• long running

200x Cetirizine 10mg (September 2026 Expiry) $19.99 Delivered @ PharmacySavings


Hi Ozbargainers,

Well after years of nagging Dr Reddys this deal has finally come through. About a year ago I attended a dinner and seized by opportunity to ask if I had any product suggestions or improvements as a major client of Dr Reddys in Oz. I asked for 100tab boxes of Hayfexo and 100tab boxes Cetrine in the Dr Reddys range, apparently these had been TGA approved some years ago but never been manufactured for the Australian market, so the product was just parked and never made it into production.

I wasn't able to convince the team at Dr Reddy's to provide the Hayfexo in the 100tab box, but I succeeded in getting them to trial a 100tab box of Cetrine in Australia. As part of the deal I agreed to take on a significant portion of the first shipment - so I'm hoping the Ozb team don't let me down as I have multiple thousands of Cetrine either in stock now or consigned to me! As part of the first order I was able to negotiate a really good price to hopefully get the product launched with a bang in Oz, I am really hoping that if I can demonstrate my ability to move thousands of boxes, I can maintain my pricing and hence this deal pricing (with the caveat that Aust Post is putting up postage in April significantly).

This medication is literally fresh off the boat, I collected the order only yesterday - being super fresh the tabs have YEARS on the clock with a late 2026 expiry.

Item 200x Cetrine, Cetirizine 10mg (AUST R 306826) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetirizine
Price: $19.99 (after code)
Code: 5off
Delivery: Free
Expiry: End September 2026
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/cetrine-dr-reddys-ce…

Please note the discount code will work on the: 200, 300 and 400 unit variants (taking $5 off each price point)

ALSO NOTE: The artwork for this product has not yet been supplied, so do not be alarmed if the box in the picture for the 200tabs shows the 70 box, as soon as artwork is supplied I will update the website.

Even though I couldn't get the 100tab Hayfexo made specifically for our market, the team at Dr Reddy's did agree to package up the 70tab and 30tab boxes as a combo for me (at the time specifically for the Ozbargain market), and as many of you would know these have been available for some time and I have restocked them again tonight to celebrate the arrival of the Cetrine 100tab pack!


The Ozbargain Faves are restock again tonight:

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  • +3

    Great deal, thanks for your hard work for us here on OzBargain !


  • +4

    Hi Op! Can you please bring back the deal for Minoxidil?

    • 1+

      • +2

        Hi guys, $59.99 for 6 months delivered is currently the best price: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/minoxidil-extra-stre…

        • Do you have any insight as to why I can't find the generic foam version anywhere? Or even better where to find it?

          I used to be able to find the Costco Kirkland brand on eBay but no more.

        • This is coming up as $64.99 for me. I tried 5off and no luck.

    • time to go for estradiol?

    • +5

      Walk the talk

      • -2

        Well when people including government are happy to be ripped off then one can't do anything… !

        Woolworths and Coles trying to get into pharmacy market similar to what is in UK but pharmacy lobby opposing it while none of the government has balls to do the reform to allow more competition… !

    • 👈👆 India is that way champ 👌

      • The point here isn't about what or where India is but it was about price inflation done by pharmacy guild by not allowing better competition… !

        See what is Citrazine worth in America below: They are just $13.85 AUD for 200 tablet at currency conversion rate of 0.65. That price on walmart is without discount… !


        The point I made was how rip-off is happening in broad day light by all pharmacy …. and government (labor or liberal) just dumb to allow it to happen… !!!!

        Allow woolworths, coles and any other retailer to open pharmacy with right employee in place and see what happens to this prices … !!!!

        • $14 + $6 shipping seems equivalent? Considering the additional costs in labour and warehousing here, this would have lower profit than Walmart

          And why would Woolworths or Coles bring the prices down? They already sell allergy meds at ridiculous prices

          • -1

            @Jolakot: You go to Walmart for shopping and while buying milk you also buy citrizine so no shipping and many other OTC medicine …! Also, amazon US has citrizine for $9 USD for 354 I think which will be even cheaper if you are living in US

            If you allow Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, bigw and many other retailers to open proper pharmacy then only competition will come because then chemist warehouse or local pharmacy won't charge you 100% profit but Instead they have to compete with woollies and Coles….!

            Competition helps and at the moment chemist warehouse rules everywhere..!

            If you invest in stock then you would know that recently they merged with ASX listed company who is basically wholesalers and accc gave them okay to do it which will even further reduce competition…and bad news for Australian… !

  • Grabbed 200, thanks a lot.

  • Thankyou for the good work. Another other placed.

  • Thanks heaps for the deal. Just grabbed a pack.

  • +1

    My go-to hayfever tab now. Works more reliably than feno based ones now and Centrine is easier shape to split than the C-Zine brand.

  • any chance I can get discounted mometasone spray as part of this order?

  • Thanks Jason, put in an order

  • +14

    Hi Ozbargainers - I'm going to have to pull this deal temporarily because I physically can't keep up with the orders - in the past few hours I've sold several thousand boxes, I need to get all this stock out and then I'll revive the deal. I've packed a few hundred orders tonight, but I'll have to work through the rest tomorrow and possibly Tuesday.

    Sorry team once all orders are out I will revive the deal.

    • I guess that's a happy problem! Congratulations on the success of your sales!

    • Suffering from success

    • Maybe justifies getting some help with the packing/ shipping if you have sold 20-80K AUD within hours? Not being a smart ass but just saying you can get temp help on sites like air tasker etc etc

      • +2

        Thanks if only the numbers were that strong, the average order may be 4-6-8 or even 10+ boxes, so gross "sales" are only the hundreds (hundreds of sales is thousands of boxes being sold), the issue (just to help Ozbargainers understand) is the margin is in the cents (ie not even enough to pay anyone other than a family member) to help with the packing. Moral of the story which I think many reps face is that in order to be successful on Ozb you need to be cheap, but also make enough net profit to provide a reasonable level of service and not work yourself into an early grave. To share some insight, Ozb was "used" initially as a tool to build our volume (relying on other channels inc our retail store) to actually pay the bills, what has happened over time is that too many of our sales are via Ozb leads with little to no margin, and too few sales are via our profit making channels - so we probably need some re calibration. This is especially bad when deals like this really rocket off and we make no sales at full price or instore as Ozb has consumed all of our time/product. Anyway - thanks for the comment, I'm working on providing a more streamlined service that can ratchet up volume, I'll keep everyone posted.

        • I see … Thanks for taking time to explain. I only skimmed the comment and thought several thousands x $19.99 so found it odd not to justify expanding workforce. Anyway wish you all the luck and success on your hard work. I can relate to bordering near burnout

          • @Mazozb: All good - thanks again for the comments.

            I've recruited my brother in law to get the balance of orders out tonight.

            Deal is now live again !

        • Thanks for sharing the insight into how you operate.
          Please leave more profit margins in your prices. I'm sure ozbargain will continue to but and support you.

          Off topic, I tried to pay using card, as I wanted to save you PayPal fees, but it failed-twice.

          Does it make a difference to you which way we pay?

          • @Lord Ra: i second this, add a dollar or two to make it worth your time and effort. We all appreciate it.

            • @kuco: Yep, I left them a tip with my order. @jason101 and his elves need a treat every now and then. I can't imagine how they survive in such Razer thin profits.

  • +1

    For anyone considering buying for the first time, I always order from these guys, never had an issue. As someone who needs to take a lot of these tablets they're a godsend.

  • Thanks Jason for the hard work!

  • I’m always buying additional supplies that I don’t need to stockpile fearing that you’ll one day stop posting these amazing deals

  • Got mine today, all good.

    Thx again for this deal !!,

  • Got mine yesterday. Many thanks OP.

  • Much thanks for a great deal - needed some of these to deal with bites gotten when bushwalking. Despite repellent, gaitors etc etc ended up with 17 good bites from leeches after a walk a few days ago - literally could not sleep they were so itchy.

    very formidable little suckers they are so happy to keep these tablets for any future issues. Very good deal indeed.

  • Was just about to head out to Chemist Warehouse today to get some Zyrtec and saw this! Bought some!

  • Hi,

    Is this the Zyrtec substitute?

  • There's 99c delivery now @jason101

    • Free shipping is available (regular flat pack shipping) as it always has been, the 99c post option is offered to provide "priority post" by Australia post, https://auspost.com.au/sending/letters-australia/priority in rough terms this halves the delivery time of a regular mail item.

  • +1

    Hi @jason101,
    is there any difference between this brand (Dr Reddy ) and the other cetirizine brand (chemist's own) ?

    I bought the chemist's own previously and I think it suits me ok, but I'm not sure if this brand (Dr Reddy) will be any different.

  • Thank you, good deal! I couldn't find Bilastine on your site, is it not available generically yet?

  • $25 for 200 now.

  • I forgot to use the code 5off - bugger!

  • Oh Mann, I just paid full price and only a 70pk because I stupidly read the OP as OoS!
    First time customer, lifetime customer. I live om ibuprofen, it's simply necessary for me to function and my partner is tired of hearing "can you grab come ibuprofen pls"
    @jason101 you able to help re applying the code as a credit?

    • @jason101 u/jason101
      Damn tagging wont work!

      • If the item has packed and processed its out the door already and most likely sitting in the post box (I dont process all orders myself I have a team of elves packing in addition to myself) - if the order hasnt been filled pls pm me the order number and I'll pull the order.

        • Ordered 15min ago, PM inbound. Thankyou!

    • @jason101 Damn tagging wont work!

      • Its ok - for some reason this old deal has popped up on the main page again and I clicked in to see why.

        • Yeh thats how i got here… The ALL caps caught my attention…. Now you've got a new life customer :)

        • Do you know why? 😁

          • @Lord Ra: Last edited 7 hours 33 min ago @hamza23

            Doesnt know why it's front poage, only takes a click. Because this genius put it there with the below


            ALSO NOTE: The artwork for this product has not yet been supplied, so do not be alarmed if the box in the picture for the 200tabs shows the 70 box, as soon as artwork is supplied I will update the website.

            Removed the top with bottom:

            200x Cetirizine 10mg, September 2026 Expiry - Manufactured On Request for OzBargainers - $19.99 Delivered @PharmacySavings
            200x Cetirizine 10mg (September 2026 Expiry) $19.99 Delivered @ PharmacySavings

  • Is windcave cheaper than PayPal for you?

    After the Honey scam, I want to punish PayPal a little bit by avoiding them for a few months.

    I'll pay with whichever provider has cheaper fees for you.

    • +1

      Really don't mind, both have pro's and cons - thanks for asking. The only issue with Windcave is you (webstore) subscribe to a minimum usage spend, so if your business doesn't put enough business through their platform you still pay the agreed minimum fee. There are lower plans available, but of course the fees (as a percentage) are then allot higher. Folks (particularly Ozbargainers) get cranky when sites charge credit card surcharges, but it's really hard to absorb essentially an unknown processing fee on small value sales on very low margin items.

      • PayPal charges a % so will be cheaper I presume. I left a tip to cover those costs. Thank you for being you!

    • Protesting against PayPal for the actions of a company they purchased for ~7% of their net worth - Silicon Valley for bugger al, but they bought it and it did it's job - made them money. How? It's wouldnt be more than a handful of paypal employees were sent over. Just as we drive cars and believe we are in control, we are relant on many small sustems functioning, and until recently theu had no idfea about each other and we the owners, very little about each parts function..
      The shady behaviour with coupon censoring was basically their business model and widespread knowledge that honey is they way to do things or at least approacxh with extreme caution.
      The best results are always human. I asked an AI a price related question on Amazon, it listed OzBargain as the 3rd best place to determine if i had the best price (Amazon itself, followed by camelcamelcamel).

      As for the paypal affiliate switch, it would've been active previously and changed with ownership, and whilst questionably unethical, it's user choice at the end of the day. Now, whats the #1 rule for cashback - dont browse away from the site at ANY time - So exactly that kinda stuff doesn't happen. It's been public information since atleast 2020…. Why do you think it's a big deal now? I
      ll give you a hint, it starts with T and has $$$'s and this year(roughly T's time) how many companies have been in the media spotlight over scandals I'd be more worried about what the internet userdata aggregation companies have and make money selling, your information and there's not a thing we can do in this country, we dont have the right to personal privacy, with exception of private land and even then it's a court debate topic not a line in the sand,

      • +1

        If you drive a car and crash it into someone, despite all of these hidden small systems, you are still held financially and criminally liable for it. If you own a dog and it mauls a small child, you the owner are charged for it, even if you can never fully control an animal.

        Same goes for PayPal, they are responsible even if they didn't know or didn't care, cost of doing shady business.

        • Legally yes, but in reality did they play an active role? Did they even know? Bit closer to your best mate borrows your car goes out gets drunk and has said crash.

          • @parad0x: If you let him borrow the car, your insurance will still have you at fault for the accident because you gave him permission to drive it. Doesn't matter if you knew he would drive drunk or not, you still gave permission.

            You don't just trip one day and accidentally buy a shady company, do you? Someone at PayPal made that decision

            • -1

              @Jolakot: Im legally liable for the actions of a 3rd party, where 3rd party is fact not contention or dispute.

              Please, show me this law or STFU

        • Not that anything criminal has taken place by either party re Paypal'/Honey

        • No ONE makes any decisions at Paypal buddym it's owned by the public they make the key decisions, not the CEO. Stil;l waiting for where how and why this is remotely related to a legal matter

        • David Hazlehurst is my CEO. Feel free to ask him what he thinks and whether he's liable for the criminals too

        • You did know this was OzBargain, not r/AMA because i've yet to see a tangible link to the topic of conversation,

          And your original post, lets break it down;

          • If driving a car and crash, despite hidden email systems, financially AND criminally.

          So um,,, What does hidden email systems have to do with car crashes & liability
          Forgetuung hidden emails, you're financially responsible, sans legal responsibility… That's an oxymoron as well as a lie
          You;re also criminally liable wiihout having comitted acrime let alone innocent until proven, but if there's no legal liability there's not criminal either!
          See there's this thing called The Law, and it's the breakingof rules n this book thats needed to be financially & criimina lliable.

          But that wasnt enough, you had to add an exlaimation to the bullsh*t

          you own a dog and it mauls a small child, you the owner are charged

          Using "child " being mauled wasnt twisted enough for you it had to be "a small child"

          Really is perfect. It was at that stage that i knew that this was going tk be a disjointed ride, and you delivered. No quewstion answered, no statemens backed up, no two posts related and p000f! @Jolakot is no more

          • @parad0x: TLDR
            Soz, not soz.
            Perhaps punctuation will help.

  • Thanks OP!!!

  • How often do you folks take this? For me I get runny nose and itchy hives if I don't every 2-3 days.

  • Still waiting on a deal for Atrazine

  • This medication is hard on the liver. Cyproheptadine is better.

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