Not sure if these are available at any other Bunnings but there are a few at Alexandria as of a couple hours ago.
These are marked for Clearance so I'm sure stocks are limited.
Thanks for the help uploading this photo of the items there!
Not sure if these are available at any other Bunnings but there are a few at Alexandria as of a couple hours ago.
These are marked for Clearance so I'm sure stocks are limited.
Thanks for the help uploading this photo of the items there!
I wish there was a way to show a photo of the sale items.. Lil help?
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Will my glock fit in there?
Definitely.. But this thing would be huge for just one glock.. You could probably also fit a few mags in there too, and then some.
I think this one in particular might be a little large for placing on the bench at the range though.. You might want something smaller so it's more practical for when you're lining up in your lane. And so you don't get into trouble for flanking your surrounding lanes when you take it out of the box.
I use simillar for mine and fit a conversion kit and 4 mags stacked. Very good case quite happy
Any chance of price matching them in another bunnings?
I don't think any store would price match clearance items.
I can only see 2 yellow ones?
The ones floating in mid air?
Underrated comment of the day 👏
$29 at Bayswater VIC. Wouldn't price match.
They had them in the clearance aisle.
so can I store a tricycle in there, so it's safe from a reversing missus?
Any left at Hilltop or The Kingdom? Alexandria is a bit far away..
what would people normally use this for? genuine question
Legitimately carrying small firearms to / from the range in a locked container, in compliance with the firearms transportation laws for your state or territory.
Sensitive tools, such as laser levels.
Flashlights and headlamps ( I put my headlamps in them when we go camping to stop them from getting tangled up).
Very popular for DSLR'S + lenses, flashes and other camera gear too.
This ☝️. I just bought a yellow one from Clyde for my lenses.
Clyde has the yellow ones for $15, Camo is $20something. Quite a few left. They're on the wall opposite the tool shop
For storing a bunch of torches when taking them to a torch meetup.
I've used these type of cases for all of my weird air and gas monitoring equipment for ages. Never had a bit of kit break inside one yet. Pelican is the industry standard for these, but the other brands are good quality (from my experience). I've used tool-pro for my big wheelie cases and found that they were great value when on sale ($70 for the big ones).
I use one for my VR headset and one for a drone
Anyone have the I/N number or the barcode as we can check store stock then
Thank you was trying to get the yellow or the camo I/N numbers
Camo: 0386471
Orange: 0255158
No stock in Alexandria online. Online price also shows RRP.