• long running

NAB Qantas Rewards Signature Card: 90k QFF Pts (New Customer) / 100k Pts (Existing) - $5000 Spend in 90 Days, $420/$320 Ann. Fee


I was halfway through applying this card but got an error - when I refreshed the page the offer changed - looks like I was applying mid-refresh! Credit to goodfella as I cloned their post with updates.

This is another iteration of previous deals from 2025, 2023 and 2022.

Looks like it's a clear direction to push you to sign up. Use in conjunction to this if you are a first time churner.

New customers:

  • 90,000 bonus Qantas points when you spend $5,000 on everyday purchases within the first 90 days of account opening and 30,000 bonus Qantas points when you keep your card for over 12 months.
  • Annual fee of $420

Existing customers:

  • 100,000 bonus Qantas points when you spend $5,000 on everyday purchases within the first 90 days of account opening and 30,000 bonus Qantas points when you keep your card for over 12 months.
  • $100 reduction in annual card fee for the life of the card (currently $420 to $320).

Additional info:

  • Bonus Points are not available if you’ve received a NAB Qantas rewards acquisition bonus points offer in the last 18 months.
  • Bonus points are credited to your points balance within three months of meeting the spend criteria.
  • Minimum credit limit: $15,000
  • Earn 1 Qantas Point per $1 up to $5,000 on everyday purchases using your Visa card.
  • Earn 0.5 Qantas Points per $1 from $5,001 to $20,000.
  • Complimentary insurances for domestic, interstate, and international travel (please read T&Cs).
  • Can use card with Google/Apple Pay after approval, but no digital card details until physical card has arrived.

Related Stores

National Australia Bank Group (NAB)
National Australia Bank Group (NAB)


  • +2

    Can we become a customer first then apply for the card.

    • Yes

  • +7

    Bizarro world - better deal for existing customers!

  • -1

    No lounge invite is a minus to me.

    • +1

      Happy to give you some lounge pass in exchange for the 100k Qantas points if you like.

      • -4

        Wrong calculation. There are many options outside coming with lounge invite plus generous bonus points.

        • +1

          I think my offer is fair. You wanted lounge passes, I wanted the points. Win-win.

    • Use this to get to points club plus and have unlimited qantas passes.

  • If i use this credit card to Remit money, will it count as spending $5k for purpose of getting points?

    • it will but how to do you remit money with a credit card?

      • It shows that option in sites like western union or Ria.. so was wondering

    • +4

      Pretty sure that'll count as a cash advance.
      So no points for tha transaction, but an exorbitant interest rate.

      • Holy smokes! Even if i pay @ statement generation or lets say immediately in a day?

  • +2

    I guess it also works with Bonus 20,000 Pts ?

  • +2

    Decent offer, however, seems like Westpac Qantas altitude black’s offer is slightly better for those that haven’t churned this one already.

    90k points with $6k spend in 120 days with $150 first year fee for existing customers. Note Westpac has a 24 month exclusion period for bonus points.


    • +1
      • Qantas fee $75 so total is $225
    • Got that recently and fulfill the terms. Any idea how long will Westpac take to pay for the points?

  • I have to ask this silly question: Why qantas and velocity points are better than rewards points?
    I thought with reward points, we can get giftcard, cash back, but with qantas, we can only redeem fly?

    Can someone enlight me on this?
    thank you

    • +1

      Conversion rate is more favourable with frequent flyer points when used on flights (best used for upgrading flights). Rewards points for other purchases

  • +1 because rewarding existing customers + have had the smoothest application processes with NAB so far

  • Was so much better when it was $3k in 60 days, then you can close it quicker to start the cooldown.

    • Was so much better when it was $3k

      Believe that was still the case like even just a week ago when I helped a relative apply for this card. Though the bonus point was 10k less for existing customers.

  • No pro rata annual fee refund if you keep the card less than 12 months. Wish I knew this before I cancel the card less than 2 months keeping.

    • keep the card less than 12 months

      Do you mean they told you they would refund the whole fee if you stayed that long or only after you've also paid the 2nd year's fee first as well?

  • +4

    these trash AF's need to die.

    • They should simply do what they've already done with their non-Qantas rewards card - monthly fees instead of annual.

  • Can anyone see if there is an exclusion period for points?

  • Seen everyday on facebook of their adz for 200,000 QFF points ? Why is that not a better deal?

    • I think that's only their business rewards card though

  • Hmmm used to be $3,000 in 60 days a few weeks back.

  • What's the churn period for this?
    A: 18 months.

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