now… bastards
Is this a bargain or normal price?