Another Tesla Keyed, What Gives?

Ok please, can we discuss this one? Orion shopping centre in Ipswich Queensland.

Pink wrapped Tesla was keyed, comments suggest the lady works at the centre.
Again what… why?

Did she not see the Tesla light up with sentry mode while she was around it?


  • It’s just jealousy isn’t it?

    Or she knows the driver, or had a road rage incident with them before.

    I absolutely love that people like this have no idea about sentry. She’s gonna get what’s coming to her.

    • What's sentry?

      • +1

        All the camera's are recording, like a dash cam etc

    • Sentry is Tesla’s camera system. It records 360 degrees around the car when it is parked so (profanity) who damage it are recorded, car plates etc.

      Never open your car door into a Tesla, etc cos your car plate will be recorded and you’ll get a call from your insurer later lol

    • -5

      In most cases its not jealousy its actually fear.

      A lot of EV owners are pushing for ICE cars to disappear and a huge part of the population can't and will never be able to afford to upgrade. The secondhand ice market is huge with many hanging onto these ICE cars for decades. Cost of living pressures are adding to this fear.

      Example in Japan keeping a older car the tax is higher to encourage stimulating the car manufacturing industry.

      • Lol fear, what a joke. What’s next, these people probably can’t afford to have full insurance cover.

  • +2

    Colleague's GLC was keyed a few weeks ago. Some people are just awful.

    • Mates 2 weeks old ranger raptor was keyed a few weeks back too. Some people are just dicks, hopefully they will get their share.

      • +1

        Yeah, I think your mate knows exactly why his car got keyed…

        Ranger drivers are notorious for being arsehole drivers… Raptor drivers make Ranger drivers looks like Corolla drivers by comparison.

        • Yeah sure, parking your car at the airport while you're out of town make you the (profanity) in the story

    • +14

      About someone’s novated leased 60k car? Not sure what there is to be jealous about.

      • -8

        Then why they getting keyed for? Please bring some rational explanation to this conundrum?
        And the people who are novated leasing these cars are earning over $150K per year, so maybe that?

        • +2
          • people hate Elon
          • people hate EVs and Tesla is seen as the poster child
          • people can't afford anything thanks to inflation and see the Tesla as a big FU to their financial situation.
      • That's one messy windscreen

      • +4

        feel up my windshield wiper fluid

        I think you're enjoying your Tesla a bit too much.

        • Its that Tesla superiority glow

      • keep shredding those tears I will use it to feel up my windshield wiper fluid

        Stolen comment

      • +6

        Dude it’s a Tesla, not a Ferrari

      • +1

        I think we can see why YOUR car might get keyed…

      • where do you park at night? asking for a friend

    • +8

      assume it’s jealousy

      Maybe they think all Tesla drivers are "pompous, stuck up, I'm better than you" kind of people.

      Good thing you're providing a shining example for them though that they're clearly mistaken.

    • The man in the car paradox.

  • +16

    I don't think it's jealousy. I think it's more likely someone that is so dimwitted that they actually believe keying someones car will send a message to Elon Musk that they dislike him.

    • I can’t help but think this is the issue and I think the only way to stop it is have Elon give up his share of telsa and let it be ran independently

    • +1

      Yep pretty sure it's either this or someone who really hates EVs.

      Sucks that Elon Musk has polarised so many people with his antics.

      • He's only human Afterall

    • -1

      Nah. Check out the face. This is not the face of a knowledgeable person with a social conscience. This is the face of an angry, low-achieving person that hates successful people.

    • +1

      I agree with this.
      I would never buy a Tesla because I don't want to be associated in any way with Lord Musk.
      But I am not under any illusion that me not buying a Telsa will make any difference to him

  • -3

    Well if somebody could arrange Elon Muck to sit in place of the Teslas , which are obviously seen as his proxy, things might change. Let's call this keying events for what they probably are. An artistic push-back expression at the weasel at the top.

    And no, I don't condone it, (it's somebody's valuable property) but nor do I naively think that there's not a very obvious message in some,or most, of these keying events.

    BTW, not everyone has or wants access to FB.A lot of ppl see it as the Musk of social media (after X)

    • Why are you so obsessed with Elon? Do you carry his photo in your wallet? Somebody could do a psychology thesis on this.
      It's just a car.

      • Yes Leon is strong and handsome

        • But ironically it's actually YOUR reactions that show your'e the only person infatuated with Elon Skum.
          Musk is now interfering with US govts, that directly affect the entire global stability. I guess we should just grovel at his feet as fanboys,eh?

          BTW Keep the little snide psychological digs to yourself lest you get caught in your own net.
          And it's a cheap shot attempting to validate a baseless opinion.

  • +5


    Because some people suck.

  • Not only is she stupid for keying someone's car, she also must be stupid to not know by now that Teslas have cameras. I hope she gets caught and the insurance company chases her for the whole cost.

    • Insurance company chases her? That should be the least of her concerns. If not already, that kind of behaviour should get some jail time and a criminal record.

  • +1

    Reads facebook group about Teslas

    Then questions why Tesla are being targetted.

    Dunno, what to say here….just dunno.

  • +3

    Because some people are just (profanity)

  • There's only one person that really knows why.

    • I bet she doesn’t know either and right now sitting in a corner questioning why she did that.

  • -1

    Teslas just get more attention when keyed because they have fb groups to whinge. In reality they're targeted just as much as any other car.

    • -2

      Nah, because the other cars can't whinge because they don't have evidence lol. In short, crying on their own.

      And I don't think someone will key Camry and MG cars tbh. Not worth damaging the key.

  • +1

    I know it's utes that get the bad wrap these days but I see a disproportionately high amount of tesla drivers driving like @rseholes thinking they don't have to wait like everyone else so at least some of it is probably cutting off the wrong person. Some of it is also simple dislike of musk as others mentioned.

    • -1

      I know it's utes that get the bad wrap these days

      Why, is there some difficulty wrapping utes? The shape. The size.

      Oh, you mean a bad rap. Which is something completely different.

  • Can I start a thread and have a big whinge that my Renault got keyed a while back? And call it some sort of social phenomenon. And demand an explanation from the internet.

    No, apparently not. Only Teslas.

    The rest of us get very tired of every group playing the whatever card. The world hates us. Women. Blacks. LGBTers. Tesla owners. Whatever. When its just that white men don't whinge about everything and expect sympathy and expect everyone else to fix their problems. They just shrug their shoulders, and get on with carrying the world on them.

    • +4

      Ah, so you are one of those people who comment on articles in The Australian. Always wondered about their origin stories and now that I’ve found one in the wild (so to speak), what has caused you become this way?

    • +2

      Can I start a thread and have a big whinge that my Renault got keyed a while back?

      Yes, you can if you want.

    • +2

      When its just that white men don't whinge about everything

      Wish that was true.

    • +2

      The world hates us. Women. Blacks. LGBTers. Tesla owners

      Well that escalated quickly

    • To be fair the world hates racists,misogynists and a shit load of straight / white /middle-aged, right-wing Christian conservative men, who keep making lists of people who are inferior in their eyes, and who fret over stuff that has no impact on their entitled lives. And yet place more gravitas on their viewpoint because of it. LOL.
      Crazy eh?

    • What problems are you dealing with as a white man, besides driving a French car?

  • There is a booming little industry in stickers for Teslas.






  • +4

    I don’t know that they do get keyed more than other vehicles. It may just be when it does happen a lot the time it’s captured because of sentry, thus it gets circulated on social media.

  • You better go key the woman. She won't offend again.

  • There’s a reason why I own a 20+ year old bmw.

    • Same. nobody keys my ford laser haha

    • You don’t actually drive anywhere?

  • +7

    Cars get keyed all the time. You're just seeing Tesla over represented because of the sentry recording.

    99% of the cars that get keyed fix it and move on with their lives and don't get on a high horse thinking people are jealous of their car

  • +1

    As Jeremy Clarkson would say… 'EV's are only Whitegoods'

    • +1

      And people laugh and laugh before getting behind the wheel of their Corolla or some other 4 cylinder FWD hatchback.

      • +1

        Exactly this…

        “EV’s are soulless white goods!” they chortle as they get into their white Toyota Camry to do their usual daily commute to work and back home again…

    • Would love to him and Muck marooned on a desert island together, and have to survive of the land.
      Survivor, The Superiority Complex Series

      • would make for a great show

  • Not just Teslas. People key all kinds of cars. If you think about it why do people go graffiti, it serves no social purpose, and 99.9% will never get the Banksy level.

    People don't really use their heads.

    I did see an LDV T60 which could not park into a parking space. I mean people can't even operate a tape measure, or compare dimensions.

    Cars and infatuation with cars is not logical, it is emotional. If it was logical we'd all be driving around in station wagons or mini vans.

    • My 1998 Camry got keyed in 2015 and the next year someone spray painted a bright yellow line down one side. Sometimes keying is a (stupid) reaction to the car or what it is seen to represent; sometimes it’s someone being a random (profanity).

      Unless there is a group of Camry hating ‘rebels’ out there

      • People just let their reptilian brain run wild.

        It is the idea that inflicting pain on someone else would make themselves feel better (lives in their head rent free)

        Just like one other person here said I got fired from a particular job because it makes them able to better sleep at night

        Sometimes it is also lashing out at the world they think "short changed them" but it is usually thanks to their own laziness

  • Many people hate Elon Musk, and increasingly so. They see a Tesla and think you support/love him, or that it's a way to 'get back' at Musk, even though it doesn't make any sense.

    Many are also jealous. Even though Teslas are quite cheap compared to many other cars, they're lightning rods for jealousy.

    And some people absolutely hate EVs on a political level. Just browse some anti EV channels on Youtube and the comments are full of people calling for all EVs to be immediately banned. Look at the comments for any EV deal on OzBargain: it's usually an all out battle between supporters and detractors of EVs. It's just so weird.

    • Since people hate EVs for so many reasons already it is like Elon Musk is just sticking the boot in while he can.

      You know the thing about business people. They make away with the money when consumers get left holding the bag.

  • People are just a-holes. I had the work BA Falcon keyed down the drivers door once, when I parked it on the side of the road for just one hour. Not in front of anyone's house, I didn't drive stupidly in it. Just someone likes to damage other people's stuff.

  • +1

    That's disgusting, why would somone do somthing so vile.. a pink wrapped car, yuck.

    • +1

      Even the ugly ones attract someone. You'd think wrapping it in pink would get people to stay away.

      Maybe wrap it like a hi vis that tradies wear. Something will work if you try hard enough.

  • The best thing that can be done in his case is finding out who she is, and sending her the bill. I wonder if she thinks her actions are so hilarious then.

  • +2

    This should be why is another car keyed. The car being a Tesla is not really relevant. It's just that the Tesla had sentry it was able to capture the act. A pink car maybe attracts more attention than it being a Tesla.

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