Should be an all time low for the 5700X3D — $45 less than the last deal. Same seller so hopefully people who bought it last time can comment about their experiences.
Also available here from the same seller for ~$1 more
Should be an all time low for the 5700X3D — $45 less than the last deal. Same seller so hopefully people who bought it last time can comment about their experiences.
Also available here from the same seller for ~$1 more
I bought from this specific store during the deal and everything works fine. Just remember to update the BIOS before taking your rig apart
I bought a 5700X3D a few weeks ago from a different seller ("cp u Store") and it performs perfectly — arrived in a small bubble-wrapped package, with the CPU inside an OEM plastic tray. Everything looked pristine and new, no signs of 2nd hand use (but the 5700X3D is relatively new so I don't think there would be many used ones out there anyway).
I'm always wary of overseas purchases and I always videotape my unboxing of parcels, but so far across two dozen or so AliExpress purchases I have not been scammed yet.
I also got the previous deal and it's all good. It was packaged same as deadpoet's.
I tested it immediately and didn't find any issues after an hour-long stress test.
I am sceptical of Aliexpress. Items never arrived and the seller provided a fake tracking number but despite obvious signs it wasn't real Aliexpress sided with the seller.
I’ve had the same experience. Alixpress are terrible for supporting customers.
Credit card chargeback?
weird, ive never had a claim rejected. made at least 10, but they were all legitimate issues.
Look at all the comments from the last deal from SZCPU
most people, bought and have no issues from this particular shop..
I bought one myself.. with no issues, arrived in 7-10 days..
Did you upgrade from an older CPU? Got a 3600 + 3070 so wondering if worth it.. seems like I can flog it off for 100 bux on marketplace so in theory paying $130 for an upgrade. May need a new cooler though
Then again the games I play aren't super demanding..
Kelvin has been known to have over 1000 CPU’s on hand.
Yes, worth it if you are running a 3600.
Good luck trying to sell off your 3600 for $100 on FBM, I've tried and you're just going to get dozens of hagglers trying to buy it for half that or even less.
Only worth it if playing esports at low settings by the looks of it.
I upgraded from 3600 with a 2080 super. Made a huge difference to smoothness of games. I don't get any hitching anymore in Warzone.
Also sold my 3600 for $120 on marketplace but it took many weeks to sell.
Great to hear. Can i ask, was this at 1080p or 1440p?
@Sandaz: I play at 3.5k resolution. Usually around 80fps in most stuff. Ghost of Tsushima is well over 100fps. Same with Xdefiant. Those games are well optimised
Excellent deal, if I was really itching for an upgrade this would be a great choice.
Both links saying it's not available at my location?
Are you using a VPN by any chance?
Working now, must have been temporary
This is an amazing deal. I recently got this CPU from another seller from AliExpress and it's working perfectly — great for games like Tarkov that rely on more CPU grunt.
Paired it with a Phantom Spirit 120 SE cooler and it never exceeds 62°C under full load, and spends most of its time in the 40s and 50s during normal use. I was worried about power consumption but my 5700X3D undervolts to -30 across all cores and seems very efficient across the board. While idle, it even draws around 10W less power than my old 5600X did.
The 5700X3D is around 7-8% slower than the 5800X3D and for this price it's an absolute steal, the 5700X3D is the bargain king for AM4 gaming.
Yes this. Ideally my AM4s final form shouldve been a 5800X3D. But at this price, the 5700X3D will be its final form. Could potentially keep for another couple of years before a whole system upgrade
Jumped at this, based on the feedback from the seller on the last deal. I (begrudgingly) replaced a blown AM4 mobo last year to breath some life into my 2600, so this will be a nice little last breath of life for the X570/AM4 system I ended up with.
if i didn't have a 5800x3d i'd consider this
Real question, is it worth the upgrade from a 5600?
Trying to justify buying one but keep thinking to hold off and upgrade to AM6/7 instead down the track.
Probably hodl.
Depends on the games you play (if for gaming). Not all of them get a big bump from the 3D cache.
Thanks for the info. Not gonna lie primarily play FPS games like CS2 and L4D2 (yeah I know old school but always fun to just jump into a game with no waiting)
But I do occasionally play some other newer titles like resident evil, Alan wake 2 etc.
I think I might hold off and do a bigger upgrade down the track.
You would see a big uptick in fps in CS2. Depending on which GPU you’re running.
I have the exact same combo as you, and just bought this. Can maybe sell the 5600 for $130 so just $100 for some decent fps bumps depending on game. This will be my end game for a long time
I just upgraded to this from a 5600X. I'd say the real world difference is around 15% or so, but it also depends on what resolution you game at. I mostly play at 4K/120Hz, so the differences are fairly small for me as I'm often GPU-limited, but it does vary from game to game.
If you play lots of CPU-hungry games like Tarkov or Baldur's Gate III, then it's probably worth the upgrade. It will be a minor upgrade though, not earth-shattering by any means.
That's good to know!
I have the 5600 paired with a 3080 and only do 1440 at 144hz gaming
I have looked at some reviews and most of the time it's about a 15-20 frame increase (relating to the games I normally play).
Think I might hold off of that is the case.
Thanks for the reply much appreciated.
I'm on a 3090 and 5800X, was considering the 5800X3D, but I think I'll just wait for the 5090 or 5080, then upgrade the rest of the system afterwards.
The biggest benefit is in frame time consistency more than anything else, not usually quantified but it's something the 3d cache helps a lot with.
I'm in the same board.. looks like the Zen5 9600 is FASTER then a 7800X3D :) soooo well i guess thats the CPU i'm biuying with 8000Mhz ram and a new B850 chip-set motherboard from AMD still AM5 :)
should have that new system up and running before Christmas holidays
On one hand, I don't need it.
On the other, I do play alot of simulation and city builders, and bloody Minecraft. I have seen my 5600 chug once a while.
Does this price include tax? Cause I'm getting $237.42 (including tax, not including shipping, after coupons added)
Pay in USD. Although if you have a credit card that charges a conversion fee or use paypal, it probably won't make much difference
I paid with paypal and wore the extra just so I can reverse the transaction a little easier if things go pear shaped.
ah I didn't know you could do this, mine is aud figure by defual. but that sorts out my confusion thanks
As @freefall101 says you have to pay in USD (just change the currency on the top right when viewing from the desktop and select USD)
Paying with my debit card after fees I paid $231.03 AUD
Thanks for the guidance, was trying all the diff codes and stuff for a while before I saw this comment and figured it out. Thanks!
Is this a substantial upgrade from a 10700?
If your particular game benefits from the extra cache (not all do).
Its a decent upgrade, but probably not worth it if you are buying a new mobo too.
Is this worth upgrading from a Ryzen 3700?
Yes. So much yes. The update from 3xxx to 5xxx was huge and the 3d cache was massive too.
Found the 7800x3d for A$420. BARGAIN
BUt can't post it, cos not enough quantity.
This or the 5700x for $183aud by the same seller? For trading/gaming/general use
For gaming this. I would says it’s work the extra $50if you have a decent graphics card.
The 3D cache doesn’t make much of a difference for other uses.
it's the end of the line for my AM4 mobo, so lets give it a good last hurrah
Can someone recommend a cheap AM4 motherboard?
Shall I get this or MSI B450M-A PRO MAX from eBay?
I'm currently running the Maxsun B450M Challenger from AliExpress as well from the previous month's deal. Works fine. Can run XMP at 3200mhz stable. Currently using a Ryzen 5 3600 for it and am hoping this CPU works with no issues.
Most people won't recommend investing in an old platform unless you're just upgrading the CPU in an existing build.
However, if you want to, both boards are pretty basic. The Gigabyte is more likely to support the 5700X3D out of the box, but you're kinda stuck finding a temporary CPU if it doesn't. The MSI supports flashing BIOS without a CPU, but will definitely need that as it's old.
Dumb Q - how do you pay in USD instead of the marked up AUD?
Top right, near your username, change "Currency" to USD.
Thanks OP, bought one.
What a bargain, bought mine from the last deal. So far all great!
Nice! Upgrading from a 3600 cheers
Paid 385 locally 😭
Upgrade my 5800x? With the 3D cache
i wouldnt upgrade from that.
that cpu is decent and does good on games compared to the 5700x3d
Thanks for the reply! I’ll stay on my 5800 and 4090 and wait for a new build in the future
May I ask for the people that have bought from this cpu before whats the highest clock speed you have seen on a core?
caps at 4.1 and some get 4.2 on some mb's
kk thanks that is roughly what I have seen too
How do i use the discount codes?
I can only find 'promocode' at checkout, so I am assuming that's what codes in the post are?
The codes are not accepted codes used as promocodes.
another opportunity to ascend to 8 core master race, this one is thwart with burritos tho
I’m trying to pump more life into my 16gb, 3600x + 2070 machine. I’ll probably get a new gpu late this year or early next year, but is it worth getting a beefier cpu + more ram? Or am I better just upgrading to am5 and getting current gen stuff?
I only really do 1440p gaming with aoe2, bf5 and whatever big AAA single player games that come out + some streaming to the Apple TV with steam link.
I have been tossing up and down on this for what feels like forever. I decided to just grab this and then look at AM5 for 2nd/3rd gen, the fact I would have needed to buy new ram and and new MB to upgrade just puts the cost / benefit out a fair way, whereas with the next gens, it should be a bigger jump to make the additional investment worthwhile. Just my 2c.
32GB of ram and a 5700X3D + RTX2070 will run aoe2 really well.. :) you just need to make sure your motherboard has a bios update that's added support for the 5700X3D
There is a big jump from Zen2 to Zen3+3D but not enough of a jump in performance for me.
I've got a 5700X 32GB of ram a 6800 16GB card… I'm looking to upgrade to an AMD AM5 9600X + DDR5 + B850 board when they come out
Reiterating your recommendation: 5700x3D needs a newer BIOS than the 5800X3D, so check you NEED to check for compatibility with this specific chip.
Also it will run on the hot side, so a decent cooler is required. (It doesn't generate an excessive amount of heat, it just doesn't remove it as easily due to the 3D cache layer).
I don't need it, but it is very tempting, i have a 5700x + 3060ti not sure how much improvement i would see.
15% more CPU gaming performance.. not worth it
5600 to 5700x3d? I guess i will pass as my 5600 has 6800 near 100% usage most of the time in 1440p gaming. Save $230 for future new platform.
Still hoping to see a cheap 5800X3D to replace my aging 3900X in my gaming rig, don't feel the 5700X3D is enough of an increase for the extra cost. That said, another year of holding the line and it'll probably be better to build a whole new system.
Worth the upgrade from a 5600? Also how do I get less tax currently it’s $30 which is insane
Does anyone have discount codes that works with this one? After shipping it comes to about $200, which is only ~$30 less than the X3D; but it's for my dad and he doesn't do gaming. Would like to get 5700X for him, but with a good discount code. Thank you in advance! :)
24SC12 or SCA12 makes it what I said.
I was hoping to upgrade my R5-3600 system but, after looking at the benchmarks closely, it seems that the performance gains for non-gaming workloads isn't worth the investment.
Im in a similar boat. I game but single core speed is important to me for music/DAW processing. I see the 5600x is on sale too for about $140 from the same seller - very fast clock speeds. (my current set up is a 3600 and 3070 on 1440p)
According to this benchmark, you will gain some performance by upgrading to the 5600X but even then the gains do not seem significant. For gaming, the 5700X3D will likely offer much better results.
Thanks. Bought via Paypal for the extra coverage if needed. Ended up at $240AUD after conversion.
Should be a good upgrade for my Ryzen 2700x + Strix 1080ti system until I find a good value upgrade in graphics, hopefully when the 5000 series launches.
If you're doing Paypal and using their conversion, better to just pay with AUD from the outset
Just ordered this cpu.
Going to do a build with my two sons to teach them how to build a pc. Not up to date with this platform. Thinking a b550 motherboard. Any recommendations of a good value model without going overboard?
Your best bet is the Asus B550-F ROG Strix which is regarded as the overall best motherboard.
$267 -…
In the event that your motherboard is not up to date, you can easily flash the motherboard BIOS by using the designated BIOS Flash feature.
If you have to spend this much on a B550 board in 2024, is it even worth it? Admittedly I haven't been following B650 board prices, but $270 seems wild for something that's about to be 2 generations old
No, that board is overkill for this chip. Most B550 boards will work, the main bit is making sure the BIOS on the board is up to date enough for the the CPU to be supported. This can be a bit difficult.
Went from a 2700x to this based on a recommendation from someone on this site and the change was unbelievable.
Have it paired with a 6800xt and it does remarkably well on 1440p.
How does the 5700X3D compare against the 5800X3D
In regards to this seller, I purchased the 5700x3D from the other recent deal and haven't had any issues.
It's about 7% slower
For 50% less cost
Finally caved and bought after thinking about it for a few days to replace a 5600X.
From the look of it can hopefully get about $120-$130 from listing it on eBay so not a bad upgrade all things considered for ~$100.
Make sure you update your BIOS
Yep all good, already updated to the latest one a couple of months ago 👍🏻
Mine arrived today. Quickest delivery from AliX - 10 days only from Hong-Kong to Sydney!
Installed! Great upgrade from a 3600. My AM4 final form until next platform. Thanks
Has anyone here been screwed over buying ryzen cpus from aliexpress?