NewsHosting currently offers USD$1.67/month (~US$20/year) unlimited, but you can stack it as many times as you can, effectively locking the price for multiple years to come.
This is arguably better than the previous deal of US$20/year unlimited, as it comes with some nice extra bonus:
- 1TB Easynews
- 1TB Tweaknews
- PrivadoVPN
For more info about usenet and NewsHosting you can refer to the previous deal as well as the Reddit post from the NewHosting rep
I would also recommend you to complement it with some block accounts in different backbones. There are many deals going at the moment. My personal picks are Blocknews 3TB Block US$14.99, BulkNews 6TB for EUR$15 and ThunderNews 500GB for US$3.00. Make sure you check the backbone map to only buy the blocks from different backbones from the ones you already get from this deal.
cheers for this.. had 6mths left on my existing deal and did a double stack in theory should get 2x 15mths on top of the 6 left .. winning :)