• long running

nbn 25/10 $49.95 Per Month Ongoing (Free Static IP on Request) @ IT'S FUBAR


Being loyal Ozbargainers ourselves, we've noticed the fact that there's been some interest in the low speed tier NBN plans of late. These are particularly appealing to users with low internet demands, or in many cases - great internet for the grandparents and their iPad ;)

Plan Price
25/10 $49.95 ongoing

We know that many people believe these services shouldn't exist in 2024 - but plenty of people still find them great value as they're more than capable of coping with a single netflix stream, or cheap enough to pop in a holiday home, airbnb, etc. People keep buying them - NBN keep selling them!

While a few of our competitors are offering 25/5 and 25/10 services around the ~$50 p/m mark, most of them are for a limited period (e.g. 6 months).

Our 25mbit plans are $49.95 p/m ongoing - at least until the next NBN wholesale price change whenever that is… We also offer a static IP address on our services on request at no extra charge which can help with remote supporting ma and pa from time to time for our tech savvy lurkers.

Our online sign-up process is definitely a WIP while more development work in our customer portal is undergoing finalisation, but we're pretty keen to start getting some raw feedback on our service, website, and performance. Our client portal will take over the full sign-up process by Q2 2025 if all goes to plan, and the current Cognito forms will disappear.

Services are pre-paid month-to-month. Complete our sign up form, we'll process your order and send you a pro-rated invoice and activate your service same day Monday to Friday. We're a small family owned business down in Geelong aiming to provide kickass, on-shore customer service.

We can also offer a Netcomm NF18MESH preconfigured modem shipped to your door for $99 with our plans. Just let us know you need a modem in the comments box of your service application.

Sign me up, Scotty!

Please be aware you may not hear from us after your application (particularly if it's a while away!) until a week or so prior to your activation date. We prioritise dealing with immediate orders.

EDIT: 25/5 plan has gone the way of the dodo. All orders now receive 25/10 by default as the plan is widely available at almost all nation-wide addresses. Enjoy!

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IT'S FUBAR Technology Services


    • +16

      Hiya! Do you know anyone else providing a $0 static IP on this plan at this price? Genuinely curious!

      • +13

        No offence, but targeted audience may not know what static IP is or have a need of it. Offering it to 50/20 or above will definitely generate more leads here.

        • +24

          None taken! All our plans come with a static IP for $0 for what it's worth - but our higher speed plans are not really an area it makes sense to play the numbers game as a lot of our existing customers are business focused who are less drawn to the bottom line. On the "popular" plans - the big players will always undercut the little guys like us - so we have to get creative - even if it turns into a #roastus session!

        • +3

          I have had 25/10 plans for years, don't have the need for more at my home, and would really welcome a few static ip for some side projects, but yeah, it's not for the average user.

          • @pichxlonco: You really don't need to be that advanced to use a static IP

        • +3

          I run a home office and have local VPN Server. A Static IP is handy and speedwise 25/10 has been more than enough for us over the last few years….as it has been for many people I know.

    • +13

      The closest I can find is Spintel and they only last 6 months at that price. Grandma and Grandpa ain't gonna wanna churn every 6 months.

  • +1

    Are you the owner btw? Just curious.

    • +33

      Yep! Happy to answer any questions about our services, network, etc.

      • +23

        Na, no questions. Just happy to see a small business advertising itself, good luck with it. I just signed up to new service myself but I’ll consider switching to Fubar next.

        • +6

          Legend! Hope to see you on board in the future.

        • +1


      • How does one just one day they want to offer internet to Australia?

  • +4

    I didn't care much for the dot that followed my mouse around.

    • +10

      Great feedback. Thankyou - I'll look into turning this off.

    • +4


      Forced, accessibility UI tweaks are a big no from me too.

      • +14

        Thanks a lot. It's gone now! Never realised people found this bothersome.

  • can i ask you about any landline services

    my olds are with TPG and obviously they are shit

    you seem to do some kinds of SIP VOIP type services

    can you transfer an existing phone number?

    • +2

      Absolutely can transfer phone numbers. We've been offering voice services longer than we've been in the NBN game, and I started in the industry installing IP phone systems! I can deliver a PAYG phone line to the back of one of our Netcomm modems or a SIP ATA if you have one already which you can throw a phone on, or we do all sorts of other solutions. DM me if you like and I'll give you more info.

    • -1

      TPG shit? what do you mean, they are up there with the best, i have been using them for almost 20 years, have literally never had a single drop out in that time period, i am currently on a 1000/50 plan for cheaper than any other competitor and the speeds are solid and consistant

  • +1

    Who do you resell for the NBN connection (Vocus/Telstra etc)?

    • +9

      Great Q - we're not resellers in the traditional sense. Have our own ASN, and equipment in Next DC M1 where our services for Geelong and Melbourne will transition to a new BNG in the next month or two. Off-net services are backhauled through the absolute legends at Virtutel who provide our transit.

      • Ah ok so in Geelong/Melbourne you have your own CVC at the NBN POIs as well or use Virtutel for all POIs?

        I guess for connections outside of VIC this means you bring traffic down to VIC first?

        • +4

          CVC for Geelong and Melbourne is being lit onto our new 6WIND BNG solution in M1. We'll have Geelong and all of Melbourne on this solution permanently in the coming months, and then interstate POIs will remain lit via the Virtutel network for the time being. I'm not at all keen on the performance hit associated with interstate routing offnet POIs, so I'll likely opt to continue delivering these as L3 services until there's enough demand to light a BNG in Sydney as that's where the bulk of my interstate customers are currently.

          I was (personally) with an ISP who decided to route all services to a BNG in Sydney quite a few years ago and it was dead set the worst thing I ever had the displeasure of using. Felt like being stuck on Satellite - latency was horrid. I won't do that to people!

          • @fubarnator: Being routed via Sydney to Melbourne was terrible and it's the number one thing I avoid.

            Will this offer be around on the 10th next month when my current month ends, what is the billing date/period?

            • +1

              @Jimbuscus: Tooootally agree. Long running deal until the next wholesale price change, so yep - should still be around! We bill from the first of each month in advance. E.g you're invoiced on Oct 1 for the month of October. If you sign up on an alternative date, your first month is automatically pro-rated.

              • +1

                @fubarnator: You use "until the next wholesale price change" a few times…

                There's no known or set date, is there? I mean, can you guess when the wholesale price is going to change again (e.g. in a year's time, 2 years' time)? Just wondering if they have a regular schedule (e.g. every July)?

                I don't want to switch providers only for prices to go up 3 months later… BUT… I suppose, if wholesale prices go up, that means that OTHER providers will also be increasing their prices, meaning your prices will still be lower (or more competitive) than them, right?

                • @dlee: The NBN is horrible with communicating wholesale pricing, no rhyme or reason to it.

                  We'd see cheaper plans if they could just keep to a schedule and commit to the same prices for 6+ months at a time, because right now you have to build a bit of extra fat into the margins to avoid a random price increase wiping you out.

                  It makes it really hard for smaller businesses to compete with the big guys, because you don't have a pile of cash to self-insure against price increases (you'd be surprised with how many of these businesses are losing money per subscriber - big reason for them offering 6 month discounts), and customers will often leave if you raise the price even if it's still competitive.

                • @dlee: Every July 1st until July 1st 2026 the nbn wholesale prices increase by about $1.71/month to $2.55/month depending on the speed tier. ISPs can increase their prices or absorb the cost.

                  The FY25-FY27 Three-year Pricing Roadmap covers the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027.

                • +1

                  @dlee: Because I value transparency - we've had two price changes in the last ~18 months thanks to NBN - the latter of which actually resulted in some major price decreases on high-speed services, a decrease in the cost of the 25mbit plans (and introduction of 25/10 at the same price as 25/5), but did result in an increase of a couple of dollars on the 50 and 100mbit services.

                  While NBN have a schedule for their price changes, other costs such as backhaul carriage etc don't necessarily operate on the same wave-length as NBN and their … interesting practises. There's plenty of components here such as payment gateway costs, backhaul, equipment, licensing, APNIC costs, all which have their own free will regarding pricing.

                  Changing plan prices is a big pain for us from a legal and compliance perspective - so we typically avoid it, but as with any business - I really can't promise something won't change massively tomorrow. Realistically I can't see a major reason there'd be another change until next financial year - but never say never.

                  There's been enough interest already in these plans that we'd be looking to keep them around, but I can tell you that NBN are going to increase the cost of these services by at least $2 per year for the next few years at a wholesale level which is when we'll review. @Twix rightly commented the link to the wholesale forecast below in his comment.

              • @fubarnator: Do you have scheduled transfer? If so, how long in advance can I place an order.

                • +1

                  @Jimbuscus: You can place an order and pop your desired transfer date in the comments which we'll facilitate!

    • +8

      it has their config it on

      labour isnt free

    • +8

      Preconfigured is the key word you're missing in that sentence! We have to get the units wholesale, pay for shipping to us in Geelong, configure them per our customer's requirements, then ship them off to their new homes. We can by all means help customers who prefer to save a little coin by bringing their own unit :)

        • +9

          For carriers using IPoE/DHCP, this is typically the case (we're one of them, truth be told). Usually, our preconfiguration includes:
          -Customisation of WiFi credentials.
          -Configuration of SIP ATA, for customers bundling VoIP.
          -Configuration of ACS information, to enable us to remotely support the device.

          Some people just want a modem they can plugin with some confidence it's set up appropriately. None of the config is rocket science for anyone savvy :)

          • +21

            @fubarnator: Ignore jv, who is just being 🍆ish as usual 🙄

            • -2

              @KangaDrew: You mean about the fact that you can purchase this modem a lot cheaper, delivered from Amazon ???

              • @jv: Yeah but for $99 you would be getting a preconfigured modem, you not taking that into account was the flaw in your argument.

                • -1

                  @Gervais fanboy:

                  Yeah but for $99 you would be getting a preconfigured modem

                  It will work fine without any configuration. Just plug it in…

                  • @jv: Not always
                    I bought a tp link modem earlier this year for my new NBN connection and it didn’t work instantaneously, I am not that tech savvy so I had to contact customer support and the fella spent like 10 minutes making me change a bunch of settings on my router’s ip address settings thingy, to get my internet finally working. Made me input some random numbers etc.

                    • -1

                      @Gervais fanboy: Last two times I've changed ISPs, I've done nothing to my router, it automatically connected within a minute. Didn't even need to reboot.

                      • @jv: I believe you but it doesn’t always..
                        That was my only point.

                        • -2

                          @Gervais fanboy:

                          That was my only point.

                          My point is that it's not worth paying $31 extra

                          • +1

                            @jv: The value we're offering with our configuration is remote management of the CPE. Remember, a lot of people appreciate having one company to call instead of being placed in a position where they are told to go back to the retailer where they purchased their modem if they have a fault with the device. If something goes wrong with a modem we supply - it's on us to rectify that :)

                            • -1


                              If something goes wrong with a modem we supply - it's on us to rectify that

                              I've never had an issue with warranty from Amazon stuff.

                    • -2

                      @Gervais fanboy: If you look at what the OP claims they do to it, none of it affects connecting to the NBN

                      • @jv: Okay, I don’t know enough to refute this point so I’ll concede.

  • +4

    That’s a good deal! Can you do a low standard price for 50mbps?

    • +25

      Unfortunately the 50mbps service is a much harder value proposition with how NBN Co structure their wholesale prices. While I wish we could offer something "standout" for the mid tier speeds, there's just not enough skin in the game for us to compete with bigger players who can afford to take a loss for 6 months. I revisit prices whenever feasible, but I can offer an ongoing 5% discount on our other plans to lurkers here. In the sake of full transparency - you'll likely find a better deal with a different carrier if cost is your main driver, even with that offer taken into account.

      • +1

        Is that because with the way NBN currently pricing 50? Like is there volume rebates/discounts for the big bananas with massive customer base?

        • +2

          It's kind of a mix of things. Everyone pays the same price for NBN links regardless of the overall size of the carrier. However, what starts to differ greatly is the cost of providing backhaul to a given POI in order to service that speed. More often than not, pricing is depicted by the carrier's overall company size and their ability to swallow losses on higher speed plans. Some of the bigger players offset these by overcharging for slower speeds which is why you see such a wild skew in pricing for 25mbit :)

  • +8

    This is awesome, hate 6 month offers love a good deal like this. Thanks will keep in mind and suggest to a few of the folk in my family. 25/10 is good enough for almost all NBN users based on stats.

      • +1

        thanks tony abbott

        not turnbull though, he has fiber to this mansion

      • +1

        Stream 4K Netflix on 25mbps without a problem.

          • @jv: Not every household is full of people who are online 24/7. We don't have any issues with our 25mbps NBN.

            • -3


              Not every household is full of people

              Many are though…

              Over 40% of households are 3 or more people…

              • +1


                Not every household is full of people who are online 24/7

                • -2


                  who are online 24/7

                  Sure, 25/10 would be fine for when everyone in the house is asleep.

                  • +1

                    @jv: You must have a miserable life if everyone who lives with you is streaming every minute they are awake.

                    Try talking to each other once in a while instead of trolling random strangers here.

                    • +3


                      Try talking to each other once in a while

                      We do, on Discord

      • Bro, I'm still on FTTN ;_;

        • We're also fttn, it's 1.2km by car to our node
          Fttp has become available in the last week, it's on my to do list

          • @Nugs: Congrats! Hope the install goes well for you :)

          • +1

            @Nugs: How far is it to the node on foot?

            • @Alzori: guessing 1.18km, there's only one corner to cut

              • @Nugs: how to you work out how far the node is?

        • I’m still on fttn and can’t get speeds over 25mb without disconnecting. It’s not just a mum and pa and grandma thing I just can’t go any faster cause of FTTn!!!!

          • @aat92: just ran an ookla test, it's 10AM
            D/L 17Mbps with 12ms ping
            U/L 9.8Mbps with 54ms ping

      • -1

        Actually that is 100% correct!

    • +5

      Thanks for the support! Reach out if you need anything. People sometimes forget that you could get a Netflix stream running back in the ADSL days. Wasn't great - but it worked! 25/10 is faster than ADSL was back in the day.

        • +6

          ADSL2+ was a theoretical maximum of 24mbps, but that's assuming the person is very close to the DSLAM. For most people speeds within the 10-20mbps range were normal, and for quite a lot of people, they experienced sub-10 and sub-5mbps.

          And I'm not aware of any ADSL2+ plans that were $25? Maybe you could get to $50-60 in a bundle, but then you are paying for a landline phone, which were already falling in popularity 10 years ago.

          • +5

            @SirCH: Never let facts get in the way of jv's arrogant superiority complex.

          • -5


            ADSL2+ was a theoretical maximum of 24mbps,

            I was always at around 22-23Mbps… 600m from the Telstra exchange.

            Many people on NBN 25 plan struggle to get those download speeds.

            • @jv: Lucky you. Many people were not getting those speeds on ADSL2+, myself included…and I worked for a telco…

              If people aren't getting close to 25mbps on an nbn25 FTTP service, they need a new provider with enough CVC capacity.
              FTTC, it's probably provider related, but may be NBN so they should log a fault or try a new provider.
              FTTN, could be NBN, could be provider. Log a fault, or upgrade to FTTP if eligible.
              Wireless or Skymuster…good luck.

              • -3


                they need a new provider with enough CVC capacity.

                Tried Flip and Superloop on HFC. Getting around 20-21

                • @jv: Lol, I'm on the cheapest of the cheap providers (Vodafone) on nbn50 and I just got 53.6mbps down, 18.6mbps up, to my mobile, on Wifi, whilst somebody is gaming and somebody else is streaming music.
                  Maybe look at your internal network, or log a fault if the 4-5mbps is impacting your usage.

                  • @SirCH:

                    or log a fault if the 4-5mbps is impacting your usage.

                    It's not my connection, it's the folk's connection and I never said it was impacting their usage, they're not games.
                    I was just noting that ADSL2+ was faster and cheaper than their NBN connection.

                    I'm getting around 900/45 with Superloop.

    • I was thinking the same. NBN is so expensive now. I don't need ultra fast speeds anymore

  • How about IPv6 support?

    • +1

      None currently. Planned for release to Geelong & Melbourne on our new BNGs in the coming months. We are working through an architecture to assign a /56 to each on-net service. I'll then work on getting a solution in place for off net services when time permits and we're happy with performance.

  • Upvote for my favourite acronym.

  • +1

    O_o at the signup form.

    Are you… processing service qualification and orders manually?

    • +12

      Yep. Sign up form epitomises FUBAR hey? The NBN API is a bit of a nightmare. We've got most of the automation sorted out in our billing engine but the biggest issue we've been facing is how vile the NBN LOC ID database actually is. The data within the portal is super inconsistent when it comes to sub-addresses (e.g Unit 4, Shop 7, etc) and other multi dwelling locations. Building a sanitising solution for it that I'm comfortable releasing to the general public has been interesting so we're just validating orders and sanity checking them via that form prior to submission to NBN for now.

      I'd rather that than have someone disconnect their neighbours internet service accidentally!

      • +1

        It's still wild to me that there's no protections against this on NBN side, our last provider turned off our neighbors internet for several days because their system converted
        "00/A Ozbargain Street" into "00 Ozbargain Street", and when they sent out an NBN technician they fixed my neighbors internet instead of mine because that was the address given…

        So good on you for sanity checking!

        • Hopefully this fixes the problem.

          NBN are addressing this issue with the introduction of AVC IDs being needed to do churns. You will see progress on this over the next 12 months as it is rolled out by all providers.


          • +1

            @Twix: This will be an extremely welcome change for all carriers when it hits the market and it's LONG overdue.

  • Can we preorder the switchover date?

    • Yep. If you have a preferred date you can pop it in the order form comments and I'll get the team sorting out your order on your chosen date.

      Just keep in mind you'll need to pay your pro-rated invoice for the service to be activated.

  • -5

    Soo not a bad deal for the seniors, but if you want to make waves, $99 for 1000/50 with static, give people options that are competitive

  • a bit slow for my needs but respect the hustle. Have an upvote!

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