Woolworths Selling Expired Nippy's Juice

I bought Nippy's juice from Woolies yesterday (full price, no clearance or discounts) i.e., 12th Feb. Today while trying to open the bottle noticed the bottle has use by date set as 08th Feb. So that means the juice is past its expiry by 4 days already when I bought.

What's the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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  • +132

    Buy items which have not expired.

    • -3

      Yep, check date before it goes in your trolley.
      If you buy expired products, that's on you for not checking

      • +28

        If you buy expired products, that's on you for not checking

        Incorrect. Corporations and even individuals can be fined for selling food items which are past their use by date. Woolworths (as I expect all supermarkets do) have strict food safety policies and procedures in place for checking through their stock to ensure that no items are available for purchase which are past their use by date. Normally products will receive a mark down in price in the days leading up to their use by date to encourage customers to purchase them.

        OP should take the product back for a full refund.

        Source: have worked as a perishables manager and grocery manager for Woolies in a past life.

          • +3

            @DashCam AKA Rolts: I have seen staff checking and putting away expired items.

          • +5

            @DashCam AKA Rolts: Having also been a Nightfill manager in my time I can confirm staff do not check stock when filling shelves in so far as dry goods (Grocery department) is concerned. Staff who work in the dairy departments (Perishables) are trained and are expected to rotate stock as they fill shelves. Part of the role of the Perishable Manager/2IC during the day is to conduct checks on the stock, mark down what can be marked down and dump the rest, at least it used to be. I haven't worked for Woolies since 2010 but damn those were some of the best days of my working life thus far.

          • @DashCam AKA Rolts: Does not matter how much they are paid, the job is to stack and check dates. Short dated items are price reduced, surely you know this if you do any kind of grocery shopping…

            • +2

              @figarow: Rarely shop at Colesworth, mostly independents. BUT, I check expiry dates on all perishables BEFORE they are put in my trolley. Sh!t is expensive enough without paying for food that's going to be passed best used date before it's consumed.

      • +1

        Not true , there is a onus on large companies like woolies to ensure they dont sell expired goods. It happen to me once, I contacted Woolies support, they straightaway said, there is no rush, take it back whenever you can. They even said you can still use it up before you return it if you like. (It was flour). and to return the empty sack and they will refund you.

      • +1

        I disagree - in my view from a major food seller if you buy expired products you can take it back as long as you can prove that you bought it when it was already expired. They should not be selling expired food products.

        If without looking you buy something that is close to expiry instead of choosing an equivalent product with a longer expiry - that's on you as the customer

  • +21

    Surely A Current Affair is the only answer here.

    • Personally, I'd be going straight to the PMO

    • +5

      Just ain’t the same without Tracey

    • The correct place to report them is the local council.
      Take photos and put in a written complaint to council.

      But Woolworths is usually very good with managing thier perishable items

      Let me tell you that Aldi is HORRIBLE with logistics.

      You see perishable items that should have 7 to 10 days expiry on the shelf with only 1 to 3 days expiry all the time.
      And items that should have 4 -5 weeks expiry with only a week or so.
      Its not unusual to see expired food in Aldi as well. Happens all the time.
      Part of the problem is that Aldi dont mark down items near expiry to clear them.
      So there are no bright mark-down labels to warn both customers and the staff of the nearing expiry date.

      When I asked who is resposnible I was told THE MANAGER.
      I thought, how is the manager supposed to go around to every item and check if it is expired?
      Surely this should be the job of the person who replenishes the stock, moving the old stock forward and the new stock to the back.
      But no. This doesnt happen either at Aldi.

      So Beware Aldi.

      Different - yes. Good - definitely not!

      • They do mark downs though. Red and white stickers

        • -1

          Not really
          Only for meat i was told
          But Ive never seen any stickers

          • @Dr Phil: I bought marked down cream last weekend. Red & white sticker.

            • @lunchbox99: Maybe in your store.
              Never happens in the 3 stores i visit

              Aldi sucks big time

      • +2

        It still comes down to the manager to manage staff. Clear expectations of staff and checks to make sure they are doing the job by management.

        • You got it wrong

          Its the manager's responsibiltiy to do the job.

    • +1

      I'd go straight to Amnesty International. Or the International Court of Justice.

      • +2

        Don't bother. They'll only stop you from waterboarding the night fill guys and you know full well that what's needed. It's the only thing that works with those guys. I'm beginning to think that's their kink.

  • +3

    Stop spending money there is probably the only way you can do anything. Not that their balance sheet will notice

  • +19

    You can bring it back to woolies to get it refunded or exchanged. Assuming you swiped your Rewards membership card your and have digital receipts, they should be able to ring it up on the cash register and you can get your money back.

  • +2

    Let it go. When you check the dates, it can usually work in your favour.
    I just left my local WW with $34 worth of food that was, combined, marked down to $8.50. Checkout lady said that because of the weird Melbourne weather, hardly anyone was shopping there today

    • +2

      Our local Woollies had free bottles of water on ice. We aren’t used to the heat at the moment. Nice now though.

  • +7

    I see no one has said bikies

    • +18

      I did but they firebombed my house and I had to take it down

      • I understood that reference

      • +4

        Sounds Friendly enough.

      • +2

        I'd prepare my Shanks, if I were you.

  • +1

    They should hire people to actively check expiries on all products, not just meat and perishables

    They can raise their grocery prices to pay for it all…

    It's a win win situation really.

    • +1

      They already do, the people who restock the goods does it.

    • They can raise their grocery prices to pay for it all…

      So you're proposing that they raise their prices even more than they already have? Wow! You must be living on cloud-nine to think that!

    • -1

      They have them. They’re the staff already working there that aren’t doing their job properly.
      Is it great pay? No. But they’re still being paid to do a job. Which they obviously are not doing.

      Anyone saying they should skimp out on their duties because of crap pay is also probably doing the same, and would continue to do the same even if their pay was more to their liking.
      It’s just laziness. Nothing more, nothing less.

      • +2

        Mate, it is a mistake that probably doesn’t happen often. I never bought or saw an expired product in Colesworth. Just once saw mould on a loaf of bread and brought it to the staff attention who were very happy I did.
        Another time, I brought expired cheese back to aldi and they refunded me but were not apologetic at all and the guy didn’t even bother to go check if more were expired.

      • +1

        You do know casuals get $35/hr after 6pm right

  • +6

    If you think that's bad, go to your local independent grocer….. I always check use by or expiry dates.

    I accidentally purchased something that had a use by date prior…. I returned it and they all were out of date, I said they need to get rid of it. Whether or not they did, not my problem.

    Anyways, go back and return it, not like you can teach the duopolies anything.

    • +1

      If you think that's bad..

      I read your post using Peter Griffin's voice. I was greatly entertained!

    • +2

      Leave a complaint through their website, gets funnelled down to store managers. From what I remember they get incentives for lower labour costs, and penalised for complaints. If nobody complains, then this just becomes a perverse incentive.

      Like if they get 20% lower labour costs with no increase in complaints (or mystery shopper reports) then they get an incentive, but if that 20% comes with a 20% increase in complaints then upper management will tell them to knock it off.

      Data rules the world.

    • +5

      Did you teach yourself a lesson? :)

    • +1

      i forgot to check but everyone else cannot forget

  • +3

    Send an email to Woolies or the manufacturer. You'll get an apology and/or refund if you still have the receipt and bottle.

    The person who was meant to put on those short dated clearance stickers missed it. Expiry dates are only flagged on those clearance barcode stickers. The scanners won't let them sell items that they know are expired.

    • understand .. thank you !

  • +6

    I bought Nippy's juice from Woolies yesterday (full price, no clearance or discounts) i.e., 13th

    Today is the 13th

    • +4

      He lives in the future.

      • +1

        Then it's not Woolworths fault the product expired.

        • +1

          It is if they built the time machine. They need to account for such things with the utmost importance.

          • +1

            @TEER3X: They have accounted for it already, they did it in 2035.

  • +2

    Is it a best before or use by?

    Best before has some wiggle room.

    • Best before has wiggle room for not making you sick but its highly accurate for product quality/taste.

      A product past its best before date is worth a quarter at most.

    • wiggle room with a hint of diarrhea.

  • +15

    take it back. They'll give you 2 new ones.

    The "teach them a lesson" attitude is pretty crap. It's just a stuff up by the shelf stackers

    • +3

      What if we sue the shelf stackers for emotional distress? That would teach them!

    • take it back. They'll give you 2 new ones.

      guaranteed ?

  • +4

    International Court of Justice

  • +3

    They have a fresh or free guarantee. Just take it back and stop being so dramatic.

    The world’s gone mad with all these Karens

  • +3

    u need to go to every woolworths with tiktok live, with a bin and then throw everything thats over due in the bin

    like go to every woolworths in australia.

    that will send them broke

    you sir will be a legend
    capital L on your forehead.

    winner! Capital W

  • -2

    Whats the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items

    Do a Barnaby Joyce with said bottle in your hand and a Woolies bag over your head. You'll be all over the news and teach them a lesson.

  • +4

    The staff are trained to regularly remove the expired products, maybe someone missed it, once they mark the clearance it shouldnt scan beyond the date.
    Take it back and raise it with store manager, these things are treated quite seriously.
    Same thing in online, they are trained to pick the best products but sometimes things stuff up in picking or delivery.

  • +4

    Whats the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    FWP really…. Shit happens, they have thousands of products on the shelf with expiry dates, just sometimes things get missed.

    Take the product back, they'll refund you.

  • +1

    For qualifying fresh food products their policy is refund AND replace. I know a (weird) guy who used to trawl Woolies for all the outdated fresh food items.

  • hmm, u sound like a millennial? why on earth are you not in solidarity with your fellow millennials & instead are supporting these price gouging shitheads? you should buy the fruit from a farmer's market & squeeze the juice yourself.🤣

  • Always check the use by dates, particularly on perishables. The supermarkets already check use by dates when restocking. Sometimes they miss. Not sure you can teach them something they already know.

  • That's a bluddy outrage, it is! I want you to take this all the way to the Prime Minister. Barring this, name and shame them on social media, that springs them into action very quickly.

  • Drink it, get sick then sue.

    • :-)

  • +5

    No need to stress.
    I bought some cheese from them last year that was a bit past the best before date.
    I contacted online chat support and they sent me a $20 gift voucher.
    Then I ate the cheese, there was nothing actually wrong with it 😂

    • +6


    • +1

      Soft cheeses tastes better past the best before date anyway.

      • Even cheddar IMO is improved after a few extra weeks in the fridge at home. Not sure what the best before date is though.

    • :-) …

  • I always look at the dates because some staff are a bit rushed or lazy and dont rotate properly.

    I also grab the longest use by date on the shelf and also further back from the front of the shelf if its a cold item as sometimes items at the front are not as cold as they are suppose to be.

    Check your dates.

  • COSTCO is also same their produce are very close to expiry date and you need to buy the items in bulk.

    • +1

      When things are close to use by dates they, usually, go on special .

  • +1

    I've tried to buy a few items marked down that had just passed the Best Before date and the self service check out wouldn't let me buy it. I assume all Woolworths stores did this.

    • +1

      Yes, this has happened to me. One was a packet of instant soup, all dry ingredients certain to be still good.

    • indeed ! powerful idea ..

  • I had a good experience when trying to a bunch of flowers once. It would not scan and when the staff checked, she said it was past it's expiry date so they couldn't sell it and just gave it to me for free. So some products must have the expiry date recorded in the system.

    • that's cool … there is a huge potential in this small idea .. thanks for sharing ..

  • Lmao
    Yeh you better sue them

  • +1

    where is Tracey Grimshaw

    • Retired 18 months ago

  • tell them you forgot to check
    but then get real angry because they forgot to check
    real karen shit

  • Oh come on now, these posts are getting ridiculous….

  • What's the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Why are you trying to be so petty? For all you know it could have been in the batch from the manufacturer and placed on the shelf by one of the re-stockers expecting it to be the same as the rest.

    Just take it back with your receipt and ask for them to replace it. Ask to speak to the Store Manager, speak to said Store Manager with respect, voice your concern and maybe if you're lucky they might give you a replacement and your money back (or 2 bottles) as an apology for having to go out of your way.

    If you want to go one-step you can message their complaints line and they might send you a gift-card as an apology (I got one once for going to a store at 9pm and it was closed, store opening hours across everything (including their own site) was 10pm)

  • +3

    Omg a company made a mistake, how dare they. They should be like op and be 100% accurate at everything they do, 100% of the time. No mistakes, ever.

    • The perfect system

  • +3

    Some kid made a mistake monitoring the shelf life of a single item in a store that stocks hundreds of thousands of items at any point in time.

    Use your brain and go politely ask for a replacement or refund next time your at the shop. Problem solved.

    • +1

      Hey hey, what's with this common sense answer here.

  • +1

    do a poo in one of their aisle

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