Looks like the 15% off promo code is now working from Unidays & Studentbeans!
Stack with $450 bonus store credit, as well as 10% back as store credit for Google One 2TB/m members.
That's a pretty good discount all up on a just-announced phone!
Looks like the 15% off promo code is now working from Unidays & Studentbeans!
Stack with $450 bonus store credit, as well as 10% back as store credit for Google One 2TB/m members.
That's a pretty good discount all up on a just-announced phone!
How can “students” afford these prices 😱
After all essential living and academic expenses, a nice phone is what many students spend on.
Obsidian is a classic but yeah I know a lot of people at uni that would instantly buy the pink. Porcelain is pretty popular as well. Google's going in a better direction in this regard but there are still gaps in the market, especially from Apple. It's very obvious to me that it's millennials and gen x-ers making colour decisions instead of gen z because look at all the missed sale opportunities.. I can't believe no one attempted a pink phone collaboration with Barbie last year, it would've sold so well, especially as Apple's mid cycle new colour release but oh well.
Apple is doing pretty well with Gen Z, and industrial design goes through a lot of market research. I can promise you the idea of pink products for women is not a terribly novel concept.
Good luck selling it at that price in this economic environment. I though google had data on this.
LOL I think you underestimated how much money people still have. There is a reason our inflation numbers have taken SO long to make any progress and over 30% of homes being bought in Syd are being bought in cash.
Also wait until next month when the new iPhone comes out. Millions will fly out the doors and thats > $2000 for a candy bar phone that is likely just a small update on the previous.
It helps to clarify what demographic is purchasing these houses with cash.
I don't think the countries on this list will shock anyone: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-27/foreign-buyers-china-…
But that's ok, as long as the government can think about their economy and keep making it difficult for actual residents of the country to purchase a property, that's all that matters.
The other factor here is the tax cuts that really don't help the inflation cause. Don't get me wrong - I'm enjoying the couple hundred extra I get each month now, but I would have much preferred that interest rates came down in the Sep - Dec quarter as most of the Big 4 banks and financial analysts were forecasting until those tax cuts came into effect. Now its very likely we won't see any rate relief until 2025
The Govt clearly opted for a 'sweetener' for people with an election likely in the next 12 months vs trying to help us overcome the inflation problem earlier and get those rates coming down ASAP. A real shame
@Maths Debater: I didn't neg your original post but I did this one. Caring, crying, confronting, and complaining about negs will always get you negged on the internet.
@Nillionaire: I think it’s cowardly that this site allows people to neg comments without forcing a reply. Anyway, I respect you for owning your neg.
@Maths Debater: I didn't neg you either but who cares man? Keyboard warriors are a big part of the internet. People who wouldn't say a word in front of you but are brave behind a screen. Just gotta not care
Thats the boogeyman Murdoch media wants you to fear. Do you really think $5B can have any sort of impact on the $10T property market.
@sekhon147: Banks lending money irresposibly because they have a vested interest in keeping prices high? Nah, can't be.
Government enacting policies that "help" first home buyers with free money? Nah, can't be.
Government encouraging speculation by reducing CGT and allowing negative gearing for IP? Nah, can't be.
House prices only rise because of those damn foreigners buying 1% of houses each year. Yeah that's definitely the cause, get out your pitchforks!
@soan papdi: @soan papdi (profanity) man don't give away the truth too easy, they won't be able to take it
You mean people's capacity to live beyond their means and cry when it comes all crashing down?
It’s still Australia mate not Africa
a newbie here. do I need to join [UNiDAYS, StudentBeans] first to get a code?
When purchasing, straight from Google Store or through [UNiDAYS, StudentBeans] ?
Yes, you need an education email address to join them first.
You then get a discount code that you use on the google store.
@ballistykx - I joined, got the code but when using the code on the store it says "Promo code doesn't apply. Check the basket and promo details". :-(
Just bought one for my brother, use StudentBeans instead of UNiDAYS - unsure why
Hope that helps :)
@tesla like krayr said, try studentbeans, I used that and it worked.
Just hit up a mate with a .Edu email
I'm hard working man and can't afford a student phone at this price…
how do i get this promo "10% back as store credit for Google One 2TB/m members"
Subscribe to a Google One 2TB plan
can i combine it with student disocunt?
Yes; I just did it. Student code is taken off straight away, 10% from Google One are credited after the phone has shipped.
@soan papdi: Yea keen to know too.
Btw the 2TB plan has a free 1 month trial if you choose the 2TB AI plan lol, I'll swap back to the prev plan once I'm done w the transaction
Update: Ah found it, credit expires after 1 year :/ man if they release next year's phone any later than same time this year + 15 days (credited after the return period), it'll expire
Unsure what to do here, historically the announcements/releases of new pixel phones happen around Oct, if they do so again next year, we won't be able to use the credit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Pixel
Update 2: Checked w google support, store credit can't be extended :/ oh well, skip for me
Does this code only work on the Pro XL or can it be used on the basic model and smaller Pro?
it says "15% off Pixel Phones" - so presumably it will work with other Pixels on offering too.
It does.
There's another 15 percent off offer if you scroll down the unisays page. It worked for me because the first promo code didn't work.
Folks, anybody managed to get the promo code from Unidays to work?
I got "Promo code doesn't apply. Check the basket and promo details."
I used StudentBeans instead of UNiDAYS and it worked :)
Why is pixel 8a not eligible for trade in?
Can you use gift cards to buy this? Stack up many google pay supported cards up
Can confirm Student Beans code works, Unidays not working
I cannot get Unidays working either
Confirming both cases. Unidays no go but StudentBeans wored.
how to get $450 store credit
Automatically credited to your google store account once you purchased.
Buy a Google Pixel 9 Pro XL.
"Pixel 9 pro is coming in spring"
Wait what? That's the one I've been waiting for, is it not going to be released with all the other pixel 9 models? This is very disappointing.
Edit: is there an actual estimated date for the 9 pro?
No nothing official, a few unofficial account of "early October" for us in Australia.
Wtf, I've been counting down the days with my dying pixel 4a and then they pull this :( I'm sad now
I miss the days of Nexus pricing
I still got my Nexus 4 running - although I needed to change the battery.
Cannot even use it practically though :-)
Lucky Telstra and Optus are delaying the 3G shut down, you can get a couple more months out of it now!
@tesla Hey I have a Nexus 4 too and looking to change the battery — how/where did you do it? Thanks!
@theo96 - I did it myself. Very easy. Just search up YouTube for how to. The main problem is to find a good battery - same spec as the original and new. Most batteries are fake.
Yea pricing is high, always is when you don't include the voucher. That's just how google rolls these days to lock people in
Good value tho if you have a recent phone and want to upgrade. Which It seems is the way to go now to pay the least amount without having your phone depreciate into oblivion
If I trade in my P8 Pro for $850, with student beans discount and $450 credi. The P9 Pro XL 128gb costs $350…
Definitely worth getting th 256gb for an extra $50, that's still damn good value for a spec bump. If I hold onto my phone for another year it only depreciates to $300 if I'm lucky…
I think upgrade from 128GB (black only) to 256Gb is $150
When I had a look. The pixel pro 128gb to 256gb is $150 difference
But the pro xl 128gb to 256gb is only $50 difference 💁🏾♂️
Correct me if I read that wrong
What are the prices you are seeing?
I get $1,849 for the 128GB 9 Pro XL. $1,999 for the 256GB 9 Pro XL. Same $150 extra on all colours.
Yeah that's too much, should be $100 max and you only get $50 more for trade ins typically.
Exactly! it is kind of cheap to upgrade every year with Google
Although I'm staying on the 128gb because I upgrade every year, and don't fill it up.
Also it looks like the $850 trade-in for the Pixel 8 Pro does not account for the size.
On the UNiDAYS site under the Google page they have two different links, one was Get Now, the other Shop Pixel Today. The first one, which I think I clicked Get Now and generated the code it didn't work. I went back to the Shop Pixel Today option, got another code, this one worked. Hope that helps anyone having trouble.
Trade in a Google Pixel 8 Pro 128GB to get a Google Pixel 9 Pro XL 256GB for about $850 plus $620 bonus store credit.
How do you add the Google one subscription?
Just use the same email address to purchase if you have Google One subscription ( 2 TB +).
Wonder if it works if I go for the free month of the subscription
@Windows98: It does, that is what I just did. Hopefully I receive the store credit after the end of the free month, otherwise it's OK, I can pay for one month, still winning with the 10%
@Windows98: I think it wasn't there the first time I added to card, so I went on my Google One Page, Benefits section, "View details" on the 10% discount tile, and click on the button which say "Claim Benefit".
@Windows98: so weird, it worked for me. But I was already a buying customer with the small $2.49/mo plan.
Are you on the free 15Gb plan?
@Windows98: I thought I research that last year and didnt think 10% applied during the trial and also you had to keep the subscription active until bonus was paid which I thought took over a month or two. Don't quote me though as this could have changed.
Yes, that's my plan and will use the store credit to buy my wife the non-XL Pro when it's released
lucky missus ;-)
Its a google phone.
Anyone know if these do USB c video out? Thats one feature I've been waiting on with the pixel phones.
I was very disappointed when I bought my P7P and found out that it cannot screencast to normal TVs. I bought a usb c to HDMI cable and it still didn't work. I searched online and the only way was to buy a Chromecast and bring it where ever I go if I plan on casting it to a bigger screen. Sad sad.
Yea wondering this too. Will have to wait for actual reviews I guess
Google store has limited products. What are people using their store credits for?
Buy a Pixel 10 Pro XL?
Too much for a phone with a Samsung 4nm chip inside
Nothing wrong with a Samsung-manufactured chip — they're a world-class foundry.
Equivalent to Snapdragon 8Gen1 performance
lol sure ever seen efficiency comparisons?
Lol pricing is a joke.
Yeah its crazy we've hit this point. That said, Google used to sell the Pixel range at a midpoint between the cheap and flagship phones. Now they've upgraded hardware and made them flagship level, and unfortunately since they came into the market, Apple particularly has really taken 'flagship' prices from circa $1200 to > $2000. The jump from iPhone 14 Pro Max in 2022 to iPhone 15 Pro Max in 2023 was $1899 to $2199, a 15.8% jump in 12 months. That really continued the trend they've set of continually surging flagship phone prices
Especially when you consider that Pixel phones devalue so quickly.
Yeah though that might change once they become like other flagships in terms of their starting point and the rarity of significant discounting. For example, in the past we've seen deals like that Harvey Norman one last year where you could get the 8 Pro for $0 on the $69 plan. As these Pixel phones get more expensive and match the price point of the others, it might become similar in that regard too. You hardly ever see a flagship iPhone or Samsung phone being included at $0 on a $69 plan
That really continued the trend they've set of continually surging flagship phone prices
No - the normal-sized Pro series iphone has been USD $999 since 2017 (e.g. since iphone X)
In real terms these have become cheaper
Full price is a joke, and people should not buy it full price.
But with launch offers and all other offers through the year, it is not that bad.
does a new pixel come out every 6 months holly shit
Literally the 1st time it's been less than the standard 12~ months… But yeah, this time it's 10 months ~… Time will tell if this is a permanent re-alignment to get Infront of the iPhone launch or if it's just a one off and the replacement won't be here for 14 months ~.
witch will suck as we'll loose our 12months store credit
Yeah that would be annoying… Probably wouldn't effect me too badly as I just bought myself the pro XL and plan on getting my wife the 9 pro when it is released (which seems to be coming early Oct), so it should all work out for me… But yeah could see it being annoying if you are only buying 1 phone.
Give me that witch!
Just confirming - that $450 store credit can't be used on the phone, right? If so, how are people spending it?
Buying/getting a good chunk off a 2nd new phone for a partner/kid or buying something from the store and selling it which would probably get you back less than $450 but better than nothing for some.
For me, I'll use it towards next year's Pixel purchase
Yeah, it's a smart strategy, kinda gets you "locked in" to buying a new one each year when you've got $500~ credit just sitting there… it just makes you go "I'd be silly NOT to upgrade for what it's going to cost me" lol.
IMO the better strategy is to not buy just now, and wait a month of two for the first round of discounts. Maybe won't save you as much as the $450 credit, but at lease you are then not using that money for potentially something you dont need.
@Cludo: Yeah I thought this too, but in recent years, I've found I've actually saved more with the pre-order offers than I could have later on. Of course once you get late in the 12 month cycle, you get those '$600 - $700 off RRP' offers, but I've saved more than that here on a Pixel 9 Pro Fold with the $1000 bonus trade in value JB is offering. Google is also offering $1000 trade in value for my Pixel 8 Pro which is easily better than I'd do on Marketplace right now, and way better than in a few months when the 9 series is out
My scenario right now - I 'traded in' on JB's website my old iPhone 6S. It had a 'value' of $1 according to them but thats fine. I'm not going to send it anyway, but I still got the $1000 bonus trade value coupon' which I won't need to pay back whether or not I send the phone.
So the cost of my Pixel 9 Pro Fold will be - $2699 - $1001 (phone value + bonus $1000) - $800 (estimating my Marketplace sale of my Pixel 8 Pro) = $898
Pretty damn good considering I'm upgrading to a top of the line foldable, and I dont think I'd be albe to do better than that after launch
Thanks for the insightful reply!
What I'm thinking currently is this:
Phone #1: Buy outright with the student discount. Be given $450 store credit + whatever from Google One
Phone #2: Buy using store credit and trade in current phone (up to $700 value).
With Price Protection claims for Phone #1 - this might end up being a good deal.
If next pixel phone comes out past 12 months from now, the credit will be lost. Would it be better to order closer to end of promotion period and hope next year the dates are similar. Otherwise even if delayed like a week, the credit can be lost?
Yeah probably if you can hold out till closer to the end of the promotion, do that. That said, a few times in recent years, some promos have just been randomly changed suddenly or even removed and all the retailers put in their T&C's they can change or remove any promo at any time.So yeah, good if you can wait for that reason but the risk of missing out is there. Also, the credits only get issued once the items ship so that might help too
Why is the 1TB version only available in black