This was posted 1 year 2 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Baldur's Gate 3 (10% off) $80.95 @ Steam


First time Baldur's Gate 3 has been on Sale on Steam. GOTY.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power.

The DLC is also 10% off at $13.05
As part of Steam winter Sales which finish on the 4th Jan (5th probably for us)

Other games on sale include:
Stellaris 70% off at $17.08
Project Zomboid 33% off at $19.76
Resident Evil 4 at 50% off at $42.74
Civ vi 90% off at $8.99

And more

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closed Comments

  • +26

    Probably the only game around worth its retail asking, so this discount is a bargain and a half.
    Good game, small studio that deserves the support.

    • +2

      But what about Diablo 4… /s

    • only game around worth its retail asking

      If you divide up the price with the amount of hours you'd spend on a game, it's actually very cheap. E.g. 10 hours gameplay for a $100 game? $10/hour, not bad. Compare that price with going out to see a movie.

      That's how I look at things nowadays.

      Of course, definitely was not how I viewed this when I was growing up (and low income!)

      • +5

        Per hour can get a bit screwed with games like Destiny. The trickle feed of content means it can take a long time to complete very little. From a $/hour it can be very appealing until you realise how hollow those hours are.

        In some ways it reaches a point where it can be viewed from the other side. If a game like destiny cost $200 but you get 1000hours out if it, that makes it about 20cents per hour. Great value except that it is really an indication of how worthless those hours are.

        My 2cents after 1000s of hours of studying this :)

  • +19

    Only exclusively play online competitive shooters.

    Didn't think I'd like it, but the best single player game I have ever played.

    On my second playthrough, have played about 130 hours.

    • +6

      That's one hell of an endorsement. I'm intrigued now.

  • +1

    Bought this last night for the wife… dammit.

    • +9

      refund and rebuy if steam?

      • +10

        Probably hasn't slept and already put in 12+ hours lol

        • +3

          Wow, the wife must have been really grateful ;)

  • +2

    Do discounted Steam cards exist? Where would they be selling?

    • +5

      I think the only workaround that is half legit would be buy discounted jb or ev cards and use them to buy steam cards

      • Interesting. Curious too if we can use TCN gift cards to buy steam cards at JB

        • @WookieMonster was the one I believe who told me you could use a giftcard to buy a steam gc (I always thought this was not allowed as some other places you cannot use gc to buy gc).

          I dont see why TCN cannot but maybe others can confirm before you take the plunge.

        • You can. Source: bought some today JB Caroline Springs with 2x $50 TCN gift cards.

      • -2

        i think JB doesn't allow using their gift cards to purchase other gift cards. EB games is the only one i know that does it, but the steam cards are in store only

    • -1

      Use csgo skins. Buy on third party site, sell on steam community market. Skins on third party sites are usually always cheaper than steam even after the 15% sale tax.

      I always get 10% extra this way, sometimes 20-25% if I get lucky. I have access to buff (a cheap chinese skins site) so I can always reliably get my friends extra steam wallet credits using this method.

      If you know any chinese friends with wechat pay, I'd recommend using, otherwise use, beware of scam and fake sites.

      Trade hold on cs items are 7 days, if you buy skins now and sell after, you'll still make it in time for the sale. Winter sale ends in 13 days.

    • Google steam keys and can buy discounted gift cards

  • +5

    Avoid steam, get in on GOG. dont risk loosing access to play based on your backround

    Game is fantastic, very well made and works great on m2 / m1 macs

    • +5

      Sorry but could you elaborate further please? AFAIK GOG version had more issues than Steam eg Co-op mode doesn’t seem to always work.

      What access is lost?
      What do you mean by background?

      • +15

        I'm guessing if your background is Kiev VPN, Buenos Aires VPN, Reykjavik VPN and suddenly Sydney ISP, you get discriminated against despite it clearly being a round-the-world ticket to explore your multi-ethnic origins.

      • +1

        I'm using GoG with 3x steam players in a coop playthrough and had no problems.

        One of the steam players loses connection to thr game every couple of hours. Probably something to do with his system.

      • I cant buy games on steam anymore. Never again i will pay for smth i cant own.

        • +1

          I cant buy games on steam anymore.

          because you circumvented their rules with using a vpn in cheaper regions or…?

          • +1

            @Kozhutki: because i am Russki, and created my account there back in a day. Of course i can email the support, try explain, but i am not that type of guy. Had few issues with older cd games i moved to stream too. GOG just works

  • +2

    Second best single player game I've ever played. I can usually never get into them. Zelda: Ocarina of time is the only other game I have on the same tier as this.

    I usually only play multiplayer games, can't banter with NPCs.

  • +3

    Got this one using the GOG trick because it is the type of game I've never played before, and despite the accolades it has received, it was possible that it just wasn't my thing.

    It rules, hard.

  • +1

    I love the preface of the games you played in the past. I only played text based pro-wrestling simulation games. All jokes aside, it's really a delightful game!

  • +2

    Or better yet, same price on GOG!

  • Nice. Just needed a deal to pull the trigger

  • Wish I understood what everybody else finds enjoyable about this, as somebody who loves cRPGs. Larian games don't work for me at all, both for the writing and the turn based gameplay.

    If you didn't like Divinity Original Sin, you probably won't like this either. It doesn't play like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 nor continues the story, nor is made by any of the same people or the same studio, and is just using the name for marketing reasons.

    • +2

      I didn't like DOS1 (the writing wasn't great in my opinion) but I did enjoy DOS2, so I'd like to think they improve with each iteration even if it's not a direct continuation of the originals. Plus, these days game studios trade on their names/"legacy" despite massive restructure, firing, change in leadership, etc, so not being made from the same studio is far less of a concern/critique. Theseus ship kind of situation.

      Thankfully Steam and GOG have generous return programs so you can trial it and see how you feel.

      • For me it was a gift and I feel really bad about it, because I don't enjoy it at all, but it was very very expensive from an excited friend who knows that I love the Bioware Baldur's Gate series, from the opening cinematic of Baldur's Gate 1 to the last choice in Throne of Bhaal, which was a perfectly encapsulated Battle Royale story, with a clear definitive ending.

        Truth be told I'm actually extra annoyed at this game for slapping on the name to their unrelated D&D turn based thing as part of their hype and marketing cycle, which I think is what Larian really excels at over other studios rather than making good RPGs.

    • +1

      Interesting, this might make me hold off on buying it. I put several hours into DOS2 and couldn't get into it. But I was planing on buying this anyway thinking it might just click with me? I'm not a CRPG player however I did put over 100hrs into Pillars of Eternity and loved it. Thought I would love DOS2 as well, but I guess the turn-based didn't do it for me the same way real-time with pause did. Now thinking I might be better off giving it a second go with a new character before I jump into BG3..

      • For comparison I loved Pillars 2 and thought Pillars 1 was a mixed bag but overall good (I think the worst parts were at the start). For me they play like all the Bioware classics such as Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age, which they're clearly inspired by.

        But Divinity and Baldur's Gate 3 don't work for me at all. The turn based combat is a slog with limited options for strategic movement, the writing is questionable, the linear maps instead of an open world doesn't feel like a world I'm visiting, and there's way too much arcadeyness of just going around clicking on a million things for endless looting junk like they were worried if you walked more than 8 seconds without some excitement. The camera is also one of the worst I've encountered, and then it sometimes feels like a weird slot machine app when they make you pause everything to roll dice for all basic conversation choices with tons of unnecessary effects and animations, making it take forever and interrupting the flow of everything.

    • +1

      I couldn't finish DoS1, but I've put 100+ hours in to BG3 and I'm not even finished with my first (and only playthrough) yet.

    • Their games are too samey for me to play, just a new coat of paint, nothing actual new.

    • +2

      This is Larian's take on CRPGs, if your want more Balder's gate 1 & 2 than Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian is more up your alley as that is more of a spiritual succesor than BG3.

      • Yeah played those and would recommend them and Dragon Age as the actual successors to Baldur's Gate (especially since Dragon Age was made by the same people). Pillars of Eternity 1 was a bit flawed, but Deadfire was fantastic.

        • +1

          Good to know, I wanted to love the original PoE (was a kickstarter backer), but didn't get far in before losing interest.

          • +1

            @merc: Yeah the first was definitely flawed. I ended up taking another stab at it years later, ignoring all the gold plated Kickstarter NPCs and going with a paladin which made conversations more interesting, since choices impacted the class abilities, but overall it was still a slog, and doesn't really make much sense until right near the end where a big twist makes it all retroactively a much more interesting story than it seemed.

            The second was fantastic, one of the best cRPGs I've played, though some of that strength was getting resolution to companion quests from the first game etc.

    • +1

      I played BG2 when I was a kid and absolutely loved it. It basically defined my gaming life.
      I didn’t enjoy previous larian games, I much preferred the pillars of eternity series which I considered the spiritual successor of BG. Until BG3 came along and blew my mind. To me it is the right successor of BG, no doubt about it.

  • +5

    I know this is GOTY and all, but this is still definitely not a deal as of yet.
    Wait until it drops to 50%, then maybe it's worth posting about.

    • +3

      While you're right, it's not the worst idea to support smaller game studios that make amazing games.

      Large game studios are the death of creativity, and a net loss to the consumer IMO.

      • +1

        You can support them by buying Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2.

    • no you can't. fyi, g2a is very rarely the cheapest black market now. no key reseller has it for $50, unless you're buying an account from a poor region

      • +1

        yeah you're right. didn't notice it was a "Steam Account" for $50 instead of a "Steam Key"

        screw having to login to some dodgy steam account for $50.

  • +2

    Just want to add my 2 cents, love RPGs this one has 3 acts, first and second act AMAZING. Third act quality drops off massively imo. It was so mediocre I never bothered finishing act 3. Pacing wise act 3 felt rushed, it felt like a lot of the instances are just out there to increase the playing time, I don’t think I’ll ever be motivated to finish the 3rd act. But this is just my opinion, I play games now mostly for the storyline. And to me the story drops off after act 2.

    • Act 3 is "tying off loose ends" kind of Act. Understandably you get 6 companions from the start and they all have their individual backstory and character growth.. Not to mention you get to recruit allies to help you in your final battle. But yeah I also feel Act 3 is a bit too much combat for me, would have loved to explore around a bit more for sure. At the same time, I get the urgency of "saving the world before it's doomed"

    • That's been my experience with every Larian game. They polish the intro and put detailed quests etc there making you hyped about the game and recommending it to others, then the rest is just tacked on ultra linear filler which gets progressively worse until you realize it's not worth finishing. I've been through that with several of their games now, and have never finished one of them, and generally finish any game I play and even go for hard achievements in RPGs.

      They spent years play testing the opening area, making lots of changes, before releasing the whole thing, so a cynical part of me thinks it's an intentional design choice because it leads to a lot of excitement and hype when people are in the early stages at release, and reviewers almost never play beyond there. I found it interesting when review codes for this were reportedly delayed until something like 2 days before release, just enough time that reviewers wouldn't see past act 1, when I had already formed this theory.

      • and reviewers almost never play beyond there

        Bro, the game released more than 4 months ago and is still 98% Overwhelming Positive on Steam.

        It's OK to dislike a game without having to come up with bizarre conspiracy theories about reviewers not having played a game properly.

        • The reviews came out at release. There was one reviewer who played it right through and released a review a little later with a worse score for how the game degraded, who got piled on.

          Looking at Steam stats, apparently 17% of players have finished the game, and it seems in general most people only play the early parts of a game and few of us play beyond that and find the Larian jank in the back half, which seems to be what they're designing for and investing their time on. I saw a lot of complaints about it online from those who actually did reach the later acts during the early honeymoon phase, with people finding that the whole upper city was clearly cut and with there being files for a bunch of epilogue endings which were clearly cut and replaced with a quick choice, which Larian just patched back into the game by the looks of things months after release and after months of insisting wasn't cut content.

          • @CodeExplode: Honestly the additional epilogue didn't feel like a cut content from the original game. It's different enough and it's set 6 months after. But it's true other Larian games tend to have more "open ending" rather than fixed "they live happily ever after" kinda thing. There are tons of choices in the game and understandably they likely can't make certain choices too canon. They don't even have this extra epllogue content on DoS.

            17% players finishing the game 4 months after release is honestly a pretty good number, especially because you can expect 100+ hours of content in a single playthrough. I've been playing from the first month and I'm not even done yet on my single and only playthrough (I'm in final Act, tying all these loose ends, prolly about 10-20 hours away from finishing. It'd perhaps not as fun as Act 1& 2, but it's still great and I plan to see it through).

            As mentioned, Act 3 felt like tying loose ends. Combat and game mechanics wise, it's perhaps not the most fun, but the roleplay side of it is phenomenal. Like breaking the pact of warlock or killing his powerful dad, ascending a vampire and killing tons of others like him or let him live as spawn and deal with repercussions. Honestly I think the complaints are because Act 3 feels and play a bit different than the first 2. People got used to the linear single storyline on the first 2 Acts and they have to make many choices from story branches that'll have lasting impact on the final ending on the 3rd Act.

            In terms of reviews, they tend to have those issue in broader sense, Baldur's Gate 3 isn't the only game getting such treatment. It's the game review industry, not BG3's fault. Pretty much every games get reviewed based on their early experiences only.

            You not liking the game nor Larian in general is your own opinion that you are entitled to for sure. The reviews issue isn't BG3 specific issue tho. And evidently the game still won many awards (and likely will win more). They got 6 awards out of the 8 they got nominated for in Game Awards alone. There would be some truth in how good the game is.

  • +1

    I can't get past the character creation screen

    • Hahaha… Thanks for the lol, user name checks out 🙂

  • +1

    The only game this year that's worth that retail price.

    I am not even a CRPG or DnD fan.

  • Copying what I posted in the thread about their PS discount:

    "As a proud ozb member, I almost never bought games at full price. Like I've done it perhaps 2-3x in my life.
    But in this era rife with micro-transactions, this game is so worth it I have bought this game 3x at full price (2 as a gift, but still).

    I even want to buy the deluxe physical edition, only thing stopping me is bloody 20 euro shipping fee. And no, the shipping cost is per item so even if I wanna do a group buy, it's 100 euro shipping for 5 items.

    I would have even bought the collectors edition at full price had it been available. It would be my first collectors edition of any game ever and I'd be a proud supporter of Larian Studios and happily return my ozb membership.
    100+ hours in and I'm not done with the game. It has won many GOTY and it totally brought CRPG back to its glory.
    Definitely best game ever if not the 2nd best in my book."

    Also worth adding that the DLC is purely cosmetic. They have yet to add additional contents gated behind a paywall. So far they have added extra content to the current game at no extra cost. Looking at their track record with Divinity series, there likely wont be any DLC.
    They have also stated that BG3 won't be added to gamepass ever. Which also tracks for DoS.

  • +3

    Never played a CRPG turn based game before, started playing it, first one hour felt really strange as I was so not used to these types of game, but I persisted as the story seemed interesting enough. Man glad I did, once I started levelling up, and started getting used to turn based fighting, the story really picked up and I got absolutely pulled into the story. 272 hours in and I am in ACT 3 now on my first playthrough. And I whole heartedly recommend this game. The best game I have played in last 10 years for sure.

  • +2

    Baldur's Gate 3 = RPG perfection! 🌟

  • For those who are going to try via GOG, i went through Moldova and it's now 10% off as well so it's US$26.99 … about $41 aus.

  • +3

    One of the best games I've ever played. Easily in my all time top 5.

    Tip for any new players - play as a custom character and don't sweat character creation, you can change class and appearance anytime after the first couple of hours. Also start the game on easy and change it to medium when you've got the hang.

    Finally, use manually save often (F5).

  • If you're on the fence on spending that much, please have a look at Divinity Original Sin 1 or 2 first!

  • I just did the character creation and my head is spinning. Wondering if I'm actually going to enjoy this..

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