Another Tesla Keyed, What Gives?

Ok please, can we discuss this one? Orion shopping centre in Ipswich Queensland.

Pink wrapped Tesla was keyed, comments suggest the lady works at the centre.
Again what… why?

Did she not see the Tesla light up with sentry mode while she was around it?


    • +3

      Why are you so obsessed with Elon? Do you carry his photo in your wallet? Somebody could do a psychology thesis on this.
      It's just a car.

      • +1

        Yes Leon is strong and handsome

        • But ironically it's actually YOUR reactions that show your'e the only person infatuated with Elon Skum.
          Musk is now interfering with US govts, that directly affect the entire global stability. I guess we should just grovel at his feet as fanboys,eh?

          BTW Keep the little snide psychological digs to yourself lest you get caught in your own net.
          And it's a cheap shot attempting to validate a baseless opinion.

          • +3

            @Protractor: Make sure to save some of your tinfoil hat rants and lectures for your Reddit echo chamber jerk circles coz you're not earning any karma points here.

            • +1

              @howcan: I'm sure you've had more than your share of soggy biscuits if you need to resort to hollow personal attacks with no basis in anything (at all).
              X is the sub bench of intellectual credibility, Reddit's a close second.I'm on neither.

              3 personal attacks from Trump fanboys, all resorting to hateful dialogue ( all claiming that's the 'lefts' MO)

              .It makes sense.

              • -1

                @Protractor: I just think it's hilarious how your narscisstic and irrelevant rants achieve absolutely nothing, yet you persist with them. They don't change anyone's opinion, they don't assist society, just pure mindless ranting based on your twisted and insulated interpretation of the world around you.

                Not even this comment will wake you up, no doubt before you've even finished reading this you'll already be internally raging and mashing your keyboard with the unginged next rant about Elon Musk and Donald Trump. I'd like to imagine you're like one of those ranting crazies you see in movies, sitting in a trailer ranting over AM radio while parked on top of the mountain, but the reality is you're sitting in your mums house. Or someone elses house, at the very least. Please continue.

                • @howcan: Don't look now but you're sounding very introspective. Got a MAGA hat too?

          • -1


            Musk is now interfering with US govts, that directly affect the entire global stability

            That's hilarious, I bet you hypocritically LOVE George Soros!!

            Now we know why Soros destroys society and funds the democrats secretly given all this Elon hate ;)

            Also Zuckerbucks gave the democrats $400 million (way more than elon gave trump), yet he never got smeared as some political operative!

            Funny the smears only come from the tolerant and inclusive left - yet they have far more examples of MASSIVE donors and power seekers :P

            • @7ekn00: Did I say anybody else was NOT in the same boat (interfering)?
              Wake up, the guy has trillions of dollars and direct access to megalomaniacs ear.
              And he basically ran a million dollar lottery with his petty cash budget. I'll bet he claims it as a deduction
              The rest of your slurs are just ad hominem junk.

              • -1


                Wake up, the guy has trillions of dollars and direct access to megalomaniacs ear.

                As does Soros/Zuckerberg/Gates via Obama and Clintons …

                And he basically ran a million dollar lottery with his petty cash budget. I'll bet he claims it as a deduction

                Can you point to any law that breaks?!? No different to Soros directly funding DAs and indoctrination institutions …

                The rest of your slurs are just ad hominem junk.

                Clearly you have no clue what that means ;) Just repeating what the cult / authorities tells you to say?

                • +1

                  @7ekn00: Skums cars get keyed because Skum. That's it. Not my fault I can observe the drivers of the rage.
                  No-one has ever had so much DIRECT unfettered access to and future influence on policy in the USA.
                  The whole Trump camp have abused the rule of law since day one. Breaking laws is moot when you talk about virtual gangsters.

                  A Musk disciple calling other people names involving the word cult. You're funny.

          • @Protractor: I’m sorry :-(

          • @Protractor: Most people don't realize almost everything he makes involves controlling the underlying asset on some way. Grew up around the same time as him in South Africa. Lot's of good science fiction back then. Looks like he copied the ideas, sometimes of the "evil genius" characters. A lot of that generation ended up in IT or tech of some sort.

            • @Cave Fire: He should have considered art and design as well. The Cybertruck is hands down the ugliest vehicle in modern times.
              One bong too many the day they drew that up.
              And as recently shown it's about as safe as a 1960's F100.

              • @Protractor: I think it's from the dos game "stunts". Perhaps he played it as a kid

    • Why's Protractor getting all these down votes? I feel like they've summarised why all the keyings are going on.

      I mean, it's pretty obvious if you just look at the timing of things.

      • +1

        The herd

        • -4

          Nah, the herd are the ones that think exactly how the MEDIA wants them too!!

          The MEDIA are smearing Musk/Trump, so the herd just repeats it without any independent thought at all :P

          • +3

            @7ekn00: That's some serious Kool Aid burp you got there bro.

            • -1

              @Protractor: Far out, do we have bots on ozbargain now or are these people for real? Cbfed looking up join dates of them.

              Pretty blown away at this thread, have brought out the crazies and votes to match.

    • +2

      Oh come on. I'm a snowflake lefty and even I'm not buying into this parasocial Elon Musk moment. Sure he might be a shit Dad but Tesla have changed the car industry for the better, in spite of the monster fossil fuel lobby. They're good cars made by good engineers. This guy has absolutely no impact on my life whatsoever. That people get such pleasure from feeling wounded by him is really ducking strange. He is not the workforce of that company and it's the workforce who deserve the praise for Teslas.

      The car got keyed because someone is a C U Next Tuesday.

      • Yeah, he's really smashed the Saudis money trail (not).
        And you don't see giant Yank utes here mate (oh wait) . The ICE car market is definitely changing, but guess what so is the population on the planet, and the lions share will be still buying ICE, and burning fossil fuels till we can't turn the climate aircraft carrier around. And here's a newsflash. It takes a shit load of fossil fuel to make all cars.So if the market flung to 100% EVs overnight, for all potential car purchasers in the market for a new car, guess what.
        Right now our grid would collapse under the strain.If you're really a snowflake lefty, you'd realise population and deforestation is the driver.Hardly anybody is making a dent there.And Musk wants us (Australia) flooded with massive amounts of humans. That should wound anyone with a grasp on physics.

        The X owner has warned that the planet faces 'population collapse' as a major economy recorded record-low birthrates.

        Sure Elon, sure.

  • +8


    Because some people suck.

  • +4

    Not only is she stupid for keying someone's car, she also must be stupid to not know by now that Teslas have cameras. I hope she gets caught and the insurance company chases her for the whole cost.

    • +2

      Insurance company chases her? That should be the least of her concerns. If not already, that kind of behaviour should get some jail time and a criminal record.

      • +2

        Na. It'd be "malicious damage" - a fine for a first offence, community service or suspended sentence if she's a frequent flyer in the courts.

        The insurance company would punish her more.

  • +5

    Reads facebook group about Teslas

    Then questions why Tesla are being targetted.

    Dunno, what to say here….just dunno.

    • +4

      Is it ok to scratch a random persons car?

  • +8

    Because some people are just (profanity)

  • +1

    There's only one person that really knows why.

    • +2

      I bet she doesn’t know either and right now sitting in a corner questioning why she did that.

  • -1

    Teslas just get more attention when keyed because they have fb groups to whinge. In reality they're targeted just as much as any other car.

    • +3

      Nah, because the other cars can't whinge because they don't have evidence lol. In short, crying on their own.

      And I don't think someone will key Camry and MG cars tbh. Not worth damaging the key.

  • +4

    I know it's utes that get the bad wrap these days but I see a disproportionately high amount of tesla drivers driving like @rseholes thinking they don't have to wait like everyone else so at least some of it is probably cutting off the wrong person. Some of it is also simple dislike of musk as others mentioned.

    • +7

      I know it's utes that get the bad wrap these days

      Why, is there some difficulty wrapping utes? The shape. The size.

      Oh, you mean a bad rap. Which is something completely different.

    • +8

      I don't drive as much as the average person, but I haven't seen any Tesla's misbehaving. The ones I've noticed seem to be decent drivers.

      Now your typical ute driver, Hilux, ranger, etc, that's another story. I'm sure not all of them are flogs, but there's enough of them out there that gives all of them a bad wrap unfortunately.

      • I drive regularly and there are plenty of Tesla's on the road behaving just fine on the roads.

        But whenever I see one of those big arse utes I know some shit is about to go down

  • -2

    Can I start a thread and have a big whinge that my Renault got keyed a while back? And call it some sort of social phenomenon. And demand an explanation from the internet.

    No, apparently not. Only Teslas.

    The rest of us get very tired of every group playing the whatever card. The world hates us. Women. Blacks. LGBTers. Tesla owners. Whatever. When its just that white men don't whinge about everything and expect sympathy and expect everyone else to fix their problems. They just shrug their shoulders, and get on with carrying the world on them.

    • +10

      Ah, so you are one of those people who comment on articles in The Australian. Always wondered about their origin stories and now that I’ve found one in the wild (so to speak), what has caused you become this way?

    • +4

      Can I start a thread and have a big whinge that my Renault got keyed a while back?

      Yes, you can if you want.

    • +8

      When its just that white men don't whinge about everything

      Wish that was true.

    • +10

      The world hates us. Women. Blacks. LGBTers. Tesla owners

      Well that escalated quickly

    • +1

      To be fair the world hates racists,misogynists and a shit load of straight / white /middle-aged, right-wing Christian conservative men, who keep making lists of people who are inferior in their eyes, and who fret over stuff that has no impact on their entitled lives. And yet place more gravitas on their viewpoint because of it. LOL.
      Crazy eh?

    • -1

      What problems are you dealing with as a white man, besides driving a French car?

    • Clearly you've never met a white man.

    • -2

      Well put, they only want to live in countries built by White men, then complain about how the White man hasn't given them enough.

      • +1

        Username works.
        But you don't need to capitalise white. (not special)
        I think you need to work out the difference between build and invade.

    • +2

      I didn't see it in the Facebook OP saying she was targeted because she was a black female non binary lesbian. She didn't even bang on about how she was a Tesla owner.

  • +5

    There is a booming little industry in stickers for Teslas.






  • +16

    I don’t know that they do get keyed more than other vehicles. It may just be when it does happen a lot the time it’s captured because of sentry, thus it gets circulated on social media.

  • +1

    You better go key the woman. She won't offend again.

  • +1

    There’s a reason why I own a 20+ year old bmw.

    • +3

      Same. nobody keys my ford laser haha

    • +2

      You don’t actually drive anywhere?

      • Yeah drives better than any new car I’ve driven.

        • Should see the new Corolla's suspension is super smooth.

    • +2

      That like using a nokia 3310 so it doesn’t get hacked.

  • +16

    Cars get keyed all the time. You're just seeing Tesla over represented because of the sentry recording.

    99% of the cars that get keyed fix it and move on with their lives and don't get on a high horse thinking people are jealous of their car

    • Do people really key your average 10 year old Japanese car?

      • +3

        People respect the Corolla not to key it.

      • Statement is correct, cars get keyed all the time.
        New or even and old looked after car gets targeted.
        But no they were not claiming 10yo Japanese cars get targeted. Can vouch though a large amount of cars get keyed for no apparent reason reason.

    • +2

      Lol typical ozb reply…victim blaming

  • +1

    As Jeremy Clarkson would say… 'EV's are only Whitegoods'

    • +4

      And people laugh and laugh before getting behind the wheel of their Corolla or some other 4 cylinder FWD hatchback.

      • +4

        Exactly this…

        “EV’s are soulless white goods!” they chortle as they get into their white Toyota Camry to do their usual daily commute to work and back home again…

    • +1

      Would love to him and Muck marooned on a desert island together, and have to survive of the land.
      Survivor, The Superiority Complex Series

      • would make for a great show

        • +1

          Even better if they through in a couple of AFLW players with attitude. Methinks the survivor game would be rather short lived, and there'd be two well fed half fwds at the end.

  • Not just Teslas. People key all kinds of cars. If you think about it why do people go graffiti, it serves no social purpose, and 99.9% will never get the Banksy level.

    People don't really use their heads.

    I did see an LDV T60 which could not park into a parking space. I mean people can't even operate a tape measure, or compare dimensions.

    Cars and infatuation with cars is not logical, it is emotional. If it was logical we'd all be driving around in station wagons or mini vans.

    • +1

      My 1998 Camry got keyed in 2015 and the next year someone spray painted a bright yellow line down one side. Sometimes keying is a (stupid) reaction to the car or what it is seen to represent; sometimes it’s someone being a random (profanity).

      Unless there is a group of Camry hating ‘rebels’ out there

      • +1

        People just let their reptilian brain run wild.

        It is the idea that inflicting pain on someone else would make themselves feel better (lives in their head rent free)

        Just like one other person here said I got fired from a particular job because it makes them able to better sleep at night

        Sometimes it is also lashing out at the world they think "short changed them" but it is usually thanks to their own laziness

  • Many people hate Elon Musk, and increasingly so. They see a Tesla and think you support/love him, or that it's a way to 'get back' at Musk, even though it doesn't make any sense.

    Many are also jealous. Even though Teslas are quite cheap compared to many other cars, they're lightning rods for jealousy.

    And some people absolutely hate EVs on a political level. Just browse some anti EV channels on Youtube and the comments are full of people calling for all EVs to be immediately banned. Look at the comments for any EV deal on OzBargain: it's usually an all out battle between supporters and detractors of EVs. It's just so weird.

    • Since people hate EVs for so many reasons already it is like Elon Musk is just sticking the boot in while he can.

      You know the thing about business people. They make away with the money when consumers get left holding the bag.

      • +1

        The people who hate EVs support Elon Musk

        the people who hate Elon Musk generally support EVs

        • lol that is the long way of saying people actually like him

          The guy who is so smart he asked to see the calculations to save world hunger 🤣

  • +4

    People are just a-holes. I had the work BA Falcon keyed down the drivers door once, when I parked it on the side of the road for just one hour. Not in front of anyone's house, I didn't drive stupidly in it. Just someone likes to damage other people's stuff.

  • +6

    That's disgusting, why would somone do somthing so vile.. a pink wrapped car, yuck.

    • +2

      Even the ugly ones attract someone. You'd think wrapping it in pink would get people to stay away.

      Maybe wrap it like a hi vis that tradies wear. Something will work if you try hard enough.

  • +3

    The best thing that can be done in his case is finding out who she is, and sending her the bill. I wonder if she thinks her actions are so hilarious then.

    • +3

      No. The best thing would be for her to face a magistrate for Criminal Damage, get a fine, restitution order, and criminal record.

      • +1

        It won’t be this women’s first rodeo with a magistrate I’d bet.

    • +1

      you think someone in dipswich would pay the bill? they buy their houses with flybuys points out there

      • Insurance company sends the bill to the guilty party. If they don't pay it gets sent to collections and ruins the woman's credit for five years.

  • +9

    This should be why is another car keyed. The car being a Tesla is not really relevant. It's just that the Tesla had sentry it was able to capture the act. A pink car maybe attracts more attention than it being a Tesla.

  • +1

    I guess this is why they made the cyber truck out of stainless steel.

  • -1

    Sounds like a good heads up to people intent on keying Teslas to wear suitable disguises. They are probably thanking you for the warning.

    Me I think this sort of response is petty. Do it properly and just bomb the mutha. (Joke)

  • +3

    Imagine someone hates a certain construction company and they come and destroy your house.

    Whether they hate Musk or EVs, whatever the reason, this is one of the most pathetic things a person can do. And what a miserable biatch.

    It's also sad to see so many people are so miserable on this planet. I wonder what's wrong with the society and the world in general. It's definitely not the fault of Musk or EVs, something very fundamental is out of whack here.

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