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$60 ($50 + $10) Credit on UBER (Car Service)


UBER is a new car service that has just launched in Australia.

The Versatile Gent is a fashion/lifestyle blog and in conjunction with UBER they are offering $50 credit to new users for one ride (up to the value of $50).

If you're feeling generous, please use my referral link too and you will get $10 more credit: http://uber.com/invite/5prty

(You get $10 credit and I get $10 credit on your first ride. After sign up, go to promotions and enter VERSATILE to claim the $50 ride credit)

See Gizmodo review of the service here: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2012/11/uber-sydney-review-the-car…

I'm not affiliated with UBER, Versatile or Gizmodo. Haven't used the service myself, keen to check it out.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (225)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    WARNING: You will be required to enter credit card details on signup.

    However, Uber is well established in the US and a reputable brand.

    As for the Gizmodo article, quoting: "My phone pings with a new email, and I have just been sent a receipt for my $28 journey from Uber. That exact route costs only $20 in a traditional cab, but the experience is well worth roughly an extra 15%" … errrm, back to school buddy, you paid 40% more (as people commented).

  • Good call Gav, should have mentioned that. Thanks!

  • The review gave warnings about 'private vehicles' and insurance risks. However, the picture of the car shows HC (hire car) plates.

    I wonder if all cars sent by Über are licensed Hire Cars? If so, there would be no more risk than if one were using a taxi cab.

    Surely, they can not be using private cars (with 'normal' plates) and drivers that are not regulated some way (as taxi and hire care drivers are)?

    Oh, good deal (bargain) by the way.

    • Well if it's unregulated it can't be a bad thing. Not like many of the current crop of drivers are any good anyway. It'd probably mean cheaper prices more money for the drivers without all the red tape and more competition.

  • classic comments in gizmodo article… ctrl+f "… for all intensive purposes…" ?
    read them

  • +1

    According to my reading of the page, you're not quite right. They are not offering $50, no strings attached. What they are offering is:

    "Uber is offering 500 TVG readers one free ride (up to the value of $50) for new riders in both Sydney and Melbourne!"

    The key point being: ONE free ride UPTO $50, not $50 credit as this implies that you can use the service multiple times to use up your $50. Also only for NEW riders.

    • According to my reading of the page, you're not quite right. They are not offering $50, no strings attached. What they are offering is:

      "Uber is offering 500 TVG readers one free ride (up to the value of $50) for new riders in both Sydney and Melbourne!"

      The key point being: ONE free ride UPTO $50, not $50 credit as this implies that you can use the service multiple times to use up your $50. Also only for NEW riders.

      Yup. I think one can get BOTH the $10 referral credit, AND the "one free ride (up to the value of $50) for new riders", by following the referral link posted previously by the OP suo03.

      suo03 please re-post your referral link!

  • Are you sure these codes 'stack'?

    I went to the Promotions page and entered Versatile, but still I only have $10 credit - not $60, or even $50.

    • I tried to find terms that said they didn't, but couldn't find anything.

      • I tried to find terms that said they didn't, but couldn't find anything.

        So, on that basis you gave instructions that 'cost' (lost) me $50 ! :)

        • Note the line on the page stating 'for new riders in both Sydney and Melbourne', it sounds like you are a current subscriber i.e. have $10 credit. Hence the offer does not apply to you.

        • Good point, i'll remove the referral link.

        • Note the line on the page stating 'for new riders in both Sydney and Melbourne', it sounds like you are a current subscriber i.e. have $10 credit. Hence the offer does not apply to you.

          Which is contrary to the instructions and info. supplied by suo03.

          He said to join via his referral link and then to go to the promotions page and enter the 'versatile' code.

        • Good point, i'll remove the referral link.

          I am confused.

          I now have the following in my account:-

          Uber Credit Balance
          Your account has the following UberCredit balances. When billing for trips, we'll deplete your UberCredit balance before applying charges to your credit card.

          $10.00 AUD

          Your Available Promotions
          Enjoy the ride, courtesy of The Versatile Gent
          12/ 4/12 10:13:18 PM PST
          12/ 4/13 10:13:21 PM PST

          So, I have no idea if I have both credits or not.
          I will 'tweet' UberSupport and ask them what is 'going on'.

  • +1

    OK Thanks to Reddog888 I think I understand.

    Join via the referral link - you get $10 credit - then go straight to the "Promotions" Page and enter 'versatile'.

    You will have a $10 credit in your account - AND you will also have the one free ride up to $50 in your account as well.

    suo03 please edit the title and add back your referral link OR at least post your referral code.

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads up! Cheers!

  • So I take a ride and the cost is $51 can I use the $50 and pay $1 or do I have to pay the whole lot?

  • So I take a ride and the cost is $51 can I use the $50 and pay $1 or do I have to pay the whole lot?

    Your first trip is free up to $50.

    If it is $43, or $49, or $50, you do not have to pay anything from/via your credit card.

    If it is $51 (or more) the difference (above the $50) will be charged to your credit card.

    If you made use of the referral link/code, you will also have a $10 credit on your Über Account. In this case, if your trip is over $50, this $10 credit will be applied before any charge is made to your credit card.

    For example:-
    CBD to Sydney Domestic Airport for up to four passengers is $65. $50 free trip, $10 credit, leaving $5 that will be charged to your credit card.

    This was confirmed by the Über Rep via Twittter.

    You can get a costing for your trip from the App before ordering your car and driver.

    Hope this helps.

  • +1

    Thanks very much OP .
    Can confirm code versatile worked for me twice yesterday (2 accounts, 2 phone numbers, 2 emails, 2 mastercard debit cards with no funds in lol ) . Hope my post can help others who require a return trip . 1st driver, holden caprice, central Sydney to bondi and driver said he usually gives bottle of water from boot if not in busy spot/clearway . Asked for my bottle of water please on exiting car at Bondi beach . Driver was more than happy to oblige, they even open door for you on exit. Gave him 5 star rating and shook his hand. Excellent service $40 fare as he show me on his iphone app. 2nd driver picked up from bondi in BMW SUV, service was good, but compared to 1st driver, only average (still much better than most taxi drivers) . Gave 2nd driver 4 stars, friendly enough and good enough service, but not as excellent as 1st. App shows drivers picture and license plate and phone number so as not getting into car with some random . If more financial, I would definitely use the service again as paid service. Unfortunately I am injured atm and on a very low budget so thanks very much OP for helping me with a lovely day out in Bondi. Hope this post can help others. BTW, pre-paid mastercards/visa are excepted fine, though I made sure I had a few $$$ on me just in case was over $50 as my pre-paid pdebit card only had balance of $0.15 … Now does any1 know a good deal please for some aftersun cream/spray with express weekend shipping :p … Very red and sunburnt atm. Also another thing I should note is , if using 2 different phone numbers to get return trip, phone needs to be on to recieve confirmation code, or you could ask a friend to use their number and just have them forward text with 4 digit code.
    Both emails received message about billing $0 cost :) , So drivers got paid well, I got a nice free return ride to bondi saved me trying to travel on bus with injuries . Ever1 happy.
    Ps. Sorry for long post , just joined and trying to be thorough, hope I helped someone in need.

  • Also, I should probably mention… I signed up and put 2000 as postcode as offer is only for sydney and melbourne. I'm not sure, but code probably won't be valid if you say you are not from Sydney or melbourne. Thanks again OP, and hope a few people in need enjoy free return travel and bottle of water :)

  • +1

    And not sure if you could stack deals to $60 , so I only used the versatile code. Hopefully someone can verify $60 stacked deal as 100% working . Free trip cbd Sydney to bondi beach return 100% working and free using my above method.

    • +1

      Confirmed!! :-)
      Anyone can make use of both promotions. Just like A3Australia said.
      Big thanks for both OP and A3Australia. Now we all can enjoy this promotion :-)

  • thanks guys for your positive reviews. I hope i will be able to take advantage of this tomorrow.
    Does anyone know if uber is available 0730 Saturday morning? need to get to airport.

  • FYI, Uber officially launched in Melbourne today (PS - suo03, if you've reached the threshold for referrals I'll happily tell you mine! 8=])

  • This is still working apparently, so go to town! (literally)

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