• expired

10x Everyday Rewards Points on Vanilla Visa and Visa Birthday Gift Cards ($5.95/$7.95 Purchase Fees) @ Woolworths

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Note that Visa "Thank You" gift cards appear to be excluded from this offer. Update: the Visa "Thank You" gift cards do earn the 10x points despite not being specifically included.

For each variable Vanilla Visa gift card or Vanilla Visa Birthday gift card you buy loaded with $500, you’re essentially paying $7.95 (the purchase fee) to earn $25 worth of Everyday Rewards Dollars (or 2,500 Qantas points):

Gift Card Purchase Fee EDR Dollars Earned Profit/Loss
$50 $5.95 $2.50 -$3.45 ❌
$100 $5.95 $5.00 -$0.95 ❌
$25-500 (loaded with $500) $7.95 $25.00 $17.05 ✅

See the Gift Card FAQ for more info about these gift cards.

^Offer available from 4/12/24 to 10/12/24 on all denominations of gift cards listed. Available in store only at Woolworths Supermarkets and select Woolworths Metro. Scan your Everyday Rewards Card to collect 10x points. Excludes Woolworths Online and MILKRUN. Standard points will not be earned on amount spent on gift cards, but the relevant number of bonus points that you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. All Vanilla Visa Cards are subject to purchase fees $50 = $5.95, $100 = $5.95, variable $25-$500 = $7.95. For cards with a fixed value, limit of 5 cards per day per Rewards Member. For the variable card where you choose the amount to load, limit of 2 cards per day per Rewards Member. Rewards Points $50 = 500, $100 = 1000, Variable card $1 = 10x points. Vanilla Visa gift cards are issued by Heritage and People's Choice Limited trading as Heritage Bank ABN 11 087 651 125 AFSL 244310 pursuant to a license from Visa Worldwide Pte Limited. For Vanilla Visa Gift Card Terms of Use and Conditions, go to www.vanillabalance.com. While stocks last. Card images shown may vary.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +8

    Here we go again - let the hunt begin :)

    • If it's anything like last time the variable load cards will be easier to find later in the week (i.e. day 5/6/7 of the sale) once stores have received more stock

      • feeling my local store kept cards until next Monday then released to shelf

  • Tomorrow and not Wed as usual?

    • +3

      It starts on Wed 4 Dec. If the blue box on OzBargain says 'Tomorrow' then I believe that's just because of the time zone difference.

      • +4

        There is an OzBargain feature that moderators can enable where the start and end time of a deal reflects the local timezone of the user viewing the deal, rather than AEDT.

        For example:

        • When you posted your deal, it was set to start at 04 Dec at 00:00:00 AEDT, and end at 10 Dec at 23:59:59 AEDT.

        • If the moderators enable this aforementioned feature, the deal would be set to start at 04 Dec at 00:00:00 local time and end at 10 Dec at 23:59:59 local time.

        • Problematic. Some people leave Location blank in their profile or put in some arbitrary value. Also, fine for in-store deals (which stay open until late) but not a great idea in general for obvious reasons.

          I don't have a problem with it but any reason why the actual day couldn't be substituted for "Tomorrow" (@ RichardL)?

    • Should be showing correctly now.

  • +1

    these are so poo poo. never in stock, their is no way that woolies staff are not just hiding them.

    • The only time I successfully managed to get the 5 card maximum was when a manager at Cole’s saw me coming in a few times to check early in the morning and she said she’d put 5 aside for me and took my number.
      Pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to do that but there’s no doubt staff are snaffling them before they hit the shelf.
      I’ve stopped making dedicated trips for these offers, if I happen to be shopping and they have stock then awesome otherwise I’m over it!

  • Instead of EDR Dollars , i think some of us like me is converting to QFF, selling for 13cent range via classifieds which gives around $32 profit

    • 32-8=$24 unless you are paying with a card that also gives you 500 points then it will be a bit more

    • -1

      OZB wants to hide your comment.

      • i have to go and check if they are still there or not !! :)

    • +1

      This should win you a lifetime ban from Woolies.

      • ha ha ha … ! I never get the card as it was either hidden by customer or staff.. this time also the card i hide gone and i couldn't find any outside as well.. !

  • +1

    Can we pay council rate with this one?

    • +1


    • +4

      It depends on the council and the payment options they provide. For example:

      • If Post Billpay is an option, it will depend on whether the council accepts Visa payments through the Post Billpay service. Additionally, if you are in-store at Australia Post, it will depend on whether the staff member will allow payments from a prepaid gift card (as well as payments where you need to provide a signature to verify the transaction). Some staff will not care, but others definitely will care.

      • If BPAY is an option, you can try to use a BPAY payment service (e.g. Sniip), but it will depend on whether the council accepts a prepaid card as a payment method (and not all merchants on Sniip accept prepaid cards).

      • If BPOINT or Payble are options, I have no idea if those accept a prepaid Visa gift card as a payment method.

      • If the council allows you to pay in-person at the council offices, it will depend on whether their EFTPOS terminal will accept swipe payments, whether the council accepts prepaid Visa gift cards as a payment method, as well as whether the council accepts signature verification.

      I am sure there are other payment options out there for council rates.

      • +2

        If BPOINT or Payble are options, I have no idea if those accept a prepaid Visa gift card as a payment method.

        The Vanilla MasterCards I got from this deal didn't work with Payble but did for BPOINT.

        I assume if a merchant blocks the Vanilla MasterCard they'd do the same for a Visa.

        • +1

          Can also confirm bpoint worked for me too.

        • I assume if a merchant blocks the Vanilla MasterCard they'd do the same for a Visa.

          Not necessarily, though a reverse example, DEFT accepts Vanilla Mastercard but not Vanilla Visa.

          It's probably something to do with the payment network than the brand.

    • Thanks, All!

  • +1

    They seem to be running these a lot lately. Is that to make up for the fact that the shelves are bare at the moment?

    • +1

      I'd say its also a way for them to 'pump' their sales figures

  • Just got the Woolies Special gift card for $200 to get 10% cashback. (The card works like prepaid cards from what I understand and can be used to purchase gift cards).

    (If I find these cards in-store) can I split payment on the vanilla visa $500 value variable with $200 on special and rest on my regular card?

    • this seems to suggest yes!

    • +1

      yes can split

    • +1

      (If I find these cards in-store) can I split payment on the vanilla visa $500 value variable with $200 on special and rest on my regular card?

      Yes you can, it worked for me last week. Just make sure you select the option to split payment using cards and not gift/e-gift cards

      • Easy done, got 1 var $500 using split - special + credit card.

        Lots on shelf. 1 enough for me. Cheers folks

        • Can we buy this by using the Coles Master prepaid card for split payment?

  • Woolies should really keep these cards at the service desk, that would make it fairer, and then there would be no hiding or stealing of cards.

    • +1

      They should do this when there are 10%+ offers out equivalent points offers.
      But they won’t because it creates extra work and they only make these offers to get people in the store so it’s in their interest to have people searching different stores as I’m sure many end up buying something they wouldn’t have otherwise.

      • +1

        Bait advertising is against the law. Woolies should have stock at each store.

    • -2

      How you gonna work around staff hiding behind service desk ?

      When last Woollies deal was announced, I went on Tuesday night and saw all the cards on the shelf …then 7 am I was first customer at Woollies and none of the card on shelf …the Woollies staff said she normally stack those card on the shelf and she hasn't received new stock from Woolworths!!!

      Absolutely, dodgy response…but I was in poorest western Sydney suburbs so I understand there are more people like me then the wealthy suburbs of Sydney on north and east !

      • I'm not sure if it's dodgy customers or dodgy staff. But as everyone knows there is never any cards available. If Woolies are limiting supply then maybe it's something the ACCC should be investigating. I doubt Woolies would do it, but I'd like to see a rain cheque given when the cards aren't available.

  • do we earn any extra points if we got Everyday Extra membership?

  • If I understand this correctly…..if I get 5, then I am getting 5x $17.05 profit in the form of EDR $$?

    It's not 10x points for just 1 gift card ?

    • +2

      As mentioned in the terms and conditions:

      For cards with a fixed value, limit of 5 cards per day per Rewards Member. For the variable card where you choose the amount to load, limit of 2 cards per day per Rewards Member.

      You could buy five of the variable cards loaded with $500 to earn the $17.05 "profit" but you'll have to buy them across multiple days due to the two card per day limit.

      The last couple of times they ran this same promotion it was possible to buy two variable regular Vanilla Visa gift cards and two variable Vanilla Visa Birthday gift cards on each day of the promotion with one Everyday Rewards account so that may be the case this time as well.

      • The last couple of times they ran this same promotion it was possible to buy two variable regular Vanilla Visa gift cards and two variable Vanilla Visa Birthday gift cards on each day of the promotion with one Everyday Rewards account so that may be the case this time as well.

        In the one transaction?

        • +1

          Always multiple transactions for me but I don't think it matters.

          • @VantageXL: Did you use staffed-checkout or self-check, back to back transactions?

            • @rokufan: I honestly don't remember but most likely self-service checkouts. Sometimes immediately after and other times with delays in between.

  • -2

    Can I use my banked everyday rewards points to buy this?

    • -2

      I'd like to know as well. Would you know if bank rewards can be used to purchase any gift cards at all? Such as Wish, etc.

    • +1

      100% no you can’t at Woolworths or Big W

      I’ve been able to buy gift cards at Coles using Flybys Dollars though but I think it depends on the store, I’ve also had success at Kmart but it’s been a couple of years now since I last tried so I can’t confirm it.
      I managed to buy a $50 Google Play gift card using Flybuys over the weekend at the customer service desk but I didn’t say I was paying with flybys, I just said card and swiped it and it worked.

  • Good luck trying to get this in Victoria given the supply shortages at the moment. Probably fine for the first day or two.

    • -1

      Early bird catches the worm- gotta get in early!

      • Happened to be there at 8am, and they were “sold out”.

        Funnily enough 5pm yesterday they had some. Sounds like a load of excrement to me.

  • -2

    What’s the before covid full price anyone still remember?

  • Plenty of stock at my local WW

    • These cards are magic, they will disappear sometime between now and Wednesday. 🪄

    • Soon they will look like that empty top right corner

  • These are visa cards, not master cards. Can they be used on shopback to buy other gift cards?

    • +1

      Yep have done this before many times.

  • Why are these gift cards so elusive? Is the deal really that great? $2500 spend for $85.25 profit seems like a bit of work noting you factor transport to store and then whatever you do with points.

    • -2

      And then the pain of using the gift cards to pay for stuff, unless you have something like a big tax bill to pay in one hit.

      Some people don’t seem to put much value on their own time.

      • Sometimes it just works well, for example the recent Mastercard gift cards with 10x EDR worked to buy the TCN Shop cards from Coles (which were 15% off)…

      • +1

        Yeah if you have spare time, but also it's a big investment upfront so if it's worth your time doing for the extra cash unlikely you'd have that cash up front.

        • Well this time I ended up buying and selling TCN straight away at 15% off so I could maximise points… and there's a few woolies very close to me too

    • +1

      Converting to QF points. This will almost get me to Points Club Plus (just need 10k more points by end of March which I should be able to get without breaking a sweat). Would never get to PCP without these kinds of offers. Complimentary Qantas Club Membership worth $1k plus a few other benefits of PCP like $100 to spend at Qantas Wine.

    • -1

      This is Ozbargain, people would spend $5000 to travel around the country to make $5.

  • Can I pay with Woolworths gift card?

  • @WookieMonster Can we pay ATO with this?

    • +1

      It worked for me last month when I paid via myGov. I have no idea if this still works.

    • +2

      Yes, I just paid, and it works! The ATO is happy now. You'll need to enter $498.01 plus a $1.99 service fee (0.4%) auto-applied, making it a total payment of $500 per card.

  • can I pay with category choice grocery gift card?

    • Generally you can't buy gift cards with gift cards full stop.

      • +1

        Thanks for confirming that.

      • Do you normally open and check the cards before paying?

  • Can't find T&Cs for the ER boost offers (eg ER Elf 10x points, or 2x etc boosts) and think it's very unlikely, but does anyone know if such points boost offers stack?

    • Would be awesome, but don't think anything else stacks with this

      • +1

        Only asked because they've previously had 20x EDR points for other gift card purchases (perhaps not these) and Coles had 10% off some Visa varieties.

  • +3
    • +1

      looks like a link I would receive on whatsapp from my grandma because they told her to forward it to 10 people so she can win something.

      • +3

        People are right to be sceptical but it’s on page 53 of the latest catalogue

        • Thanks Slo

          Should have said that's where I saw it.
          Might have stopped neg votes.

          Been on OzB long enough to have a bit of trust not to post a " scam"

    • It says participating gift cards only but doesn't state what ones are included.

  • +1

    There is never stock because it's advertised and known in advance, customers steal these and come back during the promotion to activate. There is discussion about the best way to abuse these deals on WeChat (Chinese social media app).

    They don't consider it theft because it's a "free" product when not activated.

    • +1

      There is never stock because deals are abused - whether quasi-legally (avoiding card limits) or illegally. That same dishonest argument has appeared on this site previously. The cards are the property of Ww until purchased and no amount of self-centred rationalisation changes that. The logic is little different to taking or "borrowing" without asking an unused item from soemone's house, Theft is theft is theft.

      • +1

        Yes of course, I'm just saying it's something that happens.

        • +1

          I was agreeing with you, sorry for any confusion.

  • Can anyone confirm if it's possible to buy two of the variable and two of the birthday variable in one transaction or is it just two per day in total?

    • +1

      It was possible the last two times they ran this offer.

      • +1

        Oh wow, really?

        That's awesome! 4 per day definitely better than 2 per day lol.

        Will test out tomorrow morning and report back

        • Lol very optimistic.. no stock at my local at 07:00 on day 1

    • +2

      Can confirm! Went in at 7:20am, got 2 of each no issues!
      Easy 10k points, great tip!

      • Shouldn't that be 20,000 points?

        5,000 x 4

        • Correct, I was referring to QFF points.

          20K EDR = 10K QFF

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