20% Bonus Velocity Points for all Auto Transfers from ANZ Rewards, NAB, Bank of MEL, BankSA, St.George @ Velocity Frequent Flyer


Best transfer deal for a while from banks to VFF (selected banks only)

Caveat: you must turn on auto transfers and keep them turned on for the entire promotion period.
Caveat for ANZ and NAB Rewards: if you got the VFF bonuses (which require auto-redeem to VFF) then you aren't eligible either
Caveat: you cannot turn off and on auto transfers to trigger the bonus points according to the FAQs and only ANZ's T&Cs

Effortless earning, endless rewards
When you turn on Auto Transfer between 1 February and 30 April 2025 and stay opted in, you'll receive 20% bonus Velocity Points on all automatic transfers during this period.

Participating Auto Transfer Partners

  • ANZ Rewards
  • ANZ Business Rewards
  • Bank of Melbourne/BankSA/St George
  • NAB

Auto Transfer Campaign February 2025 Terms and Conditions​

Velocity members will receive 20% bonus Velocity Points when they opt in to Auto-Transfer on their eligible credit card with their Participating Partner between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2025 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”) and automatically transfer points from their Participating Partner to Velocity into Velocity Points between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2024 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”). Minimum points transfer required, transferred in one transaction. Members must remain opted into Auto Transfer up to the end of the Promotion Period to be eligible to receive the 20% bonus Velocity Points. “Participating Partners” are: ANZ Rewards, ANZ Business Rewards, NAB Rewards, St.George Amplify Rewards, BankSA Amplify Rewards and Bank of Melbourne Amplify Rewards. A Velocity Member can transfer multiple times during the Promotion Period.​

For full details on points transfers, including eligibility criteria, minimum points transfer requirements, and applicable conversion rates, see the Participating Credit Card Rewards Partner Terms and Conditions. The earning and redemption of Participating Partner points is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Participating Partner reward program. Once the Participating Partner points have been redeemed for Velocity Points, they are governed by the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions and the redemption cannot be reversed. Transferred Velocity Points will be available in your Velocity account subject to the applicable Participating Partner points transfer timeframes. Bonus Velocity Points are calculated on the accumulated total number of base Velocity Points transferred to the Velocity account in accordance with the offer and which arrive in the Member’s account in the Promotion Period. Bonus Points will be allocated to the Member’s Velocity account by 31 May 2025. Bonus Points will be rounded to the nearest whole Point. For full offer Terms and Conditions, including Participating Partners’ Terms and Conditions, visit the Velocity website. Velocity membership and Points earn and redemption are subject to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time.​

ANZ Rewards Specific T&Cs for those who VFF signup bonuses:

This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other bonus Points offers provided by Velocity Frequent Flyer. If you receive First Year Bonus Acquisition Points as part of an ANZ Rewards Platinum offer during the Promotion Period, you will not be eligible to receive bonus Points as part of this offer on any points transferred from ANZ Rewards

NAB Rewards Specific T&Cs for those who receive the 80,000 VFF signup bonus:

If you receive the 80,000 First Year Bonus Acquisition Points as part of the NAB Rewards Platinum offer during the Promotion Period, you will not be eligible to receive bonus Velocity Points as part of this offer on any points transferred from NAB Rewards.

Related Stores

Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Bank of Melbourne
Bank of Melbourne
BankSA (Bank of South Australia)
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  • +1

    What happens if I have already turned auto-redemption on. Can I turn it off and back on to be eligible?

    • +1

      The FAQs seem to point to no, but it could be worth a try (given auto-sweeps aren't daily - e.g. NAB does theirs weekly on Mondays only)

      Am I eligible for this offer if I had auto-redemption or auto-sweep turned on before this offer started?
      Members must have been opted out of auto-redemption or auto-sweep at the start of the Promotion Period (12:00am AEST on 1 Feburary 2025) to be eligible for this offer.

    • for ANZ it says "Individuals who had Auto-Transfer turned on for Velocity Points as at 11.59pm AEST on 31 January 2025 are ineligible for the Auto Transfer Campaign"

      • +1

        Seems to only be included in the ANZ T&Cs.

        Will update the post to specifically call it out.

  • +2

    What if I cancel my card after the transfer has gone through? Will I still get the bonus points?Reckon will have to take the gamble and wait till 31May to find out…

    • +2

      I have the same question

    • I also want the answer to this (have a NAB Signature with monthly fee, but won't hit the min. monthly spend to get the fee waived), but can't seem to find it.

      My point of view is that I'd transfer them to VFF anyway when I cancel the card (regardless of bonuses) so have enabled and hoping for the best.

    • +1

      Transferred Nov, cancelled card just after, 2nd transfer in December to meet promo, got bonus points.

      • Why do you need a 2nd transfer to meet this promo and how did you transfer after cancelling the card?

        • +1

          It was a promotion in November / December. It waa an example to say, cancelling the card didnt effect the bonus

    • Same question here what if you cancel your card after doing an auto transfer but have not reached the end of the promo period yet, will you still get the bonus by 31 May?

  • Thanks. I have the NAB card and haven’t transferred my sign up bonus points yet so seems will be eligible.

  • what if you turn on auto transfer after getting bonus points on ANZ and only transfer say 20k points on first go and rest in auto next month… reckon that would work?

  • +1

    is citi eligible now they are owned by NAB?

    • I got exactly the same question :)

    • Would like to know this as well.

    • Doubt it, it's still a citi-branded program not the "NAB Rewards" program.

      Just like how WBC owns StG/BOM/BankSA but isn't included in this offer.

    • No, citi is not eligible

  • Never any deals for amex …

  • +2

    Would’ve been nice if Citi was participating in this promo!

    • Same here, I'm waiting for VFF bonus too so I can cancel it as it's now useless without payall

      • +1

        Citi had a promo in Nov/Dec, they haven't had anything more than 15% for a fair while now.

    • Yeah not worth transferring to velocity without it for me. Will just transfer to KF if there's nothing

      • I'm not familiar with KF points. Why is it better than VFF without promo?

        • All comes down to your use case but for me in Perth I reckon there's quite a sweet spot with Singapore Airlines rewards to southeast/Southern east Asia. Can get all the way to Hong Kong for 21500 points for example in economy which is the same as what it costs to only go to Singapore.

          Less carrier charges than velocity as well and have access to their 'spontaneous escapes' promos.

          Points do have a 3 year expiry though so have to be confident you're going to use them.

          • @caustic birch: I googled it briefly and it says there's a fee to transfer to krisflyer? Have you tried from Citibank before and does it have fees?

      • +1

        agreed KF is much better for flying international - more availability, better value seats
        you can convert KF to VFF and vice versa, with a 20% bonus it might work out to be roughly equal if you want to convert VFF to KF down the track with the advantage of it not expiring

        • What's the best way to find cheaper flights? Are "saver" options the cheapest? Where's the best value countries other than Singapore? I looked at some south East Asian countries from Sydney and it seems more expensive than vff

  • +1

    I have an ANZ Black card which I am waiting on the sign on bonus for. Looks like the 20% bonus will apply to the sign on bonus as the Black card is not excluded.

    • i have the black too, but i think the sign on bonus is "First Year Bonus Acquisition Points" which seems to be excluded…

      • +2

        The T&Cs specifically call out Platinum cards, but I believe exclusion is for this type of deal rather than normal ANZ Rewards points (e.g. this deal)

        • fair point. thanks for the correction!

        • Bruh … I thought I was ineligible so I just did a straight transfer

  • +1

    Make sure you stay opted in and at least
    pne Auto Transfer is processed any time
    between 1 Feb- 30 April 2025
    - just wait until last day and do 1 auto transfer

  • I have ~140,000 amplify rewards points sitting in my St George account. If I set my rewards to auto transfer to velocity will that only auto transfer my new points I earn on the card or the entire 140,000?

    • +1

      Your entire accumulated Amplify Points balance on your St George Amplify Card, as at the time of transfer will be transferred across to your nominated Velocity Frequent Flyer Account in line with your relevant credit card statement cycle. You will receive 1 Velocity Point for every 2 Amplify Points and a minimum balance of 6 Amplify Points is required before a transfer is made to Velocity. Your entire accumulated Amplify Points balance as at the time of transfer will be transferred across to your nominated Velocity Frequent Flyer Account on your credit card statement date. ​

      Looks like all 140,000 will be swept.

    • double check when your anniversary date is - amplify has a 10% anniversary bonus, so you can potentially double dip if it's coming up

  • Hi guys, I have multiple credit cards. I previously transferred points from a Citibank card to my Velocity account during the Nov/Dec promotion. This time, I’d like to transfer points from a St George card to the same Velocity account. Is this allowed to qualify for the 20% bonus, or do I need to use a different Velocity account?

    • Would like to know too.
      My is same card but deactivated auto sweep mid Jan 2025, after previous bonus points.

  • Similar question that @Seymour Butz asked above except for the ANZ Rewards black card. Would the entire amount sitting in my rewards account be transferred or just the points that were incurred from the billing period that auto transfer was turned on?

    • From the ANZ rewards site when trying to setup the auto transfer:

      You’ll receive the maximum amount of Velocity Points based on your Reward Points balance on your chosen date. Minimum redemption thresholds apply.

  • Thanks!

  • +3

    fianlly a decent offer.
    into VFF then to KF for me

  • No Amex

  • No flybuys, thats not good.
    I have so many flybuys sittitng in account.

  • Transferred my anz black bonus points last week. :)

  • -2

    After some thought, here are my thoughts on transferring bank or other points to Velocity or Qantas, even with a bonus.

    Lets assume you had 180,000 ANZ rewards points. With a 20% bonus you could transfer them to Velocity and get 98,000 velocity points. If you really want that Singapore Airlines business class seat you might think this a good deal.

    But is it really?

    You can exchange those 180k points for about $800 cash. Cash is the ultimate points currency. If you tried to exchange your new bundle of velocity points for gift cards you would get about $500 in gift cards. Those $98k velocity points are worth less than the 180k ANZ rewards points - thats why there are so many promotions encouraging you to auto-transfer - somebody (most probably the banks) are making a tidy profit on the exchange.

    But you say - how will I get my business class seat?

    I hear you grasshopper and indeed you have a point, but you must learn the way of the wise and how to snatch victory from the defeat of my open palm.

    You close your ANZ rewards card and apply for the American Express Velocity Platinum Card which has an annual fee of $440. You pay the annual fee with the $800 from your ANZ rewards card and you now have $360 left over. You meet the minimum spend on the AMEX card and receive 100k in Velocity points.

    So by choosing to get cash instead of velocity points and applying for an amex card you now still get 100k or so Velocity points towards your business class seat but you also get $360 for accommodation.

    • This doesn’t make sense unless you’re only ever going to have one holiday for the rest of your life. You should just get the Velocity points in both cases and put them towards multiple flights.

      • -1

        Unless you are going to use them for business class flights you could probably get better value cashing the points out and buying an economy ticket.

    • "180,000 ANZ rewards points. With a 20% bonus you could transfer them to Velocity and get 98,000 velocity points"

      Do you actually get 108000 velocity points?

      • 2:1 exchange rate = 180,000/2 = 90k miles normally

        20% x 90k = 18K bonus points

        So yes you are right - 108K points which is worth about $516.

  • I have 140k ANZ rewards points already in my account (from a previous velocity acquisition bonus) any ideas if this is still eligible for the bonus (as I was awarded the points prior to the promotion?)

  • St George Rewards seems to be down - https://amplify.stgeorge.com.au/rewards/phoenix/stgeorge/Pro…
    HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request
    Or is there another working URL?

  • Will I be eligible if I sign up to a new credit card (not nab or anz) and get bonus points by April 30?

    • If you didn’t bother to read who the participating transfer partners from OP’s post then this offer is not for you.

    • yes

  • Interesting - eventhough St George UI experience to set-up Auto-redemption is so clunky it seems like I was able to set it up.
    But it didn't transfer the points immediately.
    Assuming all of them will be transferred on the next statement (fingers crossed).
    Anyone else has a similar experience with St George's Auto-Redemption setup?

    • I set mine up 2 days ago, the points still haven't transferred yet. I assumed it will be transferred everytime there's enough points?

  • Wonder if I could do the auto redemption in the last week of April.

    • +2

      opt in to Auto-Transfer on their eligible credit card with their Participating Partner between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2025 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”) and automatically transfer points from their Participating Partner to Velocity into Velocity Points between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2024 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”)

  • +1

    Does anyone know what will happen if I keep the auto redemption on the whole but close my credit card prior to 30 April 2025? Will I still get the bonus points?

    • T&C say you need to keep auto redemption on until 31 April, so my assumption would be that if you close the account you won't get the 20% bonus.

  • +2

    So my NAB points just transferred this week, and I didn't get the 20% bonus.

    Contacted Velocity and confirmed all bonus points will be paid to members 31 May 2025.

  • AMEX just dropped 20% transfer bonus to Velocity.

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