Qantas AmEx Ultimate: 100,000 Qantas Points ($5,000 Spend in 3 Months), $450 Travel Credit, $450 Annual Fee


This offer was available only by referral until 11 March but is now available on Amex's website until 18 March.

Referral solicitation removed — Mod.

Card benefits include:

  • a $450 Qantas travel credit each year (for Qantas flights booked via Amex Travel)
  • 2 Qantas lounge passes after you book a flight with Qantas directly
  • 2 Amex lounge passes (for Melb and Syd international)
  • travel insurance
  • Qantas Wine premium membership
  • 4 free supplementary cards

Annual fee: $450

New Amex cardholders only. You must not have held a card issued by Amex Australia in the last 18 months.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (1)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express


    • Do you get the points credited after the first statement issued/paid, or is it just credited shortly after meeting the spend?

      • +1

        I got mine credited on the day I hit ~$4.5k spend - statement hasn't closed yet.

        • Fantastic, thank you!

  • How long has it taken from everyone to get a response back after you submit an application for this card?

    • applied on a fri night and had a call on sat morning asking for additional info, was approved on Mon

      • Congrats! Looks like I'll need to give them a call and follow up

        • If you need to call, probably means you got rejected

          • @Moo Deng: I applied last Wednesday so you're probably right =(

  • Rejected again - 2nd time trying for this. Applied Sat, had a call Monday to confirm details and rejected on the phone with "letter to advise why" - which will be a typical generic one.

  • Rejected! I was going to keep this card ongoing but got rejected even though I have a great credit score with high income. Churned 2 cards in the last 18 months, guessing that's the reason.

    • I churned from BOM to this after a week of cancelling BOM CC

  • I applied this morning around 3am online. I got a call this morning around 9:30am asking for some more details. I wss rejected over the pjone. 100k income, two mortgages, ni current credit cards. Good credit score, though I i just refinanced both mortgages 3 months ago. Would that be a reason I got rejected? I would really love to get approved for this card, so is it worth fighting and asking them to reconsider ? Do they even do that . They didn't give me a reason for declining, just saying the reason will be outlined in a letter they're sending out.

    I wanted my wife to get it as well, but she's 3 months into maternity leave. On the same salary. There's no chance she will get approved, will she?

    • From what I've read, to not get auto declined, you need to have no credit checks within the last 6 months or so?

      • +1

        Well this guy already got more than the other rejectees here with the follow up phonecall asking for more details. So wouldn't it have been one of the given details that was the dealbreaker? Otherwise churning would've simply resulted in a silent letter in the mail.

    • If you are really intent on pursuing it you can take it up wtih Amex and then, if necessary, try escalating to AFCA.

      If you do involve AFCA please let us know how it goes.

  • +4

    Just confirming the $450 travel credit refund still works as of yesterday

    • Please explain? My application was approved yesterday and card on it's way.

      • +1

        Check out the earlier pages of comments. Card has annual fee of $450 but you get a $450 qantas travel credit (which you need to use through the amex travel site). Book a flight using the credit then cancel it and you get the money credited back into your account (rather than travel credit)

        • You can cancel flight bookings without a penalty?

          • +1

            @Fuzor: Yes if you cancel within 24 hours of booking

          • +1

            @Fuzor: Yes, as long as you cancel within 24 hours, and possibly also during business hours. I cancelled an hour after booking, using the big blue 'Cancel Reservation' button on the Amex Travel website. The next day the $450 travel credit was refunded as actual dollars onto my Amex card, and the full fare I paid never left 'pending' status.

    • Tempted to try it given the Amex travel prices aren't great, but one heck of a gamble with $450…

      • I got charged 2nd year's annual fee over the weekend and immediately used this trick to cash out. Received the credit in my account yesterday. It's worked for me 2 years in a row now.

        • Well just did a booking today with the credit and cancelled 30 mins later, T&C's are pretty clear about the credit being forfeited but here's hoping…

          • @GS9891: I don't think anyone has had this trick go backwards on them so I think you'll be fine

            • @sim777: Yeah that's why I decided to try it, but surprised they allow it given how clear the terms are again about the credit being forfeited in these scenarios. WIll report back when/if it works.

              • +1

                @GS9891: *Update: Had the $450 credit applied to the card same-day, just waiting for the pending payment from the original ticket purchase to clear and guess I'll be good then.

  • Interesting twist on this whole caper: I just got my $450 annual travel credit allocated almost a month before I expect the annual fee to hit my statement. How? I got the Qantas Ultimate this time last year by accepting an offer to upgrade my Discovery, so this year's travel credit was applied on the anniversary date of the Ultimate upgrade being approved. However my statement date, which is inherited from the Discovery, is three weeks later. So, as it stands, I have received and already redeemed the anniversary travel credit, cancelled the flight, received my credit as a cash refund to my Amex card, and can theoretically cancel the card or downgrade to a free one without being charged the annual fee in 3 weeks time. In reality I’m definitely going to keep the (now free) Ultimate card for the higher points earn and lounge passes, but hypothetically I could now cash out $450 ahead. Anyone else in a similar boat?

    • Yeah, I received the travel credit within a couple of days of initial activation also. I assume if you cancel the card after activating/using it though, the annual fee will be calculated into a final payout figure even if not charged yet.

  • Does it work if I have amex explorer?

    • Item 1 in the T&C's:

      This offer is only available to new American Express Card Members. If you previously held a David Jones American Express Card and have not held any other American Express Card(s) in the past 18 months, you will be eligible for the offer. All other Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited in the past 18 months are ineligible for this offer.

  • Hi, I've signed my dad up for amex qantas for the 100k points but I've used my own Qantas frequent flyer number when applying. Will this not earn me points if the 5k is spent? If not, am I able to transfer by opening an Qantas frequent flyer in his own name? Thanks in advance

    • +1

      The QFF number might be rejected due to a name mismatch, but you should be able to update it if the credit account itself is approved/opened, the points will just be stuck on AMEX's end then until a valid one is provided.

      • thank you ~

  • I haven't received any comms from them since my application, I called them up and got told that my application has been rejected and a letter in the mail will be sent to me. Weird as I don't have any debts or bad credit history.

    • May be they saw you would not be a profit customer for them?

      • Most likely, I only had one card with them many years ago.

    • It does seem to be a bit random, always had great credit myself and was rejected last year despite never having an AMEX before, applied 9 months later in January and got it this time though.

      Also did you choose a low credit limit manually or just select to let them choose one? From hearsay seems to be better odds if you let them set it (they'll give you something crazy like $25k as they want you in debt).

      • I chose the limit and didn't know it was a thing. It sucks because I wanted to apply for ANZ black card because my 12 months is up instead chose this.

        • Eh just give it a month and go for the ANZ, should be fine.

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