[PC, Steam] Old World $14.98 (Was $59.95) @ Steam


Just bought myself. First time poster :) Expires soon get in quick!

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  • +4

    I downloaded it on Friday and I'm loving it so far. I'm a massive fan of the Civ series and can highly recommend it.

  • +1

    Is Abe in this?

    • +3

      1st think I was thinking, thought was a typo haha.

  • Thanks! Same dudes who made Offworld Trading Company

  • +7

    This was in a bundle recently so the price has tanked on key resellers if you have no issue with them - was just over a dollar recently. Looks to be just over $2 now https://gg.deals/game/old-world/

    • +1

      Thanks, worked well.

  • What other games is this similar to?

    • +3

      It's like later Civs (5+), but with another layer to the game where stuff similar to Crusader Kings and other paradox style games butts in. Leaders and other notable figures who do stuff in the game have their own personalities and drives and can influence events (kill your ruler and take command of your empire, run away and turn traitor, randomly give you or lose a whole city, go mad and kill other people, etc) according to stuff that happens in their own lives and interactions. You the player are always in control but what you can do and how you can do it depends on the people you have and what they want to do, or are capable of doing for you.

  • +1

    Got the steam key from G2A.com it cost $4.20.

  • Which (if any) of the DLC are recommended for a first time player?

    • +2

      Behind the Throne - loads and loads of new game systems and events, really leans into the personalities and branching decision trees aspect of the game. If you like the Crusader Kings stuff, get it.

      Wonders and Dynasties - lots of new events and buildings and civs.

      Pharaohs of the Nile - new civ and lots of single map/objective scenarios to do with them. Kush is very fun to play as a war faction.

      Sacred and Profane - expands the religions system which is a bit barebones in the base game.

      None of them are bad but I think Wonders and Dynasties and Behind the Throne are the better of them. Haven't played a full game with the Gods one that just came out.

      There's also a decent mod manager built into the game and a fair number of mods of new Civs and maps, and they update the game's beta branch quite a lot. The game has really, really changed a great deal from when it came out and basically every single mechanic and system in it has been at least tweaked or sometimes totally thrown out and rebuilt.

  • -3

    Modem day California BS. Nothing old world about it.

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