nbn 1000/50 $89/Month for 3 Months ($99/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only) @ Buddy Telco (Aussie Broadband)


Aussie Broadband has a new cheaper sub brand called Buddy Telco.

nbn 1000/50 $89/Month for 3 Months ($99/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only).

IPv4 with CG-NAT and a IPv6 /48 block. CG-NAT works fine for most users. Go elsewhere if you use port forwarding to remotely access home security cameras, home automation, Plex, NAS, servers or want to host online P2P games.

We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

Buddy Telco are using a chatbot and live chat support.

Our support team is available to assist you from Monday to Friday between 11am and 7pm AEST (9am to 5pm AWST).

A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Buddy Telco in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact, on an active broadband service with Buddy Telco in the last six months.

Terms and Conditions.

Critical Information Summary.

Basically, Buddy will run on the same infrastructure and systems that powers Aussie Broadband, but in the words of Buddy “Users will be able to manage their connection, upgrades, outages and usage through the Buddy Telco app, and Website”

It’s Aussie Broadband without the cost and overheads of the call-centres.

Aussie Broadband launches self-service affordable sub-brand called Buddy Telco.

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Buddy Telco
Buddy Telco


  • @ Buddy Telco

    A subsidiary of Mate ?

  • +9

    "without the cost and overheads of the call-centres."

    So what about support then?

    • +6

      Ai chat bots I bet

    • +1


      .. I guess they feel comfortable enough to use an AI chat bot.

      • +5

        They use midjourney for their support chat. You might not get your tech problem solved, but you'll get some soothing pictures as a response.

        • not if you prompt with complaints

    • +34

      A good ISP doesn't need call centres, you generally only call them when they mess up or don't have an online web portal.

      • +4

        So true, I don't remember the last time I called my ISP helpdesk

        • +3

          To call 30 days ahead to churn… Exetel requires this

          • -2

            @boretentsu: I've been using Superloop and Aussiebroadband and both don't require this

            • +1

              @Homr: Superloop now requires this.

              • @samfisher5986: What? Since when?

                • +1

                  @Homr: I think a few months ago?

                  I just went through it and went and found out it was a new thing, very annoying.

            • +2

              @Homr: Aussie Broadband also requires you to call them to cancel.

              The reason given on this page is:

              We require verbal confirmation on the phone, as we aren’t able to complete two-factor authentication over email

              This is just an excuse to get you to talk to the customer retention team.

              • @lorikeet: You need to call to cancel but you don't have to give any notice. I called once my superloop service was live (FTTP Upgrade) and it was a pretty quick phone call.
                "Okay service terminated at X you will be reimbursed for unused dates thanks for being a customer"
                Least hostile ISP phone call ever.

          • +13


            To call 30 days ahead to churn… Exetel requires this

            Such dark patterns must be made illegal. If a business lets a consumer to purchase a subscription online, it should also let them cancel online.


          • @boretentsu: Just moved to exetel (NBN Connection) - did not have to call.

            • @m0tyrider: You will have to call to move somewhere else though. Either that,or you will get charged an extra month's rental for not providing 30 days notice.

        • +2

          ABB made me call them to disable CGNAT.

      • +1

        yes, I only contacted the ISP for new connections and once due to NBN PIT failure (neighbours also lost connection)
        I don't know why anyone pay extra for customer service.

    • According to the news sources tbe digital brand will provide customer support via live chat with real consultants throughout the day and an AI chatbot with machine learning integration after hours.

    • I get it, but what support? In all my time in using NBN (Got it around 2014 I reckon), I've been on 100mbps+ no issues, all outages are either on the RSP's website or NBNCo's.

      Is support even necessary in this day and age?
      I can't imagine what for unless they aren't meeting an SLA within a business account and even then, that's completely separate.
      I'd love to cut costs further and switch to this but the CGNAT kinda stops me as I don't want to have to try reverse proxying through a DDNS service.

    • -3

      Whats the point of taking up this offerfor 3 months only?
      And who needs 1000Mbps?
      And who has the equipment and local infrastructure to support this?
      And at what cost to install this equipment?
      And how many web sites can deliver 1000Mbps to your connection?

      You need FTTP (or HFC if that supports this speed)

      NBN 100 plans are now around $80/mth (every day price) and existing equipment and infrastructure supports this.

      To me that makes more sense, even for a family of users

      Though if you really need 1000 Mbps (say for a business) then $99.mth ongoing is a very fair price
      hence thumbs down from me

  • +15

    I've never found the Aussie bb call centre that good in telling me whether the outage with my AussieBB nbn connection was caused by me, them or nbn. In fact, they don't even seem to have tools to identify if their customers are on their network or not.
    So I get no value from their call centre.
    So this buddy telco might be the better choice for me.

    • +2

      AussieBB are useless for outages. Other internet providers would send texts and have less outages. AussieBB has more outages and by the time they tell me the outage is over.

      • +9

        Why don’t you get texts? You may have changed your preference because Aussie Broadband is extreme good about notifications regarding outages.

        • You know what, my SMS perference is "9am-9pm" I imagine this is part of the issue, but then again email is 24/7 and I certainly didn't get an email for any of the outages until well after the issue.

          But other times they have sent me a text after the outage was resolved 30 minutes later.

          Overall my outages are on average higher then other providers as I churn every 6-12 months for special deals.

          And I'm on FTTP so any issues are going to be with the ISP.

          I'll also note that I run a 24/7 server so I know if there is an outage 24 hours a day, if you don't run a server then you likely don't know the real uptime of your AussieBB service.

      • -2

        Considering the tools and information they provide, this is PEBKAC

      • Been with them on the Stirling SA POI FTTP for 5 years and only have had one considerable outage that lasted hours and that was in 2021 according to my SMS records.

        If it goes out for maintenance (and it's not regular at all, and is communicated in advance via email), usually 10 mins or less and usually at 12am when most people are sleeping (although not me).

        Always notified by SMS within minutes of it detecting a problem, and also notified when resolved. 🤷

    • +2

      The AussieBB app seems to have all the tools we and customer service need. It lists if there’s a scheduled outage and has all those Service Tests, Faults and Outages. If Buddy provides all those then it would be better for me, since I am currently on the $129 plan (minus $20/month) for $109/month and have never contacted customer service.

    • At this point ISP call centres only exist for the boomer population that are unable to use websites and apps, not to provide anyone else with any value. And if an ISP doesn't have live chat, they likely don't have good support anyway.

    • The discord is tons better than the call centre. It's unofficial but has many AussieBB staff in it who are very happy to help. If it's something complex and you're not just after a human to guide you through resetting your router it's best.

      Have had two issues in the past (one with CG-NAT & VPN and one with Riot servers not being connectable), both times I had their senior network engineers in contact with relevant parties (ie Riot's network engineer) within minutes.


      They also sometimes use it for troubleshooting / to gauge the extent of outages.

  • Wonder if the Buddy Telco app has the self help tools to troubleshoot connection like ABB does.

    • Looks like they do based on the screenshots on the website, looks very similar to the ABB portal. I would be surprised if they didn't include it.

  • +1

    Looks like they are having current deals also for the 100/20 and 1000/50 offering:
    - 100/20 @ $75/M for 6 months, then $85/M.
    - 1000/50 @ $89/M for 3 months, then $99/M.

  • +38

    FWIW, this is a CGNAT service with no option to opt out.

    • +4

      Thanks, that's what I want to ask too.

    • +1

      Ew. What about thru livechat

    • +13

      And that's the deal breaker. Absolutely need a static IP

      • -3

        Why? Tailscale or Cloudflare tunnel will get you away from the pain of CGNAT

        • -1

          What if you want non-web services?

          • @noisymime: Tailscale is a VPN

            • +1

              @athk: Doesn't that require anyone using the service to have the client installed? What if you want to allow public access?

              I've never played with Tailscale so I might be off the mark, but I thought it was just a distributed VPN rather than something that allowed for port forwarding/tunneling for public access.

              • +1

                @noisymime: Remember Hamachi back then (I used that to play LAN games with friends), TailScale is like that. It is a "virtual network" where we can build a network with different nodes, we can also select "exit nodes" within our virtual network which can be used to route internet traffic.

                I currently have a public IP with More but I use TailScale to access my devices like HA. I have double NAT before HA server anyway and TailScale addon is running inside HA VM. I don't feel like a good idea to open HA to public internet anyway. I have TailScale on phone as well, so if I set HA as an exit node, I can use home internet connection anywhere as a VPN.

                • +3

                  @bazingaa: Worth mentioning that Hamachi passed layer 2 traffic. Tailscale only passes layer 3

                  • +1

                    @LlamaLlamaLamp: thanks mate, didn't know that. Recently started to use TailScale as Hamachi unattended is not free anymore :) I also had Hamachi on RPI to access CCTV DVR back then lol

                • @bazingaa: What is HA? Why are you running double NAT?

                  • @Agret:

                    What is HA


                    Why are you running double NAT

                    Not by choice, I use WiFI back hauling between NBN connection point in living room to my room.

                    • @bazingaa: Sounds like you need a layer 2 bridge rather than another router

                      • @Celebraces: do you mean WDS for bridging over WIFI ? I read somewhere back then that WDS could be bit unstable with OpenWRT so made this ADHOC solution without buying anything new. Still works fine though.

              • +1

                @noisymime: @noisymime Tailscale do offer a service call Funnel, that gives you a domain name and forwards an external port to one of the computers on the inside of your Tailscale network. It does have a bunch of limitations though that you'd need to be aware of, but if you wanted to run an externally facing service from inside CG-NAT, it might an option.

                • +1

                  @SeaWolf au: Interesting! I've never dug into it too much as I just stuck with a static IP for $5/month. Seemed the easiest way to avoid a bunch of headaches.

        • +2

          I'd prefer not to rely on 3rd parties.

        • +2

          It can still be near impossible to create direct connections via tailscale depending on the config of their cgnat

      • Look into making your services work with ipv6. They probably do already.

    • +3

      Ouch! Thanks for the tip, and they are out for me.

    • +13

      Ah, and there you go… the real catch of this service is revealed. I can live with Dynamic IP but CGNAT is a total no go for remote Plex.

      • +2

        Yep, same for me. Dynamic IP is easy enough to deal with by using a Dynamic DNS service, but CGNAT is a no go.

      • Yeah dam, that 50mpbs upload was looking good for remote plex too.

        Paying $85 for aussiebb 100/20 currently lol.

      • Would real debrid/torrentio still work or would it end up likely banning me?

      • Plex supports ipv6.

        • It's been a little while since i dabbled with it, but "sort of supports ipv6" would be a more accurate description of Plex/various RSPs and my Unifi networking equipment. It might theoretically be possible to get working, but I spend enough time during the day dealing with networking issues without wanting to have to worry about it at home.

    • +2

      Thanks, pretty much the only question I had before I was ready to switch over.
      With no option to opt out of CGNAT, this is a deal breaker for me.

    • +3

      Chatbot specifically states:

      We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
      We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

      May as well go with Superloop for the same ongoing price, with CGNAT opt-out.

      • +4

        Except Superloop is substandard. When they first started they were excellent. Easily rivaling ABB but now they are just like every other low-grade RSP

        • +3

          I was literally with Superloop two weeks ago before swapping over to ABB.

          There's literally no difference to uptime/ping/speeds. In previous years Superloop has had better uptime then my ABB connection.

        • I’ve always been able to max my connection with super loop so not sure what issues you’re referring to

          • +1

            @ipiok: Latency to game servers during peak periods was terrible. Unplayable.

    • deal breaker

    • +2

      Just got off with customer service via chat, no options to disable CG-NAT.

      "Our services do use CG-NAT, at the moment we are unable opt-out or offer static IP options. We're looking into this for the future, so feel free to check in with us. Let me know if you have any other questions!"

      No deal for me!

    • Dealbreaker for me, AussieBB's CGNAT was causing major issues with Nintendo Switch online play back when I was still with them, so I would assume it's similar here

    • +1

      That's a deal breaker for me, I don't need a static IP, but I do need an IP address, even if it changes on a day-to-day basis.
      Having said that, I'll be keeping a close eye on this to see if they do start offering an option for an external IP and it's always good to see extra competition, hopefully it's popular and starts to put some more downward pressure on prices.

    • Ouch, shame really

    • +2

      Can someone reasonably explain what if any impact this has to an average user.

      For example: I have home automation services like HomeKit (AppleTVs) , Hue, HomeBridge (running on QNAP) and I do want to control them remotely (eg 'turn the lights off' while outside home).

      Is this going to stop that from working?

      • +1

        Basically, did you port forward for any of those services? If not, it will probably keep working.

        I assume you are using Google/Siri etc to control it, these don't require port forwarding or CGNAT to be turned off specifically.

        • Correct. No port forwarding required for Homebridge. And AppleTV, HomePods etc. all automagically configured.

          Well that sounds positive then!

      • CGNAT will be a problem for running a Plex server just in case you do, since you mentioned having a QNAP NAS.

        If you ran Home Assistant and wanted it to be externally accessible, you could use a Cloudflare tunnel.

  • -1

    We want 2000mbps! 😂

    • 2Gbps is not available yet.

  • Do they offer static ip/ipv4?

    • +2

      I'm not sure if they offer a static IP. Update;

      We do use CG-NAT for our services, but currently, we are unable to opt-out or offer static IP options.
      We are exploring these options for the future, so be sure to check back with us.

    • +1

      other commenters said its cgnat, No option to opt out.

  • w000w

  • ah beat me to it, i'll delete my post

    • You can post the 100/20 price if you want.

      • +4

        all good, unpublished, think it's better for all if it's all in one place

  • -2

    I am on FTTC and it won't let me sign up for 100/20 (Address not eligible) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • I had to type in my address twice before it was recognized.

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