Apple, as usual, is running their annual Black Friday event.
Works out to be $319 after receiving the gift card, and the gift card can be used on future purchases.
Stack with discounted gift cards for even further discounts.
GET THIS for approximately $229.55 after cashback using 15% off gift cards and subtracting the $80 gift card1 - unbeatable all time low!
Purchase 15% off TCN gift cards from the deal above (containing JB HIFI). Walk into JB HIFI and use it to buy Apple Gift Cards (pay via EFTPOS/swipe). $399-15% is $339.15 and Cashrewards will provide further cashback: 8% * [($319/1.10) + $80] = $29.60 and then after subtracting $80 Apple Gift Card the AirPods itself is $229.55 ↩
or you could wait until next tuesday 🤫