Discriminatory Job Ad on SEEK

I thought this is considered illegal. Seems like Australia is going backwards.


Only accepting applicants who identify as female or non binary.

I've reported this job ad to Seek on grounds of discrimination.


  • +24

    Big company ✅
    Quota to fill ✅
    Me not giving a damn as it doesn't concern me ✅

    Looks like it’s all clear to sign off on.

    • +2

      Yep, that's exactly how all this BS keeps on getting propagated.

      "ahh doesn't effect me, who gives a (profanity)"

      Nek minit, you or your Son can't find work in a tough job market and are being looked over for less qualified "female" applicants… at least Centerlink won't discriminate against you… yet ;).

      • +2

        Yeah, still don’t care.
        Im more likely to be replaced by ai than a unicorn.

        Its got nothing to do with me why governments and big corporations allow it.

        Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

      • Are the quotas in the room with you now?

        OP found a specific job with the quota being the forefront of their requirements - how many jobs on that site don't have a protected identity requirement?

      • -1

        at least Centerlink won't discriminate against you yet ;).

        They already discriminate against everybody, not to mention the certain kinds of people who discriminate against welfare recipients…

  • +9

    Just "identify as non binary". Nobody even knows what it means. Just tell them you identify as both male, female, and other. And wear lipstick and miniskirts from time to time.

    • +2

      No need to wear just carry lipstick put on your desk while working enough sign i think

      • +2

        Lipstick and a big neon green dildo on your desk is definitely the safest option…

    • Thanks, but I just get jobs based on my experience and qualifications. Maybe give it a try?

  • Nothing new, this crap has been going on for almost two decades

  • Are you actually interested in the job if it didn’t have that criteria?

    • -2

      Maybe and I'm sure other tradies who are male would be too.

      • +2

        So just say you identiy as such, and get the job, and the flip back.

        • +1

          Problem is, you know you aren't going far if the culture is DEI first and merit second….

      • +1

        If you're born as a male, there's absolutely nothing to stop you from applying as, and then fronting up to the interview as, 'non-binary', and they won't force you to do anything weird to prove what pronouns you prefer beyond a verbal statement. Just watch 'LadyBallers' for some non-binary inspiration.

      • Holy moly imagine being a male tradie in this climate but not able to find work.

  • +3

    Do they need any proof / evidence? Will short hair / long hair do the job, or have to go to the opposite gender's toilet?

    • +3

      This sounds like the makings of a Rob Schneider movie.

    • +1

      Probably just need to look like the flash.

    • +1

      Something like this will qualify…. lol

    • +1

      Just put a pink ribbon or hair clip in your shirt short hair.

    • Hang on, if someone identify as non binary, which toilet do they go to?

    • +7

      what does this even mean?

        • +9

          In a family, women often take the time off work for children, because they get paid less than the male in the family. So equality in the workplace is the fix not t he problem.

          • @tonka: IME ( have 3 kids, husband and I earn equal and both work 4 days a week) its often harder for the man to get time off for family reasons than the woman. It can also be hard for men to get time off to care for elderly parents etc. This needs to change and the govt. to support and encourage flexible work places.

        • +10

          Did you just out yourself as a really shit Dad who'd never take time off work to look after their kids…?

          • +2

            @MessyG: I guess you've never been a business owner or manager and see how detrimental maternity leave effects other colleagues and revenue.

            • +5

              @mrvaluepack: Don't we all understand that ongoing business viability requires children to be born? And therefore understand that busineses in a community that don't support that are really just parasites.

              • @tonka: A business' number one goal is to make money for the owners and investors. Not really to care about social issues.

                • @mrvaluepack: You don't know that businesses need to be socially viable to be sucessful? Ok then… How about, if you really believe this is good business practice. Name the company. If not, well obviously you are unsure.

                  • +1

                    @tonka: Nope, they dont. Look at tesla, elon doesnt give a damn. Look at s&p500,only less than half are given good esg scores which is a lame effort by blackrock.

                    • +2

                      @mrvaluepack: Tesla got were it is promoting clean energy, how is that not a social issue? He's currently modelling himself as the savior of free speech. Do you think these things through or does it just burst out?

                • @mrvaluepack:

                  A business' number one goal is to make money for the owners and investors

                  And there it is.

            • +6

              @mrvaluepack: Actually both. And if you've not baked leave of any kind into your policies and budget then what are you doing? People get sick, they care for older family members, they parent. This needs to be thought of ahead of time. People tend to stay in workplaces that are supportive so we…support them. I would never expect a man to be a robot and just work forever without needing time off to take care of his kids, or family members. If you're not viable if you provide leave, then you're not viable.

              • +1

                @MessyG: Yes, but having a worker away for a year and having to hire temps or get others to cover because their position is still legally theirs when they come back is very hard for SMEs. Try working for a business with less than 10-20 employees and see what it's like when someone goes on maternity leave.

                • +6

                  @mrvaluepack: Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you've not planned for that eventuality then you shouldn't be in business. It's not like women having children is at all a new concept to society and yet here we are with comments like these. You're basically saying women shouldn't be hired and men should be ATMs not parents for the rest of their lives. It disadvantages both genders.

                • @mrvaluepack: What about when they go on paternity leave (or parental leave as it's usually called now) for 12 months, is that easier to manage?

            • +4

              @mrvaluepack: My employer has equal parental leave for men and women nowadays.

            • @mrvaluepack: the government needs to support the businesses more. Ultimately it saves the govt. money to keep workers in the workforce.

        • +5

          Loving how OP has just outed themselves as sexist after calling out discrimination.

          • +1

            @morse: I prefer the term equal opportunist.

            • +6

              @mrvaluepack: So then you’d know in today’s families both men and women take leave for child rearing responsibilities.

          • @morse: Enlighten me: how does calling out discrimination translate into being sexist? Genuinely intrigued by this plot twist!

            • @dmac: OP also said

              I guess you've never been a business owner or manager and see how detrimental maternity leave effects other colleagues and revenue

        • Yeah, I kind of buy that argument,
          if they're born overseas or poorly educated, but the number of young women having children in Australia is dropping like a hot brick - the problem here is actually too few women choosing family over career, and the WEF has been working hard to push that agenda, through government policy and corporate governance.

          • +1

            @SlartiBartFozz: why does the female have to choose family over career? A choice a man doesnt seem to have to make?

            • @Allwentmarching: Paternal leave isn't the same as maternal leave, financially it pushes women to sideline their career. Having said that, it's always a choice of the parents involved.

              • @dmac: Luckily in the organisation I work for parental leave is now equal for men and women. As in 14weeks paid for both male and female on top of the Centrelink payment.

        • Nice assumption that Im not….
          Its often harder for men to get time off for child issues and this is what needs to be fixed.

        • +1

          Eg: pregnant, child issues, etc.

          Y'know, maybe if the men in their relationship offered to take time off to child-rear, you wouldn't see so much absenteeism?

    • +20

      Do the females in your world handle all the family commitments. Sounds like you are causing the problem then, not them.

    • +18

      Comments like this is why Bluescope is looking for a women or non binary person.

      • +1

        The reason corporations do anything always boils down to avenues to attract new clients/ business, or ways to keep investors in their pocket. The agenda is never actually about what is good for employee satisfaction, company culture, societal benefits, or doing the right/ best/appropriate thing, you just need to be seen to be ticking enough boxes to convince enough fools that you're doing it.

    • +2

      I just love that there are people like you who make comments like this, and also people who see those comments and still don't understand why we need diversity hires.

  • +7

    Yup Australia is going backwards because of a seek job ad.

  • +2

    just wear a kilt to interview

    • Because you identify as Scottish?

      • Maybe its a Briton transitioning to a scottsthem

        (3rd edits a charm)

  • +23

    It's a management position and they're likely to be overlooking a few qualified candidates who are in the team. Good luck to whoever gets the role because they're going to be seen as a diversity hire and probably wont get much respect from the team.

    This kind of thing is a disservice to the females who are actually qualified for the role without the need for discriminatory hiring criteria.

    • +9

      Equally the men who have acted poorly in these kind of roles over the years hazing apprentices, bullying or sexually harassing the one or two female staff making comments about sick leave like the one we see above have done a disservice to men.

    • It's called a poisoned chalice position. They'd have to be paying a LOT of money for any woman to want to seriously take that on, or they'd have to be promised a serious promotion after a couple of years. That said if you were successful in it, it would open a f***load of doors.

  • +5

    If employers are required to have a gender balanced workforce, how could they achieve this without paying attention to gender balance when hiring? This is something employers must publicly report on now.

    • Posive discrimination for Non-binary persons doesn't help (binary) Gender balance, you would have to treat those as two separate, partly opposed objectives.

  • +10

    They want more diversity because at the moment its mysogny manifest.

    You literally get males wiping shit on walls because housekeeping women report men for unacceptable kempt rooms. Eg bodily fluids, sexual paraphernalia deliberately left out to harras etc.

    Dont have a whinge about this policy unless youre fixing the problem rather than making it worse. When was the last time you told your mate that joke degrading a women was not acceptable.

    • -1

      So we don't get jokes any more?

      • +6

        What's wrong mate? Don't know any jokes that aren't sexist, racist or homophobic?

        Jokes on you when history leaves you in the dust

  • +20

    My mate is a trainer for a very large and well known company that provides energy infrastructure. They have mandated that the majority of new apprentices must be female or other minorities. It has resulted in enthusiastic and eager kids who are excellent candidates being rejected while far less suitable candidates are given the job. The completion rate of the apprenticeships has plummeted. And many of those who do complete it are finding that they'd rather work in admin than in the field and are transferring or are fast tracked into managerial positions which also has a quota. The end result is that they are suffering badly from a labor shortage and are also paying a fortune in overtime to try fill it. Seems kind of stupid to me.

    • -3

      Sounds like they have an ongoing problem caused by gender bias that they are trying to correct.

    • I hope the trainer and the team are treating and training the new candidates without prejudice. I would probably lose interest and leave too if the work environment was crap.

    • +7

      “My mate” is head of HR for a major construction company. They also found a lot of female apprentices were quitting. They examined why this was the case and discovered it’s not because they are female but because it’s hard to turn up at 7am when you are also responsible for child care or elderly parent care. Is the choice to just give up on women or to try to rearrange the structure of how they operate?

      • This is such a problem, women needing to choose between a career and a family. By the time they are not beholden to school hours they are way behind on career and won't have the same opportunity to financial independence as their male counterparts.

        • -1

          Why fight against nature? The birthrates of develop countries are declining rapidly because of this push. This will lead to mass migration of immigrants from third world countries to boost population which will cause a lot of social problems.

          • @mrvaluepack: We have a society where currency is required. Are you volunteering all men to enter a permanent and faithfull relationship, where they believe the wealth they earn belongs to both partners and has been earned equally. Where the male partner doesn't die young and leave the female with no career or income. Where there is no chance of the female being financially controlled and abused by her partner. And every female will have the option of this perfect partner. And also half the high IQ and high innovators in the world will never contribute in the workplace? Is that what you are proposing?

            • -2

              @tonka: Im proposing that the best person for the job get hired. It is only natural that because of child birth, women on average work less, therefore have less experience and therefore get paid less. But women also have many more income stream opportunities than men, eg: only fans, youtube, cheerleading, modelling, sugar daddy, etc.

              • -1

                @mrvaluepack: Wow, you really did explain to everyone what slime is. This is why we need to be able to block people on OzB.

                • @tonka: So by your definition, logical arguments = slime?

                  • +2

                    @mrvaluepack: I guess more sad sorry slime if only fans and youtube is the main experience with women.

                • +1

                  @tonka: You can block people on OzB

              • +7


                But women also have many more income stream opportunities than men, eg…

                Oh, well when you put it in clearly 'alpha male' debating points, how could anyone disagree with such a well thought out point of view.

              • +2
    • It's not just energy infrastructure, in IT our only graduate position requires you to be an Aboriginal.

      They also screening out most male resumes in HR.

      The offshore mobs we bring people in with have been told to only provide female candidates.

      It's a really bad time to be a young white male.

  • -1

    If you breed dobermans for security companies you will get the same exemption.
    This guarantees:
    support a zero harm culture

  • +9

    Plenty of evidence in this comment thread as to why improving the gender balance is highly desirable

  • +1

    Only accepting applicants who identify as female or non binary.

    What if it's a job to develop Mensa tests and was looking for very high IQ applicants?

    • Is it?

    • Not your concern.

  • +13

    It's illegal to discriminate based on gender. BlueScope has found that it has been discriminating against women. This is the fix.

    • -1

      How have they been discriminating against women?

      • +5

        Your best source there would be to track down the detailed documentation submitted with the application for an exemption from sections 16, 18, 107 and 182 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) that BlueScope that was required in order to receive that exemption.

        I mean, either that, or you can instead just continue to go with your feels that it's all one big conspiracy against men.

        • +2

          When did i ever say its one big conspiracy? Just asking for equal opportunity for all. You putting words in my mouth lol.

          • +4

            @mrvaluepack: Until you start rage posting about situations where women are being discriminated against there's no need for me to put words into your mouth, it's pretty obvious. So, you're right, that line wasn't necessary.

          • @mrvaluepack: The whole point of this exemption is to establish equal opportunity.

        • You hurt the snowflakes feefees

      • +1

        You would look up their WGEA reporting then do some analysis on Male vs female employee ratio. In particular in management ratio compared to emploee ratio. Then also look at pay ratio. WGEA data has been reported to gov't many years. As of last year it was made public, and it wasn't a good look for many companies. Even worse was female dominated industries were discriminating against women.

    • -1

      If they want to fix discrimination in recruitment, I'd have thought a review of the process and train or discipline those breaking the law would be a better fix.

      Two wrongs don't make a right.

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