• long running

Steam Deck 256GB LCD $649, 512GB OLED $899, 1TB OLED $1,049 Delivered @ Steam


Technically now an OzRRP post, but Valve officially announced the Australian release of the Steam Deck, shipping next month. Cheaper than current sellers so potentially some deals there if they drop their prices to sell their stock.

Mod Update: Steam Deck will be available for sale (and will begin shipping) in Australia on November 19th, at 10am AEDT.

Mod: Related Deal - Steam Deck OLED 1TB Limited Edition (White) $1099 Delivered @ Steam

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        • +1

          You mean to tell me flashy graphics and the latest DLSS RTX AI soup-du-jour "feature" pushing games to hundreds of gigabytes doesn't AUTOMATICALLY mean it's a good game?!?!

          And that there's a huuuuuuge backlog of award winning, bargain price games from the good old days of when products were actually finished before release?!!???!!? Why have they been keeping this a secret?


          • +1

            @Ezekiel2320: It's not that they need to look amazing to be good, but I don't want to be locked out of the potentially awesome visual experiences that are available.

            I guess what I mean is that people are using Steamdecks as a secondary gaming computer, but I'm looking for something to be my primary - I'm well acquainted with old games, and don't want another thing that can play them without bringing anything better to the table.

            So whilst I understand that, at the size it's at, the Steamdeck pushes enough polygons to be a pretty reasonable experience. But I want it to do more!

            Anyway, waiting patiently for a potential update.

            • @Droz: I get it, but honestly I can't think of a single game which I'm barred from playing that I want to play (for graphical reasons). Maybe the game won't look its prettiest it can be, but nearly every game can be run at least 30fps.

              The problems are more about games that can't run due to technical reasons (usually anti cheat programs) or needing a mouse+kb.

              Still, I gladly give up graphical fidelity for being able to play sitting on a couch, in bed or playing while snug next to someone.

              • @Asti: you can still game with the mouse + kb if you get a dock or use bluetooth

                anticheat is an issue with linux
                so you can do windows dual booting

                there aren't too many games that has anti cheat that is worth playing anyway (unless you like fortnite etc)

                • @pinkybrain: Absolutely, but you start to lose the main selling points of the SD as you progress toward these routes.

                  • @Asti:

                    Absolutely, but you start to lose the main selling points of the SD as you progress toward these routes.

                    which games you trying to play with the mouse and keyboard or anticheat on SD?

                    most of the mouse and keyboards games on the SD are not going be that great to play without actual real mouse and keyboard anyway.

                    the trackpad is as good as you can get on a portable gaming pc if you want to play mouse + keyboard games while lying in bed/couch etc..
                    without having to use a real mouse + keyboard

                    • @pinkybrain: FTL is the main one. The unfortunate thing is that there is mobile port of the game, so it can be done. I found it unplayable on SD without kb+m

                      • @Asti:

                        FTL is the main one. The unfortunate thing is that there is mobile port of the game, so it can be done. I found it unplayable on SD without kb+m

                        so you saying you want FTL to respond to touch input on SD (as alternative to mouse and keyboard)
                        and the trackpad on the steam is not good as a mouse + keyboard input?

                        and why is it unplayable on the SD using the trackpad as mouse/keyboard?

          • @Ezekiel2320: Are u a Redditor sir

      • Don't need 4k, I prefer 3440x1440 with higher framerate.

        • Sure, but Steam Deck is struggling at 720p with some games - Silent Hill 2 remaster is 25 frames at 720p for instance. We're a long way away from 1080, and even further from 1440.

          Anyway, I would love something slightly more powerful than the SD - I guess even $1500 and I could get a pretty good desktop and stream to a handheld of some sort, like a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. Similar experience, money saved, higher ceiling.

        • Says he doesn't need 4k then quotes he prefer the 4k resolution he he.

          Gone are the days where PC gaming was reserved for me the more intelligent and higher IQ of us, now anyone can call themselves pc gamer even without the high technology proficiency.

          No disrespect to you sir

      • I do wonder about this - like, you'll never be able to power a 4k res game with this thing - doesn't that bother you?

        problem with 4K PC gaming is you need a really powerful GPU
        and nowadays GPU prices are ridiculously overpriced ($1200 to $2000+)

        so either get a steam deck/portable pc and play at lower resolution or play older games

        Or get a console (PS5) to play 4K games..
        but even then this generation of consoles PS5 is overpriced / has not drop prices that much at this point in it's lifecycle (compared to PS4/PS4 Pro e.g $300+)
        or in fact has increase in price even more (PS5 Pro) and yet the number of exclusives games is not many.

        And we are close to the end of life for PS5 and soon there will be PS6 etc.

      • the ROG Ally has the ability to expand on its setup/APU by adding an external GPU.. its quite amazing considering the small form factor.. and the fact you can add a screen and KB+M easily by pairing it with a dock.. its a game changer when it comes to portable gaming in 4k, gaming laptops dont seem that relative anymore.. the new chipset from AMD will build on that next year.

        • Just buy a PC at this point.

          • +1

            @Draycen: Its the portability that you are getting, a handheld that can double as a gaming PC if you take a dock and external GPU (this part optional).. it would be great for those that travel often and want to have a gaming session at a hotel or something.

    • +4

      Bought mine in Japan a few days ago. $765 for 512 OLED, pretty happy with it.

      • +3

        That's really good. I got mine @Edion, Tokyo. It was 744 with tax free! The exchange rate is not as favourable now.

      • Can i ask which store did you buy and do you get any tax refund? Thanks

        • It was in Edion in Osaka and I just asked about "tax free" and they deducted GST on the spot bringing it down from $840 to $765. Don't forget to take your passport for tax free purchase.

  • +13

    Someone’s prayers, somewhere in Australia - was answered today.

    Someone, also pray for HL3 ☕️

  • +2

    Possible buying the 256gb model and install own storage expansion? The 1tb version is tempting but too much more $$$ for the extra storage.

    • +3

      Absolutely. It's worth paying for the 512gb for the OLED model though.

      • -4

        OLED looks better colour but has a shorter lifespan…

        • +6

          Nah modern OLEDs definitely don't have a shorter lifespan.
          The OLED also has better battery life and marginally better performance.

          This video just came out today - perfect timing

        • +5

          The OLED deck has almost twice the battery life because of a bigger battery (50wh vs 40wh) and a newer, more efficient SoC

      • would have been good if they made the base model OLED too.

        it would have been the best value for money model like the original 64GB LCD model.

  • +13

    I'd buy one with Guest checkout not attached to my steam account. Valve will ban you and steal all the money you spent on games if you enforce your ACCC rights if/when you have a warranty claim. Gaben HATES that we have consumer protection laws in Australia. Steam used to have a flat "NO REFUNDS" policy around the world until Australia forced them to grow up


    • +1

      Its not just Gaben, most Muricans thinks having laws makes you vulnerable to Govt Takeover

      need more freedom

    • +2

      You'll want to ensure you use a different name, address and credit/debit card too then. And use a different steam account on the deck too. Oh, wait…

    • -2

      Yeah so you won't buy one, right? And your upvote was a mistake? Because it would be hypocritical to insult Valve (based on past behaviour that has since been corrected by the courts) and then go ahead and give them your money anyway.

      Let's not forget that Australia refused classification for L4D2 back in the day by the way. Somehow L4D was ok but L4D2 wasn't.

  • +1

    Finally! The rumors were true…

  • this took way too long haha, originally i imported it in what almost 2 years ago now.

  • +1

    now this is some good news. maybe even some sub $800 OLED deck deals in the future thanks to this

  • +1

    Damn, I bought one earlier this year at overseas, but all good. Good to see its coming to Oz shores officially.

  • +4


    Now to hold until they get refurbished or go on sale lol. I'm in no hurry.

  • +7

    Great news for the used market. Prices should tumble pretty significantly.

  • there is one selling on amazon for $825 512GB Oled model from a 3rd party seller. Reviews are good and solid.

    • I bought mine from that seller (Skyradar) but it was shipped by Amazon. No issues with it. I also paid about $400 more than that ugh

    • +7

      Yeah but now you'll have direct warranty with Valve if you have any issues. I'd happily pay their asking price on launch just for that peace of mind.

      • Is the warranty for the refurbished Steam Deck identical to that of the brand-new model?

  • +6

    The optimiser in me wants to hold out for the Steam Deck 2, but with Valve, it’s hard to predict whether it will ever happen—or if it could be announced as soon as next week.

    • +14

      Valve can count to 2, but not 3.

      • +3

        Well, they certainly can count specific numbers, such as $649, $899 & $1049 😆

    • +7

      There is absolutely no need to be releasing SD2 anytime soon IMO. The original only came out Feb 2022 and OLED version only a year ago. Just jump on it. It has brought me so much joy so far, in a way other consoles haven't in a long time.

    • you need to look at steamdeck like a console, it will have a minimum 4 year lifecycle and thats being generous

      Valve could also just develop the software from
      now on and leave the upgrades to ASUS Lenovo MSI etc

    • IIRC Valve have said they won't release a new Steam Deck until the hardware exists that can support even more power on the go (without compromising things like battery life). I reckon you'll have a good few years with the current Steam Deck until rumours of a new Steam Deck even start to appear. My guess is they'll want the next Steam Deck to perform at least 50-60% better than the current Steam Deck (without any compromises to battery life) before working on a new one.

      IIRC the only reason Valve made the Steam Deck in the first place was because they believed the technology was at the point where a powerful handheld device could be created.

  • Great I have around $100 worth of steam credit might be worth getting this haha

  • o wow i just realized is buying directly from Valve in steam.

  • +1

    Wonder when steam deck 2 comes out w the new zen 4.5 cpus n igpus

    • +2

      yeah even if they released that soon, we wouldn't get it for a while. look how long it took to finally give us the steam deck OLED in the steam store lol.

  • +16

    All the grey importers just died inside

    • +1

      maybe they will drop there prices now :D

      • But Grey imports werent that overpriced I got a 512gb original steamdeck for $1020 almost 2 years ago

  • What great news

  • +1

    It will be mine, oh yes it will be mine (at last!).

  • +3

    Noob question, not really on topic - if I bought a SD ~6 months ago via eBay, would it be "supported" now that it's officially coming to Aus? Or does this only apply to devices bought through the official channel, post-release?

    • +2

      I highly highly doubt it would be supported by local warranty. It was a grey import.

      • -1

        What if you bought it from Allphones on ebay… Which is an Australian store with ABN?

        • +11

          Then Allphones need to provide you with the warranty, not Valve.

  • +1

    Never owned a SD before but always wanted one. Does it make more sense to purchase from Steam directly on launch day or wait for a refurbished/secondhand one after launch (price drops)? I’d like to get it pretty soon for an upcoming holiday in November.

    • I'd imagine it'll ship pretty quick if you manage to get an order in on launch day.

  • +3


  • +1

    This is great news! Does this mean we will see the likes of Amazon and JB selling them too?

    Was going to buy a Rog Ally but now thinking get the deck, put in a 2 tb SSD and dual boot. Anyone have any experiences doing this?

  • +3

    In classic Valve fashion, it's here 2+1 years later.

  • +1

    I was going to wait for SD2 since it seemed like no official release but I guess I'm in now.

  • Does this have sd expansion slot and what's the max memory for steamdeck?
    Do we need screen protector?

    Planning to buy 512gb as a b'day gift.

  • Noob question: how powerful is this device? say, can it play the monkey game or silent hill 2 remake?

    • +7

      YouTube game name + Steamdeck. I’m sure there’s benchmarks for most games.

      • Cheers!

        • +1

          You can check protondb also

    • +1

      It can probably play modern AAA games on ~medium.

      • +1

        With frame gen and upscaling, yeah

        But ofc depends on title

    • Silent hill 2 remake is a big no

      • My 4060 stutters playing it in 4k..

  • Huzzah!

  • -2

    W Chat

  • Should I HODL for the inevitable Steam Deck 2?

    • +2

      The SD2 will likely have a jump in price compared to the first generation, and they may keep selling this one as a lower end model. But I don't personally see them releasing a new one until 2026 if you want to wait that long, or get one now and enjoy that 1-2+ years with it and eventually sell it and upgrade down the line when they do announce it.

  • Can you run Windows on this now?

    • Yes, can run Windows

      • Do you know if fc24/25 game is handled well? Thanks.

  • +1

    man that 1tb model at that price will sell out for sure.

    • -1

      How? You can easily buy a 2TB nvme 2230 for about $120-150. I would just buy the cheapest model and install the SSD yourself

      • +1

        1 tb oled has improvement other than ssd increase which is premium anti-glare etched glass, reducing reflections and enhancing outdoor and well-lit indoor play

        • The etched glass is extremely worth it. Being able to play indoors even with light shining on your face (e.g. through a window) and not reflecting off the screen without having to move around is extremely convenient. Not sure if there are etched glass screen protectors that are available now but I highly recommend getting the etched screen.

          • @Ghost47: Ruins image quality a bit though.

            • @Circly: Only slightly and I'd say it's only noticeable if you're actively comparing them side by side, otherwise I don't think most people would be bothered by it.

  • omg you can play switch games on a steam deck!!


    • +1

      That project was basically shut down but Big Nintendo, so you'll have to look elsewhere.

      • -1

        I think its really annoying that nintendo won't let you play there games on any other hardware even if you own the games.

      • +1

        it's not that hard,

        you can still find ways.

    • +2

      Yes you can. Takes a bit of mucking around now that both yuzu and Ryujinx have been shutdown but I was able to get yuzu running. Plays Mario Odyssey and Kart with no issues.

      • i jsut want to play breath of the wild :D

        • +1

          You want the WiiU version then

      • Yeah but new games might not work though so can only play old titles

  • Very good deals! Purchased my limited edition for about $1070

  • I'm heading on a month-long trip at the end of October and was just about to buy the OLED version. Hopefully the grey imports drop in price to at least match the RRP.

  • -6

    I just use a controller mount with a phone 👉👈.
    Guess it all depends on the setup.

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