This was posted 12 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New Optus Movie Rewards - $10 Movie Vouchers (Hoyts, Palace, Grand Cinemas) from 12 Nov


Got this in my email.
Optus is now partnership with Hoyts cinemas nationwide and a range of independent cinemas.
Good things that there are at least 2 Hoyts cinemas near my place and no Village cinemas.

List of cinemas:

From 12 November 2012, you'll be able to purchase $10 movie vouchers any day of the week, including public >holidays, through the Optus Movie Rewards website.

Movie Vouchers are valid for up to 3 months and can be used at over 130 cinemas across Australia including:
- Hoyts Cinemas
- Palace Cinemas
- Grand Cinemas
- and a range of independent cinemas in regional and metropolitan areas.

Also for a short time, up until 11th November 2012, you can continue to buy your $10 movie tickets for our current cinemas.

Related Stores

'yes' Tickets
'yes' Tickets

closed Comments

  • +1

    so they will be stopping event? hope not because they are the closest to me..

    • +2

      Not sure with the current cinemas.
      This is the email from Optus:

      We would like to tell you about important news for Optus Movie Rewards, which will change the cinemas included in the program.

      Our current partnership with our existing cinemas comes to an end on 11th November. As an Optus Movie Rewards member however, we know you love movies and we want you to continue enjoying the benefits of the program.

      So it's with much excitement that we can announce a new Optus Movie Rewards program that will give you access to Hoyts cinemas nationwide and a range of independent cinemas. This means you'll be able to buy $10 movie vouchers for over 130 cinemas across Australia, an increase of more than 40 cinemas nationwide, plus we will be bringing you some new and exciting improvements and promotional offers.

      We acknowledge that this change in cinema locations may inconvenience some customers. However we hope you'll still be able to benefit from Optus Movie Rewards at our new cinema locations and also continue to enjoy other benefits within the Optus Rewards Program.

      Also for a short time, up until 11th November 2012, you can continue to buy your $10 movie tickets for our current cinemas.

      The New Optus Movie Rewards

      From 12 November 2012, you'll be able to purchase $10 movie vouchers any day of the week, including public holidays, through the Optus Movie Rewards website.

      Movie Vouchers are valid for up to 3 months and can be used at over 130 cinemas across Australia including:

      Hoyts Cinemas
      Palace Cinemas
      Grand Cinemas
      and a range of independent cinemas in regional and metropolitan areas.

      We'll be in touch again very soon to let you know more about the new Optus Movie Rewards Program and our new locations.

      The Optus Movie Rewards Team

  • +5

    yeah sounds like they are, that sucks! Event is everywhere and Hoyts locations are few and far between for me..
    Event is a rip off without this offer.

  • No more Event cinemas

  • Any way to get the forum comments moved to the bargain thread? (I put it in the forum as it's no cheaper than it used to be just a different cinema)

  • Anyone can register for this using any number. Thanks OP

    • +1

      How? I tried with my vaya phone number but didnt work for me?

      • +2

        Sorry I just typed a random number in and it worked. Next time you go to the supermarket grab a two dollar Sim card or grab the number of the back of the card

        • Ohh, I see
          thanks for the information

  • +1

    This sucks, the grand cinemas near me is much shoddier than Event.

  • So no more support for village?

  • will it still be specific to a session or are these tickets ones you wait in the mail for? the greatest thing about the event cinema ones was that you could buy them 5 minutes before the session for $10 each. waiting for tickets in the mail will make it suck

    • Totally, I've asked on their FB page waiting for answer

      • Reply from Optus yes we will still be able to purchase online and individual tickets

        Optus - sorry that you’ll be travelling a little further, but hopefully it will be worth the extra miles. You can definitely can purchase online and there are no requirements to purchase bulk tickets.

        • That's a very shifty and non direct answer. Yes technically you can still order online but it's not like the old system where you can book for a session and receive the ticket on your phone. With this one and from all details it appears you order online, wait for physical voucher then go and watch your movie

  • +3

    I got this email too. So sad, Hoyts is incovenient zzzz.

  • This is a winning deal for people like me in Melbourne CBD. The Melbourne central Hoyts are very good and too pricey. So this will be a welcome relief. Also, it hurts to go to the greater union cinemas in Melbourne CBD even with the $10 deal as they are soooo crap.

  • +1

    Damn only for Optus customers, anyway to get it for non optus customers?

    • find someone who has a optus mobile number(maybe a friend in the rurual area) and use their number to sign up. it lets you nominate the email account and doesnt confirm ownership details of the email address with optus so easy done.

      edit: just read further down the comments. same same

  • Woo, Hoyts is literally 3 minutes walk away from my place so this is winning.

    • i live near garden city shopping centre in WA (10 minute walk to the cinema) and was excited too. The realised I am not with optus and my excitement dissapated.

      • Get a $2 SIM. All you need is a phone number to register with, after that you're good to go.

  • here's hoping the State Cinema in Hobart is on the list.

    Unlikely, but that would be sweet!

  • +3

    For all those people asking if this is only for Optus customers, I am not with optus either. I registered with my friends optus number, used my email id and password and got registered. I dont think they check the details as long as the number registered is an optus number. Or I am guessing you can buy a $2 optus sim, activate it, register that number and use that one to buy these tickets.

    • I am guessing you can buy a $2 optus sim

      I remember trying with a prepaid Optus plan, didn't work. Think it needs a postpaid plan.

      • I used a prepaid sim with no issues when I signed up. But found it had to be Optus, not boost, live connected etc.

        • Woolies prepaid works. (they just resell the optus prepaid - same system)

  • This is good for WA since we only have the one Event

    A lot of hoyts around.

    • Two events.

    • +1

      The Hoyts are all South :( Gonna have to use Grand :( and no more cinebuzz reward points either which used to be an extra bonus

  • my local hoyts (charlestown) tickets are $9.90….

  • -4

    How is this a 'deal'? the good one is dead, and the terms of the new one have not been announced. Just not being available yet is enough to delete, no?

    I predict it will be advance purchase book-of-ten by snail mail.

    • I've confirmed with Optus that it is not bulk purchase and will be online

  • -2

    No deal. The old one was better.

    • -3

      The old one was exactly the same, just at Village not Hoyts.

      • +1

        incorrect, this new one is shit compared to the old deal

        the above answer is not satisfactory, because the entire email alludes to purchasing movie VOUCHERS

        with village/event, you could purchase TICKETS to specific sessions

        i will retract my comments if this is not the case but i believe that this deal is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the previous ones.

        you can't purchase while standing in line as you could with event

        • +1

          You're correct. Somehow I managed to skim over the fact it was a voucher not a ticket. Which changes nothing at all for me as I buy all my tickets online anyway, and these vouchers can be redeemed for a ticket immediately. And one can buy individual vouchers, doesn't have to be a group buy, therefore it's better than the $10 tickets DISAPPEARING altogether come the 12th of November, which they VERY easily could have done. Still a GREAT deal.

          (I can capitalise random words for extra effect too.)

  • Can only buy online?


    easy enough to work out an optus number with the guide. Just in case you forget your own optus phone number or dont want to use it for privacy reasons… or something.

    • But what if a number has been ported?

  • +1

    hopefully the rydges one still works

  • I hope they upgrade the website, never works properly for me. I try to log in and it says

    There were problems with the following fields:
    Login is not valid
    You have not yet verified your account

    Then I reset my password, try to buy a ticket and get

    Sorry, but there was a problem identifying the session you selected. Please make sure you did not select a session in the past and try again.

    Log out, login again and the cycle continues. So frustrating.

    • +1

      log in with your email, not optus number, i was trying and trying with the number and it never worked, always resetting my password to get access. finally got the sh#ts and emailed optus rewards. after ages they got back and they let me know, dont really think the website was very clear or maybe i wasnt very quick on the uptake. either way it got much easier after that. maybe this might help you?

      • Just tried signing up again and put my optus webmail address in the first and last fields and it appears to work fine (but somehow it had saved all my details from the account I had already registered?), how weird. Hopefully it'll work when I actually want to buy a ticket. Thanks :)

  • That's a pity. Greater Union cinemas seem more modern, with nicer decor and larger screens. Also, there are no Hoyts cinemas in Sydney's Inner West or Lower North.

    • Broadway doesn't count?

      • I thought about that. Broadway is inconvenient for some as it is in the CBD. Equivalent to the Greater Union George Street, with limited CBD parking and CBD eating prices. A family isn't going drive +30 mins in city traffic from Ashfield or Strathfield to get there.

  • I wonder if the valid cinemas will have automatic usher stations like Event where you scan the print-at-home ticket. This makes it easy for you to buy tickets for someone else. Can even email/IM the ticket to them.

  • I tried both with my mobile number and broadband number ( both with optus on plan )

    but I cant register - Mobile says invalid and broadband says no longer with optus ( I JUST JOINED MAN! )

  • Sucks, anti bargain for me because I lost my village cheap tickets lol.

    Would be good if you lived near a Hoyts I suppose

  • +2


  • i cant see any hoyts in victoria =(

  • Will "source=optus" thing work for Hoyts website? :)

    • We won't know the format of the the Hoyts deal until it starts in a few days there is some talk that it will be posted out vouchers in which case the source= thing won't work

      • It would be interesting to see if source thing continues to work after Nov 12 on Event.

  • Had to happen after I ported to Liveconnected! Lol.

    Anyone care to help me buy some tickets?

    • I ported to LC as well, but my Optus rewards account still works ;)

  • Hmmm…they're changing the site over now. I just clicked through to see if it was working!

  • So it's up and is a mixture of email vouchers and postal vouchers at the moment for WA there are 12 cinemas listed 5 of which are hoyts and are email tickets the others are posted vouchers. The original email stated Palace cinemas included, in WA palace owns Luna and I thought that they would be included in this deal but apparently not :( Wa options screen shot on link

  • +1

    Here is the list of the participating cinemas:

    You can have either postal voucher or eVoucher.
    Some cinemas (mostly hoyts) offer eVoucher, so basically you can buy it on the spot if you have a smart phone.

  • Thanks OP! Just ordered a couple og Palace vouchers. Saves $7.50 each (I can't believe people pay that much for movies!). Hopefully the wife and I can catch the new James Bond this Sunday for our anniversary.

  • Just ordered 3 tickets for skyfall at Hoyts and was suprised that they added a voucher for a free regular popcorn. Not sure if making 3 separate transaction = 3 free popcorns =)

    • Yes, it does. Makes sense for you, weird for me though because I ordered the La Premier tickets, which come with unlimited free popcorn already?

  • Two Questions,
    For Hoyts can you use these tickets to book online? And can you book sessions marked NFT?

    • I choose to receive the vouchers by email and yes you can book online with the supplied voucher code and PIN, the normal $1 booking fee is not charged.

      Yes you can book NFT sessions

      • thanks for the confirmation mate.

      • Do you received the vouchers instantly by choosing email voucher?

  • Out of curiosity, if you still want $10 tickets from Greater Union, what do you use?
    I use my Rydges Hotel subscription for $10 tickets, what about you guys?

  • I ordered mine over a week ago and they still haven't arrived, had to use snail mail as there was no online option. Pretty useless, it's just an envelope…

    • I contacted them, and apparently the tickets got sent back to them. They apologised and sent out 3 instead of 2 and they just arrived. Nice!

  • how much is the surcharge for 3D movies?

  • Does anyone know if these tickets are valid at the beanbag cinemas? I have tried emailing movie rewards with no success ;(

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