This was posted 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20-30% off New PlayStation Plus 12-Month Subscriptions, 25%-30% off Remainder for Membership Upgrades @ PlayStation


From the PlayStation Blog

From November 22 through December 2, players and gift givers can explore a range of amazing offers on games, hardware, accessories, and more across PlayStation Store,, PlayStation Gear, and at participating retailers*.

Visit the official PlayStation Black Friday site starting on November 22 for updates on local offers, as offers will vary by region and retailer.


Players who join PlayStation Plus during PlayStation’s Black Friday promotion can save up to 30% on a 12-month membership. Current PlayStation Plus Essential members can save 25% on the remainder of their membership when upgrading a current plan to PlayStation Plus Extra, or save 30% when upgrading from PlayStation Plus Extra to PlayStation Plus Premium/Deluxe

PS+ Essential $95.95 20% off => $76.76 (New)
PS+ Extra $169.95 25% off => $127.46 (New)
PS+ Deluxe $196.95 30% off => $137.87 (New)

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +2

    hmmm… my current Extra sub expires on 27th Nov

    anyone know if better to just let it expire or to cancel it, before re-joining by 2nd Dec?

    • +4

      Pretty sure it stacks if you purchase a new sub

    • +7

      They usually only give active subscribers a discount when upgrading tier.
      It’s become an annual tradition for me to just let it expire, cancel auto-renew and restart the subscription with the discount.

      • Did this earlier in the month. Will re-sub tomorrow and save $$

      • +1

        Do the old PS+ monthly games come back if you re-subscribe?

        • +5

          As long as you added them to library while you were subscribed yes.

      • Me too, I've always cancel auto renew and subs when it's on discount.

      • +2

        I'm not even doing that anymore. I'm simply going to cancel this year and not renewing. There's no value any more with PS subscription. Ever since they changed the charging model it's been so sht

        • +1

          How you going to play onlone multiplayer games though?

          • +1

            @Lets Make Sandwiches: Free to play games with multiplayer don't need PS subscription. Will try

            • @neonlight: Please explain?? I thought you need subscription to play online

              • +1

                @fprjet: Nah you don't Free-to-Play titles that have multiplayer and do not require subscription.

                For Example games like Honkai Star Rail, ZZZ, and Genshin impact do not require a subscription to play mutliplayer on PS5. I tested it

        • -2

          You obviously don't play online

          • @TrumpisKing: No they don't, try throwing your BO6 disc in and select multiplayer, see how far you get.

  • +8

    My current plus expires in 2050 thanks to this deal

    • +3

      Take my salt :P

    • Lol

    • That's sweet, I got 3 years and was pretty happy with that :)

    • +1

      that was you on popular reddit post from last month?

    • +1

      God damn I wish I'd seen that deal

    • Isn't the Ruble quite cheap, im not sure if PS is allowing Russian purchased access since the 'special operation'

  • +1

    Perfect timing!! Grabbing a 30th anniversary Portal today ;)

    • Did I miss something? Are they on sale?

      • +1

        It's released today

      • This went on preorder along with both console models and both controller models a month or so ago, but everything presold out on the same day. JB Hi-Fi had a ballot for their Perks members for all items. EB Games had the PS5 Pro as an exclusive for their Level V members.

        • Yeah I spent a stressful 30 minutes battling to make a payment on the eb website but luckily pulled it off

    • You don't need PS+ for remote play

      • But you need it if you don't have any games ;)

        Also better going digital with the portal so you don't need to physical change/insert discs

    • +4

      I just had a terrifying minute where I thought the game Portal must have been 30 years old.

  • +24

    Sub expires 12 December. For the first time in recent memory, I’ll be letting my sub lapse. Just don’t see as much value as before the price hike and the catalogue seems meh. Also doesn’t help that I don’t have as much time to play anymore but these days, an average sesh includes logging on, browsing the catalogue, then turning off my ps5 lol.

    • +3

      I'm not renewing it when it expires next year.

    • +9

      Same. Price go up, value goes down. The capitalist model in full effect.

      I'll probably get a cheap PC to play games online with friends for free again.

        • +3

          We weren't making money off Sony for years, that's obviously backwards. Sony is not happy with the amount of money they're making off us and wants to make more. They've captured market share and can cut services while increasing costs because most people won't switch to a gaming PC or Xbox just because PS+ got 10% shitter.

          Line go up.

    • 100% agree I'm not subscribing any more neither. For the first time since Ps4 hey days. PS subscription value is dead. Literally dead in the water

      • +1

        $10 a month over a year? Sounds good to me.. But i remeber paying $6 a night to rent a game from video easy / blockbuster…

        Over 2 consoles per generation is excellent value. We use 2x ps4s and 1 ps5 all on same account.

        At the full price I refuse to pay and after looking at the Microsoft game pass was shocked how expensive that was

    • +41

      I have a Dreamcast

    • +1

      I have my finger in all of the pies, but not a lot of time to devote to them all. I've gone through periods where I've been subscribed to all Xbox/Nintendo/Playstation services at the same time….. I've had periods with 1/3 or only 2/3.

      In the last 18 years I'd say I've only had a few months of NOT being subbed to Xbox Live (various periods between 09-15). I've had a 3 ish year gap of no subscriptions on the PSN (mid 2010s… but funny enough prior to getting a ps5 2 years ago I thought I wasn't still subscribed… but upon connecting my log in to the console I was still subscribed AND I also still had a few 12 month codes lying around - purchased years before when they allowed it).

      But in the 7 years of the Nintendo Switch its been about 1 year subbed, 1 year not. I subbed to NSO back in June after just over a year of not having a sub.

      • +7

        Nice bedtime story

        • +4

          I'm an expert at boring people to death

  • +1

    Hmmm for 30% I may reactivate my ps plus subscription lol

  • +2

    Mine just expired yesterday, perfect timing.
    Can i get 24 months worth?

    • nah most likely if you renew now it will be discounted round the same time next year again :D

      • +2

        remember when you could get cheap playstation plus cards? from jb or ebay? :D i miss those.

    • Unfortunately not,
      I've always turn off auto renewal and just get another subscription on the coming Black Friday sale.

  • +1

    Just in time. My sub expires in a few days!!

  • +1

    I bought 12 months yesterday at full price :( anyone know if I could possibly get the difference back? Will try PlayStation support chat tomorrow.

    • +6

      Good luck! Let us know if you manage to get blood out of a stone.

    • Your chances are close to zero

  • I have just cancelled mine. This will be good.

  • Thanks for the heads up. Still a PS4 player so debating if I should get PS+ for GT7.

    Considering a PS5 once I finish my PS4 backlog (aware of BC).

  • PlayStation games, even second hand discs, seem so bloody expensive this gen, I may actually get some use out of this for a year.

    Which is exactly what Sony want… gah.

  • +1

    Also as of March next year subscriptions will no longer give Rewards Points. If these stack for renewals/new customers, then now would be a good time to stack and get 1,370 points for deluxe

    Shame Sony pulled another anti-consumer move by quietly removing the $8-$30 PSN Rewards option without any notice

  • Damn mine expires on the 4th.

    • +1

      Pretty sure they repeated the deal around Xmas/New Year last year which is when I did mine.

  • Is there a way to stack a sub?

    Better yet, any known retailer selling these subs in a card or voucher form - to redeem at convenience?

  • Haven't subbed in a few years, may as well get 12 months to prepare for MH Wilds.

    Thanks OP.

  • +3

    Yet again subscribers get shafted. Mine will just run out next year and I won't bother to resub until they have a deal. This is just annoying.

    • Subs stack?

      • They usually do. I'm not sure if this particular one will though.

  • +17

    I miss the days where existing Plus Essential members were able to renew their memberships for 30% off

  • +2

    My Deluxe expires 30th Dec. I don't think I can take advantage of anything here right?

    • Mine expires 22nd Dec. I cancelled yesterday, when I go to subscribe now I see the 30% discount and get an additional year added to the remaining month.

      The only problem is I'm subscribed to deluxe, which I don't want any more, and I don't get an option to change tiers.

      • ahhh ok so i'll cancel to at least get some sort of offer. But we are locked into our current tiers. I am in the same boat as you i'd rather have the offer for Extra not Deluxe. Even though game streaming on the portal might be coming to Australia next year sometime

        • Do you have a source for that? That would definitely be interesting

          • @367: the sources are everywhere on the portal being able to stream from the PS Plus cloud catalogue, just google it - and it's only on the top tier over there so thats where my assumption comes from that maybe they'll eventually add it here in Aus and Deluxe tier will only be able to utilise.

      • I got extra and went to ps plus it just shows 25% off to add another year, no need to cancel

  • FYI, unsure if it still works. You stack a few for the essentials, then do a once off upgrade to deluxe/extra as the upgrade cost is capped. I remember stacking 10 years of essential, then only paid $120 to upgrade the next 10 years to extra.

    • +2

      Yep. Did exactly that with the same deal last time. I still have 7 or 8 years of top tier subs left as a result…… Played my PS5 a total of 10 times in the last 3 years…. Sony still wins.

    • +1

      Keen to hear if this still works

      • I looked it up a couple of days ago and apparently they removed the cap so now you will be charged the upgrade amount for each actual year of essential you have, yes the entire upgraded period will be discounted but it can still be a very large amount for a one time purchase

  • So I have 6 months left will it stack? Anyone know for sure…..

  • +8

    Honestly don’t think it’s really worth it anymore. These days I keep my pc for multiplayer and use the Playstation for offline games.

    • +2

      Yup exactly the same lol as weird as it sounds xD.
      Couch gaming for single player is unmatched :')

  • +1

    I'm on essential month by month waiting for a deal. Expires 9/12 - Am I screwed ?? Or can I cancel now and get the deal for essential ?

  • Any idea if can cancel current subscription which ends in April and sign up again with this deal

  • My subscription lapsed last week, how do people stack couple of years?
    Is the case of just buying it 2 times?

    • +1

      Yes, this is how you stack- buy multiple. But I'm not sure if they will allow it for this one.

  • great, i've cancelled mine! will subscribe again next week

  • For a dummy like me. My curent plan expires in July 2025. If I cancel now it says I can still use until then. I then get a new subscription as per this deal and it just adds ont top, so until July 2026? Thx

    • +2

      Tested. Doesn’t work . Full price still .

  • Haven't been subscribed for a while
    Is deluxe worth it? Over extra?

    • Nah extra is the sweet spot for content VS price

    • Depends if you think the classics catalog is worth just $10 more. Usually Extra and Deluxe pricing are much further apart than this, so it's a fair question.

    • If you have psvr2 then yes deluxe is worth it.. also if you like older PS1 and PS2 games

  • Any deals on PS GC?

  • Any special GC can use to swap/pay for this?

  • Lets hope the US Store has a similar deal as nothing has kicked in over there yet..

  • +2

    Same deal as last year. Sony utterly despises their customers who already have Deluxe, offering them nothing again. When my subscription's up this time I'm dropping back to Essential.

  • they did this last year and my sub expired on the 12th, when i went to renew it gave me the 25% off on the top tier - might try and do the same again and let it lapse, then renew.

  • Heck yeah, The only time to renew your PS Plus is during black friday deals.

    Thanks OP

  • Do I have to create a new account and signup to psn plus or do current members get a renewal discount as well (without upgrading tiers)

  • I've cancelled my PS+ essential but it doesn't expires until the 10th Dec…Can i get this deal still for renewing essential or would i theoretically have to wait till Black Friday 2025? I have no reason to upgrade since i only play COD or now my new favourite 'Off The Grid' and no doubt will get back into the world of GTA 6 when its released. Any work arounds for me to utilize the PS+ essential deal?

    • Yes you can, buy a subscription it should apply the discount and stack with your remaining time

      • Didn't work for me. I cancelled and to reactivate it’s the full price

  • I'd pay if they'd put the entire ratchet and clank collection onto the PS Plus store… Seriously we pay the same price for LESS content compared to the rest of the world.

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