Free Will - Generate and Submit for Review until September 9 (Was $160) @ SafeWill


Write your Will for 100% off

Take care of what really matters with Australia's highest rated Will writing platform. Built by lawyers and customised by you - in less than 20 minutes. Now FREE for one week only. Offer extends until September 9th.

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  • +13

    I’ve been dying for this deal.

    • Hey it's me your son

  • What's the catch?

    • +21

      If you don't pay attention when you sign up, they charge you for a year once the free period runs out.

      Ask me how I know.

      • Yeah nah

      • +2

        How do you know?

      • +2

        This is probably worth a neg, just to alert people. Thanks for the heads up!

    • +5

      You must spend 1 night in a haunted house.

  • +2

    Or don’t trust some random company and get it done via the government for free (at least here in Queensland)…

    • +9
      1. Don't die in Qld without a will otherwise the Public Trustee will financially bathe in lots and lots of your money.
      2. Don't get a free will from the Public Trustee in Qld and appoint the Public Trustee as executor, otherwise see 1. above.
      3. Don't get into a situation where the Public Trustee becomes your guardian in Qld, otherwise see 1. and infinitely multiply it until you have nothing left.
      4. With this deal, you would have to be blind Freddy to not see where you can opt out of their $15 a year fee.

      • +1

        this deserves more attention 100% accurate. Public trustee is just a state sponsored scam IMO.

      • Perhaps worse in Qld, but Public Trustee experience not great in NSW either… despite having cooperative siblings on an inheritance in our family, they ate up money in fees, valuers etc for items that weren't listed who they should go to, and were generally not great to deal with. For example:

        • War medals: Sentimental, had to go to someone, got agreement amongst the siblings with other trade-offs on other items for one sibling to keep them. Yet the Public Trustee got some boffin to "value" them at some absurd amount of theoretical maximum amount of money (i.e. I'm guessing to increase their % fees / justify their existence, despite the fact they are sentimental and would never be sold, and would never achieve the value they put on them), then essentially charged the sibling that was agreed could keep them for their value by deducting all that valuer's cost + value they placed on the medals + the public trustee fees from their share of proceeds of selling the other assets (i.e. the house) [i.e. minus their 1/4 share they inherited by the estate rules]

        • Car: one sibling only expressed interest in keeping it, again, they engaged a valuer (despite redbook/carsales values being a great free option) + fees, put some stupid value on it (I can't remember the exact numbers but circa) $30K for a car worth about $22-25K at the time, said the sibling would be charged the $30K "value" + fees to keep it [less their 1/4 share], so they said "no it is not worth that, I'd prefer to keep the family car but that's more expensive than buying another one given it's worth $25K max and I'd keep it for that". Despite no argument from the siblings, the Public Trustee said no it had to be what their valuer said, so they reluctantly said "no". So the public trustee sent it to their mates at an auction house, and with no care they were advised it had a reserve placed on it of $18K or so. The sibling that said they would keep it lost their sh!t with the Public Trustee - said you can't sell it for that, I'll keep it, I offered you $25K and they said too late, it has gone to the auction house (despite not yet being sold). They asked to set their own reserve and they said no.
          It sold at auction for way less than value, barely cleared the low reserve they slapped on it without consent they apparently don't need, and after auctioneer fees + truck transport to auction house + the PT fees and the siblings split like $16K between them.

        Absurd rigid, processes, cold, almost zero fkkks given attitude. No flexibility for siblings to discuss and sort out without them valuing everything and making adjustments to make it even per estate rules and eating time and money in the process.

      • Not to detract from anything else in your comment but in Qld the Public Trustee won't automatically be involved in estates without a Will:….

        Even so, people should still get a Will done.

  • +3

    Free Will - until September 9


  • +4

    Do not touch - Will

    Good advice

    • Don't be reading my mind between 4 and 5. That's Willie's time!

  • +1

    why do they need a yearly fee - don't you just get your will done and keep it (or do they keep it and try to charge for holding on to the original for you).

    • +1

      No, they won't keep it for you. You print and get witnessed by two non-beneficiaries, and then keep it where you someone will find it. The $15 fee is for any variations you make, which is usually quite rare, unless you have a major change in your life. They will try to upsell you on other products, like a Power of Attorney.

  • I used a previous free offer. I found it useful, as I wanted to nominate someone to have authority to rehome my pets if I pass away, which should ensure they are taken care of and prevent them from ending up in a shelter.

    It is certainly better than dying intestate if you dont have a complex will to prepare.

  • Do you have to submit the will for review by Sep 9? or can you start the process and finish it later?

    • Would like to know this as well

  • +2

    So free will isn't an illusion…

    • No it is, you just think you have it

      • Until Monday, at any rate

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