This was posted 3 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bosch 9kg Front Load Washer with I-Dos WGG244ARAU $1096 ($1086 Price Beat Button) + Delivery ($0 C&C/in-Store) @ The Good Guys


Needed a new washing machine I could pick up today and found this Bosch Series 6 I-Dos washing machine.

Discover the ultimate laundry companion with the Bosch 9kg Front Load Washer. Boasting an impressive 9kg washing capacity, this Bosch Series 6 washer is perfect for tackling large loads with ease. The graphite finish adds a sleek touch to your laundry space while the 1400rpm maximum spin speed ensures efficient drying. With an impressive 4.5 star Water Rating (WELS) and 78L water usage per wash, this washer is both water-efficient and environmentally friendly. The 5 star energy rating further solidifies its commitment to energy conservation. Choose from 11 washing programs including Cottons, Cotton Eco, Easy Care, Delicate/Silk, Wool, AllergyPlus/Hygienic, Shirts/Blouses, Spin/Drain, Sportswear, Super 15'/30', and Mixed to cater to all your laundry needs. Enjoy convenient features like 24 Hour Delay Start, Easy Iron, PreWash options, AntiStain selection, Reload Function, Temperature selection and Speed Perfect. The i-DOS Automatic Dosing system takes the guesswork out of detergent dosing for optimal results every time. Measuring 598mm wide, 848mm high and 636mm deep, this front load washing machine fits seamlessly into your laundry space. Backed by a 2 year manufacturer's warranty for peace of mind, the Bosch 9kg Front Load Washer is built to last. The manufacturer's part number for this product is WGG244ARAU. Elevate your laundry experience with this exceptional Bosch washer

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closed Comments

  • What’s the standard pricing of it before the deal?

    Also throw the price in title

    • Most hover on special around the $1300 mark, RRP seems to be $1799.…

    • +3

      $996 Black Friday deal

      • Where was that one?

      • Where was that one posted? ;)

      • +1

        I was about to buy the Bosch from JB Hifi for $996 but went with the Samsung's 11KG front loader for $679 on Black Friday.

        Our previous Bosch laster 12 years, hope I can get similar mileage from my new Samsung, fingers crossed.

        I think it's hard to beat my parent's Asko which they got ~42 years ago and which is still working :P

        • +7

          I hope you got extended warranty with your Samsung.

          • -2

            @sanmigueelbeer: Whoops :P

            If it fails within the first 6 years I'm going to ASIC all the way :)

            • +5

              @datafellows: Sure but I don’t think you’ll go far unless your washing machine transitions into a bank.

            • @datafellows: *ACCC or xCAT

              • +1

                @Anthropomorphised: Lol, my brain wasn't braining yesterday :P

                I meant ACCC and eventually NCAT.

                In my opinion one should fight for their rights if the claim is reasonable.

        • +3

          Our Speed Queen is going over 30 years now too, beast

      • Should be able to negotiate them down to $996. Checked with a friend and that's still within the range it can be discounted to in their POS

    • +1

      Yeah, my bad. Edited it now

    • -5

      User since isn't accurate, it's when your email was created that uses a reference point I believe

  • +1

    78L per wash, holy cow

    • +4

      is that high or low?

      • +13


      • +1

        I would assume that 78L is for the full load at 9kg. Can't imagine it using that much for a light load of laundry?

    • +7

      78L per wash, holy cow

      Can I use E10?

      • +1

        It will reduce air pollutions

  • +14

    Series 8 or nothing for bosch unfortunately. Only real german made

    • +1

      Bosch is a mix these days, some of their dishwasher series 6 is made in Germany.

    • +3

      My series 8 made in germany is just over 3 years old, the touch buttons for start and stop are faulty. Spent $1100 on something that only has a 2 year warrenty

      • +1

        ACL will cover you for longer than that. Make an ACL claim and they'll have to cover it, especially given it's a Serie 8 and the price. Still absolutely stinks

        • Thanks ill look into that.

    • +5

      To be fair my Chinese made bosch (I assume that's where the non German made ones are made?) has been going strong since 2011 when I bought my first house. It's been serving a family of 4 for the last 6 years.

      I'd happily buy another Bosch, German made if the price is right, but even the others are fine in my books.

      • +3

        I second this, had mine since 2014.
        A few mates has the same model, Chinese made Bosch seems to have pretty good QC.

      • +4

        I think some of their appliances are made in Turkey.

    • +1

      I just bought a Bosch series 6 heat pump dryer for $953, the series 8 was $1099 in the same sale. The only differences are the series 8 has an internal light and a silver plastic control panel fascia instead of the white on the series 6 - they are otherwise identical machines in every way.

  • -1

    German made?

    • Spain made

      • +6

        Das is not gud ja?

        • +9

          Es muy bueno imo

  • Bought on Black Friday for $996. Spain made

  • This is the cheapest EURO made Bosch 9KG can do IDOS.

    • i-DOS is brilliant. So convenient.

  • BOSCH Series 6

  • iDOS sucks. We have a Siemens with iDOS (basically a rebadged high end Bosch) and the reservoier gets really disgusting and started leaking a couple of years ago. We add detergent ourselves these days.

    • +1

      It depends on the detergent you use. I use fragrance free, colour free liquid and don't have any issues.

      I also don't use fabric softener because it's disgusting and destroys your machine.

    • +1

      iDOS function eventually stopped working on detergent drawer, it doesn't dispense.

      Took us a while to figure out why our clothes were still smelly after a wash and dry (bad dryer? just stinky people? washing machine dirty?).

      Machine is otherwise fantastic (Series 8)

    • +1

      My idos pump just died after 3 years. Admittedly partly my fault for letting pet hair get in to it. No way to clean the inside of the pump if that happens. Replacement part cost $170.

      • Can you send the link to the replacement part for $170? I've seen them in Australia for around $400.

        We have German Bosch Professional WAY32840AU and iDOS detergent stopped working after 7 years. The rest is going strong for 9 years with the manual detergent, but the washing quality is not great (we sometimes find dry patches on the washed clothes, despite not overloading (it has scales to help with optimal load water and detergent for each program). The issue with the broken IDOS is that we cant use prewash soaker anymore as it shares the compartment with the manual detergent.

    • +3

      Much better than DDoS

      • +1

        What about MSDos?

        • That was the goat

  • So…Series 8 without iDOS is what I’m hearing

    • +5

      I love ours with iDOS. It saves a lot of detergent so have to buy less of it.

      I thought we wouldn't need it, but I probably wouldn't go back now TBH.

    • that's what I did
      ended up getting a 9kg series 8 earlier this year so far so good

  • Owned both iDos and non iDos (series 8) Bosch. Wouldn’t seek out iDos again as we find the cheaper powder washes just as well and the iDos drawer gets gunky. However it was kinda handy so if this is a bargain, it’s worth it IMO

    • I've done both…..I much prefer the iDOS. But it might be the detergent we use. We use the ALDI almat laundry liquid.

      We don't use powder and I can see how that would get gunky.

      • No we used liquid in the iDos haha

    • Can you rinse it out with water? ie let warm water sit in it for a bit and wash rags or something to purge the pump?

      • We tried similar things and it didn't work. It's a common problem.
        Even replacing it may not fix the issue as the fault may be with the corroded contacts on the other side:…

        We washed ours every 2 months as it gets hunky. It's still a great convenience and overall savings in detergent use - I miss it.

  • +6

    My Thailand made Bosch front loader lasted 10 years before the motor brushes needed replacing. $30 for the part from eBay, less than 1 hr of my time, easy replacement. 2 years later the suspension failed but you can't replace that as the engineers designed that part as planned obsolescence (directly bolted onto the drum), you will have to disassemble the whole damn thing and the drum to replace the $80 part. That is designed to brick the washing machine. If I could have replaced the drum suspension, I could have made it last 20+ years with just a single motor brush and drum suspension replacement for only $110 around the 10 year mark. Damn you planned obsolescence.

  • I'm told by everyone i-DOS is a PITA so it's a pass for me.

    • From what my sister tells me, i_Dos is not always accurate and also the detergent gets 'stale' in the machine settling down. (No data to back this theory of hers) With a bottle, you can shake the bottle and mix the washer liquid well before dumping it in the machine. Also another item to fail.

      • agreed, dont actually like IDOS - harder to clean as well for a little convenience and I can't really tell when it's low on detergent in IDOS

        • The light flashes next to the detergent level setting (or fabric softener level) when levels are getting low.

  • This, or the Bosch series 4 9kg for $770? Personally leaning to the cheaper one

  • Love me iDOS, it squirts good
    Also these have a 15min cycle to squeeze in quick loads

    • nice

    • +1

      We're still talking about the washing machine, right?

      • :)

  • +2

    Choice gave it 74%

    Good points
    • Has woollens wash, including hand washables
    • Has extra rinse option
    • Has detergent auto-dose
    • Relatively quiet

    Bad points
    • Very long cycle time

    Test results
    CHOICE Expert Rating 74%

    Dirt removal score 86%

    Rinse performance score 93%

    Gentleness score 58%

    Water efficiency score 85%

    Spin efficiency score 76%

    Water used (L) 46

    Energy used (kWh) 0.281

    Cycle time (minutes) 221

    Noise (dBA) 53

    • Thanks. Good grief that is a very long wash time!

  • +1

    We've got a Bosch i-DOS machine. Series 6, I think. Turkish-built. About $1k. Love it (or my wife does). You can calibrate how much detergent is released (Melbourne water is pretty soft). So it works out cheap to run with OzBargain-approved liquid laundry detergent deals. No fuss with measuring powder or liquid for each wash - the machine estimates the load and dispenses detergent based on that.

    Only 'feature': best to clean out the detergent dispenser a couple of times a year to get rid of any residues that might gum up the works.

    Impressed. Looking at other Bosch options for a replacement kitchen next year!

  • -1

    Is this backwards compatible with DOS 6.22? I think Steve Jobs got a license from Microsoft and sold i-DOS to Bosch before he invented the iMac :)

  • Yeah was under $1k during BF sales.

    Bought it as part of a package of a few items for new homes and got it even cheaper again after some negotiation.

    • Likewise. Got this for $989.

  • I have the Bosch series 8 german made with idos and my problems are with the drain pump. Just had a second drain pump fail on it. Avoid if you have longer hair.

    • How is hair getting in so easily? Stuck on clothes?

      • Everywhere… see bathroom floor :)
        In clothes, bedding, towels, bath mats…

  • Any 8kg washing machine deals?

  • -1

    German made machines are so quiet. Puts my 3 month old in an apartment to sleep. No kidding.

  • My previous German made iDos washing machine was making a weird rattle noise for some time, and iDos eventually stopped working. I ended up opening the machine up as I had to replace the door seal and electronic door latch and found the iDos module just sitting loose up the top at the rear with half the wires ripped out of it

    The iDos module was literally just sticky taped to the top panel, it had come loose and been getting smashed around for years.

    If you start hearing a random rattle during your washes take the top panel off and check the sticky tape condition…

  • I've got a serie 8 unit, July 2020 and I run in 20+ times a week. Over 5k loads and still going. Only Issue i had was pump full of sand but that was my fault, worn suspension (mainly from overloading it) and general seals were worn. No issues with idos faulting. Bosch warranty are a pig post warranty. I pushed ACL and my advised I'd edit my productreview, then came good and changed everything out of warranty. In a normal real world use you should get 10 years on a serie 8. Can't comment on the serie 6 non german model though.

  • -1

    Funny. It's called a Dos but people watch the clothes through the Windows.

  • Currently $898 at Good Guys, reduced to $888 when Price Beat button hit.…

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