20 Year Old on $120k (Tech Sales)

Sydney sales rep Claudia Roussel, 20, goes viral for ‘street interview’. Now she’s a role model for women in tech sales

No degree almost straight out of high school and earning $120k. Should every young person be trying to get the same job as her in the cost of living crisis?


  • +14

    I work with several people in their very early twenties (male and female) making $150k pa with 8 hours overtime per fortnight. Non tech role. No degree. Still don't earn enough to be on ozbargain though.

    • what job

      • +5

        Car accident scene re-creations for insurance companies.

        • +10

          Name checks out

      • +1

        Hold up lollipop for a living

    • In my industry == Easy to earn $90,000+ (NO uni degree/etc)

      Infact my work utilises a program (through WA gov) … To bridge gap with some of local high schools in the area.

      +++ to employ kids out of high school (traineeship) +++ Aboriginal traineeship - to put them on a better path in life.

      With OT - (in past) have earnt just over $140,000/yr … But these days sit around $100,000/$120,000 (work/life balance).

      NON-IT role.

  • +15

    The last few paragraphs are spot on

    “If you have the right attitude and hustle"
    “Sales can be rough. It’s so measurable, and there’s a constant pressure to hit quota,”

    Few last and make it a real career

    • Sound high stress and high chance of burnout.

  • +7

    No degree almost straight out of highschool


    Go and look at her linkedin. She had 5+ years experience and has a bachelors.

    That's just complete BS, what is going on?

    • +5

      Go and look at her linkedin. She had 5+ years experience and has a bachelors.

      2018 to 2021 - McDonalds - Age 14 to 16
      2021 to 2022 - Zeus Greek Food - Age 17 to 18
      2022 to 2023 - "Customer Experience Specialist" / "Sales Development Representative" in a small smart up- Age 18 to 19
      Aug 2023 - Sep 2024 - 3 different companies - All various BDM roles. Age 19 to 20

      I'm sure her strategic prospecting of clients at McD and Zeus made her an amazing hire for that software company. But its not 5 years of experience. Its 1 to 2 years of experience and if that 120k is true.. then she's doing well for herself.

      The Bachelors from UTS is due in 2025… She doesn't "have" a bachelors.

      • -4

        Beside the point. She's not "out of school" "with no degree".

        The narrative is well and truly off.

        She may be the 1% that is performing great, good on her?

        • -1

          Beside the point? You're factually wrong.

          She is 100% straight out of school and has no degree. She has just started a part time degree.

          The part of the narrative you should be questioning is what is this 120k she speaks of. All her jobs are in a start up.. where you might get 50k cash and 70k in bonus equity that may or may not materialise. Yet you insist on hanging your hat on misreading Linkedin.

          • @brandt: Lot of sales depend on commissions and it also depends on whether your team is actually pulling more weight.

            Obviously a lot of people on here have no idea what they are talking about. Real estate agents also rake in big money due to deal flow (just like Investment Bankers) not sitting around collecting a regular pay cheque.

            • @netjock: Yeah, thats why the "120k" salary number smells off to me because the companies on her resume are $0 to 5M revenue, so I find it hard to believe they'll hire a new kid at 120k when they probably get an experienced sales person who already has leads, relationships etc. Even someone with 3 to 5 years of experience will be vastly better at the job and bring more to the table.

              • @brandt: I don't see what your issue is. She is clearly keen: been working preety much right through high school, and several jobs since, whilst putting herself through uni. $120K isn't a lot in tech, and it sounds like she has the charisma & attitude to sell stuff.
                She seems very employable and will probably make a great career for herself.

                The experienced sales people you refer to probably ask for twice that salary.

  • +28

    im prob gonna cop a lot of negs but come on brah, the lady is super easy on the eyes, and the industry is super sexist, would be easy af to close deals - surely some of that 120k is based on OTE and other bonuses.

    “Sales can be rough.

    When do we hear about the over time, the pressure, the burn out, the harrassment etc

    the same job as her in the cost of living crisis?

    Bro I am on just over 120 and I'm stressing. My kids are going to have to be on like 250k by the time they get to my age to be able to afford anything .

    • -4

      she has 5 years of exp and a bachelors, she's not straight out of highschool.

      When do we hear about the over time, the pressure, the burn out, the harrassment etc

      yeah this. she isn't doing 5 hour days.

    • Easy on the eye usually means trouble (with the purchased tech).

  • +19

    What a load of shit. No one right out of school lands a job earning $120k with no qualifications unless they are working for “mum and dad” as an entry level CEO.

    People need to stop gobbling up this social media bullshit. This is the equivalent of looking at Kim Kardashian and thinking that if you opened a social media account you would be on millions a year as well.

    This is on the same level as all those “instagram models” who flip road signs for $120,000+… but fail to mention the hours they need to work just to make that kind of pay. Or extrapolate that they once got a huge pay cheque and just multiplied that by 52 to get a yearly wage when for the other 51 weeks of the year they are on (fropanity) all.

    • +5

      opened a social media account you would be on millions a year as well.

      step 1: dont be ugly

      me: damn

      *cue to shot of me balding, overweight, stressed, working for peanuts, high blood pressure in peak hour bumper bumper traffic up the m1 on to yet another client meeting where no one on site has any idea of whats going on and some project manager in pristine rmw boots is just going OFF at everyone - meanwhile a (actually quite attractive) lady is literally set for life for saying 'hawk tuah' on camera *

      (no hate on her, i think shes made some good plays and really capitalised well on a chance opportunity)

      • +3

        We're all gonna die in the end my man. Keep on keeping on.

      • +1

        I can always count on you for relatable comments in just about any thread.

        Thank you Jimothy.

    • +1

      Can't you earn that much washing dishes up at the mines?

      • +1

        Oh, easily when your union is full of bikes and standover thugs. Not sure how deep the CFMEU is into “tech sales” though…

        • Knee deep?

          • @TEER3X: Nah, balls is enough

    • -2

      How sweet it must be to have a parent that is rich, or just owns an average business that makes any kind of profit. Guaranteed money, guaranteed job that you can't possibly be fired from if you have any sense. And you get to inherit it all one day, plus all the land your parents bought because that's what Australians with money do..

      At least those instagram people are making content people are consuming, they are actually entertaining people.

      • +4

        Anyone with half a brain already has guaranteed money and a guaranteed job. You'd have to be a dropkick to be fired from a job here in Australia. Living and working here is easy as (profanity).

        • Rich kids seem a bit more braindead than most.

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: Possibly, but let that be a problem for them. Life is still easy as shit for anyone who is not mentally or physically disabled.

        • +1

          Life is difficult for some of the local people. It's not their fault, they were spoiled growing up and only know to complain. Meanwhile people from overseas, who often come here with nothing tend to thrive.

    • -1

      What a load of shit. No one right out of school lands a job earning $120k with no qualifications unless they are working for “mum and dad” as an entry level CEO.

      that's because she's not "right out of school".

      Go and read her LinkedIn and it's not so far-fetched.

    • We used to joke if going in front of recruiters always say you make 20% more than you make right now.

      • I think that's very true though?

        • Until you are on $180k and 20% boost would put you in about the same ball park as your manager.

          Generally true.

    • +1

      You can earn very low six figs (i.e. $100k-$140k) without a degree and in your early 20s if you are willing to work long hours incl O/T or unsociable hours or perform shift work/FIFO work.

      Thing is, those jobs don't scale well.

      For reliable employment that gets you out of the low 6 figures into the mid 6 figures you need a degree and marketable skills or you need to start your own business.

  • Is there enough 120k to go around for every person to have that job?

  • +4

    She's had 3 different jobs in the past month, usually sales pay base and commission so I wonder how she is calculating her annual salary?

    • That's a good point actually.

      Maybe her base salary is 75k+ sales opp.

      Some of these "how much do you earn" things on the street are stupid and the news sites eat them up because it creates a narrative of "you're just lazy" rather than "everything is (profanity)".

    • Take the day you close the sale and annualise it!

      • probably, let's hope she doesn't spend it all before it hits her account.

        • People always count their chickens before they hatch.

          Notice how everyone living on pay cheque to pay cheque and then want a tax payer bail out. Who do these people think tax payers are?

  • +9

    Having an onlyfans page is hardly tech sales

    • +9

      To be fair it does require an internet connection and selling yourself.

      • +1

        selling yourself.

        new business model, people pay ME to NOT have to look at media content of me.. hmm

        • +1

          I'd buy that for a dollar.

    • Setting up a webcam is not for everyone.

  • +1

    good on her, whatever her circumstances.

  • +1

    What an inane post.

    What about kids earning millions from being famous or from youtube videos? Clearly you can make even more money - just be famous!

    Most people won't get the chance and aren't lucky. This person also may be lying or just burn out pretty quick. $120k won't get you far in Sydney any how.

  • Humble Brag much,

    Low IQ post for a low IQ job.

    Don't worry, IT downturns and recessions seem to go hand in hand.

  • -1

    Not sure what the issue is? Son's friend started earning 6 figures by 15 in school and is now employed part time by schools to run their LMS system. He'd be 19 now, still lives at home and doing Comp Sci at Uni. 🤷‍♀️

  • +3

    She's clearly educated + privileged based on how she speaks, not really surprising.

    This is a lesson in why you should never publicly speak about how much money you earn.

    120k isn't really that much given the role, she would have colleagues in the same role making much more.

  • +5

    Sounds like another “it’s not the boomers fault” post.
    Is that the current thing being pushed onto the easily influenced or something?

  • +4

    People need to be aware this is popular news, and many of their articles are designed to inspire envy, anger, or even rage. Look at this young good looking woman earning enormous amounts of money at such an early age. What were you doing at 20? I bet you weren't as successful as her. Don't get sucked into it.

  • +5

    I'm not sure why people think her achievements amazing.
    She works a 50hr (probably around 55hrs) and would be on at least a 30% bonus rate - probably more like 50%. Her base is probably $80k.

    She is articulate, bright, well presented, outgoing and obviously intelligent and probably doesn't spend half her life on OzBargain complaining about her low income.

    • doesn't spend half her life on OzBargain

      I would love for her to do an AMA on here, not just her, anyone that has a whole thread dedicated to them but are not an ozb member. Would be better than the usual "I work at maccas/HJ/Coles/Woolies AMA" threads we usually get.

    • If you have any positive attributes at all, life is actually really easy - I'm surprised by how much complaining and negativity there is online (though OzB is one of the least worst in that respect).

  • This is much older than the Ch 7 publish date. I recall seeing it on a Yahoo (Ch 7) Facebook post some months ago, and along with her pleasing appearance and potty mouth, I remember that her AUD-USD conversion rates were generous.

    Most frightening is the number of views/likes the guy gets for posting such "content". How bored must people be?

  • Just a coincidence that she happens to be gorgeous?

  • +1


  • Social media person as re-posting crud.

  • Having a job that is interesting, rewarding and makes a difference (whilst the pay is still decent) seems to not be in vogue. Everyone looking for a sugar hit.

  • Just another bullshit news article.

  • Is it just me or are half of these ozbargain posts just billboard ads

  • Absolutely possible, we have many early 20s peps in the business and have done in previous roles, base rate is normally somewhere between 80-120k and bonus or commission will add the potential of another 50%.

    Vendor IT Sales is a shit job and is really hard, we sit in between as a Disti and Direct org but most of them at least in our company succeed which is probably down to a supportive management structure.

    It is the same old adage though that nothing good in life is easy …..

  • There are tons of these "how much do you make" street interviews all over social media. They're mostly bullshit I'm sure.

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