• expired

Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $45 (Was $50) with Free MAGA Hat Keyring Delivered @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

We have included a FREE GIFT, MAGA HAT KEYRING to complement your morning Roast!

Freshly roasted 22nd July - Will be sent out this week, will arrive before you can even drink the stuff.

Only 35 available!

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closed Comments

        • -1

          Having family who barely pulled through covid (in a specialised hospital overseas, spending time in induced coma) and a friend who actually died of untreated covid infection - both cases from before the vaccines were available - I daresay you are being blatantly ignorant here.

          And I'm sorry that happened to you. Why would you think my response would be anything less?

          Yes it affected people but we're talking about a minority not the majority. Perspectives were completely blown out and they still continue to be even to this day without actually digging into the details and being honest.

          If we're being fully transparent Age and pre-existing medical conditions where overwhelmingly the contributing factor to people either a. Getting really sick or b passing away.

          Nepo-billionaires making people think they're some sort of counterculture against big money. Oh my.

          You mean like Elon and the success he's had with Twitter??

  • +1

    I said it before; but it's certainly interesting you chose those specific origins for this blend, considering Trump Imperialistically meddled with all three during his tenure in office… 🤔

    • +2

      oh do tell, be specific

      objectively trump was the least imperialistic president since carter, it's actually why they've been programming people against him because he stood in the way of endless military contracts

      biden covered those loses in short order with ukraine and palestine

      • preaching to the crowd brother, I just don't think the coffee is good value.

  • +2

    Ah shiii… Here we go again…

  • +6

    Have you paid Trump for using his images to make a profit? Seriously doubt it.

      • +5

        You need better suppliers then. A quick search on ozbargain will bring up plenty at ~25 per kg

      • +3

        You should just take the L and stop replying.

  • +1

    So many leftists with their pantaloons in a twist I thought i was watching CNN

    They are offended, change YOUR mind.

    • +8


      What's that, sounds like bullshit septic language.

      • -3

        Thanks for the compliment, could be worse, I could be a leftist. I also understand the average leftists lack of life comprehension so, leeway granted.

    • +3

      CNN is a right wing owned channel btw.

  • +6

    So much cringe….

    And he isnt bulletproof… pretty sure he is missing some ear bits

  • +8

    Terrible deal, price goes up, not worthy of a post

  • +8

    bro wtf.
    kamala harris ftw

  • +5

    comment for democratic neg

  • +12

    Wrong country mate

  • +11

    More expensive than before?

    • -7

      Hey Team Teri,
      So there's been new prices for the beans and roast after 1st July as you can understand, oh and the postage went up, and we've thrown in a free gift as well.

  • +9

    Also Queensland Solar Energy & Lighting are a sham.

  • +1

    Get ready for TDS eruption

    • +1

      Get ready for TDS eruption

      Thank god people offline are more reasonable

  • +1

    All the blm sjw are out tonight. ✊️🦅

    • +1

      Op should safeguard their offices from the onslaught of incoming rioters and looters.

    • +11

      Its amazing seeing so many latte sipping right wing nutters here

      • +1

        lol, I didn’t know that was an actual stereotype.. that’s funny as.

      • +5

        imagine being so triggered by an ad that you negged it

        maxtreme soyness

        • +16

          Wait who's triggered here? Surely it's the ones that have probably never bought a kg of coffee beans in their life but for some reason upvote a deal that has seen the price rise by $7 in 2 weeks. Face it you upvote the orange man and that's it

          • @donkcat: I upvoted cos I thought the post was hilarious + to balance out the illegitimate negs.

            Also, it’s normal for users to +1 a deal even if they don’t end up benefiting from it. Thats very very normal. You are just mad.

            • +11

              @Gervais fanboy:

              I upvoted cos I thought the post was hilarious + to balance out the illegitimate negs.

              you were literally the first voter of the deal
              how were you voting to "balance out the illegitimate negs"

              • -2

                @SBOB: You know I have been here long enough to know what was coming…

                Why else do you think I upvoted it?
                I actually don’t even drink coffee.

                • +5

                  @Gervais fanboy:

                  Why else do you think I upvoted it?

                  because you have a clear affection for the man on the tin/bag. At least embrace whatever side of the force you're on :)

                  • @SBOB: That’s some strong projection there SBOB.
                    As we have already established, you are the partisan activist here. Not me.

                    And yes, of all the current nominees, I would prefer Trump.. Not because of some ‘affection’ lol but because he’s the lesser of the two evils (Him vs KH and others).

                    • +5

                      @Gervais fanboy:

                      As we have already established, you are the partisan activist here. Not me

                      I've asked you before for this long list of pro leftist posts of mine, and the crickets are still chirping.
                      I didnt even vote/comment on the last coffee deal

                      Pointing out your hypocrisy does not a partisan activist make

                      • -1


                        I've asked you before for this long list of pro leftist posts of mine, and the crickets are still chirping.

                        Wait, you did concede once that you only argue with people that don’t share the same politics as you. You 100% did.
                        If you want me to look it up, you know that’s bloody impossible. You and I have posted 1000’s of comments here. I thought you’d be honest enough to admit to what I am referencing here.

                        I didnt even vote/comment on the last coffee deal

                        I know you didn’t coz the last post didn’t trigger you like this one.

                        • +4

                          @Gervais fanboy:

                          Wait, you did concede once that you only argue with people that don’t share the same politics as you. You 100% did.

                          no I've previously said, when you complained about me not sticking up for you in some forum post long ago, that I'm more likely to engage (you're using the word argue) with posts that are clearly one sided, or I find stupidly idiotic (i dont remember the exact pgrase, but i wasnt 'dont share the same politics)

                          And that makes you call me a 'partisan activist'. Crack me up with such logical debating

                          Was simpler when you were more wise, like back here ;)

                          • -1


                            not sticking up for you in some forum post long ago

                            I doubt it was at all about sticking up for me but more to do with you not calling out blatant liars just coz you share the same politics as them.
                            I only made that point to you coz you are not a shy boy, you are super active here and always replying to and arguing with people you political disagree with (as do I Ofcos).

                            that I'm more likely to engage with posts that are clearly one sided,

                            I honestly believe it was about you only ‘engaging’ with people from a select political spectrum but I can’t prove it with a source and you aren’t agreeing with my assessment. I am not gonna accuse you of lying so I’ll just back away then, you win lol.

                            call me a 'partisan activist

                            Coz that’s how I remember that back and forth and just how you are over here generally anyways.
                            I’ll give you some egregious examples - People were wishing for Trump to die and even today are ridiculously claiming that shooting was ‘staged’ by Trump himself.

                            Did you go and argue with any of them or dislike their comments like you do generally?
                            Go ahead, prove me wrong and I’ll apologise.

                            Was simpler when you were more wise, like back here ;)

                            You amazed me then and you impress me still sometimes, you are clearly a very bright person. I never allowed our ideological differences to get in the way like that.

                            Btw how tf did you find that comment above? More crazily, how did you even remember?
                            I just read it back and still can only vaguely recall writing it.

                            • +5

                              @Gervais fanboy:

                              Btw how tf did you find that comment above?

                              sometimes random google searches with some keywords turns up some tiny pots of gold ;)

                          • +2

                            @SBOB: His comment where he referred to his so-called friends as 'liberal communist types', still lives rent free in my head to this very day.

            • +8

              @Gervais fanboy: You upvoted because you saw your little orange man.
              illegitimate negs lol, what is it with you lot always playing the victim.
              Take the politics out of it, you have been around here long enough to know if store reps post deals it needs to be a good deal to receive support. This is a product that has gone up $7 in 2 weeks and is at the top end of the price people pay for coffee beans.
              It's a terrible deal and deserves negs.
              Personally I would normally just leave it but given all the upvotes I had to chime and downvote what is obvious brigading by Trumpies

              • @donkcat: No, I found it hilarious and tacky mostly coz of the Orange man and the description that was partially intended to gaslight (btw it worked).
                I have upvoted similarly irrelevant (to me) posts in the past too just coz they made me laugh or I was impressed by how the deal was written.

                Also, Op claims that the cheaper prices last week was on the stock that was marked down for clearance.
                Other than that, they increased all prices on July 1st to combat inflation (?) and also because the postage prices have gone up, which they actually have btw.

                Anyways, I don’t know if op’s being 100% truthful here but you know as I do - most people only negged and more will too soon just because they hate Trump. You’d be lying if you claim otherwise.

                • +6

                  @Gervais fanboy: It was already expensive in the last deal, this is just taking the piss now.
                  No doubt some are but others are clearly downvoting because it's a terrible deal as am I.
                  But one thing I do know is the 60 odd upvotes at this stage aren't upvoting because they think it's a good deal, it's because they are so protective of their orange idol from the US

                  • -1


                    It was already expensive in the last deal, this is just taking the piss now.

                    Let’s not, come on that’s soo subjective
                    Everyone buys an iPhone that costs 3x as some android phones that are arguably better.
                    I don’t see people here mass-negging iPhone posts.
                    You are forcing a strawman here
                    My business partner gets his coffee beans and supplements shipped from Europe, pays thousands of dollars for them.
                    Some people would find that expensive but he doesn’t. It’s subjective

                    some are

                    Seriously mate??
                    MOST of them are.

                    it's because they are so protective of their orange idol from the US

                    I’ll give you this, that’s 100% true.
                    It’s what you said + they are only trying to combat the false triggered negs.
                    If not for all the negs, there wouldn’t be all these upvotes. Like 10-15 max.

                    • +5

                      @Gervais fanboy:

                      Let’s not, come on that’s soo subjective
                      Everyone buys an iPhone that costs 3x as some android phones that are arguably better.
                      I don’t see people here mass-negging iPhone posts.

                      And you don't see Apple here posting price rises as deals, if they did I'm sure you know what the reaction here would be

                      As I said you of all people should know that rep posted deals are put on the microscope by this community, a $7 increase for already expensive beans doesn't pass the pub test.

                      I’ll give you this, that’s 100% true.
                      It’s what you said + they are only trying to combat the false triggered negs.
                      If not for all the negs, there wouldn’t be all these upvotes. Like 10-15 max.

                      This is a chicken and egg situation but the very first person to vote on this deal was you with a + vote lol
                      Like maybe if people like you didn't see the Orange idol and upvote then so many other people wouldn't have to chime in to give a -vote in a way of saying actually this is a really shitty deal.

  • +7

    Any Biden ones so i can drink and forget ?

    • +1

      Forget what, shitting yourself again?

  • +1

    Its the election throwdown that has the RNC in tatters

    The party of law and order and family values led by Prosecutor Harris


    The party of Sleepy Felon Don

    Who will win?

    Probably Trump

    • +9

      sir, this is a Wendy's Coffee Deal

  • +4

    Brought the popcorn for the meltdown. Certainly didn't disappoint! But you should have kept the price the same as now you have ppl something legit to complain about

    • -3

      Yeah, new costs went up since the last roast, inflation is truly out of control… coffee shops near us have closed recently.. and then the gift added a bit of money to the costs too.. I do understand, but It's still seen as a good value bargain to myself and some others which is great and hope they enjoy it.

      • +1

        A little out of my price range. But hope you make some good sales. Ironically 2 of the beans you used in your blend come from regions where a large percentage of illegals are coming from. Columbia in the top 5! Lol

  • +10

    More expensive than the last deal, and more expensive than many well reviewed coffee roaster deals posted before.
    Regardless of the pic, the weirdly political enthusiasm some seem to have to support some random small time roaster in Au using Trump's likeness to advertise coffee is just 'interesting'

    • +1

      Yeah, not a very good business strategy imo too.

      • Why not? Probably sells same beans in different bag and marketing under different name?

        Flow with the Flava of the week. 🍿

        • Well, Trump’s not as popular here as he is in the states. Quite the opposite actually.

          Also, know your audience, the kind of consumer that would be willing to spend $50 for a 1kg bag of coffee would typically be a lib or something, Trump haters mostly. Why alienate them?

          • +1

            @Gervais fanboy: I'm suggesting that this product is targetted to particular demographic or making sales by riding the hype.

            What's to say this 'brand' or supplier is not selling the exactly the same beans in a different bag that's marketed differently under a different name? Just like how some 'hip' craft beer brand are just owned by major breweries.

            p.s. youve probably right as I've literally done zero background research on this for this brand anything of that nature - if it's selling out of an actual storefront, yes, might be alienating a lot of potential customers now and future. but then who knows, might be marketing genius!

            nonetheless, god bless AMERICAAAAAAAAA

            • @DONMAI:

              What's to say this 'brand' or supplier is not selling the exactly the same beans in a different bag that's marketed differently under a different name? Just like how some 'hip' craft beer brand are just owned by major breweries.

              Great point, I didn’t think of that

              but then who knows, might be marketing genius!

              Exactly and reading some of OP’s comments, he clearly doesn’t give two Fks lol. What a legend 🤣

              god bless AMERICAAAAAAAA

              Murica, Fk yeah

  • +11

    LOL I can’t tell if they’re genuinely replying or just taking the piss

    “Cost of the free gift”


    • -3

      yes, the price paid for the keyring.

      • +5

        How much is to make keyring? Is it made in china/thai/vietnam?

      • +4

        Lol this reminds me of buying things from retrovision, nothing was ever free.

        • Retravision*

      • +8

        Are the key rings Australian or American made? Support local manufacturing. If they’re made anywhere else or in a third world or emerging economy in Asia, this is against trumps beliefs.

  • +3

    LOL so many TDS sufferers

    it's wild how programmed people are these days

    • sure is scary.

    • +14

      it's wild how programmed people are these days

      do you include those upvoting the coffee deal, who have never upvoted a coffee deal before, purely because of the persons 'likeness' on that coffee deal?

      • +4

        but she's got a new hat!

      • +2

        looking at the sheer amount of negs from the weak souls who've been triggered

        when you see such extreme brainwashing it's only natural to push back

        it's astounding how effectively hate has been programmed into so many, trump for all his faults was the most peaceful american president since carter - and thats the source of the programming, he ran on a platform of stopping the endless wars and they have been brainwashing people ever since

        the most ironic thing is that people who are supposedly anti-war seem to hate trump the most, the brainwashing is so wild

        • +2

          Just poor taste marketing. Maybe a Toe Knee Ab Butt blend next time?

        • looking at the sheer amount of negs from the weak souls who've been triggered

          when you see such extreme brainwashing it's only natural to push back


          People are just pushing back on these stupid negs and rightly so.

          Instead of calling out the TDS negs, they focus on those trying to bring balance to otherwise unhinged brainwashed people 🤷‍♂️

          • +5

            @vash5: So you're admitting to + voting not because you think it's a good deal but to push back against neg votes.

            • +3


              So you're admitting to + voting not because you think it's a good deal but to push back against neg votes.

              Doesn't have to be a good deal to upvote.. you can just like the product or any number of reasons.

              In the same token people aren't genuinely down voting because its a bad deal.

              You can't have it both ways.

              • +2

                @vash5: Well in order to neg you have to comment however it's not often members admit to + voting in order to "push back" against the neg votes.

                • @WatchNerd:

                  Well in order to neg you have to comment however it's not often members admit to + voting in order to "push back" against the neg votes.

                  You're 100% spot on and I fully support people needing to comment for an upvote in the same way.

  • +7


  • (6) false reports now.
    Damn, Libs be Libing 🥴

    • +2

      (6) false reports now.
      Damn, Libs be Libing 🥴

      You are wasting your time.. i know from experience based on previous post.

      • +1

        You are right

        14 false reports now

      • +3

        Gervais has been in this thread for the past hour and a half, I wouldn't exactly say that they are devoid of free time :)

        • Gervais has worked all day and finally home now, genuinely enjoying this.. Preferring this over watching a movie or something.

          Happy for you to come follow me tomorrow and track the rest of my schedule too. Stay mad lol.

  • +9

    Tacky spam.

  • -5

    voting just because of the political crybabies

    • +1

      Isn't that how he became president

      • voting just because of the political crybabies

        Same.. its crazy they haven't learnt anything under Biden.

      • No that's how he lost the presidency to an old man that should be in a nursing home

  • +1

    Get this fascist dropkick outa here

    • +1

      Misusing that term actually dilutes its meaning and also insults the actual victims of fascism.

      • +2

        Yes thats right, we live in a free country so i can voice my opinion any way i choose

        • Ofcos you can, have at it.. I was just putting my own point forward.

      • +3

        You mean like how people misuse the word "woke"?

        • -1

          Ohh right, coz one needs to be just as careful calling someone woke as they should be when calling someone a literal fAsCiSt.
          Look at you, making great points such early in the day.

          • +1

            @Gervais fanboy: Good morning, time for a coffee I suppose.

            • +1

              @smartazz104: Yeah, I am more of a Blend 43 guy myself.
              Care to join in?

              • +1

                @Gervais fanboy: Where's the decent Trump coffee?

                GONE, i was living a lie and it knew it.
                Now im free to enjoy instant coffee guilt free

                yumma yumma yumma yumma

  • -7

    Everybody will be drinking The Don's special blend in November. It will be be a beautiful occasion. Some people are saying the most beautiful occasion in written history.

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