• expired

4000 Bonus Flybuys Points on $250 Coles Mastercard Gift Cards ($7 Purchase Fee Applies) @ Coles (In-Store Only)


Upcoming Gift Card deal from Coles - 4000 Bonus Flybuys Points on $250 Coles Mastercard Gift Card ($7 Fee Applies)

Valid: Wed 4th September - Tue 10th September 2024

Limit 5 Gift Cards per Flybuys account. Offer valid from 4/9/24 to 10/9/24 and only available in store at Coles Supermarkets (excludes Coles Online, Coles Express and purchases via giftcards.com.au), subject to store availability. Excludes $50 and $100 Coles Mastercard Gift Cards. To qualify for this offer you must present your Flybuys card at the time of purchase. While stocks last, no rainchecks. BONUS POINTS can be awarded more than once for each Gift Card type including different denominations of the same Gift Card but can only be collected up to 5 times per Flybuys account. Gift Cards can't be used to purchase other Gift Cards at Coles. Standard Flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at Flybuys.com.au. Coles Mastercard gift cards are issued by Heritage and People's Choice Limited trading as Heritage Bank ABN 11 087 651 125, AFSL/ACL No. 244310 pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated. For Coles Mastercard Gift Card Terms of Use and Conditions, go to www.colesmastercardbalance.com.au.

Any questions, please refer to the Gift Cards FAQ. It has FAQs covering gift card deals at Coles, as well as Coles Mastercard gift cards.

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closed Comments

      • Great thanks

        • +4

          Why would you want to though. You still only get the bonus points for the first 5.

          • @Slo20: Yeah you’re right, they can do that. Too risky to attempt this.

  • It doesnt work with City of Melbourne council rates website? I tried $249.18 and $245, neither worked.
    Anyone else have this issue?

    • Also declined at ATO. I was able to check balance and it's still $250 available.

      • Paid hecs debt with the 5 cards and worked fine, around 2 hours ago

        • Out of curiosity what did you put as the cardholder name when trying to pay using the gift card?

    • 3/5 worked at deft, tried paying city of melbourne and ato with 3rd card and both worked; 4th and 5th didnt work at these websites but I can check balance. so weird.

    • Update: all went through today

    • How did you get your City of Melb issue resolved? Did you try again with a different card?

      I got a 'do not honour' error when paying online. The online balance says the transaction was declined but the full balance is still available.

      • I got a 'do not honour' when trying to pay my council rates and googled the error. If you can see it on the online balance it means either exp date or CVC was entered incorrectly.

        I re-entered all card details and it went through successfully.

      • Try the next day

        • Huzzah! That worked! I only bought the card last night and tried using it within a couple of hours but it kept being declined. Thx!

  • Q and advice please…I was trying to pay the ATO this evening with the Coles $250 MC. After a few successful payments, one card payment to ATO was declined. Went to check the balance of the card and was shocked to find it was only 0.50c. Fearing I was scammed, I listened to the recent transactions to find out a payment of $249.50 to ATO was pending, hence the $0.50 balance. Given the payment to ATO was declined, would the $249.50 automatically be added back to the MC in a day or 2? Advice please

    • Do you think you card may have been accepted even though it said declined?

      • No because the payment surcharge of $0.50 was not debited, hence why there is $0.50 balance on the Coles MC.

    • For the Coles $250 MC, my transaction was also declined on the first attempt to pay ATO. Normally can get 4 before things stop. At the card issuer's end, it must be a busy night for the security algorithm, with everyone trying these payments.

  • Won't this ruin my spend $50 for 4 week spend in the future?

    • I bought the 10% off deal last year and I don't have any other deal for about 6 month. So now I have a daily spend flybuy card and a flybuy card only use when I have a good offer

  • When would we get points?

    • +2

      5pm the day after

  • Any thoughts on my post above @WookieMonster ? Ta

    • +2

      I would expect the pending transaction to disappear from your card within a couple of business days.

      FYI, I just made a $249.50 payment (+ $0.50 fee) to the ATO from a $250 Coles Mastercard gift card (and it is the first payment I made to the ATO today). I am not sure what would have caused payment to be declined in your case.

      • +1

        I feel Incomm has been randomly declining certain types of "questionable" transactions lately. Not 100% but they might have a dynamic model to adjust the decline rate.

        If you go to the transaction records, you will see that they all show up as "declined", so it is probably not the merchant's call to reject the transaction based on their risk model.

  • Out of stock

  • Doesn't look like Sydney Water accept them anymore

    • I just paid my water bill today with one card

      • Maybe they dont let more funds in if you are already in credit

  • Sniip now working with another card!

  • Paypal door had shut on me

    • Try it again tomorrow, it might work.

  • Can you buy this card at Coles Express Petrol Station….?

    • +1

      You can buy there is no bonus points

      • Oh ok…. thank you for confirming.

        • maybe you could get some unactivated cards from Coles express and get them activated at coles.

  • Does anyone can still find some Cards today? If yes what time and where?


    • Heaps (at least 50) in coles Springvale in Melbourne (the one on Princes hwy)

      • That's surprising to know!

      • Do they usually restock at night for the following morning?

        • From what I've seen gift cards seem to fall under the purview of the checkouts and service staff, might vary from store to store of course. But those folks seem not to really have a lot of spare time on their hands and just do things whenever they can.

          My local store had stock on the weekend before the promotion, then zero $250 cards on Tuesday afternoon when I went in.

          First day of the promotion (Wednesday) I went in when the store opened and there were 10 $250 on the shelf. When I swung by after work, 0.

          Thursday was a repeat, fresh restock of 10 (much longer expiry date) at store open, 0 by the afternoon.

          • @wavesgreen: Oh ic, so that could be because they restocked it each morning at the opening time.

            • @BTSARMY: My personal feeling although I have no proof of this, is that customers bring the empty shelf to the attention of staff during the busy post-work period when people with money* want to buy gift cards.

              So the staff go fill it afterwards when they have a second.

              *Not just us OzB grots

        • It depends on the store you go to and the staff’s approach to restocking gift cards.

          For example, during this deal, I went to a Coles store on Wednesday morning just after opening and there were no $250s on the gift card shelf. When I went back about 90 minutes later, a staff member was hanging up $250s on the shelf.

          During a previous Coles Mastercard gift card deal at the same store, I was at the store around 10am on a Sunday and the store manager was hanging up $250s.

  • have anyone got bonus points added to flybuys account . looks like i received only base points 257 only .

    • +1

      Nothing yet. That’s one thing that always annoyed me with flybuys is the delay for the activity to show. Always makes me think it didn’t scan my flybuys.

      • My receipt shows my existing points balance which means definitely it registered. Still haven’t got the points yet.

    • It happened before. The bonus points were credited after two days.

    • Same here. only base points

  • +2

    Only received Base flybuys points

    • +2

      Same here… waiting for the bonus ones to hit.
      Really hate chasing them when points are missing. The amount of "security checks/questions" is a joke with customer service when you provide all the data they would have needed ffs

    • Same

      • Got the bonus on last Saturday

    • same

      • Same. Least we're all in the same boat. Should mean it's on their radar.

        • +1

          That radar is gonna be detecting an angry mob of OzBargainers if they don't issue those bonus points soon 😂😂

  • Both my accounts I only received base points + 4000 points… 5 cards purchased per account

    • same here.

      • Just base points received - no bonus points as yet

        • +1

          4000 points should be bonus right?

          • @akafinal: Per card, I should have 20,000 for 5 cards

            • @Brick50: might we worth stopping the hunt for new as in doubt of bonus points were not yet added.

  • +2

    just called them to see whats happening . bonus points to be added after 24-48 after promotion ends on 10 September.

    • they didn't mention this in the t&c

      • Standard Flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at Flybuys.com.au.

        might me one of many rules we never bothered reading.

        • Had a look. Flybuys say Participant (ie partner organisations) promotions have their own T&C that apply and can be found on the Participant section of the flybuys website. Can't see any Coles MasterCard Gift Card promotion anywhere. The Coles section just says within 24hrs of purchase but it is clearly under the '1 point per $1' section.

        • Hmm.. Why not just give the points at the same time? What's the delay for? I still only have the base points

  • Damn got nothing

    • Are you sure you scanned your flybuys card? You can go in with your receipt and add it if you didn't.

      • Just the standard 1285 no 4000 at all

        • Bugger. Hopefully all comes through at the end of the promotion like day87 said.

  • +4

    For the person who mentioned earlier in the thread that there was an oversupply of $250 cards and that's why this promotion is for the $250 card only… not quite.

    I spoke to my friendly local Coles staff member who I always got to at the service counter to buy my cards during these promotions (double dipping with ShopBack Supermarket Activ Visa so need to do split payment) and she showed me the corporate email.

    There's actually an undersupply of the $100 cards so the promotion was changed to just be for the $250 cards only.

    Originally this promotion was:

    2000 bonus flybuys points for $100 Coles MasterCard Gift Card and 4000 bonus flybuys points for $250 Coles MasterCard Gift Card.

    Promotional material was sent to stores for the original promotion and the email was instructing staff to pull down any on display and destroy it. New material to be sent out and displayed for the $250 card promotion.

    • by the time they put promo card there willbe none on shelves

      • Mine were printing out little posters on brightly coloured A4 sheets of paper lol

    • +2

      An undersupply of $100 denominations makes sense, considering there have been six 2,000 bonus points deals since the last deal where the $250 denomination was the most desirable option for most people. I swear I have been the only person buying the $250 denomination during the 2,000 bonus points deals!

      I originally suspected one the reasons this deal was being run was to allow stores to sell stock of $250 denominations that are getting close to the three year expiry mark (and those most likely would need to be binned if not sold soon).

      I also find it a little amusing that Coles would partially pull a promotion where there has been an undersupply of gift cards, because allegedly Woolworths does not appear to do the same. Allegedly.

      • +2

        The wording in the email was something to the effect of "in order to avoid disappointing customers who may not be able to find $100 gift cards during the promotion, the following change has been made…"

      • +1

        sell stock of $250 denominations that are getting close to the three year expiry mark

        Can confirm that all the stock on the shelf at my local store on day one of the promotion were perilously close to the three year mark.

        Day two restock were all well into the future.

  • Standard points now displayed in my App.

  • Standard points show up.

    Note the website to check the balance has issues. Literally you need you need to try different browsers and it might work. Later on that same browser may not work but another will.

    • yes, try Incognito or InPrivate.

  • Someone bought some tampered cards from Manuka store at Canberra. Please be aware of it.

    • were the gift cards packet not sealed ?? some more info would be good to understand how to protect yourself from happening to any of us.

      • The person could not see anything wrong from outside. Felt a bit different when pulled it open. That’s all info

  • Anyone know of a Coles with stock in southwest melb? I only need 2.

    • +1

      Coles Springvale had ~50 left this afternoon

  • i just saw on the front of the card gift card " USE THIS CARD EVERYWHERE MASTERCARD IS ACCEPTED" .

    so i guess the businesses who are blocking or Mastercard blocking it cannot do it , as it comes as false advertising ??

    can we complain on this ? ?

  • Is this saving around $13 in Fuybuys points money for every $250?

    • +1

      A little over $14 if you include the 257pts for the regular $purchase.

  • -1

    Is anyone having trouble logging onto the website to check balances? I tried logging on yesterday and this morning and it keeps erroring out for me.

    Was there a phone number I could contact?

    • +1

      try Incognito or InPrivate.

  • Hi all, For those local to Melb and looking South Melb clarendon st has literally dozens if not hundreds of $250 cards.

    • Darn it, I was in South Melb yesterday and should've popped in!

  • Anyone got bonus points yet? only get 1285pts, no 4000x5 points yet?

    • still waiting for bonus points.

    • +1

      last time was the same, the bonus points were credited a day after the normal points were credited.

  • for those that don't know you can check the balance of the card here : https://www.mybalancenow.com/

  • Still waiting for my points here. Its been over 48 hours since the purchase…

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