Hydrool » user profile

Member Since | 22/04/2016 |
Last Seen | 9 hours 45 min |
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Most shopping centres have free parking only for the first 2-3hrs.

At 2c, if they round up 100 time it’s $2

Does he give decent portions? Most indian places will give you two bits of chicken and call it a day.

The problem is the $5 indian will give you one piece of thumb sized chicken swimming in sauce.

Hydrool commented on Washing Machine Recommendation - Bosch Vs. Miele
Neither. These European brands are all over engineering and a pain in the ass for basic daily usage

As someone who has owned and driven both, the Chinese software are miles ahead.

Hydrool commented on New Telsa Model Y (Juniper) Finally Leaked?
Looks like a BYD

So true, the story and setting for dustborn is so much better

It was a Ming fictionalisation of real events that happened during the Tang

Hydrool replied to
tightm8 on Mongrel Black Premium Riding Non-Safety Boots (805025) $151.95 Delivered @ Allingtons

RM williams is pretty middle class

Hydrool replied to
dws on Free 300 Primogems + Other Items @ Genshin Impact (Version 4.8 Livestream)

A dead game that currently has 4m+ live players

Lmao this literally ticks every AML red flag box

Same reason as why there are so many lebanese criminals, why so many indian smell and why Africans are so lazy I’d say. Of course no…

Hydrool replied to
spychiatrist on [PC, Steam] Free DLC - World of Warships — Ning Hai (Was $14.50) @ Steam

Except it was built by a Japanese shipyard. Fail comment.

If you don't like them that much why did you help them set up the business and only come out and criticise them now that you are no longer…

Why not just sell it at market value and then give you the money to help purchase whatever you like rather than this whole ‘selling at…

Hydrool commented on GIO Platinum Car Insurance - Payout
Need to get on with the times. Chinese manufactured vehicles nowadays are better quality than their european counterparts

probably spent it all getting smashed overseas

Hydrool commented on Done for out of Rego. Reminder Came When Overseas
with the ridiculous prices tradies are charging nowadays. should be chump change for your brother

Has she shown or done anything to warrant your respect though? Age alone is only sometimes a sign that someone should be given respect.…

Yea curious to know too, especially when compared to the volume of caucasian con-artists who scam other caucasians and how rampant that is…

Hydrool commented on Biggest Challenges for Home Buyers?
Looks like OP want's to disrupt the buyer's agent market

Yeah and I bet if it's the OP trying to end the lease, he'd be crying foul about all the legal red tape he has to go through. But since…

Oh please, you aren't trying to understand anything. You know the process full well and are hoping to find loopholes to hold onto the sweet…

“Sashimi” or any everyday item name replaced with a random japanese word suddenly doubles in price.

Hydrool replied to
postform on High Possibilities of Australia Going to a Financial Crisis and AUD/USD down to $0.50 USD

Hi David, All of those are viable ways to invest in gold. You can also look at swiss francs which is often used as a proxy for gold due to…

Hydrool commented on High Possibilities of Australia Going to a Financial Crisis and AUD/USD down to $0.50 USD
There is definitely a 'risk off' attitude in the world market right now, partly shown by the inversion of US treasury yield curve and a…

They are offered by a number of international banks here. However most are open to wholesale/ sophisticated investors only, although there…

Income is guaranteed if that’s what you mean