What Milk Brand Do You Buy?

My family consumes a 12 litre of full cream milk every week. There's a considerable difference in price between colesworth branded milk and other. I wonder what's OzBargainer's choice and why. From label, I find that nutritions are almost same for both.

P.S. - If you don't drink or buy milk then you are not obligated to reply

Poll Options Tue, 01/04/2025 - 00:00

  • 216
    I buy Coles/Woolies branded milk
  • 175
    I buy other brand


  • +1

    Bannister Downs, WA owned and operated, buy it purely to support local buisness

  • Zymil, closest lactose free milk that tastes like regular milk, although will get a2 lactose free when on special

  • I always get Coles 3L full cream. Wife likes to get some "creamy" ones every now and then, but I can't remember the brands. The raw milk (yeah raw) we used to drink tasted closer to the Coles ones. I'm not choosy though, as long as it doesn't taste artificially creamy, I'm fine.

  • Luxury Milk or whatever is in iced coffee.

  • +1

    We only really have milk in our coffee, and we have switched to be an oat milk household. We buy whichever is on sale/cheapest so long as it's the "Barista blend" version.

    Reasons we switched to Oat milk:
    - member of the household found they are sensitive to dairy
    - Other members of the household tried oat and aren't fussed about what they have, so switched the whole household to avoid buying different types
    - Longer shelf/fridge life than ordinary milk (as we only use it for coffee this is essential). Also because it's long life when it's on sale we stock up and pack it away, we don't need to worry about it going bad within the week.
    - We tried almond, & soy milk aswell and found that Oat "barrista blend" had the best taste for coffee.

    • +1

      Should Oat, Almond, Soy etc, be called milk?

      Oat water, oat juice is more accurate.

      • Sure…call it what you want, doesn't impact me, i add it to my morning coffee, use it instead of the milks the OP listed, tastes great, i'm happy and saving money compared to if we bought beef milk.

      • -1

        Oat water, oat juice is more accurate.

        Personally, I far prefer the term Cow Juice.

      • Oat milk is basically a waste product with added water. All the oat dust under the conveyor belts at the Uncle Toby's factory gets swept up and mixed with water. No oat udders get tugged.

  • Usually Woolies, unless they have the Brownes (or other brand) marked down less than Woolies $/litre price.

    Used to use UHT, would have cartons of the stuff in the pantry whenever it was on sale until Woolies/Coles started their price war and it was 90c/litre everyday anyway.
    Would still keep a carton at at a time, convenient to not have to worry about running out of milk.

    Then COVID… everyone started buying it and now price is higher than fresh :(

    • Still $1.20/L cheaper than fresh if you consider lactose free vs lactose free.

      I do wish we got Brownes over in Vic.
      Especially Spearmint Milk and boy do I miss Kole Beer.

  • Aldi Organic full cream and Bannister Downs

  • Anything that is not Aldi as we only go through 2lt a week at home and another 2lt at work and the Aldi stuff always goes off before the week is out (and before its use by date)

  • Anything that directly supports the farmers e.g. Norco.

  • Traditionally buy Dairy Farmers (maybe 2 or 3 2L bottles per week), but lately been trying out some other full cream milks for my coffee machine frother and realising the DF is more of a jack of all trades, recently tried the Hunt and Brew creamy milk and was amazing with the coffee.

  • I drink about 2L a week, but I only drink Milos at night
    Also, UHT woolies brand - primarily because it's $1.90/L and lactose free, the non-UHT is $3.10/L, so it lasts longer and is cheaper, only downside for some is it's super sweet, but I love it.

  • 12L / week bro what 💀

  • Fresh milk, the cheapest. For UHT I get Devondale because the cheap brand always breaks the plastic foil tab thing and I have to stab it with a knife.

  • a2 for indigestion issues

  • Paris Creek Farm, Schulz or Hunt & Brew
    Its a bit harder to find nearby stockist for first two for me though
    Small 1l bottles are good for me

  • Maleny dairy if available. Or Norco if at the supermarket.

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