20 Year Old on $120k (Tech Sales)

Sydney sales rep Claudia Roussel, 20, goes viral for ‘street interview’. Now she’s a role model for women in tech sales

No degree almost straight out of high school and earning $120k. Should every young person be trying to get the same job as her in the cost of living crisis?


  • +2

    good on her, whatever her circumstances.

  • +2

    What an inane post.

    What about kids earning millions from being famous or from youtube videos? Clearly you can make even more money - just be famous!

    Most people won't get the chance and aren't lucky. This person also may be lying or just burn out pretty quick. $120k won't get you far in Sydney any how.

  • -1

    Humble Brag much,

    Low IQ post for a low IQ job.

    Don't worry, IT downturns and recessions seem to go hand in hand.

  • -2

    Not sure what the issue is? Son's friend started earning 6 figures by 15 in school and is now employed part time by schools to run their LMS system. He'd be 19 now, still lives at home and doing Comp Sci at Uni. 🤷‍♀️

    • What does he do to run the LMSs? Was that what he was doing in school too?

      • My understanding is it started out with some 'fiddling' with the LMS when they werent supposed to as he and another found the UI crp. Obviously got into trouble for that but the feedback from staff was so positive that they took him on to help IT manage it. He still does that now across multiple schools. On the side I believe he was doing some dev work for a game company, hence blew the $100k mark - half his pay is in USD.
        The Comp Sci degree, as boring as it is, is purely to say 'yeah look, Ive got a degree' but there's quite a savvy cohort out there where their skills and networks will drive them further than the university degree will.

    • There's no issue, it's just a discussion.
      Your sons friend might be in the one out of a million, just a bit of an outlier. Terrible example.

  • +6

    She's clearly educated + privileged based on how she speaks, not really surprising.

    This is a lesson in why you should never publicly speak about how much money you earn.

    120k isn't really that much given the role, she would have colleagues in the same role making much more.

    • Her shoes were tied on.

  • +8

    Sounds like another “it’s not the boomers fault” post.
    Is that the current thing being pushed onto the easily influenced or something?

  • +9

    People need to be aware this is popular news, and many of their articles are designed to inspire envy, anger, or even rage. Look at this young good looking woman earning enormous amounts of money at such an early age. What were you doing at 20? I bet you weren't as successful as her. Don't get sucked into it.

    • +1

      I do agree about getting sucked in lol. I would say this is fake news in the context you don't know any backstory and your trusting certain information straight off from the video inc her supposed Salary. Linkedin is another site I can upload fake shit and people will believe I've done it. Can be easy to verify too through certain avenues.

  • +12

    I'm not sure why people think her achievements amazing.
    She works a 50hr (probably around 55hrs) and would be on at least a 30% bonus rate - probably more like 50%. Her base is probably $80k.

    She is articulate, bright, well presented, outgoing and obviously intelligent and probably doesn't spend half her life on OzBargain complaining about her low income.

    • doesn't spend half her life on OzBargain

      I would love for her to do an AMA on here, not just her, anyone that has a whole thread dedicated to them but are not an ozb member. Would be better than the usual "I work at maccas/HJ/Coles/Woolies AMA" threads we usually get.

    • +1

      If you have any positive attributes at all, life is actually really easy - I'm surprised by how much complaining and negativity there is online (though OzB is one of the least worst in that respect).

    • yes just a driven young person who has a good work ethic and willing to put in the hard yards. it's not like she got a hand out by embarassing Australia on the world stage or went viral for making sexual innuendos on social media. sure she probably had the privilege of a good education and good looks but I'm sure she didn't get there whinging about her circumstances on ozb or whirlpool or /ausfinance

      • -2

        My guess is nepotism

    • I find people with connections get jobs in places they shouldn't - eg. favouritism. And hey shes gotta personality, energy and face that might sell with a tech company trying to sell useless shit. I can't remem the last time I bought software that was actually useful. In my coding days, most software used was avg or below. Open source seems to bring about the most innovative and useful software.

  • This is much older than the Ch 7 publish date. I recall seeing it on a Yahoo (Ch 7) Facebook post some months ago, and along with her pleasing appearance and potty mouth, I remember that her AUD-USD conversion rates were generous.

    Most frightening is the number of views/likes the guy gets for posting such "content". How bored must people be?

  • +2

    Just a coincidence that she happens to be gorgeous?

  • +1


  • +1

    Social media person as re-posting crud.

  • Having a job that is interesting, rewarding and makes a difference (whilst the pay is still decent) seems to not be in vogue. Everyone looking for a sugar hit.

  • Just another bullshit news article.

  • +2

    Is it just me or are half of these ozbargain posts just billboard ads

    • shows how stupid the average ozbargainer is

  • Absolutely possible, we have many early 20s peps in the business and have done in previous roles, base rate is normally somewhere between 80-120k and bonus or commission will add the potential of another 50%.

    Vendor IT Sales is a shit job and is really hard, we sit in between as a Disti and Direct org but most of them at least in our company succeed which is probably down to a supportive management structure.

    It is the same old adage though that nothing good in life is easy …..

    • I'd love to see a global accounting sheet for all products sold in history. You'd find shit doesn't add up anywhere.

      • yep absolutely and on the other side of the table, realized value that businesses purchasing the software obtained - also will not stack up in 99% of cases. Much IT and Cyber security software is crap, old and on life-support by the vendor.

  • +1

    There are tons of these "how much do you make" street interviews all over social media. They're mostly bullshit I'm sure.

    • +2

      find beautiful girl, 'spontaneously' interview her, get clicks

  • +2

    Somewhat qualified to comment here as I deal with and manage IT vendors all the time and have done so for a long time. $120K for a sales person for an IT vendor is not unbelievable, even for someone inexperienced. If she's meeting her quota and hitting her numbers, then she could reasonably expect to hit that salary.

    Sales in technology is a tough, tough gig. There's very little security and tech trends come and go. Your company could have the coolest tech today and be a wash-up tomorrow. Stop hitting your quota and you're on the outer. You have to stay up to date and deal with egotistical techs, CIOs and so on. I don't agree that the industry is sexist in general, although there's obviously a higher percentage of males in technical roles. In sales, it's the opposite. Most of my account execs for the vendors I manage are female. And the good ones are worth every cent they earn.

    It's a tough job, which would explain why she is studying at the moment in addition to her role. Good on her. The role requires people skills, brains and emotional intelligence. Gone are the days where techies used to frown upon sales people as being too stupid for tech roles. Only the stupid/arrogant techs have that mindset.

  • She's probably quoting her OTE, whether or not she gets there is another question

  • +1

    Not sure about anything else but seems she is a real good talker.

    • Makes sense. If I'm in sales I don't mis-represent 120K AUD to USD lol

  • +1


    That's just under 80K USD. In New York City.

    I mean, that's not bad by any stretch and good on her, but it's also not as amazing as the article tries to make it out to be. It's hugely inflated by the AUD being kind of screwed.

    I remember back in the day my mates were doing contract work in the UK, maybe five years out of uni. They were making crazy amounts by Australian standards.

    • True in New York $120k AUD will go at most as far as $80K AUD in Australia, maybe even less factoring in rent. I was just in LA and ouch it was expensive, but New York costs even more.

      So I'd say she's doing well for her age, but it's not article worthy.

  • +1

    $120k is pretty average for tech sales and on the low end tbh. It's also a role that's heavily performance based so she's clearly decent at it, which you can also tell just by watching her interview. I see a lot of jealousy here, some very fragile egos lol

    • If you are very good at selling you will make money. Not many people are.

  • +1

    I used to work at a tech start up and as you'd expect it's a pretty cutthroat environment. Many of the sales hires didn't last 6 months (some even shorter).

    Also their compensation package is very much performance based (a given) - to put in simple terms, their structure would be such that in order to earn their total package (plus commissions) they'd have to bring an equivalent amount of revenue in for the business.

    Not trying to discredit the field obviously, but just wanted to counter the perception that it's a simple "cruisey" job. If you're good at what you do then it's a very lucrative field to be in.

  • +1

    Mining and sales (if you are very good at it) two areas where this is achievable.

    That said, these street interviews are all over places like tiktok and often look staged/made up.

    "What do you do and how much do you make?"

    "Uber eats driver, about $350k".

    PS. The low cut top was a cute touch.

    • it's like daniel mac and most vids you find online, most of them are staged

    • the fact that people like OP believe this horseshit is why these videos succeed

  • when I was a college teacher I had 17yos who'd never had a job in their life telling me they wanted to start as CEO as their first job …

    sure kid - good luck with that ;-)

  • What is the charge?

  • +1

    must be hard being absolutely stunning

    • Thats help to bring in sales.

  • Sounds about right but tech sale can be very performance based. It’s also very very susceptible to automation, Safetyculture already has a ‘fleet’ of AI cold callers; effectively getting by rid of their low level sales team. I can’t imagine how fierce the competition is amongst the remaining salespeople there.

    And no, we should not all be trying to get a sale job because then there would be no one actually making and using new products.. 🙃

  • Lucky girl.

  • +3

    The fact that people actually believe this clickbait crud proves that the PM is on the right track in clamping down on social media outlets.

  • +1

    It's not that unbelievable - in 2009, I started at an insurance company (sales) and within two months was making the equivalent of at least $125K per year (base salary plus commission paid fortnightly). You just have to be a great sales person which is hard and extremely draining. After 6 months, I was offered a promotion to the retention team and made a similar amount for a bit over 2 years until burnout got to me and my pay fluctuated between $80-$90K p.a. equivalent.

    • +1


  • Good on her

  • yep. she's a sales rep. just in this video you can see that she would be very good in sales. with the ability to talk tech, that's so great. however , i assume that there are loads of tech/nerdy females now.
    I'm ex I.T product specialist. corporate. 20yrs. retired.

    • From that video where did you see her ability to "talk tech"? Talking is one thing, talking tech is another.

      • 🙄

      • if you're a real sales professional , you can sell anything .

  • -3

    thats BS, im sure she sells pics on onlyfans like 90% that age group does but says its from normal work.

    • Any reason for that assumption?

      • He's subscribed to them all.

      • come on seriously you really think someone that age earns that much. i make $150k

        • and people your age also make $50K. What is your point?

          • @mrdeal13: so because i said i earn that much you think its ture… well thats how i look at this onlyfans girls. very doubtful she makes that much at that age.

  • One of my kids (24) has a Cert 3 in live production that he did at school, a pyrotechnic course and makes heaps more money than that.

    Started out installing and operating light and sound equipment for live events and moved into writing reviews about equipment/products for the industry.

    Relevant companies send his employer the equipment/products to use and review or he goes on location to where they have installed the equipment.

    Based in Australia but gets to travel all over the world for free.

    His Engineering degree remains unused.

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