Woolworths Selling Expired Nippy's Juice

I bought Nippy's juice from Woolies yesterday (full price, no clearance or discounts) i.e., 12th Feb. Today while trying to open the bottle noticed the bottle has use by date set as 08th Feb. So that means the juice is past its expiry by 4 days already when I bought.

What's the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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    • :-)

  • +2

    Coles and other supermarkets do the same thing you need to check the expiration dates unfortunately. Was going to pick up some hummus and noticed one on the pile that had gone off in January.

    Grab items from the back as they usually have a longer shelf life. The government should step in and force the supermarkets to give better mark downs for food close to expiration. That should help food wastage m.

  • Bikies.

  • +3

    So you forgot to check the expiry date and that's OK, but a worker forgetting to check is not OK.

    Right o buddy.

  • What's the best way to teach these guys lesson to not sell expired items.

    Good luck with whatever you do.
    Years ago I bought an item ate it and was sick turns out item expired by nearly 3 weeks. Let store know as there was lots of stock they said thanks for the report a few days later "we have now checked and removed all the expired items" went back a week after still there just as many as before even more expired at this stage this repeated multiple times. Wasn't until like 5 weeks later that I noticed they where finally removed. In total I told them and ended up following up multiple times just getting an apology each time to the point I gave up. Who knows if it was my reports that they acted on weeks later or if staff noticed hey why isn't X selling?

    Turns out that my sickness was likely caused by an allergic reaction not the fact it was expired. :)

    • Good to know your story .. thanks for sharing !

  • +5

    Mistakes get made.

    Just ask customer service for a refund and they will (no questions asked).

    We did a coles click and collect the other day and were kicking ourselves for not checking as they didn't include a $10 item. We reached out to customer support and they refunded us instantly.

    Mistakes happen as everyone is human and can make an error

    • agree .. thanks !

  • +4

    Dairy Manager here,

    I can't speak for Woolworths but at the competition, you might not realise just how many product lines need to be code checked everyday by the department manager usually between 250 -350. So just think of how much time it takes to check every single product line and we are meant to check the front, middle and back.

    As you can imagine this process is very time consuming and as much as I hate it when I miss out of date products It's almost impossible to capture everything 100%.

    However in saying that, if you just take your product back to the store you will usually be issued a full refund or replacement.

    • +1

      appreciate your matured response .. thank you !

  • Over a million individual items in the store at a time. Do you want them to be checked once every day? At an average of 1 per second for 7 hours every 8 hours,

    1 000 000 / ( 3500 * 7) = 40 ppl @ 8 hours per day at 1 item a second to check date of all items

  • I like leaving orange juice well past its use by date. It develops a nice zing to it.

    Perhaps there are others like me, who are willing to buy your juice for a premium. Win win!

  • +1

    it's usually the stock fillers role to spot expired stock. less staff working and under more pressure to work faster means cutting corners. looking for and taking expired items off shelves isn't a priority. clearing pallets is.

    like scanning your own shopping, looks like responsibility is being pushed onto shoppers. many won't bother returning the items. it's another win-win situation for supermarkets.

    edit - this a larger issue at chemists. especially with longer expiry dates. saw a deal here recently for short dated medication.

  • +2

    So were they taught a lesson or did you mature since posting this thread?

  • +2

    Woolies stores (Same for other large retailers) have rigorious procedures to check the expiry of items on the shelf, and place items on Clearance if they are coming up for expiry or if they are expired to remove the items from shelf and dump them.
    Sometimes things can be missed, may be a shift workers error. Its not some nefarious plot to save money written in Woolworths policies..
    Just return the item and get your money back.

  • +1

    I think it’s kind of funny how many responses here think it’s the staff who are restocking who check dates on products as they work.
    They’re given a cage or pallet to work as fast as they can and do not have the time to search for the date on each product as they put it on the shelf. They certainly aren’t given the time to check what’s already on the shelf.
    And yes, they should be rotating, but when you’re constantly under pressure to go faster, some are going to fail to do so. Especially if it would mean needing to remove a dozen individual items that aren’t in a shelf ready box, put in the new ones and then put back the old. The almighty computer decides a rate at which cartons should be done, and thus how many hours are needed to work a load. That computer doesn’t take into account the actual capability of people working, spills that need to be cleaned up, customers being helped or any of the many issues that can arise at slow workers down.

    There’ll be someone whose job it is to check the codes each day, though they may be given a list of what lines need to be checked rather than checking literally every single item. So yes, things are going to be missed. Especially if a shorter dated item has moved to the back of the shelves, either because stock rotating wasn’t down, or because of customers searching for longer dates, or just even because the worker doing code check is human.

    Take the item back, explain it was out of date when purchased and it’ll be replaced. Simple.

  • +2

    OP must open a competing supermarket next door where the fruit is picked straight from the tree and juiced and the customer slaughters their own meat at the self checkout.

    That will teach them.

  • Few months ago I went to Woollies to buy a packet of Lebanese bread and was surprised to see that all the packets had expired almost a month ago. Had I seen only the date and not the month, I would have bought it. When I informed one of their staff the packets were promptly taken off the shelf.

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