C&C if available for best price, otherwise note delivery/surcharges for store.
Price | Store(s) |
$188 | JW Computers(jw.com.au) |
$189 | Centre Com(centrecom.com.au) |
Umart(umart.com.au) | |
MSY(msy.com.au) | |
Kogan(kogan.com) | |
Dick Smith(dicksmith.com.au) | |
$198 | BPC Tech(bpctech.com.au) |
$199 | Scorptec(scorptec.com.au) |
Mwave(mwave.com.au) | |
PC Case Gear(pccasegear.com) | |
digiDirect(digidirect.com.au) | |
CPL Online(cplonline.com.au) | |
$202 | Amazon AU(amazon.com.au) |
$209 | Computer Alliance(computeralliance.com.au) |
27 inch ✓
IPS Panel ✓
100Hz ~
Good price for the specs for home office/casual gaming setup. See previous listings for more discussion on this monitor.
100hz is my jam for gaming, I spent a long time testing and it seems I stop reliably being able to A/B refresh rates after 95~97hz.