Washing Machine Recommendation - Bosch Vs. Miele

Moving into a new place and need to buy a new washing machine which we hope to last us a decent amount of time

Currently tossing up between a Bosch & Miele at differing price points:
Bosch Series 8 (German made) 10kg at ~$1500 post promo/gift card: - https://www.appliancesonline.com.au/product/bosch-series-8-1…
Miele 8kg at ~$2050 post installation: - https://www.appliancesonline.com.au/product/miele-8kg-front-…

From what I can gather, seems like Miele are a better brand/product, but want to understand if its worth the ~500-600 premium to the top of the line Bosch from a quality / reliability perspective.

Additionally, when we went to Harvey Norman, they were really selling the Asko with the stainless steel rim (to avoid mould etc. on the rubber seal) which my wife liked - any ideas on whether this feature is actually valuable / important or more of a gimmick?

Edit: added a poll option

Poll Options

  • 63
    Bosch Series 8
  • 12
  • 3
  • 5


  • +18

    Just listen to your wife :)

    • +1

      Always a safe option :)

    • -1

      I think asking your mummy too is also good idea. In that way you can back to whatever it was you were doing with your Lego bricks.

  • +2

    Additionally, when we went to Harvey Norman,

    LOL!!! Have fun getting ripped off!!!

    I'll see you back here in 3 years with a "Product Care" story…..

  • -4

    stainless steel rim (to avoid mould etc.

    Sounds like a gimmick. I've never seen mould inside or on any washing machine I've ever used (apart from the odd towel, but that's why it was going into the washing machine in the first place).

    • +8

      Uh… not sure if that was supposed to be a joke, but you get mould growth on the rubber seals. It occurs tucked away in crevices that are not immediately visible.

  • +1

    If you plan on buying a Miele, buy discounted David Jones gift cards. Miele also has outlet stores in most states.

    My 12-year-old Miele washing machine is holding up reasonably well, except the seal around the front door can be weepy at times, and one of the buttons on the control panel went walkabout years ago.

  • I did fair bit of research on many machines few weeks ago, settled on a F&P 11kg WH1160S1 for $990 floor stock one which had largest size drum for the weight capacity and couldnt find many negative reviews. So far its been heaps better than our previous LG. I looked closely at asko after loving our dishwasher but found many concerning negative reviews that turned us off, it still does have a rubber seal just not as big as other brands so less of an issue potentially with mould but as long as you leave the door open to air out we never have any issues anyway. Miele was much too small for our needs washing quilts etc.

  • +2

    I have a german made Bosch, it's great. Especially love the i-Dos feature.. dump a few litres of liquid into it and not think about it until it arks up about it.

    Have also witnessed reliable Miele washing machines.

    When it comes to Asko I have only witnessed reliable dishwashers, can't comment on washing machines.

    • +5

      Purchased an ASKO washing machine a few years ago based upon reputation, reviews and perceived quality (with a price to match)…..a couple of days outside the warranty period I got to know the local ASKO repair technician who became a regular visitor, with broken displays, circuit boards, motors…… I have now moved on and chalked this experience up to the price of getting educated. 🤔

      • +2

        Likewise I’m not buying an ASKO ever again. Current Miele is doing great and has lasted longer than ASKO did before its first required repair

      • Agreed, was bitten by an Asko washing machine mid 2000s - sold the same line "much better design of seal". It did seem solidly built so I bought it. It barely lasted 7 years - random behaviours like not drawing in enough water so the washing would be half dry the whole time. Heater half the time didn't heat the water, etc. It was blood noisy because of the design too (open crevice at the front).

        It got so bad in the end the machine got stuck on washing cycle, and had to manual select rinse cycle and do that 3 times. Was quoted a new control board at hundreds of dollars so cut my losses. Bought a 7.5kg Samsung for $500 which lasted about 8 years and nothing went wrong with it. Decided to move it on before the spider arm known issue became my issue and sold it for $230 on FB marketplace.

        Picked up a Bosch Serie 8 8kg machine about 2 years ago on FB marketplace in perfect condition - owner was moving to an apartment and already one built in. Not a mark on it, 2 years old for $500. Been so quiet and washing well so far. So that's another option if you want to save some money and go second hand.

        I'm not overly impressed by Miele to be honest. We've had a Miele dishwasher at work that's needed repairs 3 times in the last 5 years. They seem to just trade on their name now.

        I recently also bought a Bosch Serie 6 dishwasher on FB marketplace again around 2 years old for $600. Lady just wanted to upgrade to AEG. It's been perfect - so quiet as well. Sold the "Domain" one that came with the house for $250 couldn't believe it. Small price to jump in quality to a Bosch! Yes it's a gamble on FB marketplace but there are some gems out there.

        I always leave the door ajar between use with a front loader so never had the rubber gasket go moudly on me in any case, so the Asko design is not really much of an advantage to me anyway, and after my experience with owning one, will not touch that brand again.

  • Front loaders used to have 5kg capacity but consumers know better, so now they get branded as 10kg; but have you ever weighed a load of washing? There's a Miele customer who got 40 years from their washer, mine needed its first repair after 32 years so I went with a cheap replacement, B stock from the outlet.

  • +1

    Had a Miele, broke down after 4 years and they didn't warranty.

    Got the el cheapo Bosch and its been great.

    • +1

      Should have gone down the ACL route. Whitegoods should last at least 5 years so irrelevant what the manufacturer warranty states as legally they have to fix it even if it’s after their manufacturer warranty. Only downside is you need to make a fuss about ACL to get them to fix it.

  • +3

    First Miele lasted 13 years without trouble, current one is 17 years. They are pricey but they tend to last.

  • +2

    We had an old Ariston brand that stopped mid-cycle a few months back.. we were looking between the Bosch and Miele as well before going to the store.

    Like yourself, sales staff promoted the Asko brand. I did like the idea of the Asko all steel rim, but not at 2x the price.
    The old Ariston did gather some mold (or black stains) around the rubber rim during the 15years it lasted that we couldn't remove.

    We ended up with the Bosch (german made) as it came to about 1450 with the 5year warranty (yes im aware that extended warranties are relatively garbage, but if I recall correctly, the machine was on sale for for 1290, we had delivery, installation, removal of old machine and the extended warranty come to around 1450, plus we got a 10% Gift card which was around $130 odd dollars for a future purchase, so net around $1320
    We went o the Moore Park supercentre (Sydney) and went to Bing Lee, good guys and HN, basically asking them to better the offer we had. The issue for us was that we needed it yesterday (house with young kids and no machine)

    The reason we went with the Bosch is that the Miele and Asko where close to double that price, the drums was a little smaller, and the delivery time.

    From this experience, I think if you are ready to buy, the sales staff can perform miracles on the more 'common' machine brands.
    Miele and Asko pricing is dictated by the manufacturer. You wont get anything (or very little) off the ticketed price.

    Good Luck

  • +2

    Washing Machine Recommendation - Bosch Vs. Miele

    They both have a 2 year warranty…. Enough said really.

  • +1

    Choose German made=Bosch.

    • -1

      Be careful. Not all Bosch products are made in Germany.

      • +2

        I said 'German made'

  • -1

    Haier is cheap and cheerful.

  • I pick Bosch for my next one.

  • A question like this must have a poll

  • My 2009 Samsung 8kg front loader just started having problems, never had any issues prior to that.

    I ended up buying a replacement 9kg Samsung WW90T504DAW for $643.00 via Retravision. I was happy with the longevity of the old machine so went with Samsung again.

    Both machines fit all bedding from a king bed in one load.

    Whichever model you end up choosing check the reviews on productreview.

    While biased to people who have issues, you should be able to judge how many complaints there are for that model and what the manufacturers have done to rectify the issues.

    I do have a Bosch dishwasher which I've have no issues with for around 10 years. Never found value in Miele, and those people I know who have had Miele complain about the cost of repairs outside of warranty, but felt they should still pay for those repairs because of the cost of the appliance originally.

  • I recently went from a Bosch to a Miele and the thing that surprised me the most was how quiet the Miele is. I often forget it’s on.

  • +1

    Get an LG washing machine. We got ours years ago after checking out the Choice reviews. Has several allergy programs and has a killer feature which is the steam refresh program (great for shirts and wrinkly clothes). I haven't ironed a shirt since we bought it. Oh and it's super quiet.

    We used to have a Bosch, but we had issues with it with the motor and later on with the thing the drum is mounted to. It was quite loud too, especially after replacing the coals in the motor.

    Make sure the washing machine has a brushless motor whatever you get.

  • Replaced an AEG with a Bosch series 8 German 5+ yrs ago.
    It’s very very good. Quiet and stable on spin. Washes well. Takes bulky blankets etc. Love the “Super Quick” which does the job for us well in 30 minutes (or 15 mins if you want). We also use the iDose feature.
    Can’t fault it, and like above we got it with next day delivery, installation, and take away the old one. From one of the Winning brands. I forget the price, but think it was around the $1200.
    Personally I don’t think the Miele premium is worth it. Our Asko dishwasher is well over 20yrs, but “made in Sweden” back then.

  • Have had 0 issues with my Bosch washing machines.

    Had a Series 6 - 6.5kg. Lasted 12 years - 0 issues. Only got rid of it to replace with a bigger model.
    Now have had a Series 8 - 9kg. Going strong for 3 years - 0 issues.

    Would happily buy and recommend them.

  • +1

    Bosch series 8, but Miele is very good. Both German so can’t go wrong. As for the rubber vs stainless steel rim…. Avoid fabric softeners as they contribute to the build up, however using white cleaning vinegar keeps it at bay and never had a problem. Still use fabric softener from time to time, but white vinegar works a treat. This also applies where you put the powder and rinse stuff… no build up of mould, gunk etc.

  • +2

    Had my Asko for 20 years then replaced with another one - very happy. In Melbourne they have an outlet store in heatherton (online or in person) and I buy through there and save a bit.

  • +1

    German made Bosch.

  • Buy Meile if you want reliability & 20+ year life from it.

  • +1

    I scored a Aeg 8000 series for $800

  • +1

    Bought a small Miele washer in 2011 and sold it in 2023 for $300 nothing wrong with it but need to clean the water inlet often otherwise it will throw an error message and stop working. I would say people would prefer a second hand Miele vs other brands.

    Bought Bosch Series 8 in 2023 and has been good. Only thing is that those time remaining can be inaccurate and it would add more time as it needs. Sometimes when it says 3minutes remaining end up to be 15minutes long

  • +1

    No love for Haier? They own FP and other global brands

    • Good machine but it hasn't got a German badge and matching pricetag. Plenty of badge snobs on here.

  • +1

    We use Bosch series 8 (German made) washing machines & dishwashers. No issues whatsoever with any of them.

  • Currently have an LG Direct Drive top loader which has been running fine for the last ~5 years.

    Before that had an old Simpson with the simple analog turn switch thing (rather than digital buttons). It worked great too and was only replaced because we got sucked into the "new technology". Wish I'd kept it.

    Anyway, I've had a few other Miele appliances and been underwhelmed. A dish washer that leaked out of the motor and a steam oven that corroded. Both after 2 years of use and irreparable. I'm sure the build quality is relatively good, but it's the complexity that kills them IMO.

  • I have had a Miele washing machine for 10yrs now and it has not missed a beat.

    However if you are considering purchasing and wanting it to be "German Made" know that it's only there top end models that are actually made in Germany.

    Lower end models are made in Czech Republic.
    (Still European made) if that bothers you.

    In saying that with all washing machines in general maintenance on these make them go a long way.
    e.g. cleaning the filters and try to clean the mould on the door seals.

  • LG or Miele

  • Bosch washer died 6 months ago. Replaced it with an Electrolux and it's been great. Or so the missus says. I don't even know what it looks like!

    • How long did it live for?

      • We got 4 years out of it. It had leaking problems in the first year too, and then when we moved 6 months ago it crapped itself and flooded the laundry. I wasn't prepared to get it fixed so we replaced it.

        • 4 years is awful

          • @sumyungguy: 4 years with 2 issues. Hence why we didn't entertain the idea of another Bosch.

  • +1

    I have an Aldi washer and it has been great for the last 5 years. Paid only $200 as it was on special runout.

  • Beko Washing Machines, they are build for reliability, they are Turkey company. In UK, they are offered for 10 years warranty.
    But in Australia they are only offered with 5 year manufacturer warranty.

  • Miele, hands down! My wife decided for Miele 8 years ago and I wasn't 100% behind it at the time of purchase. It only took me what 10 odd washes to rally behind an (arguably) expensive brand. We now have a Miele stove, rangehood, dishwasher along with the washing machine plus dryer; they all in their own way save time in our busy life.

    • Bosch says: On average, the lifespan of a washing machine is 11 years. If your washing machine is more than eight years old, it is time to consider getting a new appliance as components like the drum, pump or motherboard may soon be in need of spare parts replacement. There's another manufacturer who tests washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers and ovens to the equivalent of 20 years’ average use. Each to their own I suppose.

      • I am still using 20 years old hoover. Machine outside, under stairs, no cover. Still going strong.

  • +2

    I'm not in the market for a front loader - SWMBO likes our 25yo F&P top loader

    but I have been advised that whatever excellent quality things like Miele 'might' have been 20 years ago - now even 'German Made' can have internals made in the same factory in China - with a likely life of no more than 5 years -

    so buyer beware - what was top quality years ago may have gone downhill now - trust but verify …

  • I had the same dilemma a few months ago. I ended up purchasing an AEG. I have 3 boys and the machine cleans so well. I just looked at the size of the drum compared to the Miele equivalent at HN and it was a no brainer.

  • I bought F&P washing machine used $200 and haven’t had any issues. That was 4 years ago
    I’ll probably buy used again if I can get something for a similar price

  • Neither. These European brands are all over engineering and a pain in the ass for basic daily usage

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