Techfast 5080/5090 PC Build/Delivery Status / Feel free to share your rig and ideas here

Hi this is a neutral post to share/chat about the build, dispatch and delivery status of the recent (31st Jan 25) 5080/5090 PCs deal offered by Techfast.
Added 26th Feb: Now that we have started receiving the rigs, it's time to share your rig, mods or ideas for improvement here.

Update 26/02/2025: I have received my 5080 build with the express post option :)
Showing my tweaked look here:…

Anyone who has ordered the build please share here about updates of their orders and or experience.

I’ve ordered mine on the day and received it 26th Feb with express shipping selected :)

Love to know how everyone else is doing re these builds and hope everyone get their PCs soon.

Added IMPORTANT NEWS, possible defected Nvidia 5090, 5080 and 5070 Ti
From Nvidia:
We have identified a rare issue affecting less than 0.5% (half a percent) of GeForce RTX 5090 / 5090D, RTX 5080, and 5070 Ti GPUs which have one fewer ROP than specified. The average graphical performance impact is 4%, with no impact on AI and Compute workloads. Affected consumers can contact the board manufacturer for a replacement. The production anomaly has been corrected.

How to check your GPU:
First, you'll need TechPowerUp GPU-Z, a utility that provides all of the information about your current GPU in an easy-to-digest manner. It also provides access to monitoring tools that provide up-to-the-minute temperature, clock speed, and other information.
You'll want TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.63.0 as the latest version adds official support for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Ti and other RTX Blackwell GPUs.
Open GPU-Z, as this will give you a full breakdown of your GPU's specs on the Graphics Card tab. The key information you're looking for is the ROPs count. The correct values should be as follows.
GeForce RTX 5090 or RTX 5090D - 176 ROPs
GeForce RTX 5080 - 112 ROPs
GeForce RTX 5070 Ti - 96 ROPs
An ROP number less than this is a definite cause for concern, as your GPU will be underperforming. NVIDIA recommends contacting the GPU manufacturer for a full replacement. As seen in online reports, the incorrect RTX 5090 value will show up as 168 ROPs, the RTX 5080 as 104 ROPs, and the RTX 5070 Ti as 88 ROPs.

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    • +2

      I managed to get a reply.
      They don’t have stock and can’t say for sure when they’ll get more. “On hand” wasn’t actually true.

      • Oh. Awesome

  • +3

    I just received an email that my 5080 order from Jan 31st @ 2:37pm has entered build.

    Some 5080 stock must have come in!

    • +2

      Yep. Just got a text saying mine has entered build!!!

    • +1

      I got an email as well (order from Jan 31st at 2:04pm).

  • +2

    My 5080 PC just entered 'picked' which tells me they may have received the next batch of cards

  • +2

    Hopefully they received enough for the pre-orders as well :)

  • Me too my order is Jan 31st @ 3pm and has been build now

    • +2

      Lucky! Hopefully my Late Feb/Early March order will come through soon. I’m worried the original batch wasn’t enough and they’re using this batch to make up for it which means more delays.

      • Yeah probably, there is a few post saying Techfast didn't have more 5080 card for the order "on hand".

        • If mine gets delayed it might be mid-April before it even enters build :(

          • +2

            @just-human: Let's hope they have enough GPU coming in the next few weeks mate

  • 5080 GamePro cards are on hand now, GameRock cards arrive the week commencing March 17 according to latest correspondence

    • Where are you getting this information?

      • They emailed last week giving the option to go with the GamePro instead due to delays with the GameRock.

        • Was it a generic email? Or was it requested via email update?

          • @Bargain4Days: I assume it was a generic email for people up in the queue who ordered a GameRock as 'on hand'

            • @OmegaPlus: I ordered on the 24th feb i wonder if any of these march 17th cards will be put towards the mid-late feb orders, Was hoping to get mine by the end of the month not looking so hopeful now

              • @Mxrky: I think it's likely that the cards they're getting now are going to at best go towards the Late Feb/Early March batch because they haven't even gone through the 'on hand' orders yet.

                • @just-human: Do you mean the cards arriving from march 17th or the cards they recieved on the 6th?

        • +1

          I'm in the late Feb pre-order group. Its highly unlikely that it will be ready this month.

          While I don't mind waiting. They must have some sort of indication of when they think they will be able to deliver.

          A very loose ETA would be better than silence.

          • @Florgleplax: Yeah agreed the communication has been very poor so far

  • +1

    Just when AMD launched their new superb value and strong performance 9070XT, Nvidia and their suppliers suddenly have so much stock and delivered immediately …… :)

  • +2

    Anyone has any update on their build?

    • +4

      This would be good to know to get an idea on where you are in the queue as Techfast comms are MIA

      • Yeah, been days without a reply.

    • I'm still on "Picked" from Thursday afternoon. I'll post on here when mine is updated.

      • +1

        Yep. Me too. Judging off the flow of others who have received their systems, today should be the day for those of us who went to "picked" on Thursday to receive the next status change. Fingers crossed!

      • I was really hoping to have some progress by now. My expectations are rock bottom at this point but somehow I’m still disappointed…

  • +1

    I bought my PC on the 1st of Feb at 6pm. I paid $100 extra for the gpu upgrade as that was eta late Feb early March. I sent an email on the 24th of Feb to which their response within 24 hours was delays and no eta cab be given.

    I sent another email on the 3rd if March, and up to date so far, no response back. No updates, no emails, no generic sms absolutely nothing, radio silence.

    I reckon they purposely let us over order the pc which Techfast knew they had no chance of fulfilling in the timeframe to keep a string on us and upsell their more premium/ expensive PC.

    They still have the 5080 listed on their website with a 5- 10 business day dispatch. They are probably prioritising newer/ more expensive orders with bigger profit margins and stringing along those whole preordered on Ozbargain keeping the cash.

  • Haven't got any update on my "Pre-Order (ETA Late Feb/Early March)".. some communication would be good.

    • Nope, was told to email them around now for an update but they haven’t replied in almost a week. Very disappointing as systems were meant to start shipping in the last week.

      • Part of the same group just sent them an email earlier today asking for an update

        • Very sad that their comms have gone silent. Hopefully someone posts here if they get a reply.

          • @just-human: Yeah so far from what ive seen, 5080 GamePro cards arrived on 6/3/25, GameRock cards arrive from the 17th and after which quite possibly wont even go to our group, however in a different email from techfast they said cards likely wont arrive until april. Whether or not they arrive from the 17th or from april it doesnt look like we are getting our builds for a few weeks. I will follow up if i hear anything

            • @Mxrky: Mine is the GamePro 5080, so you're saying stock has arrived 6 days ago?

              • @Wrathie: @OmegaPlus said, "5080 GamePro cards are on hand now, GameRock cards arrive the week commencing March 17 according to latest correspondence" in which I asked where he heard that stating "They emailed last week giving the option to go with the GamePro instead due to delays with the GameRock." So I believe GamePro stock arrived but was for the people that ordered late jan/early feb. Any more information omega?

                • @Mxrky: I suspect a batch of GamePro cards arrived last week, which are now being used to fulfil orders from the 'on hand' group. I ordered on the 31/1 that was meant to be 'on hand' and only just had my order "picked" on the 7/3. I was told the next batch on GameRock cards were arriving from 17/3 which will also be used for the 'on hand' group who chose to keep their order instead of changing to GamePro. This may or may not be enough to fulfil the the rest of the intial 'on hand' orders and progress into the Feb/Mar builds.

                  They said they are receiving cards but in much smaller batches then initially expected due to manufacturing shortages and shortfalls at the distributor end.

                  Hopefully this clears some of it up.

                  Tldr; expect extensive delays

                  • @OmegaPlus: Thanks that does actually clear a lot up and is potentially the most useful information ive seen so far. @wraithie I think we need to prepare for early april at the earliest and just sit tight for a few weeks

            • @Mxrky: April would be extremely disappointing. It’s a shame they weren’t truthful about what cards were on-hand as that would have made this process a lot more transparent. I can’t really imagine a situation where a shortage results in on-hand cards disappearing.

              • @just-human: When did you place your order?

                • @Mxrky: I think it was on Feb 1 around 2pm Sydney time?

                  • @just-human: If you ordered on feb 1 you may recieve earlier i know they are making their way through some of the orders from 31/1 my order was from 24/2 so you have huge priority over me

                    • @Mxrky: Are you part of the Late Mar/Early April batch?

                      • @just-human: Yeah I am, who knows when ill get mine if the early feb orders aren't getting fullfilled

                        • @Mxrky: That's unlucky for sure. At this rate it might be May/June before you get your build :(.

                          • @just-human: I'm starting to seriously consider a refund at this point especially if it wont be ready by mid-late april

              • @just-human: They considered on-hand as the allocated cards from the distributor, which ended up significantly under delivering the promised amount.

                • @OmegaPlus: Yeah still not on hand. Would have been nice to have a note there, especially with everyone being aware of the shortage.

                  • @just-human: @just-human Yeh this forum post wouldnt exist if they just sent out comms. Even just to say no update.

                    And there transparency is pretty shady. "on hand" which was really just and expected order. Or asking people to pay extra to get something sooner when you know cant deliver.

                    I'm sure if anyone of those groups would have a case to go to the ACCC.

                    • @Florgleplax: Talked to the people at PLE Computers, Obviously doesn't mean much but we need as much information we can get at this point with no communication from TechFast. They said they have the gamingpro cards arriving in Vic tomorrow and in WA on the 19th which means that more cards arriving on the 17th is likely.

                      • @Mxrky: @Mxrky That's good to hear. Hopefully they got a decent allocation and can start getting through the queue.

                        • @Florgleplax: PLE has recieved stock in VIC seems limited as they can't disclose stock numbers but "a 2 year old could count higher" so seems like its not just 5 or less but am doubtful on if it's enough for all the orders TechFast is dealing with. We can only wait and see if more people starting getting updates on the 17th

                          • +2

                            @Mxrky: It baffles me why they wouldn’t just give us updates or new estimates even if they just say no new update expected until x. It would make the experience a lot better and they would receive less blame for the delays.

                            • @just-human: Yeah I don't really understand it, other places have been so much more helpful and quicker and I don't even have an order with them yet they are happy to help. they must know what they are doing having no phone number to ring is really weird….

                              • @Mxrky: Their business model is pretty toxic tbh. They post a deal and then the reps are super communicative and then the next day they go completely dead. They don't answer their emails and they have no phone number. They sell products they don't have and they are highly likely to be breaching ACCC laws. Will be a big lesson learned for many people who have participated in these deals.

                                • @Snoopy113: Yeah I reckon if they weren't offering such good deals they wouldn't get this much attention, starting to think is it worth to get a refund and pay the bit extra for some communication and to speed the whole process up without the headache

                          • @Mxrky: @Mxrky wow if they are drip feeding in those numbers I think this is going to delay this past April at best.

                            Will see how it goes with this 17th delivery, otherwise I may cancel and wait a few months and see if things improve.

                            • @Florgleplax: Yeah, I'm hoping my "Late Feb/Early March" build is delivered by mid-April. PayPal Buyer protection is 180 days, so I'm not exactly worried about them running off with the money right now

                              • @just-human: @just-human I don't think they will do that. I got a 3070 pc from them. They were slow that time but not like this. And they also responded to emails.

                                I think I may just swap the gpu for a 9070xt if this goes on for much longer. I'm not urgently trying to get this. Its more giving them over 3k and then basically ghosting me

                                • @Florgleplax: I wonder what refund they would give to ship the pc without a gpu. At this point i could get one myself quicker not sure how the price would add up but would save the time.

                                  • @Mxrky: You would have to fly to Adelaide and hope someone answers the door to get anyone to hear your request 🤣

                                  • @Mxrky: The GPU is worth the price of the whole PC at this point. You’ve waited this long, may as well see it through.

                                    I asked about having the pc built and shipped while waiting for the GPU and got told no with no reason given.

                                    • +1

                                      @MunkyAU: Yeah, it would be nice to have the PC shipped before the GPU. That way customers with existing GPUs can use it in the meantime, or worst case, you have integrated graphics. Would make people more confident as well.

                                • +1

                                  @Florgleplax: Yeah same, I don't mind if they deliver like early April instead of early March for the most part but I wish they communicated it.

                                  • @just-human: Just to add another data point here - I also ordered on the 31st and paid $100 for the 'on-hand' card.

                                    The same info was given to me that the card is not on-hand and they hope for more cards by 17th March, but it seems non-committal, sharing their words below:

                                    "The earliest timeframe for delivery of the next batch of GameRock is the week commencing March 17. However GamingPro cards are available to swap into, and PCs with this card will be moving into build late this week into next week"

                                    Becoming more and more likely that it could be a number of weeks until the original deals are all filed, meanwhile the brand new deal will no doubt continue to pile up unhappy customers

                                    Definitely frustrating - communication and honest timelines would go a long way…

                                    • @flumbojumbo: MunkyAU I had the same thought about asking for the build without the GPU but thought it meant theyd be unable to test it?

                                      Could be worth seeing if they could test it with another card prior to the actual card being on-hand. Don't think I'll bother my side - just going to forget I ordered until I get good news… :')

                                    • @flumbojumbo: What day did you get that email?

  • Seems like Luketechfast logged in today on OZB, last time was about a week ago from their profile. Been watching the profile to see if any offical updates would be given here. I’ve had fairly prompt response from the techfast team on their website, same day. But those questions were about some upgrades and the gpu mounting bracket installations.

    • Sounds like you are having a better expierence than most of us at the moment ive sent 2 emails for complete radio silence.

      • Same here, silence for a week or more.

        • I sent an email on the 4/03 and got reply on the 5th and then sent an email on Saturday and got a reply on Tuesday after the long weekend.
          Not sure why everyone can’t get simple fast response. Maybe the staff aren’t replying to enquires about the 5080’s cards for now until they have more concrete information themselves. Seems like there is issues in supply chains( in general) by the posts I’ve read here and some threads over on whirlpool.

          • @Koppers: Whats whirlpool? I haven't heard of that

            • @Mxrky: @Mxrky An old Australian forum which is/was more IT based but has general topics now as well. Was some discussion of techfast on I think the gtx thread if I remember. Or a user asking about 5090’s deals.

              @Snoopy113 Think just really bad communication from them this time. From other deals seems like their history on Ozb isn’t that bad. It’s the old case of them over promising by not having ‘on hand’ cards and under delivering by ballooned build times now and zero active communication with the community and buyers from here.

              • @Koppers: oh yeah just looked into a lot smaller than ozbargin will just stay to posting on here this is my first and last time with techfast they really need to post some clarification

          • +1

            @Koppers: Once they have your money they don't want to know you it seems.

  • Done a bit of digging. Interestingly enough, looking up to their ABN 24 139 867 093. Comes up with 3 options;

    Tech Fast Australia…

    Tech Fast Asia Pacific…

    Allied Gaming…

    If you look when they first started with that ABN in 2010, its trading name was called Origin PC. Searched up on their address (20 Wodonga St . Beverley SA 5009) and comes up with a warehouse with a Orign PC label at the front door. I wonder what their affiliation is. Could be a subsidiary company of their main luxury one.

    Might be worth calling Origin PC and see what they got to say about this…

    • Yeah I think it would be worth calling them and getting as much information as possible, A techfast phone number would be a game changer.

      • @Mxrky they would never answer the phone. They can't even send out automated emails.

        My guess is that if you ring the parent company. They will act as completely separate entities

        • Yeah i got an automated email saying that they are aware that my order is past the estimated dispatch time and that I will get a notification when it enters build testing and shipment. not the most useful email in the world and weird i got that on a saturday

          • @Mxrky: Oh nice. That's excellent progress in tech fast terms.

            Mines past the original delivery and I have heard a thing.

            • @Florgleplax: Yeah excellent progress 🙄 I'm surprised that you didn't get the same automated one though

              • @Mxrky: @Mxrky which batch did you order? On hand?

                • @Florgleplax: I originally ordered on hand but then changed to the march pre order for a pretty decent refund.

                  • @Mxrky: @Mxrky ah cool. I might be in the same batch. Late feb/early march

                  • @Mxrky: That's good news that they're starting to communicate with people from the Late Feb/Early March group (low bar I know). Hopefully it means they're working through those builds now. The people from the second deal haev almost no chance of getting it on time.

                    • @just-human: florgle and human when did you guys place your orders and when you say late feb/early march do you mean thats when the orders were placed?

                      • @Mxrky: Feb 1 at around 2pm Sydney time. I think quite a few people were before me.

                        • @just-human: i cant even imagine how many people are before me i ordered mine of the same day the march deal came out but who knows

                          • @Mxrky: Like the second deal they posted with 7800X3D or when they created the Late Feb/Early March pre-order?

                            • @just-human: the one with the 7800x3d with the pre order cards that are meant to be arriving mid-late this month posted on the 26/2

                              • @Mxrky: @Mxrky I order around 10am Feb 1.

                                Palit GamingPro RTX 5080 16GB Graphics Card - Pre-Order (ETA Late Feb/Early March)

                                I guess technically there is an hour left of early march so fingers crossed ha.

  • +1

    Over a week now since my PC was “Picked”. How long is it supposed to take? Or was the “your PC is now In Build” email just yet another Techfast lie?

    • +1

      In the past weeks, orders went from Picked to Testing in 3 working days. I'm afraid that without the graphics cards, they've moved to the Picked stage. I hope we'll get an update today.

      • That seems to be the case. Which is very frustrating because it seemed safe to assume that the “in build” email meant the cards had come in.

        The optimistic take is that the PCs will be built and ready for very quick shipping as soon as the GPUs come in. But at this point I’m extremely pessimistic with anything to do with Techfast.

        • Flumbojumbo said above he received an email which stated "GamingPro cards are available to swap into, and PCs with this card will be moving into build late this week into next week". They are probably building some other systems and perhaps building the 5070Ti systems (if they even have any cards) so maybe there is some backlog. But like you, its really hard to be optimistic with these guys who seem like perpetual liars.

          • @Snoopy113: Well, hopefully my Late Feb/Early March order goes into build stage next week then (not optimistic though).

          • +1

            @Snoopy113: That seems like the same email OmegaPlus is talking about here:

            OmegaPlus on 06/03/2025 - 19:56:
            5080 GamePro cards are on hand now, GameRock cards arrive the week commencing March 17 according to latest correspondence

            Piecing things together, if that same email had the other quoted line “PCs with this card will be moving into build late this week into next week”, then that “next week” should be referring to this week that ends today…

            I can’t say for sure that they’re the same email because that would require Techfast to have communicated updates to my extremely delayed order, which of course hasn’t happened.

            But really, anyone who believes anything they say at this point is kidding themselves.

        • Its possible the "picked" means they have picked you for the next batch to arrive.

          I doubt they have an amazon size warehouse. Or a 90yr old picking it from the shelf.

  • Also have a late Feb/ early March order (01/02) and have sent a message on the 28 and couple of follow ups after but all have been ignored.

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