• expired

Amazon Cashback: 15% ($30 Cap) Select Categories, 0.5% All Other Categories + [BoM, BSA, StG] 10% Bonus ($20 Cap) @ ShopBack


Cashback available on all categories. Stack with the bank bonus 10% cashback ($20 cap) for further savings.

Note there is a $30 cap on the 15% categories -

Amazon Devices 15% $30 Cap
Home Improvement 15% $30 Cap
Kitchen 15% $30 Cap
Home 15% $30 Cap
Furniture 15% $30 Cap
Outdoors 15% $30 Cap
Tools 15% $30 Cap

Baby Products 0.5%
Watches 0.5%
Luggage 0.5%
Toys 0.5%
Jewelry 0.5%
Musical Instruments 0.5%
Office Products 0.5%
Pets Products 0.5%
Camera 0.5%
PC 0.5%
Shoes, Handbags & Accessories 0.5%
Apparel 0.5%
Personal Care Appliances 0.5%
Beauty 0.5%
Digital Software 0.5%
Digital Video Games 0.5%
Home Entertainment 0.5%
Physical Video Games 0.5%
Tires 0.5%
Automotive 0.5%
Business & Industrial Supplies 0.5%
Cell Phones & Accessories 0.5%
DVD & Blu-Ray 0.5%
Electronics 0.5%
Grocery 0.5%
Health & Personal Care 0.5%
Lawn & Garden 0.5%
Luxury Beauty 0.5%
Major Appliances 0.5%
Physical Books 0.5%
Physical Music 0.5%
Software 0.5%
Wine 0.5%

Referral Links

Referral: random (3577)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2024

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +12

    Did we ever get confirmation from GYB about using gift card for payment?

    This offer is not valid together with:

    Store discounts
    Any Gift Card, Voucher or store credit redemption
    Other loyalty programmes unless otherwise stated
    Promos or Vouchers not featured on ShopBack

    • This is so vague.

      Even if you don't use gift cards, all the "Prime Day Deal X% Off" or $XX coupon, or buy 2 get 15% off - any of this sounds like it could make the cashback 'ineligible'

      • +2

        Yep pretty much. The amazon cashbacks this time are a ripe mess of conditions no doubt designed to minimize actual cashbacks. Similar for TCB so its likely amazon behind it.

    • +2

      Conditions say 'No' but people have reported it still works like it used to (not sure if that just sometimes). There would be no comeback if it didn't and GYB has never clarified

  • +1

    Is the cap per user or per transaction?

    • Bank Bonus terms say "Reward capped at $20.00 per purchase"

  • Anyone know if robovacs come under home?

  • +1

    What is bank bonus cashback?

    • This - I can't find anything on the site about a bonus for using StG or Westpac etc, and the Shopback app doesn't mention anything

      • +3

        +10% only for BankSA and Bank of Melbourne.

        Under "Bank Bonus" filter but not Westpac

  • +7

    F me there's nothing worth buying this year !

    • Just bought muscletech whey protein for 108$(s&s) 4.54kg. so was able to get 20prime offer which ultimately makes it to 88 for 4.54kg , absolute steal

    • I mainly want 4K bluray movies but they are f*&king us as usual, e.g.

      Brawl in Cell Block 99, Amazon US 8.99, for us Aussies $52

  • Oculus qualify?

    • No

  • I assume Computers category (not mentioned above) would also be 0.5%?

    • 0.5%

  • +6

    LOL! In the St. George Lounge, they have the Amazon AU logo for Chemist Warehouse with 20% bank bonus.

  • +1

    is the cap per category or per user?

  • For the bank bonus cashback, can Amazon gift card be used as partial payment?

    • -2


      • Are you sure about that?

        It worked for my last Amazon bank bonus, and it was a 0% category as well.

        • It says it but it will get rejected.

          Unless the deal says giftcard is ok then by default it's not.

          Only eBay by default can do partial.
          But looks like Shopback is changing that soon, considering many rejected cashbacks from others lately…

          • +1


            It says it but it will get rejected.

            In my case, it didn't. But then again, it was from a two-month old promotion.

            Hey @gotyourback! If you are around, could you please clarify for us.

            • +14

              @DoctorCalculon: Absolutely! You can definitely use an Amazon Gift Card towards your Amazon purchase and still earn the ShopBack Bank Bonus and any applicable partnership bonuses. @xyann @DoctorCalculon @diviCe

              • +2

                @gotyourback: Can you use an Amazon GC towards an Amazon purchase and still earn the standard SB cashback (ie. not Bank Bonus or partnership bonus)?

              • @gotyourback: Can you use the Amazon GC for the whole purchase amount and still earn the 10% bank bonus if you have the bank card linked to your shopback account?

                Also can you please answer my question below about the hue promo ? Thanks

                • +6

                  @Save Medicare: Heads up! To qualify for both the standard Cashback and the bank bonus, you'll need to make a partial payment with your linked bank card. That's because the bank tracks your purchase through your card for the bonus. You cant pay the purchase fully using the GC to get the bank bonus

                  @bdl @Save Medicare

              • @gotyourback: Thanks for this info.

  • +3

    hodl, likely to have an all categories cashback like previous years

  • +7

    Note!! Right at the bottom of the rate list on shopback it says 0% on Kindle e-reader etc.

    • +3

      thank you. that's disgusting.

      • CB doesn't have that

  • +1

    Is s&s eligible ?

    • Sorry no, Subscribe & Save orders in non-cashback eligible categories won't earn Cashback.

      • how long does tracking usually take these days with amazon?

        • +1

          the Cashback will usually be tracked within 4 days from the date of purchase @bohn

      • @gotyourback Is first Subscribe & Save orders still eligible?

        • Will get back to you on this if First Subscribe & Save orders is eligible for Cashback @ozmaxz

          • @gotyourback: is there any update for above?

            • @ozmaxz: It's already after office hours. Gotyourback will only reply tomorrow or in a weeks time after the current deal has finished.

              • @cynical17: Oh no…I will skip this time..Don't want to take risk…

                • @ozmaxz: It was eligible in the past. If it's something you can return, then you might want to buy it first, and if it doesn't track properly then you can return it within 30 days

      • What about eligible categories ? I thought most items are eligible ?

        • Currently, Kindle e-readers, ebooks, accessories, and Kindle Unlimited subscriptions are not eligible for Cashback rewards, it is at 0% rate. @ozvictor

          You may refer to the Cashback rates here: https://www.shopback.com.au/amazon-australia

      • Pls advise how to confirm a product falls in what category?

        • +1

          Just check the top left corner on top of the small image on the product page. Amazon displays the category there to help you navigate and find similar products quickly.

          For example, this product will be under "Toys & Games" (https://www.amazon.com.au/Hasbro-Legends-Avengers-Anniversar…)

          • @gotyourback: I try the link from phone, can't see the product category. Will try ahain tomorrow using laptop. Thanks for the info.

  • Ring devices are included in 15% (capped at $30)
    which is pretty good

  • +1

    let's just hope our purchases track…

    • +2

      not looking good so far

  • There seems to be a category percentage for the bank bonus. Bought this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/856538 and received only $0.12 tracked (bank bonus cashback).

    • +1

      Bank bonus should be flat 10%, so long as your item is in a category that gets cashback

  • There is a hue light bulb promo from Amazon Germany via Amazon AU where it is save 40% off the 2nd item if you order 2. If I buy this, is it eligible for both the 15% home improvement and 10% bank bonus? I read through the terms and I think should be ok as there is no manually inputted promo code?



  • Does this only apply to items bought from Amazon AU? Was wondering if purchases from Amazon US would qualify?

    • +1

      It will if it's listed on AU

  • Only the first s&s also eligible for the bank bonus ?

  • -3

    Can you use an Amazon GC towards an Amazon purchase and still earn the standard SB cashback (ie. not Bank Bonus or partnership bonus)?

    • Thanks for copy pasta'ing my post

  • +1

    Nothing is tracked yet, anyone ?

    • +2

      Thats normal - give it a day or two

  • I ordered 3 things together and 1 of them has not been shipped as it is still temporarily out of stock. Will the order still qualify for cashback if I cancel that?

  • Did anyone else’s track?

    • no

    • +1

      Still waiting. Nothing I bought through Shopback has tracked yet

  • My Top CB one tracked with the $5 bonus.

    • yeah, TB tracks, CR tracks, shopback always causes a headache - you never really know if it will track.

      • I’ve had issues with Top CB before, but this time they were very good.

        • +1

          yeah I had issues with TB when they first came out but I ended up getting the cashback (the quilton toilet roll signup deal heh)

  • +1

    Mine tracked
    Good job SB.

    • +1

      Still waiting on my end. If you don't mind me asking when did you buy and was it S&S?

      • +1

        10am yesterday, not s&s
        Got the full $30 cashback.

  • All my S&S purchase bonus tracked but the original cashback is calculating, from my experience calculating means no cash back which sucks, terms did not exclude S&as though

    • Yes 'calculating' often turns in to declined.

      • +1

        Really disappointed, and ShopBack is not very helpful in resolving issues nowadays

    • 1st transaction get $30 casbhack
      2nd and 3rd transactions shown as "Calculating"
      all 3 transactions are not S&S, but the 15% categories

      Looks like the $30 (15% categories) is capped per user instead of per transaction

      @gotyourback can you please clarify its per user capped at $30 for 15% cashback?

      • +1

        Hey @littlesoldier, shoot me a DM about your Cashback! Just need some details on those "calculating" transactions (stores & order amounts, no GST) to investigate further. Thanks!

  • Only one transaction tracked so far. Must be trickling in slowly.

  • +1

    Just got 1 transaction tracked for bank bonus, but it tracked as 2% instead of 10%….
    Probably will wait a few more days as the standard cashback hasnt been tracked yet (only the bank bonus)

  • +1

    Still no tracking…. but CR & TCB tracked after only 1 day

  • Mine 8 (all 16th July) except one still "calculating" even related bank bonus were tracked. @gotyourback.
    Anyone else in the same boat? All

    • Hey @virtualds, thanks for your patience! We're actively investigating this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

      • Still in calculating state - sent you DM. @gotyourback

        • Thanks, will look into it!

  • My Amazon cashback tracked at 15%, but not yet for the St George bank bonus at 10% - @gotyourback is this normal?

    • +1

      Hey @frostybite could you DM us the details, and we'll check it out!

  • Tracking finally came in, interestingly the 'calculating' one is still there too. Still waiting for the bonus to track, expecting it soon.

    Delivery came today, card was charged on 23/7.

    • Now I have 3 identical transactions dated 15/07 23:30 for the one purchase, even though it corresponds to the click made on 16/07, and still no bonus.

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