50x Trust Cetirizine 10mg, Antihistamine Rapid Action 24-Hour Hayfever Relief $8.99 ($7.99 Expired) Delivered @ PharmarcySavings


EDIT: 1st 100 units now exhausted, as demand is high I have released more stock, but can not supply more at the original deal price of $7.99, price now $8.99 for anyone who missed out, but once we clock another 40 or so sales I need to withdraw the code completely….. Thanks to everyone who supported this deal.

Hi Ozbargainers,

Nice easy, non controversial deal tonight. I have just landed this Hayfever seasons supply of Trust Cetirizine 50's in store and to celebrate actually having enough stock of this product for once, I thought I'd kick of the sales of the new batch by offering up the 1st 100x sales at at few cents above actual cost. Not all brands offer the 50x tab pack, to me its a nice balance between 30's which tend to be quite expensive per tablet and 70-100's which for many clients who only occasionally need the product, find this quantity just too much. Many people prefer Trust Cetirizine as it has a small pill size, some of our regular clients have issue with the larger Fexo tabs.

This batch has an expiry of END OF MAY 2027.

Item: 50x Trust Cetirizine 10mg
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/50-x-trust-cetirizin…
Price: $7.99 $8.99 (after code)
Quantity: 100x Units at this price at time of listing

If you are looking for BULK Cetirzine - these older deals may appeal:
* 200x Cetrine @ $19.99: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/834351
* 420x Cetrine 10mg & 70x Loratadine - $49.99 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/887664

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  • 50 for the price of 10 with 2 years expiry. Bought
    Thanks 👍

  • +1

    love the promo code!

  • But Zyrtec (also with 10mg of Cetirizine Hydrochloride) is on special at $11.20 for a 10 pack. 🤣
    P.s. Bought, as we (the wife) just ran out of another branded product (as mentioned above)!

  • Thanks, got one!

  • good timing
    restocked thanks OP

  • +1

    They are cheaper as a white label on eBay with plus code. You can get 400 for $35 delivered for anybody who needs them every day. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/386910502051

    • Do you still get your eBay $5 code every month? I haven't for a while now, and can't be bothered to go through support who may or may not give me the code after a long chat…

      • +1

        I did not renew eBay Plus. Just before I ordered my 400-pack of tablets. I is still cheaper even if you pay $39.

  • Just got one in prep for Spring.

    Thanks OP

  • woah .. bought … and shipped now … very fast and efficient … Thanks @jason101

    • hahah yeah, I had the 1st 100 sets all prepacked and ready to go ;-)

      • @jason101 have emailed back, and still haven't received this order yet

  • Oh man sold out 😭

  • Code goes to $8.99?
    Ah just saw edit

  • Please see above, I have more stock, but I really can't supply any more at $7.99, I'm happy for any stragglers to come in at $8.99 but I need to pull the code completely soon. Thanks for all the support.

    • Says sold out

  • no difference between these and more reputable brands i.e Zyrtec?

  • Just bought the 3x 140 Dose Mometasone for $52 :-(

  • Says sold out again

  • Really want to try if it helps my symtom but its sold out.

  • Hi all stock I had for this deal now exhausted, we have a few boxes left in the store which expire end November 2025 - but all the deal stock is gone

  • I can understand using anti histamines for reactions from plants and possibly pollution, but many causes are attributed to not wearing a mask when sweeping or cleaning, using household chemicals, body wash/soap, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Generally if you find the issue you'll resolve the problem and not need to use these regularly, as regularly or at all.

    • If you’re fortunate enough to be able to manage with masks and a good clean of your environment that’s good to see, but for some of us it gets bad enough that medicinal intervention is required in order to function daily.

  • +2

    Weird haven't received these yet
    Auspost that slow or just my luck

    • +1

      Same for me. Previous purchases have always been received pretty quickly.

    • +1

      Yeah, this is getting a little long for my liking. Especially as I placed another order on the 16th, before this!!!

      • Received yet? I haven't yet, but then again I am in Brisbane, so have lost several days due to ex-cyclone Alfred

        • +1

          Nope nothing as yet. Been almost a month
          Time to DM jason101

          • @ozblogger: Did either of you guys get a response?

            • @theguyrules: Many, many emails about items posted on or around the 20th still not delivered, hang in there. If we get to 20+ working days please let me know, otherwise I appreciate everyone waiting.

              • @jason101: Ok can do. Definitely not had issues previously so happy to give you the benefit of the doubt.

                • @theguyrules: Yes 50 emails per day coming in about slow deliveries, I post thousands of items every month so the volume of late deliveries is still minor but some people are legitimate crazies getting very aggressive and threatening about what is something completely outside of my control.

                  Most of the delays seem to be for items posted around the 21st-22nd of last month, being reasonable this is around 15 working days, 10 working days is average and between then and now we've had a cyclone in QLD and parts of NSW causing all of their mail to be sent to the other states for processing - so I hope everyone will take their foot off the anger button (and maybe select priority post for their next order)

              • +2

                @jason101: We are past 20 working days now @jason101

  • Just reporting in - I ordered on the 20th and realized I haven't received this either.

    • Same here. Didn't receive yet

    • Same. Still haven’t received my order yet.

    • +1

      same. Still have nothing. Tried emailing an no reply?

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