• out of stock

14x Trust Nexcid Heartburn Relief (Esomprazole 20mg) $5.49 Delivered @PharmacySavings


Hi Ozbargainers,

Long time between Heartburn relief medication deals, lots of people asking - No great supplier deals around at the moment but to keep those in need satisfied I thought I'd clear out a couple of cartons of Trust Nexcid. This medication relieves the symptoms of Heartburn and Acid Relux. While extremely effective for many this medication should not be consumed longer term without consultation with your doctor. Always read the product usage and warning instructions included on the product box before consumption.

Item: 14x Trust Nexcid, Heartburn Relief Tablets, Exp: End June 2025
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/14-x-trust-nexcid-24…
Price: $5.49
Delivery: FREE
Quantity Available At Listing: >100 Units

For anyone looking to bundle HEARTBURN RELIEF with DIARRHOEA RELIEF of IBUPROFEN, I have restocked this long running $9.99 Ozb Deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/840800

And the Ozb faves outsold the actual deal I ran last week around 50:1 so I think there is again merit in mentioning them:

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closed Comments

    • +6

      …….."Johnstone kept taking the medication for the next two decades,"

      • …and? What are you implying?

        They're flogged by pharmacists, don't require a prescription, and don't adequately warn people of the risks - which include vitamin deficiencies, Clostridium difficile infections, lower bone density and fractures, trashed kidneys and stomach cancer.

        It's also difficult to stop taking them due to rebound reflux that can occur. So people effectively get hooked on them.

        It's astounding to me that people have down-voted drazenm's comment.

        • None of that is relevant when it is used occasionally.

          Would you like for them to go back to prescription only?

          More nanny state nonsense because theoretically someone could take a pack of these a week for decades, continuously, without taking some responsibility and seeing their GP?

          They only thing that will happen in response to this news is they will move to 'pharmacist only' and the price will increase.

          • -1


            None of that is relevant when it is used occasionally.

            They're handed out like lollies.

            Would you like for them to go back to prescription only?

            I'd like doctors and pharmacists to do their job.

            More nanny state nonsense because theoretically someone could take a pack of these a week for decades, continuously, without taking some responsibility and seeing their GP?

            It's not the responsibility of a patient to do the job of doctors and pharmacists. They need to advise patients of the risks. Preventing decades of taking a layman's money and giving them a dangerous drug isn't a 'nanny state'. They could sue the pharmacists too.

            Doling out drugs instead of first taking a look at someone's diet is not doing your job. They should be measuring the acidity in the patients stomach before assuming that the problem is from too much stomach acid. It's just as likely that there is too little , in which case they shouldn't be taking this drug.

            The only thing adequate regulation will do is reduce harm in the community and lower the oversized profits of big pharma. That shouldn't bother you.

            • @RecklessMonkeys: The only reason this is an issue in the USA is because of direct to patient advertising. Noone will face legal action anywhere else.

              I strongly disagree that this is 'dangerous medicine' and so does the TGA. That's why the post above is being ignored, the risks are greatly exaggerated.

              What is the patients responsibility, they can ignore the instructions on the box, the instructions in the box, never ask any health professional for an opinion and then they get to sue if they are harmed - which would only happen after YEARS of unsupervised use. To restrict access for everyone else is a nanny state solution.

              I agree with you that people would be better served if pharmacists actually took an interest in patients health, but we would need to upend the entire industry to achieve that now.

              The profession has been gutted by the pharmacy guild, all the profits go to absent owners and anyone with half a brain has left the profession as it's paid so poorly.

              The pharmacists are doing their job, they are available to answer questions. That is all that is required for 'pharmacy medicine'. What wasn't envisaged by the original regulations was that the profession would move to a big box discount model where patients are discouraged from seeking advice and have no relationship with the local pharmacist.

              • @greatlamp: From the TGA -

                It was flagged that the long term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is one of the top 5 tests, treatments or procedures which should be questioned by GPs and their patients. That statement is based on the evidence that a high proportion of patients are kept on maximal doses long term, and adverse effects of long term use include increased risk of gastrointestinal infection (incl. Clostridium difficile), community acquired pneumonia, osteoporotic fractures, interstitial nephritis, and nutritional deficiencies, particularly in the elderly or immunocompromised.

                But according to you it's the patients' fault. Patients are not experts. They don't know what questions to ask. They rely on the advice of experts, who have abandoned them if they are going to blindly prescribe and sell it.

                Which of the above side effects would you describe as not dangerous?

                What warnings are written on the box that patients ignore? The box I'm looking at says "swallow one whole tablet each day" . No warnings.

                Not only will there be legal action around the world there will be broader cases because this one seems to be about kidney damage. It's potentially the tip of a PPI iceburg, and not before time.

                • +1

                  @RecklessMonkeys: Look up the maximum dosage. This issue is completely irrelevant for a 20mg pack of 14 tablets.

                  The warning I am referring to would be a statement about how long you should take the medication for before seeking medical advice. I don't need quote it, it's an OTC medication, anyone using it continuously without advice is using it inappropriately.

                  If someone is going through a box every 3-4 days they need to take some responsibility.

                  Which of the above side effects would you describe as not dangerous?

                  It's not dangerous because those side effects will not occur. What are the side effects of drinking 4L of Coca-Cola every day? That is the equivalent of what you are arguing.

                  The fact that you think this is a huge issue is only because you don't appreciate the context and are reading news articles written by people who have as much knowledge as you, not more.

                  • -1

                    @greatlamp: The fact that you keep putting it all back on the patient is all I need to know about this sophistry.

                    who have as much knowledge as you, not more.

                    Says you, who just downplayed the excerpt from the TGA. Read it again if it helps, but it's clear you're not looking for answers.

                    This isn't Coke. It's not dietary advice. It's regulated via scheduling of medicines and poisons.

                    The industry is probably as nervous as you sound.

                    I'd be a bit on edge too if I were, say, pushing this stuff with gay abandon.

                    The fact that you think this is a huge issue

                    So far it's a $600 million dollar issue. Not huge? OK. Lets see what happens.

                    • @RecklessMonkeys: I've already explained that a drug company failing to meet advertising regulations is not the same as medical malpractice.

                      I'm not 'putting it back on the patient', you just read what you want to.

                      I'm sure when nothing happens, instead of attempting to understand that these are some lf the safest drugs that exist you will be saying 'can't trust the government!'

                      • @greatlamp:

                        I'm sure when nothing happens,

                        Dude, something has already happened. And you're still banging on as if it hasn't.

                        I'm not 'putting it back on the patient', you just read what you want to.

                        I read your words. Others can too.

                        There is a troika of culpability here. It doesn't include the patient.

                        • @RecklessMonkeys:

                          Dude, something has already happened. And you're still banging on as if it hasn't.

                          And I'm telling you that nothing has happened.

                          Would you be having the same discussion if this was a question about any other topic? Why do you assume your laymans reading of TGA commentary is accurate when I have already pointed out you are misinterpreting the implications of the legal case in the USA.

                          We aren't discussing the issue anymore, we are discussing what is actually reality.

                          • @greatlamp:

                            And I'm telling you that nothing has happened.

                            Are you waving your hands around while saying that? I didn't realize I was conversing with a Jedi.

                            This is getting to be too bizarre a conversation to continue.


                            This must be in a parallel universe?


                            That's it for me. I'm worried that you'll convince yourself that black is white and get run over at the next zebra crossing.

                            Have a good evening. Or morning. Whatever you can convince yourself it is.

      • +6

        If this were true, there will be no medication available for anything based on my deal posting history. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/6432/nodes

          • +3

            @SonOfATightASS: Seriously no - if the product were to become recalled clients could return to us and we could return to the manufacturer. Being respectful to the few poor people who have developed serious illness or died, literally billions of people have at some point benefited from this medication. My personal view is that it should return to a more restrictive category of medicine in Australia requiring clients to visit their doctor before staying on the medication for months or years, but there are so many views on this, mine is only one.

            • -2

              @jason101: If this was not true, why did “AstraZeneca settled a US lawsuit late last year, paying $630 million to almost 19,000 patients”?

              • @CloudB: I was replying to the comment relating to commentary about having this item "on sale" due to the suggestion it may have no value soon. I think I can dispute this fact based on the comment I then made relating to clients being able to return the product to us and then us being able to return it to the manufacturer in the event it were to become withdrawn from the market.

              • @CloudB: To directly answer your question, it's usually because $630 million to a $237 Billion valued, publically traded company, is a nice simple way to stop a bleed.
                No more lawyers, no new media, and once it's settled it can't escalate.

                No idea what the science will find, I'm not commenting on the medication.
                Just trying to help you out with understanding the most common "why" that you were curious about when it comes to megacorps, or even just large business when public traded.

    • +9

      PPIs help millions of people. Like any medication the side effects need to be weighed up against risks. Long term reflux can cause conditions such as Barrett Oesophagus and consequently lead to oesophageal cancer. It’s a nasty cancer. People who have gastric ulcers rely on this medicine to relive pain and to prevent upper GI bleeds, some can be life threatening.

      Additionally if you are on long term medications or have chronic health conditions then your GP should/would organise regular checkup bloods including monitoring renal function. If there is an acute or chronic kidney disease then your medication and causes would be reviewed.

      Headline grabbing articles are not the best source of medical evidence, much of what is reported is anecdotal and selective.

      • +3

        Yup. I need this medication - I get it on a script. I had a 70% eroded oesophagus and now have Barrett's. People keep saying shouldn't take them, but the risk of not taking them is far greater, if you are diagnosed with a condition that needs them

        • I have been on Somac for 5 months, and it has really helped me mitigate reflux issues I had for 10 yrs or so but only earlier this yr I got medical advice.

          I did see the article so going to hold for any future refills until I have chat with doctor.

          • +1

            @lostinsydney: Yeh good idea to follow up with a visit to GP.

            When they first identified my issue they put me on pantoprazole (somac) but wasn't really helping, so they switched me to esomeprazole which worked. I was also taking ranitidine which helped heaps for immediate relief, however that got pulled from shelves/banned.

            The dosage has also changed a lot. I started on 80gm per day for esomeprazole, after 6 months they dropped it back to the recommended maximum of 40mg until the follow up endoscope. Then dropped to 20mg and then a year later stopped, but I had reoccurance so they bumped it back to 20mg and an extra tablet at night if I am in the middle of a flare up. If they ever pull esomeprazole I'm screwed.

      • Headline grabbing articles are not the best source of medical evidence, much of what is reported is anecdotal and selective.

        Give me a break.

        "Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca settled a US lawsuit late last year, paying $630 million to almost 19,000 patients who claimed two proton pump inhibitors - Nexium and Prilosec (marketed as Losec in Australia) - caused their chronic kidney disease."

        They would never have forked out $AU 1 Billion if it was 'anecdotal' evidence.

        • Again that’s not how medical evidence works. If you are asserting the harm outweighs the benefits of this medication then you need to back it up with scientific evidence.

          Settling a lawsuit in itself is not medical evidence. For all we know it is more cost effective and better for brand reputation to make that payout than it is to fight it? The current evidence for PPIs causing CKD isn’t established.

          There is insufficient evidence to link PPI exposure with the development or progression of CKD.


          As I said before medications have side effects and it’s up to the patient with the medical recommendations of their doctor, not randoms on a forum, to decide if the risk of not treating a condition is worse than the side effects.

          • @gamemaster: AstraZeneca paid out hundreds of millions of dollars because there's no evidence? Pull the other one.

            If you are asserting the harm outweighs the benefits of this medication then you need to back it up with scientific evidence.

            Take it up the TGA, who are well aware of the potential for harm.

            Oh and you'll have to excuse me if I'm dismissive of a paper that says the following -

            Conflict of Interest Statement

            Dr. Weir has served as a scientific advisor and has received Honoria from Astra Zeneca Bayer, CSL Vifor, Novo Nordisk, Takeda, Johnson and Johnson, and Mineralys.

            • @RecklessMonkeys: Again you haven’t established the risk but have used anecdotes. That is not how science and medical evidence works.

              Take it up the TGA, who are well aware of the potential for harm.

              It’s not me making the claim, it’s not for me to prove your claims.

              Oh and you'll have to excuse me if I'm dismissive of a paper that says the following

              Again if you are suggesting the paper conclusions is invalid you have to prove which part, otherwise you are going down the line of tin foil hat conspiracy theories. You can do this by listing one scientific study which shows causal relationship between PPIs and CKD.

              It sounds like you have made your mind and resorting to confirmation bias.

              • @gamemaster: Oh for goodness sake. We are not engaged in science. We are engaged in debate.
                I mentioned the TGA, but you don't care. That's your problem not mine.

                There is a very good reason that papers are required to declare conflicts of interest. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.

                • @RecklessMonkeys: This debate is pointless if you don’t want to include science and facts.

                  • @gamemaster: Yeah right. You've personally conducted double blind, peer reviewed research - yet your reference comes from an entity paid by Astra Zeneca et al.

                    • @RecklessMonkeys: These are scientific studies. Nine news network and their click bait opinion driven articles are not. Comical stuff.

                      • @gamemaster: I'm referring to the legal settlement, as per Astra Zeneca's own web site. And the TGA.
                        Nothing to do with the media who've simply reported on it, that you preferred to focus on.

                        But since you really really love science (and not the pretense of science) , where's some light reading for you. Comical indeed.

                        Hart, et al. 2019
                        An elevated incidence of incident AKI and CKD is linked to PPI use.

                        Guedes, et al. 2020
                        Omeprazole use on a regular basis was significantly associated with worsening stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in adult and elderly patients.

                        Aurora, et al. 2016
                        Proton pump inhibitor use is linked to a higher chance of developing CKD and passing away. According to the study, using PPIs raised the likelihood of developing CKD by 10% and was linked to a 75% higher risk of death.

                        Rodríguez-Poncelas, et al. 2018
                        PPI use has been linked to an increased incidence of CKD incidents. After three months of exposure, this relationship becomes noticeable and is stronger for high dosages.

                        • @RecklessMonkeys: Would you please provide the titles of these studies and which journal they are published in and I’ll have a look.

                          • @gamemaster: Just google it mate.

                            • -1

                              @RecklessMonkeys: It doesn’t come up on Google mate.

                              Let me guess you searched on chat GPT “give me 5 studies which show PPI cause CKD”?

                              • -3

                                @gamemaster: Oh just sod off then.

                                • @RecklessMonkeys: Tell chat GPT tell you to write that too? Haha. Have a reflux free day mate.

                                  • -3

                                    @gamemaster: Yeah that's all you've got isn't it? It was already plain you weren't interested in evidence.

                                    Let's recap.

                                    The media reports on a huge $600 Million cave-in from AstraZeneca just for trashing kidneys. This is just click bait though. Demands 'science'.

                                    Real science is only that which is signed off by AstraZeneca. Multiple independent research is generated by AI. Totally unable to find any evidence contradicting the thesis that Esomprazole is good for your kidneys, despite it being handed to you on a plate.

                                    Your ego is too bruised to acknowledge all this so your resort to trolling. Unless you're a sock puppet?

                                    Regardless, more payouts are coming.


                                    Read it and weep.

                                    It's only fair that you get the last jibe in so go for it. Then it's off to dialysis for you.

    • +1

      our loving government also allows the sale of durries, alcohol, pretty much everything other than water which is technically a carcinogen.

  • +1

    To be fair to OP, he's been selling Nexcid here even before the news controversy: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/Nexcid%20type%3Aozb…

    • +11

      Thanks - but don't worry I've got the message, this product will hide in the background next to Cold and Flu day and night. There are literally 20,000sku's I can offer, this deal was legitimately in response to a few clients asking for a deal on this product

      Anyone with a calculator can probably work out that $5.49 less $1.50 postage less $0.20 in envelope costs, less +/- $1 in payment processing fees, less the cost of the product is leaving me with less than $0 on this deal (before even factoring in my labour), so I'm not losing any sleep by not offering this product again in the near future ;-)

      Anyway the good news is around 100 units sold in around an hour so the deal is basically over, I'll pack them in the next couple of hours and then I can go back to watching TV on the couch.

  • +10

    Crickey, some misguided hate for the OP going on here.

    I appreciate deals like this - I get serious heartburn after a solid night on the booze, and this drug helps to calm it. Does the packet say it’s not designed for that? Yes. Does it work anyway? Yes. So having a handful in the cupboard for peanuts is perfect for me. If they expire before I use them, well - I guess I have been a good boy and haven’t had enough benders to need to use them.

    Ignore the haters and keep the deals going @jason101

  • This post reminded me that my Loperamide stock is out-of-date so ordered the $9.99 bundle. Cheers.

  • +2

    is this to go with the $1 SubDog deal

  • +1


    Just last week I was thinking of coming and asking if you could do a deal on Esomprazole, spewing that they're sold out already. Could you please try and pull off another one sometime soon?

    • Second this!

  • +1


  • @jason101
    I returned one of my previous orders Order #55205 for a refund a while ago as I bought the wrong medication, any updates? Per my previous message no issues with refund in store credit / deduction for restocking

  • +1

    Damn, missed it by this much…. doctor put me on this stuff a few years ago. I only need it a few times a year but it's worth keeping a supply on hand. I hope you ignore the negative nancies and post again.

  • +1

    Sold out 😭 @jason101 is there anymore stock coming?

    • +1

      I too am interested! hoping there is more in stock!

  • I get 30 tablets for $17 on a prescription, and damn this is cheaper than that…

  • -2

    Wow some nautsos on here. I've just posted a link as it's news in last 24 hours about dangers of heartburn medication and been down voted by medicine addicts! Really some loopies here that take whatever however they like out of context and classify people as lovers or haters 🤣

  • Hoping for this to come back in stock!

  • For those of you suffering from the very real effects of reflux - know that you aren't alone.

    Check the forums - for example How Do You Manage Your Reflux?

    You will see people trying to get off Esomprazole.

    Ask your doctor about it. It may be that you really do need it. Or not.

    Also of note is the number of people who use apple cider vinegar tablets to prevent reflux.

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