nbn 1000/50 $89/Month for 3 Months ($99/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only) @ Buddy Telco (Aussie Broadband)


Aussie Broadband has a new cheaper sub brand called Buddy Telco.

nbn 1000/50 $89/Month for 3 Months ($99/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only).

IPv4 with CG-NAT and a IPv6 /48 block. CG-NAT works fine for most users. Go elsewhere if you use port forwarding to remotely access home security cameras, home automation, Plex, NAS, servers or want to host online P2P games.

We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

Buddy Telco are using a chatbot and live chat support.

Our support team is available to assist you from Monday to Friday between 11am and 7pm AEST (9am to 5pm AWST).

A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Buddy Telco in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact, on an active broadband service with Buddy Telco in the last six months.

Terms and Conditions.

Critical Information Summary.

Basically, Buddy will run on the same infrastructure and systems that powers Aussie Broadband, but in the words of Buddy “Users will be able to manage their connection, upgrades, outages and usage through the Buddy Telco app, and Website”

It’s Aussie Broadband without the cost and overheads of the call-centres.

Aussie Broadband launches self-service affordable sub-brand called Buddy Telco.

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Buddy Telco
Buddy Telco


  • w000w

  • ah beat me to it, i'll delete my post

    • You can post the 100/20 price if you want.

      • +4

        all good, unpublished, think it's better for all if it's all in one place

  • -2

    I am on FTTC and it won't let me sign up for 100/20 (Address not eligible) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • I had to type in my address twice before it was recognized.

      • +2

        hah, yeah. Not inspring confidence

      • Thanks for letting us know.
        My address came up as not eligible for their services.
        I will double check.

  • im still looking for cheapest 100/somnething plan, so far tangerine at $64.90. Anyone found any better?

    Can be more or Exetel as too recent since I left

    • If you are with AGL for electricity they do 59/month.

      • sadly no OVO EV deal. Right now I've just turned on every heater in the house as its freezing and free.

    • More Telecom 100/20 will be a bit cheaper than this for 12 months, but you need to activate it with a valid CommBank debit card.

      • Sadly as I mention can’t be more as I’m with them now

  • +1

    I'm on Superloop 1000/50 HFC and it can't find my address.

    It's using a old address dataset or something.

    • I had to type in my address twice before it was recognized.

    • Contact them through livechat to see whats going on

  • How come they don’t have more tiers like 250 or 500? Noticed this with a few others as well.

    • I'm not sure why they don't offer 250/25. 500Mbps isn't a real nbn wholesale speed tier yet.

      • +1

        I'm guessing a 250 plan would impact sales on the 1000 plan too much. Based on these prices and evening speeds, the isp would basically lose out

  • +1

    Pauly Shore: Hey Buuuuddy.

    • If you're edged 'cause I'm weazin all your grindage, just chill. 'Cause if I had the whole brady bunch thing happenin' at my pad, I'd go grind over there, so dont tax my gig so hard-core cruster.

    • +1

      Yeah buddy

  • Nice, was just thinking it was time to switch from Exetel.

  • Those unable to find the address, check if it's the adblocker (it was for me).

    • What adblocker were you using?

      • UBlock origin. Peter Lowe's list has a habit of breaking some web forms.

  • Paying 85 for 100/40 with superloop at the moment which is about to go up to 95.
    If I can opt out of CGNAT at 1000/50 this looks okay.

    • +3

      Paying $99 for 1000 with superloop, just gave them a call and said I was going to leave and they reduce the price for a full year.

      • +1

        I had the opposite experience. I said I was leaving as well but they 'couldn't' offer anything as the prices were set.

    • If you want to disable CG-NAT stay with Superloop or swap to Exetel which uses the Superloop transit network.

      Buddy Telco;

      We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
      We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

  • I have a lifetime discount with superloop, $79.95 for 100/20.

    Been wanting to move to a 1000 dl plan since difference is only $10/20 nowadays but superloop has been good to me for the past 3 yrs and if these newer sub nbn providers suck, I might not be able to get $79.95 shld I choose to churn back…

    • Fyi, lifetime isn’t lifetime. Don’t be surprised when the plan changes one day. Enjoy it for now, but it won’t last unfortunately.

    • Doesn't sound like a great deal, they offer the same 100/20 plan to new customers for $75pm for the first 6 months, so it's not much of a loss if you can't churn back to it.

      Cheaper to just keep churning the ozbargain way =D

      • well it adds up, i'd like to think i've saved at least 24 months of $5 per month if you consider all the typical 1 yr signup bonuses. = $120 over the past 2 years.

        • I had an email a few weeks ago from superloop saying my discounted 100/40 plan was increasing by $10. This was the discount they gave me the after the intro 6 months last time I churned about a year ago.

          • +1

            @u9tvfr: thi sis different from their supposed lifetime discount which they offer when you choose to churn away/downgrade.

  • im paying 69 p/m with superloop for life for 50/20. Am content

    • Increasing to 81

      • nope, retention team locked the price, same with others on here

  • My Leaptel 1000/50 discount ends next month and this would have been perfect, but without the ability to opt out of CGNAT, it's no use to me :(

    • You can contact their support to get the price extended. I’ve been with them 1.5 years and still paying $99.

      • They'll only offer me $109, won't go to 99 unfortunately.

        I might try again one more time but let them know I intend to move on (without sounding like I'm being a threatening arsehat).

        • Interesting. I had no problem getting mine extended. I think I might have mentioned Superloop's pricing when I asked.

          • @j1nx: they didn't for me either, so as of last month i switched to superloop and am actually happier with them than with leaptel.

            • @maverickjohn: Nice, can you tell me what you like better about Superloop?

              • @j1nx: My speeds are generally higher with super loop always over 900mbps.
                And I don't have the monthly outage or twice a month outage that occurs with leaptel. (It is only my second month though)

                • @maverickjohn: All dependent on POI really. What's your one if you don't mind me asking?

                  • @BLAIL: 2WIN






          • @j1nx: I tried that the first time but they still wouldn't match SL

  • +2

    Signed up, so thanks for the post.

    BTW- "Buddy Telco App coming soon to Android", so just be aware when you go looking.

    Yes, you'd think if they want the customer to exclusively use the app then you'd actually have it ready at launch, but so be it, it's cheap.

    • +3

      It's a budget brand. 1000/400 isn't their target market.

      • -8

        If that were true, their plans would top out at 100/20. Having another 900Mbps download is hardly any different to asking for another 350Mbps upload.

        • +2

          No they wouldn't. 1000/50 is a nbn 'home' product. 1000/400 is considered a business speed tier in nbn's eyes.

          What's the neg for?

        • +2

          You're right but the 1000/400 plan has an ABN requirement at least the way Aussie BB implement it so they likely don't want to deal with that overhead.

          • @chickendog: That's just Aussie's view on it. Launtel happily sell me 1000/400 without my ABN

            • +1

              @Deceiver: Yes and that's fine but our points still stand.

            • +1

              @Deceiver: Leaptel 1000/400 doesn't come with an eSLA, monitoring and so on. They are two different products even if the 1000/400 speed is the same.

              • @Twix: Exactly my point - there's no reason they can't offer it, especially when the entire business model is cutting out support, static IPs, or eSLAs.

                • +1

                  @Deceiver: Again, it's not their target market. 1000/400 is a niche speed tier with stuff all marketshare.

    • Worst use of a neg, all other companies at the price point of up to $130month offer this tier specifically, this is easily the cheapest of the lot, with superloop a close second at $99/109 after 6 month promotion.
      The deal you mention is $192/month for a 30 day period
      Compare like for like.

      • -4

        Can't compare like for like when they don't even offer it. Thanks for your input.

    • -1

      Anyway to turn off CG-NAT like with Aussie, this is a deal breaker for me if i cant turn it off, it causes too many issues for me.

  • so their 1000/50 has speed of 600/40 , thats a big Gap

    • +2

      Its the same with Aussie Broadband.

      Superloop actually has 811/42

      Hard to know the accuracy though.

    • +1

      600/40 is the Buddy average typical evening speed (7pm to 11pm) and this is the same as Aussie BB. It's more like 930Mbps.

      • +1

        How would we know the Buddy average if they only launched today and shouldn't start having customers until today?

        • +1

          It's the same as using the Aussie BB network.

    • +1

      That's just "typical evening speeds" or the lowest speed you can expect to receive. You'll regularly get 900mbps+ for the majority of time assuming your end-equipment is up to the task.

  • +1

    Good deal if someone missed More 1000/50 for $81 per month

  • I guess this is where it all started

    Origin Broadband is now moving to Superloop network within the next few months

  • +2

    I like ABB and have no need for their call centres but launching this before having an Android app ready makes me hesitant on switching, I do not want to be a beta tester.

    • You can manage your service on their website for now.

  • +3

    no option to disable cgnat is a deal breaker

  • -2

    Can't optout of cgnat and no way to purchase static ip is a deal breaker

    • -8

      Didn't you see others say that this is a bad reason for a neg?

      • People negged your comment because of referring to 1000/400, not the comment about CGNAT.

        Even forcing CGNAT would be fine if they actually made it clear on their website, but they don't.

        • -7

          Heaven forbid some people have greater needs than others, hey?

          • +1

            @Deceiver: You’re in the minority, mate. Budget telco doesn’t mean they can’t offer 1000/50. 1000/400 only came down in price two weeks ago, it’s clearly not for the typical NBN user. That’s who Buddy is targeting.

          • @Deceiver: Are you related to jv by any chance?

  • +2

    IPv6? Would help alleviate the cgnat problem

  • +1

    Mate vs Buddy walks into a bar. That’s not a knife..

  • +3

    No cgnat opt-out

    • -2

      This service is not suitable for my requirements therefore its not good for anyone

      A member since 2014 as well, shame, you should know better.

      • +2

        Sorry but it's a deal breaker. Charge more for the opt out then but to have no options at all is something different.

        There's a bunch of services you can't do with cgnat and I'm not talking one or two Plex server, VPN server, streaming and gaming issues.

        Just because it's owned by Aussie bb doesn't mean anything it's a lower tier service. 99 a month isn't that much of a deal with cgnat and not being able to remove it even if you wanted to pay them extra money

        (keep in mind they're already saving money by not providing phone support)

        • I think if cgnat isn't an issue for the user go with this. If it's an issue go with superloop for $10 extra.
          There are many that would not be too worried by it.
          Superloop offer dynamic IP for free and static IP for an extra $5

    • +2

      CGNat is a dealbreaker, it causes all sorts of issues from streaming, to gaming as well as remote connections.

      • +4

        It does not cause issues with streaming, and it only causes issues with gaming where you need to host the game from your internet connection.

        For the average user there are no issues.

      • +3

        CG-NAT works fine with Netflix, Disney+ and so on. You can run into remote access problems with Plex.

        • +1

          Yup, I had issues with my plex servers at my place and my parents as i got aussie BB for both of us. Plus with gaming, It took me ages to figure out it was CG-NAT that was causing multiplayer issues for me trying to connect to my friend. It was odd as it worked sometimes but usually after many times of trying.

          Some of the games i had issues with was the last 2 ghost recon games. But there were others as well. I didnt realise at first that gaming would be affected.

    • +2

      worth the neg, absolutely on the same boat, would be churning immediately if opt out was possible

  • -1

    Static IP ?

    • Not yet. Maybe later.

      We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
      We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

      • +2

        Damn. Thanks!

  • signed up, activated within 30 minutes, working really well

  • +1

    While the CGNAT issue is what has turned me off this deal, I still see this post/deal as a positive as opposed to a negative, being that it's the cheapest available 1000/50 plan as well as being on the ABB network.

  • +1

    Also, the typical evening(7pm-11pm) speeds are listed at 600/41. Which isn't a problem, I'm just mentioning in case anyone is curious prior to joining up.
    I read someone on the first page here complaining that their speeds were roughly 700down and I was a bit surprised by their lack of understanding around the listed maximum speeds.

    I read on one of the ISPs 1000/50 plan page earlier that the DL speeds could be as low and around 275mb depending on network variables.

  • +1

    Cheers for posting, I signed up to their 1000/50. CGNAT won’t affect me. Good pricing for Aussie Broadband backend tech.

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