Another Tesla Keyed, What Gives?

Ok please, can we discuss this one? Orion shopping centre in Ipswich Queensland.

Pink wrapped Tesla was keyed, comments suggest the lady works at the centre.
Again what… why?

Did she not see the Tesla light up with sentry mode while she was around it?


  • +29

    It’s just jealousy isn’t it?

    Or she knows the driver, or had a road rage incident with them before.

    I absolutely love that people like this have no idea about sentry. She’s gonna get what’s coming to her.

    • What's sentry?

      • +5

        All the camera's are recording, like a dash cam etc

        • +1

          So one that keeps recording when the car is turned off?

          • +8

            @EightImmortals: Technically - the car is always on.
            But if you have turned Sentry mode ON then when it detects something closeby, it starts recording.

            • +1

              @CaffeineCruiser: OK cheers, so it's a Tesla specific thing then?

              • +11

                @EightImmortals: @EightImmortals Asking for a friend with keys?

                • +17

                  @hypie: hehe, nope, was just curious about what 'sentry' was. There's a special place in hell for people who key cars for any reason.

                  • -2

                    @EightImmortals: any car can be fitted with a dashcam that records with motion detection, it just needs to be hardwired to the battery. it's just not common and not built in like Tesla

                    • +6

                      @May4th: You'd also need 4 cameras recording at once to replicate Sentry mode

          • +5

            @EightImmortals: If you see a Tesla in a car park and walk by real close, you'll see it's console screen light up with SENTRY MODE ACTIVE. It's neat.

      • Never heard of Google?

    • +10

      Sentry is Tesla’s camera system. It records 360 degrees around the car when it is parked so (profanity) who damage it are recorded, car plates etc.

      Never open your car door into a Tesla, etc cos your car plate will be recorded and you’ll get a call from your insurer later lol

      • Thanks.

      • +1

        If Tesla's Sentry mode is always recording, then doesn't that mean that Tesla can always retrieve every car's recording ?
        (or if that's silently uploaded to Tesla?)

        If so, that's quite dystopian, that a foreign government, has access to happenings inside/around a car, in other countries.

        • +1

          Sentry mode recordings are only saved on the USB drive in the car.

          • +2

            @WaffleCrusader: Wasn't there a scandal about Tesla employees watching nude people around their Tesla in their private garage? How was that possible if its only stored locally.

            • +1

              @cycleri3: Your Tesla is 100% uploading your data and videos but they claim the data isn't linked back to the owner, it's spelt out in the privacy statement.

        • +1
          • +1

            @Sye: Thanks for posting this.

            After I read this …

            Since about 2016, Tesla has employed hundreds of people in Africa and, later, the United States to label images to help its cars learn how to recognise pedestrians, street signs, construction vehicles, garage doors and other objects encountered on the road or at customers' houses.

            …it made more sense to me now, about the mental breakdown of those Africans working as "labellers" (and 'censorship'_ moderating) tasks.

   | 13:34

        • Yep. That alone puts me off a Tesla.

      • +6

        Lol fear, what a joke. What’s next, these people probably can’t afford to have full insurance cover.

          • +8

            @2esc: So what does keying a random person’s car achieve? They can’t afford it so let’s punish someone who can?

          • @2esc: Worried people tend not to key cars as a rule…

      • -4

        My suspicion would be the opposite. "People" are targetting Tesla cars because they don't like Elon Musk (and Trump) and it's to make a political statement

        • Fast forward 3 months and I was proven absolutely right, that is exactly what was happening

      • +10

        EV owner here, don't know a single person who owns and EV and is pushing for ICE cars to dissapear.
        The fear is in your head, personally I do not care what car you drive, just as you should not care what car I drive.

        • Everybody should be pushing for ICE cars to disappear because environment.

          • @Paul2141: Yeah I'm all for end of ICE. Not going to be apologetic about it just because of snowflakes being upset.

          • @Paul2141: I don't necessarily disagree, but the way its achieved needs to be smart.
            There should be a push in the direction that it becomes the economic choice to go for a non-ICE vehicle.
            I.e. rather than subsidising EVs via tax breaks, or adding fuel surchages, governments should be creating incentives for companies to invest into R&D that makes the technology more affordable. Then eventually the choice that is best for the environment is also the cheapest option, and ICE vehicles could remain for the hobbyists or rich people.
            My own choice had nothing to do with environment, but the FBT exemption on a novated lease made it more attractive than other options.

        • +1

          Perth has days with 43 degree temperatures . The sooner ice cars are off the road the better for the whole planet. Who wants to live in a future where you can easily cook eggs on concrete in the middle of the day?

      • -1

        In most cases its not jealousy its actually fear.

        WTF, dude! So, this justifies such malicious vandalism of someone else's vehicle?

        • -1

          So, this justifies such malicious vandalism of someone else's vehicle?

          Where did he claim or imply this? Please quote the comment(s).

      • Ummm no we really aren't. Us EV owners don't give a shit about your cars… stop spreading the bullshit mate.

    • +3

      going to go out on a limb here and guess that nothing will happen to the lady

    • +2

      It’s just jealousy isn’t it?

      we are not in the 1980s anymore, a $60k car is hardly anything is get jealous over……….

      case in point, according to Toyota's website, the top of the line Camry's RRP is just under $59k.

      • +3

        Jealousy is relative isn't it?

        Many people can't afford a new car, let alone a $60k car. I also doubt this lady has any idea what it's worth, some people think they're expensive. From my own experience two years ago, people were suprised a Model 3 was $60k, they thought they were a lot more. I guess they're the electric camry now so more people should be aware of their price.

        Throw in a pink wrap on top, which in itself might cost more than woman's own car. Some toss in a Tesla can afford to blow $5k on paint whilst I'm struggling to pay rent? It's probably got personalised plates too, adding fuel to the hag's rage.

        • -1

          Exactly, $61k is just the base Model Y. Once you add on the performance dual motor, colour, white interior, extended range, fully self driving package, you're looking at $105k drive away not to mention the horrendously expensive insurance fees every year. Money conscious people like me just settled for a Haval H6 Ultra Hybrid which costs a fraction of this at $43k with more as it has 1,100km of range. I can't justify blowing $61-$105k on a Tesla as much as I'd love to get a fully EV car.

          • @supersabroso: The Haval H6 Ultra Hybrid doesn't have 1,100km of range. GWM tune for acceleration, not economy.

            BYD tells the press that range for their PHEVs using specific, hard to repeat tests. I doubt their Shark will get close. But their Bao 5 looks promising (if we get it)

      • +2

        I drive a 7k car. I'm totally jealous of 60k ones heh.

        • +1

          Agree. My car is 11 years old. It still goes fine (touch wood), but every time I see a Tesla I'm jealous too. I want to be one of the cool kids too. Boo Hoo!!!

          • +1

            @Don5252: We'll get a new car one day. And from then on, everything will be good.

    • I don't think it's jealousy. Some people just get a dopamine hit by doing things like this. She looks like the sort who'd get a rush from it.

  • +10

    Colleague's GLC was keyed a few weeks ago. Some people are just awful.

    • +2

      Mates 2 weeks old ranger raptor was keyed a few weeks back too. Some people are just dicks, hopefully they will get their share.

      • +42

        Yeah, I think your mate knows exactly why his car got keyed…

        Ranger drivers are notorious for being arsehole drivers… Raptor drivers make Ranger drivers looks like Corolla drivers by comparison.

          • +6

            @reactor-au: That just makes it sound even more targeted. Who's keying a random car in an airport carpark? Likely someone followed him in, or recognised his plate, and it was revenge for something that happened on the road. That or he parked horribly.

        • But that doesn't mean that particular owner is an arsehole.

    • +29

      About someone’s novated leased 60k car? Not sure what there is to be jealous about.

        • +13
          • people hate Elon
          • people hate EVs and Tesla is seen as the poster child
          • people can't afford anything thanks to inflation and see the Tesla as a big FU to their financial situation.
          • +12

            @mattyman: I'd vote for the first option ✅

          • +3

            @mattyman: Nah it’s definitely just jealousy /s

          • +1

            @mattyman: I vote for the first. I hate the President Elon for his dirty poliTricks and bossy nature, I-can-buy-even-demoCrazy attitude. If I were ever going to do this (not that I am going to do that), it will be the only reason.

            • @MondaySleeper: If that’s the reason you would damage other people’s assets because you don’t like its origin, you are either ignorant or coward. As in the same veins, you would key all the ICE cars as they all burn oils from Saudi Arabia whose human rights are dirtier than toilet papers, or the laptops at your workplace as they almost certainly were made in communist China. Just like Greta Thunberg, who never dare to protest against Russia and Saudi Arabia oils.

              • @Maxxjet: I don't think you read the whole sentence, did you? A few years ago there was a destroy-campaign against the Chinese cars. This incident and that incidents - both are to be condemned. No way I am going to destroy someone's property. I do have every right to say against Tesla and boycott or campaign against it. I am completely against Elon who pretends he supports environmental initiatives and then supports Trump who is completely against it, Pretends he advocates democracy but buys the government using his money.

          • +1


            people hate Elon

            people hate EVs and Tesla is seen as the poster child

            How does that make sense?

            People hate Elon -> Damage the cars of random customers of his company who have nothing do with him
            (And they probably use twitter/paypal or something else he was involved with themselves)

            And why do they care what cars other people drive?

            people can't afford anything thanks to inflation and see the Tesla as a big FU to their financial situation.

            Again, where's the logic. They cause Tesla owners to make insurance claims:

            -> Insurance premiums go up for everyone, impacting those are struggling financially the most
            -> Insurance companies lose profits, superannuation returns for the perpetrators are reduced.

            And doesn't ^ just mean "Jealousy" anyway? (I drive a 10 year old petrol car btw)

            • @idonotknowwhy: Exactly, people were keying Tesla's well before Musk went full tilt nutter (at least in public, probably always the nut we see now)

              • @buckster: ‘Went full tilt nutter’ = I don’t tolerate different views to mine, so I label them crazy.

          • @mattyman: You missed the one where they hate cars wrapped in pink

        • -2

          I joined the BYD owners page. All the owners on there make comments about keying cars that are overstaying charging bays or parking in the incorrect spot. Seems to be an odd ev culture thing to me.

          • @Delilahgetsaround: In my area, BYDs are the biggest culprit when it comes to hogging the free council chargers

      • +2

        A lot people think a Tesla is expensive. When i told them base model is just 60 k and they was surprised lol . A Tesla is not considered as a luxury car.

        • -2

          They used to be luxury cars, thankfully BYD made them drop their prices. Even still, if you want anything more than the base model you're looking at prices of up to $105k for a Model Y. It's definitely a car for the richer echelon of society as normal people can't justify buying one when a normal petrol/hybrid car is so much better value.

          • +1

            @supersabroso: No, model y performance now is 89k in Vic. It can even cheaper if going through novated lease with 3k cheaper.

      • +3

        That's one messy windscreen

      • +9

        feel up my windshield wiper fluid

        I think you're enjoying your Tesla a bit too much.

        • +1

          Its that Tesla superiority glow

      • +1

        keep shredding those tears I will use it to feel up my windshield wiper fluid

        Stolen comment

      • +18

        Dude it’s a Tesla, not a Ferrari

      • +7

        I think we can see why YOUR car might get keyed…

      • +2

        where do you park at night? asking for a friend

      • +8

        Imagining carrying around this sort of self superiority from owning a tesla.

        • +1

          tesla and mustang drivers tend to have this complex, on opposite spectrums

          • +4

            @May4th: Tesla superiority is a odd one. They’re literally common traffic. I’m not saying they’re a bad car, but it’s like thinking you’re a superstar from getting a participation medal.

            • +1
            • +5

              @1989jdm: they are either stuck in a time when Tesla S/X were considered luxury brands or think they are saving your future great grandchildren just by buying EV. don't get me wrong I love EVs but some have chips on their shoulder the size of a cybertruck

              • -1


                Tesla S/X were considered luxury brands

                Expensive? Sure. Luxury? Not so much IMO

                • +1

                  @BobLim: unfortunately some people get those two things mixed up and think one equals the other

      • +1

        Can you explain the process to "shred" a tear?

        • +1

          It’s a Tesla thing, you wouldn’t understand

      • -1

        I’d keep your Tesla far away from salt water.

      • -1




      • +1

        lol… 60K car. Some Mazda or Toyota cost more than that mate. Oh. Wait…. Sitting in the Self perceived ivory tower.

    • +21

      assume it’s jealousy

      Maybe they think all Tesla drivers are "pompous, stuck up, I'm better than you" kind of people.

      Good thing you're providing a shining example for them though that they're clearly mistaken.

    • The man in the car paradox.

    • Lol it's a $60k car 😂

  • +26

    I don't think it's jealousy. I think it's more likely someone that is so dimwitted that they actually believe keying someones car will send a message to Elon Musk that they dislike him.

    • I can’t help but think this is the issue and I think the only way to stop it is have Elon give up his share of telsa and let it be ran independently

    • +2

      Yep pretty sure it's either this or someone who really hates EVs.

      Sucks that Elon Musk has polarised so many people with his antics.

      • +1

        He's only human Afterall

    • -1

      Nah. Check out the face. This is not the face of a knowledgeable person with a social conscience. This is the face of an angry, low-achieving person that hates successful people.

    • +4

      I agree with this.
      I would never buy a Tesla because I don't want to be associated in any way with Lord Musk.
      But I am not under any illusion that me not buying a Telsa will make any difference to him

    • -1

      This lady doesn't seem like the politicsl, left anti trump type. Nor does she look like the type olyo care too much about Elon. Just seems like a (profanity) karen type

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