• expired

$200 Sign-up Credit for Electricity (New or Moving Customers Only) @ AGL


Get $200 for electricity on your first bill with our Westpac energy offer. Credit offer for new and moving NSW, QLD & SA residential customers. Plus, receive a bonus Prepaid Digital Mastercard worth up to $100¹.

You can sign up easily online or call 131 245 and mention this ‘Westpac’ energy offer.

Terms & Conditions

¹Limit of one Prepaid Digital Mastercard per supply address. Customers must provide a valid email address and mobile number and must remain on their chosen AGL energy plan for at least 30 days.

Receive a $100 Prepaid Digital Mastercard when you switch your home energy to AGL from another supplier or choose AGL for your energy when moving home. Existing AGL customers receive a $50 Prepaid Digital Mastercard when they switch AGL energy plans.

Mod: Removed duplicate from title

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Not bad sign up credits.. Be careful though rate changes are about to happen over the next couple of months so the rates you sign up for today won’t be what you pay in a couple months. They could be trying to entice customers over before they hike the rates.

    Good to join and churn!

    • +1

      oh yeah "Electricity and gas prices and Solar Feed-in tariffs may change around July or August 2024

      Please keep in mind that we are currently reviewing our prices for variable rate electricity and gas plans and they may change around July or August 2024. Solar Feed-in tariffs and tariff types may change around the same time. If that happens, and you’ve signed up, we’ll let you know before the changes take effect."

      but shouldn't it be that you sign up, and thats the rates you get for 1 year? its sucky they can just get you on these rates and then after 2 months can just hike it up by 25% or some shit

      • The rates you see on the website today will only be valid for the next month or depending when they do their rate change. I have a feeling when I was with AGL ages ago they do Victoria and NSW in July and do all other states in August.

        You won’t know your new rates until you get the email saying them, and last time I was with AGL my rates went up about 25% so yeah make sure to churn!

        • Who are you churning to?

          I noticed energy Australia has the bonus sign up offer, but their rates seems high compared to this agl signup offer?

          Same as momentum ( high rate)

  • Oh far out! I just signed up last night on the $225 credit offer

    • It probably hasn't been actioned. Call and ask them to cancel connection request and reapply

    • Yeah get on to chat and ask them to add this on

      • They can't add it. It has to go through a different promo application

  • +2

    Good incentive but daily charge is high and rates not that great

    • exactly, I'm with AGL Special Saver and I was struggling whether I should remain or move with once off credits, my SC is 99.374 cents per day inc GST, 28.875 c/kWh for first 1020 kwh and remaining 29.656 c/kWh. I joined NBN promo today and set the schedule on June.

      • i'm with energy australia and i am on 27.5 c/kWh and SC is 95.04

        with this plan i am getting 30.613 c/Kwh SC for 88.31 so dunno, i have to do a spreadsheet to compare but then i'm turned off if they can simply decide to change the fee just like that

        • +1

          Do it for the $200, then churn.

          • +1

            @ATangk: yeah but with energy australia at least i've locked this rate for another 9 months …. if i churn to AGL i won't be able to get these rates i have currently (and only got it after i threatened to leave and they gave me a discount lol)

          • @ATangk: Who you churning too?

        • Would different energy retailers price rise similar? Or those with sign up bonus have more exorbitant price rises?

          I think i read on ozbargain somewhere 25% price rises after taking up sign up bonus in the past , ( energy Australia)

          Im trying to see if churning with sign up bonus still ahead when factoring possible price rise

  • What does "new and moving" mean? I want to churn and burn.

    • Are you an existing customer? Are you moving into a place? New meaning not a current customer.

      I was previously an AGL customer about 3 months ago. Does that make me new if I return? I guess so. I'm waiting for Origin's 1 July credit and I'll leave them.

      Edit: read below. Maybe I'm ineligible if I've been with them in the last 12 months.

      • Oh 12 months rule for sign up bonus?

    • Same here, is this your first time?

      It is mine, looking tips if you have any. Thanks

  • +4

    churn baby churn!

    just be mindful when churning, Energy Providers conduct credit checks these days, too many in a small period can affect credit score, trust me I know.

    • Yeah good point, I know the big 4 (red, energy Aus, AGL and Origin) all do a credit check on sign up!

      • Can they deny you electricity?

        • +1

          Yes got decline by Globird in the past due to low credit score.

          • @nightelves: Wow really?? What are you meant to do if rejected by all?

            • +8

              @leeroys_dad: Candles mate!!

            • @leeroys_dad: You can’t be rejected by all, if you are you must go with your default retailer, in NSW it’s Energy Australia, but you will be on sky high default rates (not the market rates you see on TV like 25% etc) and just know they will watch you like a hawk and if your debt goes high you can be sure they will want to disconnect you.

              • @Iwantthebestprice: FYI, Energy Australia is only the RoLR in Ausgrid's network area. The rest of NSW is Origin.

              • @Iwantthebestprice: Oh no. Worried about churning then

                My mum got rejected with the credit check for the telstra samsung galaxy phone deal a while back

                Is it likely she will get rejected for this agl signup?

                She did have no problem with the origin signup $150. But that time origin didn't say they will do credit check

                Worried as the default price is very high

            • @leeroys_dad: You just stayed with my default retailer.

      • If my mum dont plan on getting credit card or loans, does credit check even matter?

        The only concern is that the energy retailers would deny uptake of there plan and we would be stuck on very expensive default rate which another user mentioned

      • Confused

        That website below user posted said this though

        but many utilities don’t do a credit check,


    • +1

      ppl seems to really care about their credit score

      • It can impact multiple things. :)

    • what if we don't have any credit cards or debt, will this affect credit score? so its best not to churn then? sorry not very financially literate

  • When our credit is up with Engine, time to churn.

  • Mine only says $150 credit

  • +5

    Be aware that there is another new sign-up credit offer going around which is by invitation over the phone only. Moving both electricity and gas to AGL and they are offering $300 credit on each account on your first bill. On top of that, if you move your NBN to AGL, they are offering another $300 credit on each account again after you stayed for one month. In total that's $1,200 credit, $600 each for electricity and gas.

    • interesting. maybe I'll call up.

      • how'd you go?? live chat had no clue about it. If you got the $300 per connection, lmk what you did to get it pls!

    • interesting, how did you come across such a crazy deal?

      Sounds similar to this article, it even mentions OzBargain, haha


      • +2

        A friend got it from a call and he referred me through the same sales rep. Got the call and signed up last night and all evidence I have by now is https://imgur.com/a/MNq5rz5

        • hmmm so only can get it if you're referred by someone else?

          • @browny3196: Did you find out if that was the case browny?

            • @ATTS: Nope. Ended up going with the $225 Electricity ctedit and $50 gas credit with AGL

    • But only for first month?

    • +1

      I got offered by retention team $300 extra credit if I switched internet too. However when I called back nobody knew about this. I got transferred to their internet department as sales team didn't deal with nbn stuff. And their internet team hung up on me when they heard I didn't have an existing internet account with them (I assume they don't deal with sales). So it's catch 22 nobody knows anything.

      I would recommend getting it in writing and saving the reference number if you can still be bothered by their abysmal customer service.

      • -1

        I can back up the above. Coincidentally I initiated my gas transfer fr AGL to another provider 2 wks ago. I then recently got a call from the AGL Retention team who offered me $300 credit to keep my gas with them whilst offering me another $300 to move my electricity (currently with Engie) to AGL as well. Engie service is terrible what more their new app which is a nightmare & I can't even log into my account there or via browser. I would move in a heartbeat but I still have $200+ credit with Engie.

        On separate note, she did also ask me if I was on NBN which I wasn't. So can't comment what the promo would have been for this.

        • Same for me but I scheduled the electricity transfer after 6 weeks to ensure I use up most of the engine signup credit

      • How to get the $300 for elec and gas? I called up earlier this week and was offer it, and called again now and the guy said it ended a long time ago ….

    • I got the call last week and got $300 credit each for electricity and gas. I was also offered the NBN plan that I declined.
      I thought it was a scam as I had not exhausted the previous credit of $225 + $50 (elec + gas) for staying with them and not moving to Engie but got the email the next day as confirmation!

    • yeah - I just got 1200 fom AGL.. I moved away from them as alinta was much cheaper and anyway I wanted to switch to ToU tariff, so I got electricity moved (somehow I missed gas when swithcin to Alinta), moved my NBN from AGL too , and then realised I forgot gas and initiated moving gas.

      That must have triggered some retention process on AGL side, first they sent me an email offering 250 credits if I keep my gas with them, I ignored that and literally 3hrs later they called me offering $600 (300 gas and 300 electricity). During the call the nbn came up and the lady I was talking to asked if I wanted to move my nbn for anoter 600… No brainer…

      No lock-in contracts on top of that on any of the media… she was like "once you use your credits you can move…"….

    • I called them today(13 Jun), and they told me the offer expired yesterday.
      The electricity and gas rep said after I sign up for electricity and gas first, then the NBN rep will issue me a bonus of $600 credit. But after I signed up and got transferred to NBN department, they told me the bonus credits offer expired, they now only provide $50 for each, so it'll be $100 only.

      • So you were only offered a total of $100 to transfer Electricity, Gas and NBN? Of was it $100 to transfer NBN?

        • $100 to transfer NBN.
          I refused, and also cancelled the sign up for electricity and gas(they offered $225+$50)

      • Crap expired

    • So when does that phone signup expire?

      And if just electricity it would only be $300?

  • Do I need westpac account to avail this offer?

    • +2

      there does not appear to be any sort of requirement or proof of being with westpac to obtain this deal

    • Hey sam did u find out if u can get the offer without having westpac account?

      • I got the mail which says I'll get $200 credit in next bill.

        • Oh so no wespac required?

          • @ATTS: I think so, and I am also eyeing on $100 digital card which is on top of this credit.😀

  • +1

    Be careful if you've had a sign up credit from them within the previous 12 months.

    Sign-up credit

    Get a one-off $150 (GST incl.) credit for electricity on your first bill when you sign up to this plan direct with AGL. Offer for new and moving residential customers in VIC only, where AGL operates. The credit amount reduces the price of supply of electricity and is not transferable or refundable. AGL may exclude accounts from receiving more than one upfront credit per fuel in any 12-month period. Not available in conjunction with any other AGL offer, unless otherwise stated. Offer may be varied by AGL.

    • +1

      Sign up under another name such as your partner.

      • Nice move!

    • +1

      I've received 3 credits on gas and 5 credits on electricity within 12 months


      • do you do the same with home insurance?

        • what kind of home insurance deals are there?

          • @Brick50: not sure. asking the king to see if there are

            • +1

              @follow: The only deals I have seen with insurance is receiving QFF or velocity points. For example yesterday I cancelled my policy with bingle to sign up to this deal:

              It cost me $40 cancellation fee x 2, as well as $80 in increased premium over 2 months so $160 total for 40,000 QFF points. Bonus is I did a quote with my Bingle and it should actually be $60 cheaper when I purchase a new policy when I go back to them once I receive points

        • I'm starting the churning with car insurance.
          Will start next month when my yearly sub expires end of June.
          Will be starting with TCB CTM offer of $120 CB. Min 30 days for CB to complete to confirm. But the good thing about monthly payments is that they are pro rata refund if you cancel a few days after new month begins. And TCB CTM offer has unlimited policies as per my understanding so hopefully car insurance will cost me less than $40 a month if I'm correct

          • @easternculture: That's what I'm doing with Australia Post. Though I'm paying yearly, will cancel once cashback comes in then hopefully re-sign.

            • @follow: Australia post has increased premiums by 50% hence why ill be churning from now on.

              With yearly they won't refund if you cancel midway

      • Does agl do a credit check each time you churned? Was that 8 hits on your credit?

        • +1

          Nope. They might be my default supplier so no credit check is done. But simply energy(engie) and origin also didn't do a credit check.

        • energy australia don't want to hook me up anymore after i churned with them a bunch of times. they blame credit but i think i just got on a shit list

          • @realaccount627465746: Oh wow, that sux, has anybody had this happened to them with other retailers such as AGL or Origin

        • If too much credit check for elderly retired can they deny electricity and your stuck with very high default rates with default retailer?

          Thats our main concern as a user above mentioned if denied will end up worse of on very high default rates with the only option of default retailer?

      • from AGL?

      • Hey eastern culture which electricity retailers you were churning between if u dont mind

  • +1

    Big gamble going with AGL, they are a mess: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/843724

    After all my trouble with them, I got an email saying they were moving me over to them (after I was assured 4 weeks ago that they had deleted my account and personal information). Had to call up to cancel an order I never made.

    • +2

      They are my major retailers with churning as I always go back to them or retention team calls me.

      I'll admit Ive had issues with them, but a complain to ombudsman usually fixes it within a few days

      • Just curious what issues u had with agl?

  • +1

    Thanks OP just signed up a couple of days ago for the $200 credit, forgot about the Westpac offer! Just phoned and added it…

    • Hey.. Do u mind sharing how u did this? I'm in the same boat (signed up last night) so would like to do the same!

      • +1

        Just phoned them… 131 245.

  • -1

    Most dump Org. this offer is for only New or Moving Customers Only
    I was with them for 15 years and they never offered any deal.
    When i left they offered me $250 and some other shit

    • +6

      I never get this logic. I mean, you’re right, loyal customers SHOULD be rewarded, but let’s be real, this is a business.

      • Yes you are right to maintain the business they need to look after existing Customers

        • +3

          you shouldn't loyal for electricity companies, you should play with them, move to Origin, then AGL, then Origin, again AGL?
          otherwise you will miss those $100s, $200s…

        • +1

          The way I see it, they will do whatever turns a profit and disguise it as whatever will get them there. As others mentioned, don’t be loyal and do what’s best for you.

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