Techfast 5080/5090 PC Build/Delivery Status / Feel free to share your rig and ideas here

Hi this is a neutral post to share/chat about the build, dispatch and delivery status of the recent (31st Jan 25) 5080/5090 PCs deal offered by Techfast.
Added 26th Feb: Now that we have started receiving the rigs, it's time to share your rig, mods or ideas for improvement here.

Update 26/02/2025: I have received my 5080 build with the express post option :)
Showing my tweaked look here:…

Anyone who has ordered the build please share here about updates of their orders and or experience.

I’ve ordered mine on the day and received it 26th Feb with express shipping selected :)

Love to know how everyone else is doing re these builds and hope everyone get their PCs soon.

Added IMPORTANT NEWS, possible defected Nvidia 5090, 5080 and 5070 Ti
From Nvidia:
We have identified a rare issue affecting less than 0.5% (half a percent) of GeForce RTX 5090 / 5090D, RTX 5080, and 5070 Ti GPUs which have one fewer ROP than specified. The average graphical performance impact is 4%, with no impact on AI and Compute workloads. Affected consumers can contact the board manufacturer for a replacement. The production anomaly has been corrected.

How to check your GPU:
First, you'll need TechPowerUp GPU-Z, a utility that provides all of the information about your current GPU in an easy-to-digest manner. It also provides access to monitoring tools that provide up-to-the-minute temperature, clock speed, and other information.
You'll want TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.63.0 as the latest version adds official support for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Ti and other RTX Blackwell GPUs.
Open GPU-Z, as this will give you a full breakdown of your GPU's specs on the Graphics Card tab. The key information you're looking for is the ROPs count. The correct values should be as follows.
GeForce RTX 5090 or RTX 5090D - 176 ROPs
GeForce RTX 5080 - 112 ROPs
GeForce RTX 5070 Ti - 96 ROPs
An ROP number less than this is a definite cause for concern, as your GPU will be underperforming. NVIDIA recommends contacting the GPU manufacturer for a full replacement. As seen in online reports, the incorrect RTX 5090 value will show up as 168 ROPs, the RTX 5080 as 104 ROPs, and the RTX 5070 Ti as 88 ROPs.

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    • Have any of us messaged luke on here he normally hops online on fridays but doesn't seem to say anything by the looks of it i wonder if its responding to private dms

      • Yes and he hasn’t replied in a few days.

      • I messaged him weeks ago and didn’t receive a reply. Around the same time he stopped replying to these threads completely.

      • Both Luke here and support email. Just asked if they could provide some update. I did write to both to enquire about queue status just before I placed my order on the 1st and I received a reply on the 3rd

        The queue is over 100 for sure. The dispatch timeframe remains the same, and if you select a pre order GPU, it won't ship until those cards arrive

        So yeah not sure what to make of that number, but they must have not arrived yet and I hope no other shady tricks other than no communication.

        • @rssluca Is that the 1st and 3rd of feb or march?

          • @Mxrky: Oh that would have helped, February. For some reason my brain was still in February.

    • I have a Gamerock On hand GPU machine order from the 31/1/2025,
      Not even close to it getting close, to it getting built..

      I was offered a switch to the cheaper card with a partial refund..

      That is becoming a tempting option… the longer I wait…

      I presume that would push everybody elses orders back …..

      • +1

        Don't bother switching, I did and they still havent built it or even started. The gamerocks apparently arrive the week of 17th of March

  • It really shouldnt push everyone back by much not enjoying seeing people from January still not having theres yet. I know some people have gotten theres but theres a lot fewer that have theres than people who don't

    • my still in build has been since 06/03 my order is from 31st 2:45pm

  • +4

    My order from 31/1 has just been updated from picked to built/testing.

    • Thanks for the update - my 31/1 order is still picked (picked on 06/03)

    • 31/1 order @2pm. Still picked.

    • seems like some cards have come in then as they were meant to, Am very curious however on just how many cards came in and when next batch is meant to arrive

    • My order from 31/1 is still stuck on picked since 06/03.

    • +4

      My order from 31/1 at 2pm (gaming pro) has also been built and is now in testing. Text came through at 1:45 today.

    • +3

      Mine just went into testing

      • +1

        Now ready for shipment

        • Mine also says 'Ready for shipment' on their website. I didnt get a notification for that though. Not even sure if it ever said 'Testing' on their site?

          • +1

            @Snoopy113: No notification for me either, it did say testing for me yesterday.

            • @dealstacker: Yep cool. Just received my shipping information from Techfast and Auspost.

    • Mine went into testing as well.

    • Mine's also built and in testing, 4pm order

      • That’s interesting, my 2:30pm order hasn’t moved. You initially bought the GameRock GPU right? Those orders must get priority?

        • +1

          Yeah, GameRock -> GamingPro. Weird that yours hasn't moved :\

    • The status on the website is “Ready for Shipment”. It was “Built”.

  • My order (01/02) just went into picked :).

    • looks like progress is quick when they actually have 5080s on hand

      • Mine too went into picked this afternoon. Great to finally see progress. But judging by previous posts it could be another month until shipped.

        • Yeah, it looks like the others had 11 days in picked, which is a bit disappointing. That would put us at around April before they start shipping. I hope they are moving faster, and they go from picked to shipped in 3-4 days.

    • Me too (31/1) :)

  • +1

    Is there anyone else whose GamingPro """on-hand""" order from Jan 31st has NOT gone into testing/built? My 2:37pm order is still on Picked. I'm feeling a little left out here :(
    I must have been too critical on here and they're getting revenge haha

    • They can only build so many PCs at a time, probably have a huge backlog and received a new shipment of 5080s this week.

      • Of course, I'm just curious as to the process since I've seen one report of an order placed after mine that has progressed when mine hasn't. I don't know if "picked" means that my 5080 has come in or if I'm going to continue waiting with no info.

        • +1

          Mine is now built :)

          • @MunkyAU: It changed to "Ready for Shipment" since I last checked. :)

            • @MunkyAU: It will probably be shipped tomorrow. My order was also shipped today. It looks like they've finished testing before the graphics cards arrive.

              • @allenbaha: Yeah that seems likely. Fingers crossed for quick postage. I doubt mine will come before the weekend, but yours might.

        • +2

          My order was received by auspost at 11:30am. Happy days :D

          • @MunkyAU: Congrats! Do share your experience with the build. And maybe some pics as a bonus 👍

    • +1

      I have my 5080 GamingPro order in at around 2:50pm. Order still on picked. At least I'm not the only one lol

      • +1

        Mine just got updated to built 5min after posting this lol

        • Did you get a text or notification when it changed from picked to built?

          • +1

            @Super8Tab: I got a text and email

          • +1

            @Super8Tab: Yeah there was a text and an email from them saying that its now built and in testing.

    • +2

      It probably takes time to test and whatnot. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too long between now and shipping. I think you should expect about a week or so from picked to testing it seems.

      • Fingers crossed, my 31/1 order has been stuck on "picked" since 6th of March

        • +1

          Mine was the same until this afternoon. Hopefully yours is not far away. Seems like “picked” means your card is in stock and just waiting to be built.

  • 4th Feb order still no update from "Order Placed", looks like an April delivery at best.

  • My 31/1 18:00 GamingPro on-hand order has been shipped.

    • My order has been shipped as well.

  • +2

    my order has change to testing now

    order 31/01 - 2:45pm
    pick 06/03
    testing 18/03

  • +1

    Just got an update email confirming PC is in build and completion is expected this week. Hopefully that means shipping starts by next week (Late Feb/Early March batch btw). 🤞

    • yeh I got the same email this arvo. Not holding my breath that it will be completed weeks end. But would be great if it did.

      • Yeah, I wouldn’t bet on it but doesn’t mean I can’t hope :)

        • I received an email from support I asked last week.

          Stating that its in the final stages of the build and should be shipped later this week.

          Still as "picked" status. So ill take that with a grain of salt till I have a shipping number.

    • Same, website still says "picked". Just glad its finally moving! :D

  • E-mail says in build, website says picked.

  • my order has change to testing now

    order 31/01 - 2:45pm
    pick 06/03
    testing 18/03
    shipped 19/03

    • Mine is identical to yours except it's still under testing fml. Everything else matches yours exactly.

      • Order got shipped today! Hooray!!

  • +2

    5080 GamePro PC arrived today. Came in the case box. Very well packaged with air pillows inside. Came with a bag with the extras- power cables, manuals, gpu stand, mouse pad. Everything was seated correctly. Started up first try. Cable management could be improved.

    Parts used:
    SSD: HP FX700 1TB
    AIO: MSI MAG Coreliquid M360
    RAM: Predator Vesta II

    Ordered: 31/1
    Picked: 6/3
    Shipped: 18/3
    Arrived: 20/3


    • Hell yeah! That's fast delivery. What state are you in, if you don't mind saying? This is giving me hope mine might arrive before the weekend.

      • +1

        Sydney NSW :) Fingers crossed for you

        • Excellent! Fingers crossed indeed. Enjoy your PC mate :D

    • Nice!

      Does the GamingPro come with a GPU sag bracket or stand? Not sure if that's what you meant by GPU stand :)

      • GPU sag bracket sorry. A small cylindrical MSI branded one which I assume came with the case.

        • I got an Antec C3 case so it might not come with one which is a shame :(.

    • My pc arrived today as well. It was hard to wait, but it was worth it in the end.

  • +1

    Not sure if someone else has already mentioned this but I just received a confirmation that ROP numbers are also been checked as part of testing.

    • Yeah, I think I asked a while ago and they confirmed in an email. The last thing anyone would want is to wait 2 months for a PC then have to wait another few months to get a card because of ROPs.

  • Mine just got in testing! Hopefully, it ships tomorrow like some of the others with one day in testing :).

    • Ah nice. Mine still showing picked and I think I ordered before you.

      I guess they are teaching me a lesson for asking for an update. haha

      • What time did you order?

        • 9am on 1/02

          • @Florgleplax: Interesting, unless you picked GameRock I'm not sure why. Maybe they just didn't change the status yet?

            • @just-human: Got the GamingPro. Not too fussed at the moment. Ill be annoyed if it gets stuck as they seem like they are working on these out of order.

  • Have asked if I can cancel. Wonder how long it will take to get an email answer.

  • +1

    13/02 Order, Upgraded to GameRock

    Just got this info in a email about 5 mins ago:

    “At this stage we believe it will be 10-15 business days before we receive a GameRock card for your order - please note this is an estimate provided to us by the distributor based on information from the manufacturer, but is not a confirmed timeline as yet.“

    They then gave me the options to wait, switch to the GamingPro w/ $100 refund, or cancel for full refund.

    Will probably wait as our home office is super hot in spring/summer and I want that oversized cooler.

    • Thats good information to have, at least we have some estimate on when the next lot of cards are coming in but it sounds like they still have some gamingpros on hand.

      • They mentioned in the email they had GamingPros on-hand but I’m not sure I believe them given the Day 1/2 “on-hand” debacle.

        This was the swap option they gave me:

        2) Swap into the GamingPro card with a $100 refund. Your order will go into the build queue for orders with that card, in order of the date and time you placed your original order. I can confirm we are actively working on that queue all this week.

        I wonder if they only have enough on-hand for 1 week worth of build throughput otherwise they’d say “next two weeks” or “next few weeks”. Unless they’re churning them out that fast but then I’d question the actual build quality. Oh well, speculation rarely does anyone any favours but there’s not much else for us to do.

        • interesting… from what ive seen they really are churring out cards that fast but i wonder how many orders they have to go through from mid feb, im a 24/02 order. Really hoping theyre arent many orders between us would love for mine to get shipped this week or next however i know how unlikely that is.

  • -4

    Went with aftershock - coming in the next few days! Boo to these criminals called techfast

    • +1

      While I completely understand the frustration with the lack of communication and delays, they do deliver… eventually. The value and price-point of these systems are second to none.

      • -1

        I’m sure they do - but you’re overlooking the lies and wasted time. They never had any of this on hand. Think about great customer service - this ain’t it and you know it.

        • +3

          Am I paying an extra $2400 for better customer service and a mildly better spec'd PC that may arrive when expected? It's a no from me.

        • Yeah I’m sorry but I agree with @OmegaPlus. You paid 70% more for some small spec bumps (except maybe the RAM which at most is worth an extra $150-200).

          It’s enough to get a free upgrade to a 6080 or 7080 (assuming you can get one at MSRP which is another story).

    • Specs and price?

  • Update on my from another previous deal

    order 31/01 - 2:45pm
    pick 06/03
    testing 17/0
    Shipped 19/03
    Delivered 21/03

    • Nice! Send us some photos of your build when you unbox.

  • Update (Late Feb/Early March Batch):

    17/03 - Picked
    20/03 - Testing/Built
    21/03 - Shipped

    Looks like once they actually have the cards they push them out pretty fast.

  • order 01/02 - 10AM
    pick 17/03
    testing 20/03
    Shipped Not yet

  • Hey. What does the GPU support look like? I dont think I got one…

    • Seems like it comes with some cases but not others. The Antec case apparently doesn’t have one

      • That sucks. Most sag brackets I’ve seen online only screw up to 120mm and it appears on case photos that the GPU is higher relative to the drive bay on the far right.

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