Part of a "Buy 2 Get 10% Off on Select TP-Link Products" promotion but the smart plug was the only product I was after.
If you need two and can get free delivery, then it makes them nearly as cheap as the $17 of the previous deal.
Part of a "Buy 2 Get 10% Off on Select TP-Link Products" promotion but the smart plug was the only product I was after.
If you need two and can get free delivery, then it makes them nearly as cheap as the $17 of the previous deal.
i have the kasa version kp115 and have never run into this problem, i assume they both use the same hard just different branding
I have 10 of the kp115 smart plugs. I have now ripped them all out as I've had 3 of them die on me in the past couple of months.
When they die they go into a boot loop and flick the power on and off very fast. Lost a UPS when this happened.
I call this "click of death"
Just after warranty period.
@Chazzozz: Was thinking the exact same thing. Click of Death - that’s someone who was using Zip 100MB disks in the 90s :-P
What did you replace them with?
@adn: Nothing, it's a case of once burned twice shy with me. The last one that failed was connected to my computer and 32" monitor … Luckily i was using them at the time and yanked the power right away, these things flick on and off very fast.
@evilphill: Same thing happened with Meross plug I had and have removed them all.
Learned the least opportunity for failure, the better!
Have kept one in case I want to see power usage but won't be leaving these plugged in for an extended period.
Same, have 4 of kp115, all binned after 2 failed later last year.. no joke, flicking really fast, plus that sound, to a point I thought I was at a pedestrian crossing…
I had one monitoring the power usage of my NAS which did the same thing.
Pretty disappointing… definitely not going to risk using kp115 smart plugs on anything expensive.
My p110 off Amazon failed in the same way after about 5 months. I'm just glad it failed while connected to my 3d printer right next to my desk where I could immediately see and hear the problem. I was originally using it to monitor electricity usage of a freezer in the spare room. If it had failed then I'm not sure how soon I would have noticed.
Got a full refund through Amazon after first contacting TP Link
The price is good, just negging because of my bad experience with the product
Ah damn, I had that happen with the meross smart plugs! Might just be a thing with smart plugs in general? I thought these were the gold standard?
@organamisms: Strangely I still have 3x older HS110 and they're still perfectly working.
Somehow this KP115 has a click of death issue, and possibly P110 is just a rebranded KP115.
Not sure how Meross ties into this unless someone starts a teardown session and compare the similarities.
I have 2 of the KP115 who experienced the same thing. luckily it did not damage the computer that they are connected to. So the bottom line is that this "click of death" thingy is very real.
Mine are also all starting to do this.
Digesting hardware quality.
I thought the whole point of the UPS is not to die when this sort of thing happened.
@Montyjpm: Most (all) electronic devices don't like being turned on and off thousands of times really fast, at least the UPS protected the more important things that were plugged into it.
@evilphill: No but a UPS is not a typical device and it has protection circuits which usually respond depending on brand or model within 5ms or less. Not all UPSs are built the same but if @evilphill had some high end APC Online UPS and if the UPS took out the gear plugged into it and also died I would be going after APC.
In fact there’s an argument that you should be able to go after any UPS manufacturer for restitution should that happen because they are supposed to save your gear and blast KASA for poor design after all consumer law has been around since 2011 and can only assume these plugs came into existence since then.
Can only hope that I haven’t condemned my own gear by plugging in several P110 in the past few months.
Since those Kasa plugs are probably long gone and not rebadged into the P110 what else is available on the market that people have had at least 12 months or more experience with?
Yeesh, that's no good. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have affected any of mine. I wonder if setting the "Default State" to "On" for those devices might help?
If they are like the meross ones, just press the button. They never have rebooted on me yet, though sometimes they don't connect to HomeKit for hours at a time forcing me to press the button like a caveman.
You can connect these to HomeKit? I didn't think these ones were compatible
The Meross ones you can.
Haven't had a problem yet. Been using them for years, both Tapo and Kasa.
I've had one of these fail on me and rapidly flip on and off, but Amazon replaced it right away.
I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. This happens often to me. I come back to my gaming set up dead and freak out occasionally until I remember to reset this switch.
Meh, mine has stopped working in Google Home. Unlinked several times, adding the Tapo integration shows the plug, but always appears to be unreachable.
Contrasted to the Arlec plugs, available at Bunnings for $15… .. I've never had problems with it, it's in a smaller form factor. Wouldn't buy a tapo again.
Do the Arlec ones integrate with HA?
They're Tuya devices at heart, so kinda sorta not really.
The setup is a PITA as Tuya require you create a platform developer account and create an app.
I believe Tuya are still being dicks and access to the platform expires after 12 months, requiring you to email them for extensions.
LocalTuya kind of has this restriction too as the local keys still need to be grabbed from the cloud. I believe people were MITM'ing their mobile apps to grab keys as well, but they started cert pinning.
Although I believe both the original and Series 2
plugs can be flashed with ESPHome and OpenBeken respectively. (Although you may have to check if this can be done without disassembly, given that these are thermoplastic ultrasonic welded shut which makes it a pain to dis/reassemble)
There is another alternative Tuya custom for home assistant called… that seems to work better for my stuff then LocalTuya (and yes they have confusingly similar names…). I do prefer ESPHome too though.
While the Tuya platform access thing may claim to expire yearly, I've got two projects set up in there (one from 2021 and a newer one from 2022) that I haven't had to email them about or been charged in any way to continue using LocalTuya with.
I did have to create the new 2022 project because of some change that was made that broke compatibility with older projects, but it went fine and all of my devices (a switch, 3 RGBW bulbs, and a LED strip) are trucking along happily in their new home.
I've been putting off doing an ESPHome/OpenBeken upgrade for my various Tuya devices because it's even more hassle than the Tuya IOT account, but at least with LocalTuya this stuff still works if my NBN goes down. And with HA and Adaptive Lighting, I barely have to exert any control over the lights other than off and on.
Ooh, the Arlec look good. Wish I'd known they make a mini plug before I opted for TP-Link.
I don't suppose you know if they keep to their schedule/timer if they lose connectivity? That's one thing I like about the Tapo over Kasa. I used one to regularly reboot our old, flaky modem.
They do!
I have over 40 Grid Connect devices, including power monitors with scheduling (just like the KP115, one of which had the flicker of death a couple of weeks ago)
Other Grid Connect gear i use is Temperature monitor and control
temperature or schedule, led light switches that also work as dimmers.
You mention one had a flicker of death a couple of weeks ago - was that an Arlec Grid Connect device? or was it a kp115?
I would like to find a more reliable replacement for my kp115s.
one of which had the flicker of death a couple of weeks ago
I think the low voltage cap tends to go pop in quite a few of these smart plugs. You'll probably find something like a 10V 470uF that's swollen and maybe already vented out the top.
I have five going monitoring mostly my home theatre and one on my computer gear and wanted some more so I can monitor the remainder of my computer gear at the moment and none of them have randomly rebooted on me as yet (touch wood) that being said it’s worth turning off the auto firmware update as that is possibly a cause of those random reboots. Having saved d that I got them when Amazon were last selling them for AUD$17 each. YMMV.
I need a deal on the hub
These work great for Home Assistant btw! have one on rotation to monitor random devices.
Yeah, I like controlling them via Home Assistant too. Only complaint is that the integration needs HACS and I've had to assign the plugs fixed IP addresses for it. The Kasa integration was much easier.
i have the P110 however it cant be connected to home assistant, however the old TPlink Smart plugs can.
Did they update the firmware to prevent integration?
I use them with HA, but you do need HACS for the integration and I found it simplest to assign the plugs fixed IP addresses.
What's the issue with them/what's the error you're getting? Mine are working fine through the Tapo app —> Google Home.
I had Mirabella Genio that just died after few months. Lightly used it for kids bedside table lamp.
Were you in a hurry? Because they are quite regularly sold for $18 on Amazon or $35 for 2 pack in Bunnings.
This post is about 2 pack for $34.20, not 1, btw.
I was in a slight hurry and best price I found for just one. I didn't want two so thought I'd post if there were others looking for just one.
I have these on the bathroom exhaust fans and you can program the behaviour after power outage power on or off or last known state. So when home the bathroom fans operate via the power switch as normal but when we go away I leave them on a timer setting so that the fans come on for half an hour every now and again to remove stale air, has made a noticable difference to mould build up while we are away as the air normally trapped in the home is changed daily.
With the additional 5% off for $40+ spend, the individual unit price will keep going down, if you need more.
I just bought 5 for $68 (on Prime) - which is a great price, I reckon!
Are you referring to the p110?
Can you elaborate how?
Nothing tricky - I just added 5 from the dropdown to my cart, and checked out ;-)
The combined discount came to that price. I am on Prime though, as I said.
edit: Yes, the P110 linked here.
So odd, I'm on prime too, added 5 and only got $9.50 discount
@phynicle: Okay, this is super weird. I just added another 5 to my cart, went to checkout, and I'm also only getting $9.50 discount.
Here's the invoice totals from my original order:
Item(s) Subtotal: $72.75
Delivery: $0.00
Total Before GST: $72.75
GST: $7.25
Total: $80.00
Promotion(s) Applied: -$12.00
Grand Total: $68.00
I have 3 of the TAPO100 but only 1 of them left in use the other two are sitting in a drawer. I haven't had to many issues but they do seem to get quite warm though.
I've had some Crest smart power plugs with power usage monitoring, that died and had the "click of death" .
I had my main gaming desktop PC plugged into it, it rebooted and thankfully I heard it happen, pulled it out straightaway, so no damages.
These things are no good.
Was under warranty so managed to return it to Big W for a full refund.
But I'd have been pissed off if it had damaged my expensive gaming gig.
1 of 2 stopped working after a year
I had a Mirabella Genio energy monitor that has died, and can't be reset or 'found' to add back in to the app… so it's a terminal problem… I've had no problems with other gear in the Genio range (lights, power points and power boards etc), just the energy monitor plug… I want one that is installed in my fuse box, that monitors the different circuits - lights, power 1 & 2, A/C, oven… see where I can make a difference in consumption… something with WiFi, so I can monitor the data.
Just started a refund through Amazon for one of my KP115s which had a click of death issue after a year.
Will get $29.95 back which isn't bad because I was considering throwing it out.
Like others have stated the KP115s tend to fail frequently after about 1-2 years. I've had about 5 of them fail in the last year.
I have been replacing them with tapo p110s but won't be buying anymore due to the high failure rate.
Quality on the smart switches certainty went downhill. I've got a few of the HS110 TP-Link's that are maybe 4 years old? never missed a beat. But I had about 8 out of 12 Tapo P110's i brought fail on me.
If you don't have amazon and can wait for a special, i got these for $17 at bunnings recently for Christmas lights. App is actually great.
Successful price beat at Bunnings. Just picked up 2 for $30.78. Thanks OP.
I can only see it for $39.28
Came here to report my p110 had rapid flicker of death, probably lasted 8 months, just running low voltage and watts to lamp.
Really disappointed.
Any other recommendation, had a tuya smart plug fail similarly last year.
Are these flickering issues prevalent with smart plugs?
I have being using the Meross MSS310 ones (they are wide though) but has been working well 2+ years without an issue on any of the x10 I have (that I am aware of).
If you are only using to control a lamp, you probably don't need the smart energy ones.
Be cafreful of these, they will randonly reboot on you causing the device to drop power