• expired

Tesla Model Y Inventory: RWD fr $63,780 (Was $65,700), LR fr $71,970 (Was $74,700), Perf. fr $82,210 (Was $84,700) + ORC @ Tesla


First post. Looks like the Tesla Model Y's pricing is going down and down as they are trying to clear out stocks with silver wheel caps and no HW4.

Note: These pricing are based on white colour (which may not be available in all locations)

Model Y RWD from $61,980
Model Y LR from $70,170
Model Y Performance from $80,410

$400 Order fee
$1,400 Delivery fee
On-road cost (varies with state)
Estimated delivery: Should be quite fast as it is inventory stock

*Updated title to include delivery fee and order fee.

Referral Links

Referral: random (881)

Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.

Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.

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closed Comments

  • +42

    Oh boy RIP resale value.

    • +1

      Ehh, idk how indicative of actual resale value it is but the cheapest Model Y listed on carsales right now is $57k..

      • +1

        list price is not indicative of sell price - especially for electric cars. You will find 2nd hand Model Y's are trading for as low as mid 40k's at the moment.

        • +19

          If I could actually find someone selling a used Model Y for mid-40s, I'd jump on it!

          • +6

            @xyron: Wait a year. They all will be

            • +2

              @Maz78: What I'm really waiting for is for the cheap 2-3 year old MG4s to flood the market. Wouldn't mind an Essence 64.

              • +3

                @xyron: I hear you mate. Went and looked at one yesterday. (Kinda povo interior, but for the price you can't expect much).
                There was an Excite 51 on Carsales the other day -> 16k km on it for <$33k DA!
                Watch the price of these EV's drop rapidly.

                I'd love an Xiaomi SU7. Here's hoping the end up selling them in Australia.

              • @xyron: My GF decided that her Nissan Pulsar CVT didn't need servicing for 100,000km… so she needed a new car, MGs were insanely cheap but reviews not so good. Went with a 2023 Suzuki Baleno with 23kkm for $20k driveaway. Not disappointed thus far.

          • +1

            @xyron: Bargain hard. Stock is plentiful now and even brand new cars are being discounted. Nobody is buying a 2 year old model Y to save $10k over a new one - not the demographic to do so. $20k? - perhaps and way more appealing. Every week a new, better, more exciting EV is being launched by all manufacturers and even new ones and battery tech is evolving and improving by the day

        • +6

          "list price is not indicative of sell price - especially for electric cars"

          Have you got some stats showing EV's are selling significantly less than advertised prices compared to ICE vehicles?

        • +1

          Where are the 40k model Y? Lowest i can see is 57k.

        • +4


          Redbook shows the original price of a 2022 rwd Y was 69k. Now selling 51-55k private, or 44-48k trade in.

        • Could you please let me know how I can get a second hand Model Y for 45k??

          • +2

            @andyfc: trade in price is not the resale value. Its the price dealer takes it off your hands and sell it again with a margin.

      • you think used car prices are like the stock market? where company announcements are reflect instantly when you sell? they've only reduced the prices for a few hours.

        • Yeah - they are. If you are in the market for a 2nd hand anything worth tens of thousands, you'd spend at least some time googling prices and values. This is one of the first things that will come up

          • @bobolo: Which part of "when you sell" don't you understand? Sellers having their cars on the market isn't going to check price every day or hour.

            • @Creamsoda: so "when you sell" a car, is there a buyer immediately? Buyers make offers in real time. Before they make offers they do a google. And they're going to find out about the discount. Basically this discount has affected all used Tesla Model Y's on the market as soon as it was announced. Not that hard to understand.

              • @bobolo: my reply was to Nillionaire's statement "the cheapest Model Y listed on carsales right now is $57k.." implying there is no impact. not sure what you're on about?? hard to understand what? that the cheapest price of Model Y listed on carsales 2 hours after price reduction announcement is not indicative of it's impact on resale value?

      • +5

        Seems folks selling used Tesla's as private sale have unrealistic expectations on CarSales.. prices are determined by what someone will pay for a used EV, not what seller thinks they can demand especially when there is no shortage of Model Ys..lots of these vehicles have been there for a while, some since last year.. If you login to CarSales and check price history via Pricing Insights you can see the price drops.. if new is for 63780, who will buy used for 57k (plus onroads) in QLD where the said vehicle is (also please note QLD has government incentives upto 6k which brings drive away price to approx $67774..) negotiable hard and am sure the price will drop..

    • -2

      And every day that Musk continues to go on ketamine-fuelled rants on Twitter resale value drops.

      Plus they have been disabling USS via firmware updates so who knows what else gets disabled in future.

        • -2

          Why do you not know what Twitter is? It was only rebranded less than a year ago. Twitter, all its content and the numerous various communities within it are still available. Calling Twitter an old website as if it has become irrelevant like MySpace is ludicrous.

      • +1

        It's not about that man. it's competition

        • +6

          It is competition, and it's a competitive disadvantage to have a deranged internet bro at the top of your car's manufacturer who might remotely screw with your vehicle on a whim

          • +1

            @Gorby: Actually he can wear a tutu and suck a lollipop if he drops the price even further I'll still buy

        • It's both. And just saying that Musk's trajectory is one that is getting more and more weird and unhinged by the day.

          Not good for resales.

          • @threeseed: You're in a small pool if you base your price of a Tesla on your dislike of Musk. I don't really like his character but he has done some awesome stuff.

      • +6

        Still better than inferiority complex fuelled rants on ozbargain.

    • +7

      It's a normal thing to be able to buy cars that are in stock for cheaper. It is not some new Tesla thing.

    • Fools and their money …

    • -2


      Current EVs only make sense if you’re using them for local/city driving etc. terrible for rural and road trip vacations etc. off street parking is also a must. The issue is the access to superchargers. As there seems to be not enough to go around and queue get long. At least that’s happening in the UK/US and what starts there comes over here.

      I think most people are starting to realise this after waiting for hours in a supercharger line.

      I would consider an EV as a second car. Tesla is a fun car to drive, great acceleration. But at this stage, I’d rather go with an Audi S3 or used S4/S5

      • +1

        majority of people dont take road trips nor go interstate, if you are one of the few who do, EVs are not the best option atm, go hybrid

      • +2

        lol at the down-votes from the EV evangelists - and I wasn't even saying EVs are not bad, just the issues for rural trips and people without off-street parking.

        • +1

          They are saving the planet, one neg at a time :)

  • would it go even lower i wonder…and is it worth extra 9k for the LR model?

    • +15

      LR gets you:
      - More range
      - More power
      - NMC instead of LFP battery. Means more susceptible to degradation. Recommended to charge to 80% for daily use.

      I would go base model if you don’t mind the power & range.

      All Modle Y’s in Australia get the “Premium” upgraded speakers.

      • +1

        awesome thanks mate, so with NMC we dont need to charge to X% to maintain battery life? I've also heard with LR you get AWD too…

        • +3

          With NMC you need to charge to X% to maintain battery life. LFP better.

        • +2

          A nice video on Engineering Explained highlighting differences in chemistry and best practices for each. If you followed the practices described, even a NMC battery could have an effective vehicle life (80% degradation) at 1,200,000KMs. Ref: https://youtu.be/w4lvDGtfI9U?si=wOxGlvp8l4UF1Ari

        • Sorry maybe my wording was bad.

          Long Range gets the NMC pack, which in my opinion is worse because:

          • More susceptible to degradation
          • Must be charged to ~80% for daily use to avoid said degradation.

          Tesla uses NMC in their non-base model cars because it is lighter and more energy dense, meaning a more efficient drive and more capacity (even though you should only charge to 80% on the regular).

          • @ZIngerBurgR: The avoid charging over 80% thing is actually not too bad. It still travels as far as the standard range with that level, and more importantly you can charge much faster to 80% than you can charge beyond.

            So if you're doing longer trips you can charge quickly to 80% with the LR and move to the next charger. If you have the SR you'll either wait ages to get to 100% or have to stop more often.

            If you only ever drive in the city or trips you can do on a single charge, the SR is fine. But if you do longer trips on weekends, you'll be very glad you got the LR.

        • Yes to AWD, if no one replied this part yet.

      • NMC instead of LFP battery. Means more susceptible to degradation

        Does this also mean more susceptible to exploding or is that pure bad luck?

        • +4

          Bad luck I suspect. There’s a whole write up on LFP vs NMC on Reddit for teslas.

          Charge NMC to 80% if using for daily commute. 100% for long commute. And you’ll be right

          • @bemybubble: Can the NMC battery/model be set to charge and stop at 80%, though?

            • +1

              @beOson: yes, the tesla charging software allows you to set an upper limit to stop charging

        • +5

          LFP is safer overall

          • @DmytroP: So the SR model has superior battery than the LR model?

            • +1

              @beOson: It's safer and degrades much slower (a nice plot here: https://www.engineering.com/story/why-ev-manufacturers-are-s…), but it's heavier/larger at the same capacity, so it's not suitable for LR/performance versions.

              • @DmytroP: Thanks for all the inputs. I'm very new to Tesla (haven't bought one yet) or electric cars, and I've always had the impression that the LR model has the best value versus money among all the models. The Performance model is quite attractive at this price point too.

            • +4

              @beOson: Superior is subjective, it really depends on your use case.

              I would however say for most people, LFP is better because you can charge to 100% on the daily.

              However NMC is lighter (weight) to make and more energy dense. This means the get the same kWh capacity, a NMC pack would weigh less than a LFP pack. This results in slightly better efficiency when on the road.

              Look at the weight of BYD Seal Performance vs. Tesla Model 3 Performance.

              BYD Seal:
              - 82.5kWh (usable) LFP battery
              - Average 12.0 - 23.2 kWh/100KM
              - Average range of around 490KM

              Tesla Model 3:
              - 75kWh (usable) NMC battery
              - Average 11.3 - 22.7kWh/100KM
              - Average range of around 460KM

              So despite having a battery that's ~9% smaller, Model 3 Perf. is more efficient, and has just ~6% less range.

              So, just depends on what you want.

              • @ZIngerBurgR: The other downside with LFP is because you have to charge to 100% regularly- it can take ages to go from 99% to 100% (like ~1hr on plug in charger). So day to day charging can take aaages. LR you don’t need to charge to full regularly (I only do it ahead of a road trip), so for me it is actually better.

                • @s3th2000: Hardly, if your last 100% balancing takes more than twenty minutes that means you haven't charged to 100% in ages, like months. Day to day charging LFP if you charge at least once a week is as fast as any NMC.

      • +1

        LR gets you lots of nice extras but in Qld at least you'll also lose the $6k govt rebate the 2wd gets.

      • I'm not sure if the SR Australian model gets the BYD LFP blade battery in the model Y but giga berlin ones do. That thing is a monster at maintaining charging speeds beating the Ioniq 6 800V charging speed.

        Tested here by Bjørn Nyland:

    • +1

      If you can afford, get performance.

    • LR is dual motor.

  • -4

    Demo? Exec's car? Media test vehicle? 2nd hand?

    • +1

      New, in stock.

    • +1

      None of the above?

      • Actually, it's both new stock in hand and demo #coughmediatestvehicle. Both listed under New Inventory….

        Either their staff are lazy or sneaky af

    • +2

      Most likely excess 2023 stock from the stinkbug fiasco i was caught up in. They gave me 2024 model in the end.

      • Do you know if that would include those marked 2024? My understanding is that ex-Glovis cars would be marked 2023?

        • it says in the descrip

          these are HW3 cars… apparently people want the new HW4 cars

          its debatable whether its such a big deal but one might assume if you're sinking in $60k plus you want the newest

  • +11


  • +17

    Who’s buying cars based on Ozbargain deals instead of doing their own research ? Even the Maserati post got multiple thumbs up. Am I the only one affected by the cost of living lol

    • +8

      Only brand new cars that are being sold by the manufacturers themselves, are being posted here. They generally aren't negotiable and don't fluctuate from their fixed price that often which is why.

    • +10

      Cost of living? Bro, have a go and get a better job, mate. Wtf is wrong with you?

  • +2

    Note : HW3 but you get USS

    • What’s USS

      • -4

        UltraSound Sensors

      • +5

        Ultrasonic sensors… You know, sensors that work. Tesla removed them to save costs, and now it's pretty useless.

        Australia is saved from that stupidity.

        • They also never used sensors for auto wipers, heard they are worst

          • +1

            @hopper: This is true. Bought M3 mid 2022 and they were shockingly bad once the windshield got dirty. Much better these days I suspect because of software updates. Probably the worst thing about the car.

        • +1

          Always amazes me how people think they are able to call the shots over a multibillion dollar company. They might be saving costs but they also aren't dumb.

          • @Scantu: TIL that a multi billion dollar company will never prioritise profit over what's actually good for their customers.

            • @CocaKoala: More nuanced than that but you believe what you like!

          • @Scantu: It's objectively worse. We're not calling shots, we're calling out that the lack of ultrasonic sensors is worse for consumers.

            • -1

              @scphotos: It's always so funny to me when people use the word "objectively" to mean - completely subjectively. You literally don't know what the future software and camera combo is capable of, unless you're a Tesla exec here coming to talk to me about it!

              • -1

                @Scantu: Sure, it's been objectively worse since it's implementation.

                • -1

                  @scphotos: Subjectively* in your opinion*

                  • @Scantu: Objectively*

                    USS provides centimetre accurate readings. The camera implementation does not.

                    • -1

                      @scphotos: Subjectively

                      You clearly know nothing about simple photogrammetry so I'm not really sure I'll continue discussing the merits of their solution with an armchair expert

      • unserviceable shit.

  • here we go again

  • +25

    lol 'order fee'.
    Yo can I get a $4 coffee?
    Sure sir, thats $4 + a $1 'asked for a coffee fee'.

    • +6

      I'm not defending it but don't most dealers have higher bullshit fees?

      • +7

        Tesla had some of the most consistent pricing throughout 2022-23, when you consider so many dealers were slapping on an extra 10 grand because “that’s the market if you don’t like it we can sell it to someone else”

    • +3

      Oh, Even Cinema’s inline booking…

  • +8


    At this rate they'll be equal to 634 dogecoins by September

    • doge going to $100 u herd it here first

  • -6

    Sales are tanking because people are realising how poor Tesla's are for quality and reliability. Turns out a fake genius who exploits workers makes poorly built cars… Who knew?

    • -5

      Many indian in melbourne west are buying tesla. Must be a dark fantasy on brand

      • +8

        Tesla Model Y is the new Toyota Camary

      • -2

        Enough to make me not buy one

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