15% off Ultimate eGift Cards (Variable Load, 1 Order Per Customer, Max Value $2,500) @ Giftcards.com.au » All Comments

  • +5


    15% off gift card offer

    15% off variable load Ultimate range of eGift Cards. Offer available from 20/09/23 9am until 26/9/23 5pm. While stocks last. No rainchecks. Limited time only. Offer only available from http://giftcards.com.au. Maximum order value $2,500. One order per customer. Card Is not redeemable for cash. Card cannot be replaced if lost or stolen and funds remaining on card at expiry will not be refunded. No order refunds provided. Refer to the ordering gift card T&C’s. Refer to individual gift cards for T&C’s. We reserve the right to cancel any or all promotions at any time if we suspect error, fraud or any other abuse of the promotion is occurring.

    • +2

      Thanks for the T&Cs and the edits Richard :)
      Was about to go through and cross checked it too

    • +3

      CANNOT go thru the payment page last step!!!

      • +1

        Oh dear! Not again!

        • is there any way to get around the 504 Gateway time-out? cos no matter what I keep getting that coming up as a dead-end when trying to go through to the payment page

          • +2

            @cy1o11111: it's now letting me get to the checkout page, but it keeps on saying transaction failed, please contact customer service.

            • @cy1o11111: same problem. I thought my card has an issue but no, still work with other merchants

              • -1

                @daoddv: I just called them and got told I had too many failed attempts ( I got the error message on my first attempt), and that my IP address is blocked till tomorrow. I tried again using a VPN without any luck. Hopefully it will work tomorrow.

                • -1

                  @hag: the bank called me to confirm and told me it will work. but now Im here failed again.

      • Same, the circle keeps spinning without changing to the payment form

        • +1

          Turn off your adblockers. I had ublock going and it happened to me. Turned it off and voila!

      • Hi have you tried a different card? I was gonna pay with my commbank mastercard but it didn't work, was stuck at the payment page saying transcation failed… later on I tried the other visa card and the transaction made through :)

      • For those with this problem: use the phone browser. It worked from me immediately.

    • Worked for me this morning. Got $1200 home and $300 him cards. Great timing as we are moving house and need a new bed from IKEA.

    • Any advice on how to use the Home ultimate card at officeworks ? I tried to use it online but keep getting error message.

      • Seems to be a known issue according to the wiki:

        Officeworks’ website will only allow the redemption of one Ultimate or Celebration gift card per online transaction, as Officeworks’ website cannot handle split payments across multiple Visa cards. Having said that, there have been a number of recent reports (as at Feb 2023) where Officeworks' website has refused to process an Ultimate or Celebration gift card as a payment method.

        There is currently no workaround available for online transactions. Although the workaround for some other participating retailers (e.g. JB Hi-Fi, The Good Guys) is to convert Ultimate gift cards into merchant-specific gift cards and then redeem merchant-specific gift cards on the online store, this is not possible at Officeworks, as Officeworks has blocked Ultimate or Celebration gift cards from being used to purchase Officeworks or Coles Group & Myer gift cards.

        OW appears to be the least UGC-friendly option of the major retailers. You may have better luck in store.

        • Yea, I am only trying one giftcard that cover the whole cost but still cannot go through. I will try at the store.

  • +6

    Which one of the ultimate card is ultimate?

    • +4

      only the ultimate ultimate

    • -2

      I think this deal applies to all Ultimate gift cards sold on their website.

      15% off variable load Ultimate range of eGift Cards.

      • Everyone is not included.

  • +16

    Ozbargain really helped me develop patience, no joke. Been waiting for what seems like forever for these to come to 15% off. But only half of the task is done, I have to stock up and wait until Apple Education cashback is upsized again to 7%…

    • Can you stack these with Apple education cashback?

      • +4

        Yes if you have converted them into Apple gift cards and loaded it onto your Apple wallet

        • Thats pretty smart!

        • What’s the best method to convert these to Apple Store credit? Redeem these at jb?

          • @hashtagbargain: I also want to find out how to convert these into Apple Gift Cards, which would be perfect for the IP15 launch on Friday. I thought you cannot buy gift cards with gift cards (assuming the solution is going into a JB Store and buy equivalent amount in Apple Gift Cards)….

            • +6

              @GReeeeN: I did it before and it worked for me in the past, I grabbed a couple of $500 Apple variable cards (note that some stores don’t have these ones/very limited quantities) and asked for separate transactions for each one (since I had 4x $500 Ultimate Cards).

              Some staff, for some weird reason, won’t allow you to do this if they see that you’re using a gift card, but if you add these to your Apple Pay it will just look like a normal transaction. Keep in mind that there is a purchase limit but I’m not sure what that is… If the highest denomination GC you can buy is only $50 then you might need to try out your luck and visit multiple JB stores to get enough Apple GCs.

            • +1

              @GReeeeN: At JB, you cannot exchange JB gift cards for JB gift cards. You can exchange JB cards for anything else though

              However, some staff aren't informed and will cause drama

          • @hashtagbargain: i dont think u can buy apple GC at JB with online GC

          • @hashtagbargain: There were 15 off Apple Gift Cards last Jan or Feb I remember, better just stock up when it is on discount to avoid hassle.

        • How do you convert these into Apple gift cards?

        • +1

          How do you convert ultimate card to Apple gift card? Buy from jbhifi?

        • Keen to find out the answer too. How / which store allows us to convert it into apple gift cards.

          As I am aware, we can't use gift cards to buy gift cards?

        • +18

          If it’s like the normal Ultimate gift cards that you can find at Colesworth, these shouldn’t be any different and you can just add them to your phone wallet and checkout in store at JB as a debit/credit card transaction.

          Please don’t mention to the staff at JB as “I am paying with gift cards for the Apple gift cards” as these aren’t considered a gift card but rather a prepaid value loaded onto them

          @GReeeeN @drakdaystar @OzBed @Pat Rick

          • +1

            @BargainsGrabber: Just a quick question on the process as I haven't done this before, do you add the card to apple wallet/gpay and then instore tap to pay? does it make you put in a pin as its over 100?

            • +4




              If a participating retailer offers in-store redemption, an Ultimate gift card can be redeemed either by:

              Swiping the physical Ultimate gift card on the EFTPOS terminal (physical gift cards only), or
              Adding the Ultimate gift card to an eligible mobile wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay) and then using the gift card stored in the mobile wallet as the payment method in-store.
              To redeem an Ultimate gift card in-store, tell the staff member at the checkout you would like to use a card. Do not mention anything about gift cards, as a participating retailer's checkout system may not be able to redeem Ultimate gift cards if the checkout is expecting a gift card issued by the store itself. For example, if you ask a staff member at a JB Hi-Fi checkout you would like to use a gift card and you attempt to use an Ultimate gift card, the checkout will be unable to redeem the Ultimate gift card, as the checkout is expecting the staff member to scan the barcode of a JB Hi-Fi gift card.

              • +1

                @BargainsGrabber: Sorry I forgot to specify it was to buy apple giftcards at JB, thanks for the info

              • @BargainsGrabber: Does this work? Thought you couldn't buy gift cards with other gift cards.

              • +1

                @BargainsGrabber: Is physical store redemption guaranteed? I've successfully added 4 cards to ApplePay, but I couldn't check out online on JB Hi-Fi using Apple Pay, wondering if there's a denomination to be adjusted at the store. How to convey that without mentioning the gift card nature?

                • @luvyrselfish: These are to be treated as prepaid amount loaded. So if you’ve bought a $500 card and your total is $501 on the JB website, it wouldn’t work

                  There’s no limit as to how many you can redeem in store, just gotta make sure you tell them it’s a card transaction, not using gift card to pay

          • -1

            @BargainsGrabber: These are eGift cards, so I doubt you can add these to your Apple Wallet as a VISA card?

            • +1

              @GReeeeN: Sorry, I can’t fix the title of the deal as that’s normally how these are posted on OzBargain, but for reference:

              Ultimate gift cards are prepaid eftpos or Visa gift cards that can be redeemed at a defined list of participating retailers.

              • @BargainsGrabber: seems to all make sense, thanks for the explanation, although there is a level of risk involved here as well, especially if the transaction is $2000+. If these are just typical pre-paid VISA cards, what's stopping the card being used anywhere? or do only these specific stores accept this specific time of VISA, in which JB staff might be able to pickup on the "gift card" being used.

                Also to add, if you can only get these Gift cards in $500 amounts, its going to be very suss at check out asking to pay in 5 different "transactions".

                • @GReeeeN: Yeah, would like to know this "Also to add, if you can only get these Gift cards in $500 amounts,"

                  Does Apple pay use the total dollar value of $2,500 for a single transaction, or do you have to swipe 5 times via NFC?

                  Anyone who's done it before elaborate?

          • @BargainsGrabber: Why would you buy Apple gift card at Apple branch for the same amount of value?

            Isn’t it better to keep Gift card to use in more variety of businesses?

        • As these Ultimate gc are eGift card, not physical, are we even able to use it to purchase Apple gc at JB in-store?

          • @123nkj: If you look at the card on the giftcards.com.au website, it says "Where is this card accepted?" then "Spend in-store or online".

        • Is there way u can check balance of uploaded card that in your Apple wallet already without the psychical card number?

        • Silly question, why would you buy an apple gift card for the same amount of gift cards? Is there a deal to save further buying Apple gift card at Apple?

          • @Danlew: I was wondering as well. After reading above, guess (1) discounted apple gift card at jbhifi (2) Apple edu store cashback upsize to 7% off

        • With all the suggestion to convert to Apple gift card at JB, I wonder did JB ever had Apple gift card sale? I don't think I had ever seen one.

          This is still better deal than 20X points back though.

          • +1

            @syswong: I have never seen an Apple gift card sale at JB Hi-Fi.

            Come to think of it, I have never seen any gift card sales at JB Hi-Fi… at least not any I remember in the last few years.

            • @WookieMonster: Exactly my point and I am suggesting those who are after Apple card may be better off wait for a straight 15% off like last round (around March I think?). Rather than go through all the issues in this deal, but…..

              If you are after the JB plan deals then this is worth it as you will 100% has an up front cost for an IPhone JB contract deal.

              • +1

                @syswong: 15% off Apple gift cards doesn’t happen often though. I personally wouldn’t go through all the hassles just to swap Apple gift cards with this deal. It’s just not worth it.

                • @FrugalNotStingy: Yeah seems people are having payment issues again…..

                  Sucks that Telstra done seem to think a complex of over 500+ residents is worth them installing a base station on our tower😓😓. Only if I can go on a JB Pan deal I would go through all the hassle to get one of these cards.

                  Guess its another two year of Vodafone Jail for me if I upgrade this round….

                  • @syswong: I would give anything to get out off Vodafone. I was with them years ago as they had the cheapest plan with handset monthly repayment but the reception was super poor I vowed never to sign up with them again.

                    Now I only buy outright.

                    • @FrugalNotStingy: Where I live is the same but with Telstra.

                      Sham Optus does not do carrier deals like Vodafone. It is so fast.

              • @syswong: I swapped this for a jb hifi card by swapping my ultimate him Giftcard shows on my jb balance by check on jb hifi site but does not let me use it on site?
                Does jb have something set up that you can’t use a gift cards while overseas I’m currently away and can’t get my jb hift card to work.
                And I want to purchase from there site.

            • @WookieMonster: Wookie, these are not vulnerable to hacking like the Coles Mastercards are they?

    • +2

      I guess it could be better now 🙃

    • +2

      Wait for 16%

  • Sorry for noob question, can I use this in JBhifi for buying the new iPhone?

    • +4

      Of course, it's a giftcard which is as good as cash.

    • +1

      Yup. Choose the card has JBH in there like Ultimate Home or Him for example

  • +4

    Seems they don’t sell ultimate everyone?

    • Updated table to remove Ultimate Gift Cards not sold at giftcards.com.au

  • +14

    Ugh… as tempting as 15% is… but if $2500 stuck in limbo … argh risk vs reward.

    • +13

      Nope they ain’t tricking me again. Had $450 stuck for 2 weeks last time. What a joke of a website.

      • Then what happened?

        • +10

          I had to contact them twice for a refund and it did eventually come through. But the fact I had to waste my time to chase them up when they know damn well how bad their system is and could have easily automatically refunded people doesn’t sit well with me. Almost as if they were just going to keep your money if you didn’t chase them up.

          • +11

            @Smol Cat: That's exactly it. They will keep the money if you just assumed they didn't take it since the order failed. It's utter fraud. I bet some people did lose money like this.

            • +1

              @Jstrrrr: A business model? :)

              • +1

                @zuruhara: dealing with blackhawk card services is an extreme pain if they decide to cancel/block one of your cards

      • Why did they do that.
        Greedy oz bargainers abused it probably.

    • +3

      Its Maximum order value $2,500, not min order value :-)

    • -3

      I agree.

      Honestly why bother wasting your time…..website will be down, gift cards will be gone in one minute. You'll just be dissaspointed.

      It's impossible to get it. Like calling the radio for a competition.

      • And yet, 6 days later the website is still up, gift cards are still available and no one has been disappointed.

        • As it should be. No nonsense is all we ask for.

  • +1

    nice, time to stock up on some. thanks bg :)

    • *one

      • perhaps.. does 'one order per customer' include a single order for multiple cards?

        • +1

          I think so as one card can have a max of $500

      • It's not one. You can get 5 X $500

  • Do any of the more popular stores not allow swapping for their own GCs? I'm particularly interested in JB Hi-Fi.

    • I think using one of these Ultimate gift cards to buy a JB Hi-Fi gift card is barred. But, you may be able to do it. Have a look at the FAQ page.

      • I was referring to Ultimate GC's own exchange portal, I assume JB Hi-Fi isn't there?

        • +2

          Correct - JB Hi-Fi isn't listed under 'exchange' on their portal.

          • @A-B: Got it.

            It looks like you might be able to buy some in-store using your mobile wallet, I'm too lazy for that though.

            • +1

              @Hiphopopotamus: Yes, but buying in store is a game of chance. It depends on the cashier not realising that gift card(s) is (are) being used to purchase gift card(s).

              • @A-B: How would they know if you loaded it onto your mobile wallet?

                I'm genuinely curious, does it show up on their system during checkout?

                • +1

                  @Hiphopopotamus: I am not sure. They may decide to randomly ask if you're using a gift card to pay for the gift card. Or they may ask to see the card being used as the payment method. I don't really know. I am just conveying the information I found on @WookieMonster's FAQ page.

                  I'm genuinely curious, does it show up on their system during checkout?

                  I don't think it does.

                  • @A-B: How interesting, and weird. I mean, what would stop someone from just lying? It's not like they can forcefully check your phone.

                • @Hiphopopotamus: If they look on the receipt/machine it should just show as a Visa card.
                  So the only way they'll know is if they look at your phone (which you don't have to show) or ask you. You can just say it's a Visa card, which is technically true.

          • +1

            @A-B: i think the website got updated, i've exchanged all the ultimate gift cards to JB hifi on their portal

    • -1

      You can buy jb card in store

  • +1

    It says Ikea, but its not on the photo of the card on the giftcards.com.au. Can anyone confirm if it is still suitable? This would be great for my reno! But would suck if the card would not be honored.

    • +20

      It should still be suitable.

      I would rely on the list of participating retailers on the Ultimate gift card website (not the giftcards.com.au pages), because clause 1 of the Ultimate gift card terms and conditions says:

      1. The Card can only be used for purchases of goods and services, at participating merchants in Australia (which excludes cash and cash equivalent transactions at ATMs over the counter at Financial Institutions and merchants and merchant groups who elect not to accept prepaid gift cards). You acknowledge and agree that participating merchants may change for time to time for reasons beyond our control or where required by law. For a full and updated list of participating merchants please visit our website www.ultimategiftcards.com.au.

      There is no indication anywhere that giftcards.com.au is selling a special version of the Ultimate gift cards that you cannot find anywhere else, which is what makes me think that the Ultimate gift cards you purchase through giftcards.com.au are no different to the ones sold on Giftz.com.au or Amazon.com.au.

      If you were wondering, IKEA was only added to the Ultimate gift card scheme in late July 2023, so it looks like giftcards.com.au have not got around to updating the gift card images on their website.

      If you decide to proceed with this promotion, you should be mindful of the restrictions with redeeming Ultimate gift cards at IKEA:

      • Instore: someone recently redeemed 12x $500 Ultimate gift cards in one transaction, but needed assistance from a staff member.

      • Online: you cannot redeem Ultimate gift cards on the IKEA website (according to the Ultimate gift card website).

      The Ultimate gift card website says you can go to the Ultimate gift card website and exchange an Ultimate gift card for an IKEA gift card. If you do that, you may need to wait up to 48 hours for the IKEA gift cards to be activated. In terms of redemption limits…

      • +1

        so it looks like giftcards.com.au have not got around to updating the gift card images on their website.

        Just saw that the design for the Ultimate Gift Cards are changing again.

      • +2

        Wow! Best answer! Thank you @WookieMonster

        • Btw, someone else confirmed they can see IKEA on the Ultimate Home gift cards they purchased through this deal.

          • +1

            @WookieMonster: Thanks @WookieMonster. I can confirm as of today, I used 15 Ultimate gift cards in 1 transaction at Ikea instore. No issues. 100% worth the multiple efforts of buyinb the cards. I just saved $1125.

      • Is there a list of what gift cards you can purchase in store at JB HI FI?

        Eg Netflix, amazon etc.

        • +2

          There is no definitive list, particularly because stock can vary from store to store.

          I recall seeing JB Hi-Fi, Apple, Google Play, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, Stan and Nintendo gift cards in my past visits to JB Hi-Fi, but I am sure there are more gaming- and entertainment-related gift cards sold at JB Hi-Fi that I cannot recall off the top of my head.

          I have never seen Amazon gift cards stocked at JB Hi-Fi. I swear I have seen Netflix gift cards stocked at JB Hi-Fi once upon a time, but not in the last 18 months or so.

      • +1

        just asked Ikea, there is no redemption limits for Ikea gift cards, but you have to finish typing within 20 mins which is the check out time limit. So get the card number and pin handy if you have lots of cards.

      • I added all the gift cards to Google wallet.
        when I try to buy IKEA card from the ultimate gift card website. it redirect me to "https://giftz.com.au/"
        in the website when I try to buy $500 IKEA gift card with Google wallet payment.
        this message shows up.

        "Sorry, something went wrong
        Transaction declined invalid payment method."

        • Also In Google wallet, when I try to update my card info in order to do "use your card online, verify card info" this. CVV is not working.

          It says "an unexpected error has occurred please try again later."

        • +2

          You do not buy an IKEA gift card from the Ultimate gift card website. You exchange your Ultimate gift card for an IKEA gift card.

          If you go to the Ultimate gift card website and go to the Menu, there will be an Exchange for eGift option. Click/tap on that and you will be sent to this website. Enter the 16-digit card number, expiry date and CVV2 for your Ultimate gift card, and then you will be given an option exchange your Ultimate gift card balance for IKEA gift cards. You will need to provide an email address for the IKEA gift cards to be sent to.

          Once you have the IKEA gift cards, you will need to redeem them at IKEA like any other IKEA gift card.

  • Can we pay with $250 vanilla

  • +11

    I am pre-emptively voting negative, given the experience with the last sale. Their system will crash. The order will not go through. But the money will go through to them. You will then need to ring them after a few days and wait for a refund. All those who know better: vote negative now as a warning.

    • +12

      All those who know better: vote negative now as a warning

      Or just don’t vote now until the promo has commenced and if problem still persists, then neg the deal for awareness

      Give them a chance at least. People did pre-emptively neg on this deal, but they based it on this, but a lot of people were successful in the end

      • +7

        I think it's fair to let people know

        I know I couldn't be bothered to save 15% on a smaller amount with the potential for major issues.

      • +1

        So you're showing us that this company has a history of this? There should have been ample time between the 2 example deals you linked to have fixed the problem. If they didn't, it's more than likely the problem persists.

        From what I read the post you used as an example of pre-emptive neg had the same negative experiences.

        Don't get me wrong OP, I'm very grateful for your time and effort posting this deal. I'm very skeptical of being that 1 in 100 having 2.5k in limbo because I wanted to save a few hundred on the new iPhone

    • +3

      Ask Support for their preparedness for this deal

      I've just pre-emptively asked Giftcards.com.au what preparations they've done to make sure previous history doesn't repeat itself.

      Maybe others can do also send an email to [email protected] to show how others are not doing this deal because of this uncertainty? I've also added in a CC to me so we can keep track or you can also post here as well.

      • Did you get a response?

        • +6

          They're preparing it.

      • I still haven't received a response as at 1:48pm AEST.

        I also forwarded it to corporate services email in the terms and conditions.

    • How did you go lol
      There are 529 votes against ya

  • Did these sell out instantly last time or did it last a while?

  • can I use Ultimate Home to purchase Coles Myer gift card from Officeworks?

    • +4

      Nope, that loophole has been closed

      • How exactly they closed it?

        • By updating the firmware on all of their payment terminals after folks abused the crap out of it last year.

          • +1

            @DoctorCalculon: Does anyone know if this also applies to Activ Visa gift cards from officeworks? There is $7.95 activation fee for these but this would allow conversion to Amazon, Coles etc

          • @DoctorCalculon: How was it "abused"?

          • @DoctorCalculon:

            after folks abused the crap out of it last year.

            That's unusual on ozbargain.

        • +6

          Officeworks started updating their instore checkouts in June 2023 to check the card number for the card you are trying to use to pay for a gift card. If the card number uses a BIN (bank identification number) known to Officeworks to be associated with an Ultimate gift card, the checkout will reject the card as soon as you swipe the physical card or you tap the virtual card; you will get an Invalid Product Mix error on the EFTPOS terminal, plus the staff member will get a message on their checkout screen saying you cannot use a “gift card type” payment method to purchase a gift card.

      • Can I use ultimate home to buy the third party gift cards at office works by Google pay? Thanks

        • No, that will not work also.

  • Time to grab my iPhone 15 Pro :)

  • Could I use this at JB in exchange for apple gift cards by adding it to Apple Wallet and paying by tapping? I just wanted to double check if this worked

  • +5

    Obviously this won't be any different from deals before with their persistent payment issues. Don't even bother

    • +1

      My ANZ card got blocked after trying to buy a card from there last time with the Amazon discount.

      • +3

        and yet you upvote to get more OZB in the same boat… XD

        • +2

          I'd be lying if I wouldn't try again for 15% 😅

    • +1

      Bothered once and guess what it doesn't even reach the payment page with my main card billing details this time. Tried a few more and the same old 'Transaction failed, please contact customer service.'

  • +2

    It's great to see Total tools is on the list

    Anyone knows if bonus insider points (e.g $200 worth points when spending over $1000 etc) can still be earned when the gift card is used for the purchase?

    • Why not, gc is just another payment method

      • ths, have U tried before?

        Don't get me wrong, just wanted to double confirm. 😉

  • Sorry for dumb question, but could you use this in store for JB hi-fi or just online?

    • I believe you should be able to add the digital gift card to your phone's wallet, and then use the card from your phone's wallet to pay in-store. Someone can correct me if I am wrong.

    • +10

      You can currently redeem Ultimate gift cards with JB Hi-Fi as a participating retailer both instore and online at JB Hi-Fi. (This is what is currently listed on the Ultimate gift card website.)

      In terms of redemption limits:

      • Instore at JB Hi-Fi: no one knows whether there is a per-transaction limit coded into JB Hi-Fi's instore checkout. The OzBargain record is currently 81, although you may have a staff member randomly enforce a limit. Considering these gift cards are Ultimate eGift Cards, you may also have problems if you want to add more than a handful of gift cards to a mobile wallet; for example, someone once added 12x Ultimate gift cards to Google Wallet in quick succession, then Google blocked that Google Wallet.

      • Online at JB Hi-Fi: you can only redeem a maximum of 1x Ultimate gift card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website, as the Ultimate gift cards in this deal operate on the Visa network, and JB Hi-Fi only lets you redeem a maximum of 1x Visa card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website. There are workarounds, but they require effort and patience.

      • +1

        Love the pic of the staff holding each end of the receipt : )

    • It says "Spend in-store or online" on the purchase screen

    • if is online, you need to make sure this gc covers the sale price as this is like a prepay credit card. If you have other JB gc, apply those first and leave a balance equal or smaller than your ultimate gc

  • Seems like Ultimate Home is $1000 max>?

    • +1

      $500 Max, but you can get up to 5 (Max $2500) in a single transaction.

  • Can any of these gift cards be used to purchase Nintendo credit vouchers at Coles?

    • +6

      Nope, Coles isn't listed as a participating store.

      • Thanks for the quick response

  • +2
    • Nice comment format from the warehouse comments ;)

  • +5

    Such a dodgy company beware, no sort help and very very hard to convert read all reviews and history comments, it's not as simple as 1,2,3 to redeem this things.

  • -7

    Is the sale currently on? Looking to buy ultimate baby and mum gift card with variable load of $101 but the 15% discount isn't showing up in the checkout yet.

    PS: never mind just noticed that the sale starts at 9AM today

    • +4

      20 Sep 9:00am–26 Sep 5:00pm


      • +2

        Lol thanks beat me to it

  • anyone tried this with a big purchase?

    planning to get kickr bike via 99bikes. drops the price to 4674.15 from 5499.

    • +1

      Best to check if the store (99bikes) accepts multiple gift cards in a single transaction, since the highest denomination is $500.

      • thanks… planning to buy online. no local 99bikes our area. worth a phonecall then.

        • +1

          Note these cards are different from an actual 99bikes gift card. The Ultimate gift card acts like a restricted prepaid Visa card which means the 99bikes site won't let you pay with more than one payment card/method (like most sites). If you want to use multiple cards you will likely need to do it in-store, unless they let you purchase 99bikes gift cards with the Ultimate gift card on the website, which I'm not sure will work.

    • +3

      I used 53 UGCs to the value of $5,250 to purchase a bike from 99 Bikes Bondi Junction. I did check with them first, but apparently I wasn’t the first to do something similar. Go for it.

      • Many thanks for the info - I'm about to do something similar.

  • -2

    Any cashback you can use to get the new iPhone 15 using the Officeworks or JB HIFI gift card?

  • Anyone know if they come as physical or digital GC?

    • Title says it all…

      • +2

        Hahah cheers

    • Digital GC by email

    • I also had to reread the title a few times before I saw eGift card.

  • Great

  • title says max value $2500, one transaction per customer, however looking at the website now, the max value for a single transaction/ gift card is $1000, can anyone clarify? does this mean we can do 5x amounts of $500?

    • You should be able to purchase 5x $500 in a single transaction.

  • Can we use multiple gift cards to buy a product (eg. IP15) on jbhifi's website?

    • +3

      You can only redeem a maximum of 1x Ultimate gift card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website, as the Ultimate gift cards in this deal operate on the Visa network, and JB Hi-Fi will only allow you to redeem a maximum of 1x Visa card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website.

      There are workarounds, but they require effort and patience.

      • Cheers bud is there a max dollar amount?

      • -3

        nah, they accept multiple gift cards.

        • Are you saying you can use multiple ultimate gift cards in an online transaction?

      • What about officeworks?

        • A maximum of one Ultimate gift card per transaction on the Officeworks online store, assuming Officeworks’ fraud controls do not block the transaction in the first place. No workarounds for the online store.

  • hope the site will not crash tomorrow. Haven’t had any luck with these sweet deals.

  • +1

    Any way to convert these to Amazon gift card?

  • Anyone know if these can be exchanged for JB GCs for use online. From memory it's in-store only?

    • +1

      Refer to WM’s comment which I have confirmed can purchase JB GC via their online portal, but limited to one final card payment, cannot split payment.

      • Thanks chief I think the max you can purchase via this promo is 5 x $500 Ultimate GCs. So thinking of converting those into 5 x $500 JB GCs if possible.

        • Do you plan to do this conversion in-store or online?

          • +1

            @sridhar: Prefer online but haven't tried this before so not really sure if it's going to work.

          • +1

            @sridhar: Hey bud in case you're planning on doing the same can confirm that you can purchase JB GCs online using Ultimate Home GCs. Exchanged 2 x $500 UH GCs for JB ones via 2 seperate orders (I think max allowed is 2 per day?).

            Also for anyone wondering for the card name I used my name and it went through fine.

  • Will this purchase run through as a cash advance with ANZ?

  • +1

    I'm not dealing with these clowns ever again (ultimate gift cards I mean)

    • I got 1k EDR and still need another 1k. Perfect timing on this promo.

  • Can you load 1000 on one gift card? Or the max is 500?

    • 500

  • +3

    Just bought $1000 worth Ultimate card at woolies yesterday😭

    • SAME - At least we still get the 10k Qantas points, but still would rather 15% back in my account.

    • Thank you for your sacrifice

  • +1

    are these visa or eftpos ultimate giftcards?

  • noob question, what is a 'variable load' egift card?


    • +2

      You can specify the value of the gift card (up to $2,500 for promotion eligibility)

      Compared to buying a $500 gift card. You can instead choose to buy a $504 gift card.

      • thx for the quick reply, so the promo bypasses the normal $500 per card value limit and i can purchase 1 card with update $2500 in value?

        • "max order value 2500$" so im pretty sure its capped at 500$ per card but you can purchase up to 5 cards in one transaction.

        • Sorry, yeah. $500 cap per gift card.

  • +2

    Is it just me? the T&Cs states the deal is from giftcards.com.au and yet all the ultimate cards beneath it have ultimategiftcards.com.au in-bedded. which site is the right one?

  • +3

    Relieved Amazon is excluded otherwise RIP my credit card 😂

  • Can we use visa prepaid or activ Visa card to buy these one?

  • -1

    Do we know if these are visa gift cards and not eftpos?

    • You can't add the EFTPOS variants to your digital wallet.

  • So if you buy $2500, can you use say $500 at 99Bikes, $500 at Uber Eats etc? You keep using it like a normal card at any vendor listed?

    • +1

      Spot on.

    • +1

      Yes as long as it is a listed retailer then it will work. Maximum variable load is $500 per card, so if you spent $40 on your first transaction with 99Bikes, then your card would have a balance of $460 to spend at any other retailer listed

    • Hi,

      I have got the giftcard $500 x4. However, I am unable to link these cards into the Uber wallet, nor adding to Apple Pay.

      How do you use these giftcard then ?

  • I'm new with this so any help would be appreciated.
    I'm looking forward to buyvGoogle Pixel 8 when it comes early October from Officeworks as they got price beat. It'll cost arohnd $1500+ for the Pixel pro model. Now after buying 3X$500 of GC's, how can I use it to buy from officeworks? And can I still pay cash to pay the difference?
    Thanks in advance.

    • sure you can pay cash for the difference.
      But better to call them to confirm if you can use multiple ultimate GC in one transaction.

  • +2

    Not that Ultimate. There's no Bunnings.

  • Has anyone dealt withbthis company before?
    Reviews look bad
    How long does it take get the cards loaded with the $$$$

    • +1

      Ymmv . I always have issue with Westpac master card but never with my Amex. My cousin CBA card works fine.
      For me, bought at 9 ish am and the digital cards in my inbox by around mid day.

  • -1

    Another noob question.
    Can i buy the Ultimate eGift card then buy $250 Coles MasterCard Digital then use that to pay off my tax?

    • +1


    • +1

      You can only use it at the specified retailers. If Coles or Giftcards.com.au aren't listed as retailers, then you can't use it there.

  • Thanks

  • +1

    If people are having problems with them taking money but not processing wouldn’t you just do a chargeback rather than wasting your time chasing them up

    • Chargebacks take a long time to resolve and also waste your time (Unless it's Amex)

  • simple question, how can i use it to buy iphone 15pro max 1TB?

    • +2

      Buy Ultimate Home $2500 ($500x5) and maybe use someone's credit card and buy another $400 gc, and go to OW/ JB/ TGG?

  • +3

    Never again with this fraudulent mob after the last fiasco.

  • Appliances online question…
    Since these are Visa gift cards, I add them to my google pay account. When going through a retailer (Appliances online), does google pay use all 5 GCs in a single transaction? Or am I limited to $500?

    Nm not supported store, doh

  • Question, can I get the Apple Gift Card and use it in store to buy the products? In the website, it says in-store and online but in the apple website, it says there's is a specific apple store gift card.

    • +1

      This question has been asked and answered many times on this deal thread already

  • Noob question, what do people typically do with the small remaining balance on a gift card?

    • For me, I have like $1 left one of my ultimate and I tried using it, got rejected. So best to use all of the credit if possible in the initial transaction…

    • Exchangr ot for a gift card may be

    • I had the same problem. Ended up throwing it away (deleting the card).
      Try buying something cheap at officeworks.
      You can split payments instore.

    • Thanks @cloudie9, @Rakibul, @johno3456

      Seems like you need to factor that in. If you don't use the last remaining 5%, you aren't really getting 15% off.

      • This deal is good because it’s variable load. So you only get the amount you need.

  • -5

    hi Guys, how can i apply the 15% off, doesnt seem to have it at the checkout? thanks heaps

    • +3

      haiyaaaa READ!

    • +1

      Deal starts at 9am today.

  • Hmm not sure if worth the risk. Wanting to get new iPhone but judging by some of these comments delivery of gift card might be delayed / not happen at all?

    • +1

      I just bought $2199 worth (4x $500 and 1x $199) without hassle. Digital cards showed up in my email 2 hours or so after purchase.

  • If I want to stock up on JB, would it be better to buy larger or smaller increments of gift cards? Don't know what I'm going to buy yet…

  • Uber is not listed on the gift cards website for Ultimate Him? Does anyone know if we can redeem for Uber credit?

  • Does anyone know how this works "to exchange for eGift". Does that mean we exchange an ultimate card for eg JBHifi gift card officially?


  • 4 months later and still trying to get giftcards.com.au to sort out sending me a $250 used gift card

    • Typical

    • It’s all good man

      • where you at … Heisenberg ?

    • +1

      Better call Saul!

  • Bought 2k worth at woolies and only got points for $500 worth, absolutely spewing ahsjdashjdasd

    • Call them .. they gave it.to me

      • Thank you- will give it a go and see!

      • Do you mind to elaborate more on this? What did you tell them? Like a price match?

      • Got an extra 10k rewards points - not the rest :(

    • Do you mind sharing how could those points be worth $500? Aren't they 20x rewards points, which means 40,000 rewards points that equals $200 or 10,000 Qantas points?

      • I mean i only got points for 1 x $500 gift card - 10k rewards points.
        So im missing 30k rewards points

        • I see, thanks for clarifying :) Hope you'll get the missing points

  • cant check out :-(

    • same here

    • not again…

      • +2

        Hello darkness my old friend.

        • it's time to talk with rep again… XD

  • +3

    Transaction failed, please contact customer service.

    • Got the same error. Worked the second time - same card details.

    • Same

  • +1

    Got $2500 worth thanks! Tax invoice received instantly.

  • Website is struggling…….

  • No issues getting $2500 with immediate tax invoice received

  • +1

    All cards landed, Big Thanks!

  • +2

    Transaction failed but received an invoice

  • Phew managed to snag a couple - $700 worth, no issues just received. thanks mate

  • +3

    504 rip

  • transaction failed, the payment system for this site is so rubbish it is laughable

  • Transaction failed, please contact customer service.

    • Tried three times with AMEX, the third time AMEX SafeKey popped up, however still no luck

    • 1 hour later and after 8 attempts, finally made the payment, but no confirmation email yet

  • Not seeing the discount applied?

    • same here wtf

      • maybe went to the wrong link
        should be


        not giftz.com.au

        • seems like if i had the website preloaded and added to cart didint work, need to start over again lol

  • Tax invoice received - waiting for GCs

  • my chart still showing full price, do we need to do anything special? Looking at Ultimate Home

    • maybe went to the wrong link
      should be


      not giftz.com.au

    • I'm having same problem, though with all these payment issues, starting to think maybe I'll give this a miss

  • Oh good, decided to chance my luck. Money taken from account, "transaction failed contact customer service"

  • Got my tax invoice, waiting for GC

  • 504 gateway timeout

  • Site is cooked.

  • Ok, its odd, it says transaction failed, then I try press again, it says contact customer service, then the next thing I received an email saying its successful and checking my credit card it has been deducted. Something odd with this website.

    • +1

      Just called and confirming that it has gone through, albeit weird failed transaction error.

  • +1

    Also said transaction failed and money taken out of my account. So dodgy

  • For those who got transaction failed, do you mind sharing what card you used for payment? Wondering if there's a chance that some cards have higher chance that fail the transaction?

  • +5

    makes me wonder if we are all stupid, 15% off and a 50/50 chance of money being taken and getting nothing

  • I'm stuck at the Delivery stage and pressing the Next button does nothing? anyone esle witht he same issue?

  • Datapoint

    2x attempts with Citi Mastercard - both failed. No money taken from account.

  • +1

    Yolooooo…got some this time.

    Awesome deal OP.

    This is the way!

  • I cannot checkout on 9.02

  • The site is completely cooked at this point… Can do anything

  • +2

    Heads up - don't re-buy if you get 'transaction failed please contact customer support' and then get the invoice. Cards came 10 or so mins after the invoice.

  • Tax invoice received no cards yet!

  • Can’t even proceed to the payment page lol

  • +1

    sites getting ozbargained cant make it to the checkout page lol

  • the website is down smh

  • Trash site

  • Used a credit card that has a low limit to avoid being charged twice just in case, first transaction failed but 2nd one went through. Received invoice immediately after successful transaction

  • Can’t click next to check out and enter my card details

  • Might be a dumb quesiton… i have 1800 of cards in my cart and it says my total is 1800? shouldn't it be 15% less?

    • Discount should apply at checkout. Which site are you on?

      • +2

        I was on the wrong website… lmao. THanks OP

    • maybe you selected TCN cards not the Ultimate ones?

  • 504 Gateway Time-out

  • can anyone confirm these are VISA cards that can be added to Apple Wallet?

  • Could not checkout - now getting 504 :'(

  • +1

    got the tax invoice email. how long does it take for the gc email to arrive?

  • +1

    Impossible to check out.

  • Manage to enter card details and click on check out, then it's now with Payment Details and shows nothing underneath it, no inviice. Guess I am not getting it.

  • Taking forever to load

    • Need to sleep now, cant buy now and ruin my sleep

  • +1

    Jamed, too bad gave up haha

    • Yeah getting 504 Gateway Time-out

      • 504 Gateway Time-out
        your prediction is very good haha

  • Why do they keep doing these promos without changing anything with their awful site

  • +1

    Tried like 5 cards. None of them work lol. Do I keep trying

  • stuck on delivery page. ffs

  • 504 Gateway Time-out

  • +2

    Received cards within 5 minutes, redeemed via JB website fine. I had the items in my cart before 9am and simply refreshed on the stroke of 9am to find them discounted. Checkout was straightforward but I am fast at typing.

    • Good method. Should try that next time

    • That was quick.
      I am still waiting.

      Did you redeem a JB gift card?

      • Yeah, I'm currently walking to collect the item as we speak.

        • So do you order the gift card online for click and collect?

          Would it be the same as adding it to apple wallet and then buying it instorE?

          I need to get 5 of them and trying to think of the easiest way without being questioned by the staff lol

          • @colt75: I never said anything about Apple. However, I did purchase an AW9 using Ultimate gift cards that I purchased in-store at Woolworths and got 20x rewards points. I took the physical cards into a JB store and purchased $700 of Apple gift cards to pay for the Watch online at Apple. I'm not sure how this works for online Ultimate gift cards, though, sorry.

    • iPhone 15? :)

    • Same, did this last time as well.

      This is the way to go

  • Site crashed lol

  • Hmm
    Paid with Amex card, money debited and got transaction failed please call customer service.
    Have a tax invoice though.
    Will give it a day before having AMEX do a chargeback.

    • Gift cards just came in. Took about 2 hours to receive

  • Site is down…

  • +1

    no error no nothing but the next button refuse to work.

    • +1

      same here

  • +1

    started at 9:00 exact. Stuck on delivery page since. :(

  • +1

    Webpage not loading :(

  • I'm not keen to try given my experience the first time ($900 initially pending then accepted and charged to CC, no GCs received, had to chase up customer support later to get a refund otherwise they wouldn't have noticed) and seeing some of the comments so far.

  • +3

    Couldn't even load the page. Maybe the gods are telling me to save my money and put it elsewhere instead.

    • Well I can't agree more

  • 504 Gateway Time-out, 20mins already…
    Well, guess we have DDoSed this site…

    They should really upgrade their site or server before putting up the promotion, next time, I hope.

    • meh … just get better IT …
      high load should not be an excuse, especially since they went through this with their last promo.
      Auto provisioned elastic systems are not a new thing.

      I suspect Giftcards know and they are just after people on the site (advertising) rather than allowing people to buy product.

  • Payment failed but got invoiced 20 minutes ago with payment taken from the card.

    Just awaiting the cards….

    • Got it - pretty lagged. They spread out the sending of the cards too.

  • If say want to use HIM for ubereats, what payment method to choose?
    The balance can then be used for other shops right?

    Also is there a way to convert JB hifi to Good Guys?

  • has anyone got their gift cards? transaction was successful, received tax invoice however no gift cards yet (30 mins so far).

    • Not yet - fingers crossed

    • Yes received mine roughly 30 mins after! Partner received all of hers 10 mins after. Just gotta wait

  • -2

    They should have started the sale at like 5am to spread out the demand. Half of OzBargain would still be asleep.

  • +1

    Lessons learnt from this one is either you start in first 2mins or wait for few hours to start, and expect prolonged gap before the actual GC to be delivered. Last time it took as long as 8hrs before the actual card landed in inbox when everyone rushed in when deal started. Try next day it should be a lot better experience(if deal still lasting).

    • +1

      I started in the first 2 mins and still trying to make the payment 🥲

      • Was in the same boat, lucky for me that the first failed transaction actually failed with no pending auth made to card, 2nd try went thru fine.

        • I have tried to make the payment 7 times now and still no luck! Sad story, I also missed the Restaurant Choice eGift Card on Amazon as well.. Get nothing this morning lol

  • I purchased the $400 Ultimate Him, have $400 pending. Am I missing anything?

    • +7

      Yes. The 15% discount.

      • how can I apply the 15% discount?

        • It should've applied automatically at the checkout.

          • @HamBoi69: how can I get refund?

            • @Indomie5: Contact them. But good luck! Or alternatively, you could ask for a chargeback on your card.

    • $60

    • sounds like you bought from ultimategifcards website instead of giftcards.com.au website

      Good luck

      • +1

        that's right…sigh :(

  • I'll do it later when site is awake.

  • +1

    The ultimate inflation fighting deal!!!!

    • Good for you. I received my invoice at 9:06 but still no sign of the gift cards.

  • OMG, how does anyone even purchase the card. I get 504 error for 47 mins since 9am…

  • +1

    also got Transaction failed, please contact customer service. although from experience, when doing this last time and entering the card details again, I got charged twice and got sent two lots GCs

    • Did you contact them or just leave it?

      I've got the same error and have tried a couple of times already. Don't want to get charged double hahah.
      Nothing has come out from my bank account just yet

      • I just kept it and added it to my account balance (these were Apple Gift cards at the time). It's very hit-or-miss

        • Sorry I meant the transaction failed screen, did you contact them to get it sorted to pay for the cards, or keep trying until it went through

          • +1

            @koston54: entered it twice, first was "Transaction failed, please contact customer service", second time it went through normally. A day later I got cards for 2x purchases.

            I guess if you don't get charged on CC, it didn't go through

    • same here, probably just wait for them to delivery the card first rather than enter the card details again.

  • Website getting slammed hard, taking ages just to load it up.

  • sea of swearing:) what a familiar picture! sigh…

  • +1

    I don't see the promotion at the checkout. Am I doing something wrong? Selected ULTIMATE HOME EGIFT CARD, $750, still see no discount.

    • Discount should apply at checkout. Which site are you on?

      • Ah, was on ultimategiftcards.com

    • You need to go through the link in the deal thumbnail, don't go through the link to the specific card in the table.

  • whats the rush?? site is not going to disappear after an hour …

    AYG represtnz

    • I guess people worry the cards will sell out? Is that what happened in previous deals?

  • Ordered 5x$500, transaction failed but received invoice and money charged, received only 1 card 45 mins later…

  • Screw this god damned website, you would have thought they'd learn their lesson from the last Apple gift card debacle and implement load balancing to multiple web servers and database slaves for selects. What a waste of time.

  • +2

    Have sites that put on a sale not learned anything over the past years about increasing server loads & capacity when they run a sale event. 504 Gateway Time-out as well all morning, refresh, shows few cards remaining and then back to 504 Gateway Time-out.
    15% or not, a crappy experience is a crappy experience and reading the comments, hope people actually get what they paid for who were successful in submitting orders.

  • I finally made the payment just now

  • +1

    Persevered and finally placed an order for 5 x $500 Ultimate Him. Cheers, OP.

  • Got confirmation 9:07, still waiting for card

    • me too, same time. still waiting to receive cards.

  • payment successful and 5*500 cards received…
    just with a duplicate credit card charges I need to sort out haha

  • Does anyone know what to use it on Kogan?

    • Let me know if you find out.

      I've tried getting the expiry date from here but I get an activation error.

      Tried to put the credit details as it is on kogan but payment failed.

  • -1

    Which one is the best to buy? Home? Student? TEEN?

  • managed to get through but transaction failed and got charged. hopefully i receive the gift cards

    • Same here… Will wait an hour or two to see if anything shows up in my email.
      The cart was cleared on the website, so it seems like it went through on their end based on that and the charge on my card.

      • Transaction failed, but charged on my card as well. However in my case, Cart is still intact.

        • Same here, items still in cart but received an invoice

          • +1

            @Joytank: My transaction failed but i received an invoice and charged & just received the giftcards 30 minutes ago (payment went through at 9:08)

            It should arrive soon

        • I’m in the same boat.. tempted to call up

          • @Stolniik: Just called up, my order was confirmed even though it said transaction failed

    • same got transaction failed. refreshed cart and items had gone, no invoice yet after 20 minutes

  • Nope, you’re screwed. Happened to many of us last time. You’ll need to call them and get a refund. I’m voting down this deal as obviously they’ve learnt nothing since last.

  • Finalised transaction but received "transaction failed, please contact customer service." Card has been charged. Now we play the waiting game…

    • Same here.

  • I wonder if it's an issue CBA blocking the payment?

    Tried at 10am, process went through without any errors and wasn't too slow but finally got payment failed at the end unfortunately.

    When those that failed got an invoice, did the invoice come through immediately?

    • Placed an order again now - it worked.

      Site is much better now, order goes through at normal speed. :)

      • Did you contact CBA?

        • I didn't - just tried again a bit later.

          When the transaction failed the first time, I assumed it had taken the money (like the last time Amazon deal), but when I checked a few minutes later, realised I wasn't actually charged.

          So I closed all browsers / tabs with this open and went through the entire process again, it worked.

          If it maters: Safari / iPhone / Telstra 5G

  • -1

    I am buying home $500 gift card showing full amount in checkout. Anyone having same issue?

  • site seems to of freed up but Transaction failed, please contact customer service.

    • Same

    • Try back to cart and submit again

  • Finally got it! Been trying since 9am on the dot. Was stuck on the payment checkout page. I decided to refresh it. It took me back to the page where you add a message to the gift card. Clicked next to go back to payment checkout and it went through. Got order number and tax invoice email. Just waiting on gift card now.

  • was able to order just now
    used Safari
    Chrome was not loading the payment page

    • Received mine now
      Almost 4h later

  • Finally after an hour of retry.

  • finally got through. waiting for gift cards now

  • Transaction failed, please contact customer service. Bank of melbourne blocked the transaction and say there is security concern…hmmm, very strange.

    • Did ATO call and ask to pay outstanding tax with giftcards? Lol

  • After an hour and ten minutes, 4 different cards, 2 different addresses I finally got confirmation and an invoice

    edit: must have tried over 30 times, every time transaction failed, spoke on the phone and they said the attempts were not hitting the payment gateway. Recommended incognito browser.

    • Tried all that didn't work pain in the a

    • That's patience!

  • +8

    Make sure you're buying from https://giftcards.com.au and not https://ultimategiftcards.com.au ;)

  • Payment finally went through for Ultimate Him GC and received an order number

    • did you get an email with order number?

      • Yup just received an email from Coles with a tax invoice

  • Wanted to use for mitre10, listed above under him and home but actually not correct as it isn't showing on the site.

    • It is listed here

    • Everyone, Him and Home cards includes mitre10. Check for the blue logo on the card image.
      I was planning to buy some stuff from mitre10 with my Everyone cards.

  • was stuck resubmitting payment details for the last 10 min, finally went through, got the bank confirmation + order number, still waiting for an email confirmation

    edit. just got an email confirmation too :)

  • Was trying since 9am and finally got through the order for $500 :)

  • got it first go


    Invoice received

  • Been trying since 9:04 am w/o luck in Chrome. Also tried in Safari.

    Finally, it worked now when I used Firefox.

  • Worked for me on mobile. Try that maybe?

  • +1

    Thanks, worked with AMEX, got 5 x Ultimate Home
    Great time to stock GC to get iPhone 15

  • Working now, been trying since 9am but traffic seems to be reduced now.

  • Worked for me as well on Firefox. Got an order number, but no email still (~10 mins in)

  • I brought 2 x $500 home at 10:15am with no problems.

  • +1

    Got 5 x $500 Ultimate Home cards on Chrome

    Used Westpac credit card and there was a SMS code check. Amount deducted from my card

    Tax invoice received after maybe 10 mins

    They will send you separate emails for each of the gift cards you've ordered, each with a redemption code / card number / PIN etc

    Same thing happened for the Apple gift card 15% deal a few months ago.

    • -1

      Apple gift card 15% deal

      Where is this?

      • +1

        Same thing happened for the Apple gift card 15% deal a few months ago.

        Helps to read the whole thing…

  • +2

    Thanks OP, bought 3x$500 Home 15 min ago and just received tax invoice from Coles group/giftcards. I presume they will send another email for the eGift Cards?

    • -1

      yes, a separate email, usually a few hours later.

  • Received "transaction failed, please contact customer service." Card has been charged. Called customer service(wait about 5 mins).They told me it is confirmed that I will receive gift cards late. The terrible website just gave me a heart attack this morning. I don't know whether the gift cards can pay off my hospital bills if I'm sick

    • Did you receive an invoice? Or anything via email?

      I got the same, but nothing in my email (no invoice or GC's).

      • +1

        nothing received, but when you call them. they will check your Email address and tell you if their system shows apporved or not

  • Seems to be working fine now without any problems. Looks like everyone had a FOMO in the first couple of minutes haha

  • Worked best on my hsbc visa card 1 try. Commbank mastercard kept on failing.

    Received successful order message. No email yet.

  • Can confirm it is working now. At least order was successfully placed. Waiting for email to come through.

  • Why is Uber/UberEats only on "HIM" cards - not HER, not EATS?

  • 3 failed payment messages across desktop edge browser and mobile safari with Amex as payment method. Amex has not failed on previous attempts.
    Successful transaction with Westpac. None of the transactions challenged for a sms code.

  • +1

    I got one for $399, to match the exact price of the thing I want to buy.

  • +1

    Just ordered on my phone using Microsoft Edge. No delays or slowdowns whatsoever. On PC using Microsoft Edge I couldn't get to the payment page.

    So if you're having trouble, give it a try on your phone/tablet.

    Having said that, no confirmation email yet, but at least I took a screenshot of the order confirmation…

    • Thank you!! This worked for me. Straight through no issues, emailed an order confirmation. Waiting for the GC email.

  • -3

    Do these cards support ebay?

    • +4

      Is it even listed on the table?

    • No but maybe you can buy eBay through Officeworks or JB-HiFi?

  • +3

    I keep getting Transaction failed, tried 10 times already

  • I got transaction failed. Money has been taken out of card. I didn't get any email confirmation though. :(
    Using Macquarie Bank.

  • Noob question please. Do GCs which have Adidas/Nike include their outlet stores (discounted) also, or only retail stores.

    • +1

      I have used the gift card at NIKE outlet store before.

  • Can i buy iphone15 with this 15% off ultimate gift card ?

    • sure can, cannot see how this different to any other payment methods.. stores treat it as credit/eftpos card.. you have to pay using multiple cards but I had no issues last time I bought from JB..

  • Where do you go to check where the cards are accepted? Using Ultimate Home for example, when clicking through to the purchase site, the picture of the card has logos of retailers but I didn't see Ikea. The OP mentioned here that Home can be used at Ikea. So I just wanted to check this?

  • Ordered two cards - 1X500 & 1X 300.
    For the 500 one transaction failed and card was charged.
    Got the invoice for $300.waiting for the gift cards to come through.
    Will I get the refund for the failed one? Ordered 20 mins ago…

    • Call the call centre and request for a refund
      It's happened to be twice before when they have them 10% of $250 promos, the transaction failed but funds taken, so I called them, and they put in a refund request, and I got the funds back within 1-2 days.

      • Thanks. Will do.
        The wait time is more than 20 mins at the moment..

  • -2

    Is it possible to buy "Coles MasterCard Digital" and then use it to pay my utilities bills? Sorry if this was asked before. Many thanks

    • If your utility company accepts debit/credit cards for payment, then sure.
      But "Coles MasterCard Digital" cards do not have 15% off, so not sure why you would want to do that.

      • This is so that I can use AMEX to buy these cards where I would get points whereas my utilitiy company doesn't accept AMEX. Does it make sense? I am just wondering if it will actually work?

        • +1

          Yep, makes sense. I don't see why it won't work.

          "Digital Account may be used online, over the phone or through mail order everywhere Mastercard® is accepted."

          • +1

            @soundboy5010: Many thanks for responding back. Really appreciate it since I am a new user and was looking everywhere how to actually make a comment :)

            • +1

              @Rocky007: Yeah that might work, but why not wait for a discount on other prepaid visa / mastercard cards (think there was a Visa one recently about 7% off) to double up on points earned and save $ on your utility bill>

              • @ComfortablyNumb: Thank you for your response. Just a bit late in seeing this one. I just bought 2xUltimate gift cards at 15% discount and 2xMastercards with no transaction fee. Payment made smoothly in one go without any issue. Paid via AMEX :)

  • If i use the GC to buy a JB gift card ? How do they come by email?

    Can you then take that email in store to buy an apple gift card?

  • I order 5 x $500 home gifts card, but only received 1 card in email, they are comes in separate emails or one email for 5 gift cards?

    • +1

      I bought two earlier, the first one came in 50min later, and 2nd one arrived 90mins after the 1st one.

    • +1

      Separate emails. One for each card.

  • Anyone tried using Vanilla card?

    • I just tried with $250 coles vanilla bought last week at coles, and it says transaction failed lol

  • Ordered at around 9:05am - Recieved Tax Invoice via Email @ 9:07am …. Still haven't received the gift card now nearly 2hrs on, seems like anyone who managed to get an order in during the slow-down is probably in some kind of manual processing queue.

    • It may take 4-6 hours. If you have tax invoice, sure you will get the card.

  • People using Westpac - mine kept failing. Called customer service who told me to get Westpac to activate something. Westpac reset Me in the system and it worked. I’m not sure if it’s also case sensitive as the last time I did all caps as well.

  • Ordered 40min ago, still no confirmation email

  • I checked out 4 times with 2 different cards… Start to receive charge notice… very likely to be charged 4 times

  • Does international visa credit card just not work (issued from other country)? been trying for 10 times

  • it seems the website works well now. just complete the transaction with confirmation email.

    • Same. Just did it within a couple of minutes the confirmation email came.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got 4x$500 Ultimate Home cards for $1700. Received the tax invoice email immediately.

  • I was trying to pay with my prepaid activ visa card. It failed a few times and no pending charge to the card.

  • Anyone having success with AMEX? SafeKey verification succeeds, but the transaction fails.

    • Same issue here with Amex. SafeKey appears to go through but transaction fails.

    • Yes just bought about half an hour ago. Safekey verification succeeded and transaction succeeded.

    • I just used my AMEX to buy $1500 worth of cards, no problem at all

    • I tried 8 times, 3 times the SafeKey popped up. The transaction fails should be server capacity of the website. Keep trying, eventually the payment will get the luck to go through

  • +1

    Stupid question but does anyone know when these cards expire?

    I cannot find it against the card's page nor can I find definitive answers on their FAQ page.

    Below is what it says.

    Each Gift Card expiry varies depending on where the Gift Card can be used. The following Gift Cards expire in 4 years from date of purchase. Coles, Coles Express, Coles Group, Coles Group & Myer, First Choice LiquorMarket, Kmart, Liquorland, Officeworks, Target and Vintage Cellars.

    Speciality Gift Cards expiry dates vary. Please see the individual Retailers website for expiry date and terms and conditions.

    • I assume they follow the Australian law that states they need to be valid at least for three years.

    • +1

      Mine recieved today says it expires 30/09/2028

  • +1

    Thanks OP got it for the new iphone

    • Hey, which debit card did you use?

  • Managed to buy $1,500 worth. Amex kept failing authentication however Mastercard worked. Received tax invoice almost instantly

  • -5

    Any GC for Amazon?

  • do they expire?

    • +1

      Yeah. 5 years.

      • Thank you.. pulled the trigger.. :)

  • Are you still able to purchase $500 gift cards? Only giving me the option of $100.

    • there is a box where you can put random value

      • Doesn't let me put in any value?

        • Yes. You absolutely can put in any value, which just may be invalid if you not only want to put in that value but also add to cart.

  • +1

    Stuck during check out…. :-(

    EDIT: Nvm. Remove your ad block or pop up blocker.

    • +1


      Had issue of not loading, but used incog and was fine.

      Just waiting on cards now, got invoice..

    • thank you for this lol

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Menulog would be handy for me this time.

  • Received tax invoice but no gift card yet

    • Give a few hours. going by the previous deals, card should be sent in ~ 2 hours from the time of the order.

    • Did you receive the invoice on your email? Not sure whats going on with mine, shows "Thank you for your order, order number #, confirmation email sent to @" but haven't received any emails :/

    • It’ll take anywhere between time of order to 4 to 6 hours.

  • Has anyone got through to their customer support?

  • Disappointed no Lego stores included.

  • Managed to get 3x$500 Teen GC(Edge browser + Westpac Debit card). Received tax invoice instantly, no the wait begins for the GC's.

  • didnt like my NAB CC but worked on my HSBC CC went through instantly

  • +1

    Re the ‘1 order per customer’ - is this just checked/verified by email address? Could I order 4 times to 4 emails? Buying an Ikea kitchen.

  • +4

    Anyone having issues on the payment verification stage? It’s just stuck there.

    • +1

      Yeah, same.

      • +1

        i had to use a different credit card for it to go through. For some reason would fail on my nab, instant on my HSBC.

        • Oh Nice. It worked once on my commbank debit card. But now, it keeps failing if I try again.

          • @coolaussiepie: From my other comment:

            So I've just got off the phone to CBA and have been advised that transaction is failing as Giftcards is sending a request to see if the card if valid. However they are trying to charge $0.00 which automatically fails.

            If giftcards changes that amount to $0.01 then it would work.
            This is specifically for my Debit Mastercard. Could be different for actual credit cards.

  • Transaction failed and checking bank transactions Got charged 425 dollars. Called the bank saying can only distribute when no longer “pending”. Now have been waiting to talk to gift cards support for an hour.

  • Failed with my Amex, worked with my Citi Visa which included receiving SMS verification. Invoice received but no gift cards as yet.

  • +1

    Nice, despite the error transaction and call customer for support, just received the gift card, after 2 hours waiting. If you get tax invoice, it will come, just be patient.

  • +3

    I'm just getting "Transaction failed, please contact customer service."

    • Same. The customer service said that transact was actually approved but haven't yet received the invoice neither the card.

    • Got the same with my Amex card.

  • I made an elementary error last time and ended up going round in circles and running out of phone numbers. Where does it ask if you intend to gift a card or keep it?

  • +2

    I did it in Google Chrome incognito. Got $1849 worth. Checked out with ING credit card and had no issues or problems. Received confirmation email a few minutes after. Did this about 10 minutes ago.

  • +2

    So I've just got off the phone to CBA and have been advised that transaction is failing as Giftcards is sending a request to see if the card if valid. However they are trying to charge $0.00 which automatically fails.

    If giftcards changes that amount to $0.01 then it would work.
    This is specifically for my Debit Mastercard. Could be different for actual credit cards.

    • I have a CBA Mastercard credit card and there are no problems.

      • Think it was a debit card issue.
        Credit cards seemed to work for everyone.

        I did manage to get it to work, had to go into incognito mode and this solved the issue.

  • It feels like Visa is blocking these transactions, have not had any go through from any of my Visa cards.

    • not actually i believe, my transaction went through and i have received tax invoice. I've used Latitude Gem Visa

      • Is that a credit card? Mine are debit

        • yes, it is credit

          • @fruitbro: Ah that might be why, there's talk on here of Debit Cards not working due to differing authorisation procedures.

  • Has anyone tried using them at officeworks recently to buy GC’s?
    I used them back in March to buy Coles Myer GC, but some people have reported it no longer works? Any recent data points?

    • +1

      I tried in late June and was blocked by the checkout.

      Someone else tried four days ago and was also blocked by the checkout.

      • which GC? is it OW one?

        • just wondering the same. Can I buy Officeworks gift card with this?

          • @Skp27: From their Website

            Gift cards and e-gift cards cannot be used to purchase any gift cards - including Officeworks gift cards, Partner gift cards, Visa, Mastercard or EFTPOS gift cards sold by Officeworks.

        • I tried to purchase a Coles Group & Myer gift card using an Ultimate Home gift card stored on Samsung Wallet and was blocked.

          A few weeks later, I went to a different Officeworks in a different state and tried to purchase an Apple gift card using an Ultimate Everyone gift card stored on Apple Pay and was blocked. Around the same time, someone else told me they tried to purchase an Activ Visa gift card using an Ultimate gift card of some sort on Apple Pay and was also blocked.

      • @WookieMonster, Have you tried using them for placing a click & collect order ? Because Officeworks has an option for Apple Giftcards to be deliverd or collected in store. My hypothesis is they should be working as we will be selecting CC/DC as payment method. I'm waiting for my cards and will try as i receive them.

        • did it work for you?
          I tried ordering GC online for C&C + added normal stationary but it didn't work.

  • Is payment by Zip working for anyone?

  • +1

    I got transaction failed message, never got an invoice. Ended up waiting 45mins to talk to support, advised my order has gone through and should receive my gift card in the next 4hours. He did give me my order number for reference. Will update if anything comes through

    • If you don't get tax invoice, that is a bit of concern. Did you check your credit card that is has been charged (pending charge)?

      • That's correct, pending charge but the rep said payment has gone through on their end. Much rather wait and see how this goes then putting in another order and deal with 2 transaction issues. Fingers crossed 🤞

        • UPDATE received my giftcards

    • Thanks for the info. Exactly same issue here.

  • What's everyone planning to do with their GCs?

    • +6

      Buy stuff…

    • +2

      iPhone 15 ultra pro max

      • Enjoy! I bought a 14 pro like a tighta$$

    • +1


      • Enjoy :)

  • How do they enforce the one order per customer? I really need to buy more but will they flag the order using my details?

    • try a different email, number and card. At least that's what I have done in the past.

  • That's why there's a sale on this website. People can't even pay. Dogshit website

  • Trying to get a $50 but at checkout not showing 15% discount

    ULTIMATE HOME EGIFT CARD $50 have to pay $50

    How do i get the discount

  • Probably a silly question how can I add this ultimate home to Samsung pay and apple pay. Card got card number, PCN, cvv2 and pin.
    If it has already been asked linking to that comment will be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

    • Card got card number, PCN, cvv2 and pin

      You answered your own question already… just use that when you go and register your card on the phone payment apps…

  • Sorry, if this has been answered already. too many comments.
    can i add the Ultimate gift card to my apple wallet n buy the JB-Hi gift card online, using apple pay?

    has anyone tried?

    • yes it has been asked and answered already

    • +1

      Yes worked well no issues

      • i couldnt see the apple pay option. Just card or paypal payment option. am i missing something?

        • I think you'll find that option only if you are using an Apple device.

          • @sridhar: tried with an iPhone, but couldn't see. tried in both Safari n Chrome.
            Worked out through iPad, though.

        • use your iPhone not the computer otherwise you won't be able to see Apple Pay

          • @hnxhyz: also works when using Safari on a Mac.

  • Just bought $2k with amex no problems

    • have you received the gift cards?

      • nope, just confirmation email

  • Wise card works perfectly!

  • How can ultimate be effectively prevented from being hacked or fraudulently used? Add it to Apple Pay?

    • +1

      Add it to Apple Pay?

      No! It's like you want to prevent someone stealing your expensive item by putting a photo of it on a safe.

      • What are some effective ways to do this? Is it easy for Apple gift cards purchased at JB Hi-Fi to be fraudulently used?

  • Transaction went through for me. Pending in account. No gift card yet.

  • Given it’s an eftpos gift card how do they limit it to the defined retailers? Can’t it be used pretty much anywhere eftpos is accepted?

    • They'll decline the transaction if it doesn't come from one of their approved stores.

  • Did everyone get their gift cards immediately?
    I got the receipt but haven't gotten gift cards yet.
    Ordered like 1.5 hours ago

    • same here

    • Same here been waiting since the past 1-2 hours

    • same.

    • Similar

    • +1

      I bought one card just to test it at 9.02am and it came through via email at 11.14am, then I swapped it for JB gc and it worked

      • How did you swap it for JB GC?

        • Once you get the Ultimate card, you have to activate it, then go to the JB site and buy a JB gift card to the same value, and it should hopefully work. I have read that JB sometimes might cancel buying gift cards with gift cards. Thanks way I only started off with buying one to see if it works

  • -1

    Can you use ultimate giftcards on the Goodguys commerical portal?

  • how do they enforce 1 order per customer? do they check by which cc you use to purchase? want to purchase 5k, split 2 orders and pay with my amex to get 3x points, will it work?

  • +1

    I tried several times with my ANZ credit card and failed, anyone knows how to fix this?

    • the bank blocked my ANZ trans, talk to the bank

  • +1

    For buying a new iPhone from either Apple or JB, which of these is better/safer?

    "Purchase a JB Hi-Fi gift card on the JB Hi-Fi website and entering the Ultimate gift card’s details (16-digit card number, expiry date, CVV2) into the credit/debit card section of the online checkout."


    "Add the Ultimate gift card to Apple Pay, then access the JB Hi-Fi website on an Apple device to purchase a JB Hi-Fi gift card and use Apple Pay at the online checkout."

    • How would you do add gift card to apple wallet?
      As we have got Card got with card number, PCN, cvv2 and pin. Thanks

      • +1

        Don't know yet. There's an option to enter debit/cards manually in Apple Wallet. I am guessing that's the way to go.

        I got the Tax Invoice email at 10:25 am. Still no sign of the actual cards email. I'll try adding one to the Wallet when I get it.

    • Following before I buy giftcards

    • Why do you need to change to JB card? Is this to stack them through their site? I plan to purchase item in-store so I take it stacking gift cards will not be an issue?

      • I want to buy online.

    • The gift cards are max $500 each - there is no way to split payment on the JBHifi website as far as I can see (I just checked)
      Oh I see - use the Gift cards to first purchase JBHifi gift cards, then go that route?

    • tried to checkout the jb-hifi gift card from an iPhone, but couldn't see apple pay option. Just enter the card or paypal payment option. Not sure if its just me.

      • Appears for me.

        Make sure you are logged-in at JB and are using Safari.

    • Waiting for answers

  • Just purchased 4x$500 Home cards, used my CBA credit card, used my iphone and safari browser to complete the transaction. All done in a minute and email with invoice received. Now waiting for the cards

  • +1

    I've called customer service. Had been waiting for 70 mins-ish to go through. It seems the lady was having a bad day…apparently since a lotta ppl were having this trouble. She said the transaction failed was kinda my problem. I didnt pass the verification. She said I should get a verification code or anything, if not I should contact my bank not them. However most people on this website were having problem and Me myself tried both a visa credit card and a mastercard debit card from another bank. None of them works. I don't think the problem's on my end. I've never had any issues when on other websites.

    • Also in the emails, they claimed that my order decline is showing as a 3DS error which means there is something from my computer or network not allowing the transaction to process.I shall disable all ad blockers or go into incognito mode or anything. However I tried them all on my phones, laptops, and PC. Doesnt work for me. Anyone sees this could have a try tho.

  • orded at 10am, still nothing but an order confirmation

  • 1st order gone through, got Invoice right away, no gift card yet though.
    2nd order got this error without any invoice:
    "Transaction failed, please contact customer service."
    Probably the portal got hammed by the number of order and just failed.

  • Has anyone used these to pay for the Xbox GamePass sub?

  • More than 3 hours not a gift card in sight

  • Hey guys could i buy an iphone 15 in officeworks in store using 3 of this gift card? Usually in store at officeworks is possible to pay with multiple?

    • +1

      Yes, just tell the cashier you going to use several gift cards and tell them the amount for every gift card and they will initiate spilt payment.

  • +1

    Anyone had any luck in the past 20 mins? I keep getting Transaction failed, please contact customer service. No money out of account.

    • Same, no luck. Been trying On and Off since 9 AM.

      • And tried different cards / emails, didn't help.

    • same here :(

    • same here. My best guess is the bank's portal to get the verification code probably overload by the number of orders so it may flag something within the bank system.

      • +2

        Software developer here, I watched the network activity when I tried to order.

        Issue is giftcards.com.au's system is overloaded. The payment goes through an external payment processor, which isn't overloaded. So the payment goes through, but GC's system throws 504's intermittently. So it's a game of cat and mouse, either your payment goes through and GC's system picks it up, or the payment goes through and GC's system doesn't pick it up.

        Safe to assume GC is going through payments captured in their payment processors gateway and manually adding them to their own system. I'd estimate a few hours wait if your payment has gone through but you don't have any email confirmation or anything yet.

        My advice would be: If you still don't have an order confirmation after 24 hours, contact them via Phone or email to see what's going on. If the pending transaction expires in 10 days and returns to you, then safe to say you didn't get a gift card.

        • Found one of the Error request in the network with this:
          Message":"Charge authentication rejected"
          result":{"description":"You're unable to complete this purchase right now. For help call CommBank on 13 2221"}

          Could be something on the bank portal side of things as well. Since we are being redirected to a bank's portal for verficitaion code.

          • @kalel: Yep, that's a bank issue, rather than the issue I (and others) were experiencing.
            Definitely call your bank to fix that.

    • I havent had any luck either (on an Amex) It goes through the SafeKey verification process sucessfully then just fails on the website.

    • Just tried now, and it is pretty responsive now for me. try this link

  • +3

    did any one mentioned recession is coming?

    look at here , noway.

    • +2

      What recession? We keep importing migrants to cover it. GDP per capita recession, yes.

    • Buying these cards means ppl want to save when they spend. Not everyone will buy iPhones or luxury stuff using these. Some are buying these so that they can save 15% when they spend.

      • did i mentioned that people are buying luxury stuff or iphone?

  • Just ordered $900 Ult Him, received the tax invoice waiting for GCs :)

    • why only 900?

      • You got a problem with that?

      • +1

        i only buy what i need :)

  • Tried two times with chrome and cba both time transaction failed, i do believe they are just receiving to many orders, it will works later on probably.

    • I'm gonna give it a day or two.

  • OK my order for $1200 in value just went through, tried about 5 times before success

    • why only $1200?

  • Are these a one time use gift card or can it be split into smaller chunks and used for different purchases?

  • Purchased 2x $500 and 1x $100 gc using ing card, went through and received order confirmation number and tax invoice, now waiting on the cards itself

    • -1

      why only $1100 total?

      • Didn't neg you but I only needed that much to remaining cost of the iPhone (on a side note received my cards 1h after purchasing)

  • Can anyone check if they've been able to apply their him gift card to their uber wallet?

    Just want to make sure before I make the plunge

  • Has anyone been successful in buying these Ultimate Cards using Vanilla Visa gift cards from Coles?

    • +1

      I tired, and transaction failed

  • How do they afford to sell them at this price? This must be essentially cost price?

    • +1

      Relies on people not redeeming I think

      • Yep, free money when the value expires.

        • +2

          Yep just searched my email for giftcard.com.au, and found that I purchased 2 x $500 apple gift cards earlier this year. Completely forgot about this. If not redeemed, the gift card company pockets the $$ as they don’t have to pay the retailer if unused

          • @ilikedeals: Aren’t Apple gift cards don’t expire though?

            • @FrugalNotStingy: Maybe, but my point is that I completely forgot I bought those gift cards! And that’s how these companies make a ton of cash

      • +1

        It is also quite tricky to redeem them fully unless you buy something that costs exactly the value you have on your card. No every retailer supports split payments.

  • +1

    Anyone else stuck in Giftcards.com.au limbo? They’ve taken my money and sent me an invoice but no giftcard.

    • Patience grasshopper, might take a few hours :)

      • Few++ :)

        4+ and counting here…

    • They took my money but no invoice sent to me so far… Ordered at 10 am

      • I'm on the same boat. No invoice money deducted since 10am

        • Same here, no invoice, money taken, ordered just before 10am

          • +1

            @soundboy5010: Just got off phone, customer service guy said its all good. Should receive the email in next 2 hours

            • @shanoo: I have just received two of my five Gift cards ordered. (though still no invoice lol)

              • @Imposter: Yes revieved all of mine, still no invoice though.

                • @shanoo: The invoice came 20 mins after received all my 5 gift cards - yours should be arriving soon!

    • Says gift cards will be delivered on the same day/within 4 hours however you’ve got to be patient.

      20,000 clicks - assuming an average of $1000 per buyer, that’s $20M in gift cards since deal launch.. that’s a lot of gift cards to process!

  • Is $200 the maximum Apple gift card at jb Hifi?

    • Yes but not all stores will have them or they could have sold out due to Iphone 15 release.

  • Is there anything that actually stops you making multiple orders?

    • +1

      Just use another email to be safe

      • Worked no issues same email lol. I think just don’t go crazy and it’s fine - my total was only 1.5K anyway

  • This just does not work for me, over multiple cards and devices. Frustrating.

  • This deal beats most of the recent cashback offers ($20-$30 gift cards, 10% cashback, or limit of 1 gift card per account). Max order $2500 and 15% off to stores such as Menulog, JB, Officeworks is excellent!

    • only if we get the gift cards ;)

      • +1

        I just received $50 x 50 gift cards ($2500 value) four hours after ordering.

        Can’t complain!

  • +1

    Guys just went through the order for me. 3 500A$ HOME Gift Cards with Chrome and CBA to buy iphone 15.
    Just wondering now if i should add this with the Officeworks trade in current offer or sell my device on marketplace. Officeworks will give 505 for an iphone 12 pro + 250, but this 705A$ are just gift card you must use in officeworks. Unless you could buy a visa card..

  • Anyone know how to use these for JD sports online? Is it similar to The Iconic where it gets converted into store credit?

  • Just purchased $1500. Amex wasn’t working all morning but now went through (even with Safekey)

  • ANZ credit card worked file. Nil issues
    Invoice received. Awaiting gift cards
    No issues using Safari or Chrome

  • invoice received hours ago, still waiting for gift cards.

  • Anyone in the 4.5 hours waiting time gang?

    • Yes not even a tax invoice. Mastercard paid successfully but has not been charged. Amex failed 3 times but got charged once.

    • same here. No tax no card, check with the support and said the order went through. However I am bit worrying at this point seeing others already receive the card and order at much later time….

    • Received within 3.5 hours

  • Purchased at 10.05am, transaction went through, but until now still hasn't received email confirmation.

    • same with you

  • Kept failing on my Amex. Worked on the Mastercard first go.

  • Still getting transaction failed, please contact customer service error with various cards even using different chrome/safari, incognito mode, etc

  • Just purchased 2x $500 Ultimate Home cards, transaction was fine with westpac debit and recieved confirmation email. Now just waiting for cards.

    • I got my cards without problems, I've already used them at Autobarn to buy roof racks via pricematching another sale. Saved about $400 all up

  • +1

    Received my vouchers 😀😀

    Thanks OP

    Ordered 10:50
    Received 13:50

  • still getting transaction fail..try to using ANZ and HSBC debit card..

  • +1


    Ordered at 1006 (AEST)
    Transaction Failed Message
    Money taken from CC (Citi Mastercard)
    NO invoice sent to e-mail
    Just received all gift cards by e-mail at 1356 (AEST)

    Didn't call, contact giftcards.com, just sat and waited.

    Good luck all.

  • Just received my gift cards. Purchased at 10:40am.

  • Arghhhh.. this is a joke!!! Tried over 100 times…with no luck!!!

  • Just got my cards.

    Ordered 10:15,
    Tax Invoice 10:19
    Card: 13:58

  • +1

    Ordered 11:00AM
    Received cards 1:57PM

    Thanks OP

  • is anyone still having issues purchasing?

    • Issue with Amex

    • Yes CBA keep failing

      • Try using Chrome. That was the only browser that gave me a NetCode SMS and allowed me to purchase.

    • Yeah me, neither NAB, ANZ nor ZipPay work

      • I received a confirmation SMS from ANZ.

        However, the purchase when through after I confirmed the transaction with ANZ by replying the SMS.

        • Its asking for otp for zip pay and after that its failing. Even same with hsbc.

  • Ordered 10:43,
    Tax Invoice 10:44
    Card: 13:51

    Used ING card on chrome using a Mac

  • Hm, it seems people have quite negative experience using these at JB Hi-Fi. Difficulties with redeeming.

  • Ordered: 9:05
    Card charged: 9:06
    Tax invoice: email 9:07
    Gift card: who knows

    • Finally received them after sending a support email. I guess i should have just waiting 10 seconds….

      Gift card: 2:09pm

  • I just received my 4 x $500 Gift Cards at 02:05pm that I purchased around 12:15pm. So within 2 hours.

  • Got my card after a few hours

  • Ordered: 12:41
    Tax invoice: 12:42
    Gift card: 2:04 (half portion)

  • Tried several times with a debit Mastercard and Visa credit card all failing in Firefox.

    Called customer support and after a long wait she asked for my email, phone number and name and said there was no order showing in their system and that the website is having technical issues.

    Tried one more time with Chrome on my iPhone and it prompted me for the NetCode SMS and went through. Got email confirmation straight away. No Apple Pay option even though I used my iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.

    Now just have to wait for the gift card to come through.

  • Received all my 5 gift cards

    Ordered 10:30
    Received 13:50

  • How do you use these online gift cards at JB Hi Fi? The gift card accepted from their website is 18 digit, but these cards are 16 digits with a 19 digit PCN.

    • You can use them as PrePaid Card (similar to Credit Card or Debit Card)

      • But say I am buying a iphone 15 for $1500, but these cards are only $500 each. Does JB Hi Fi online accept multiple prepaid cards?

  • How do people use up remaining balances?

    • ask to do a split payment

  • 2 x $500 Gift Cards
    Ordered 9:07AM (VISA DEBIT)
    Invoiced 9:07AM
    Gift Cards Received: 1:39PM

  • ordered 9:10 failed message. just got the cards

  • Could I use this to purchase Apple gift cards from JB? Or would I need to purchase JB gift cards first, then use those to purchase the Apple ones? Seems like based on the comments, it won't work at OW

    • +1

      I have done it directly.

      • Maybe it has to do with the staff member. I've had them ask if I'm using gift cards before, even when loaded onto my wallet, and code the purchase in differently (I was purchasing a product, not gift card).

        • +2

          Worst that happens initially they said no.
          I said, I know I can, mentioning how I couldn't use JB ones, but could external..
          Wasn't buying it, I politely asked if he could double check w/ manager, and he instantly approved.

          Granted was buying Apple GCs.. Usually are good

          • +1

            @Zuelly: Sounds good, I'll politely insist if they ask, but will try not to reveal I'm using gift cards to begin with

    • +6

      Add the cards to Apple Pay as a debit/credit card, putting in card number, expiry and CVV

      And buy Apple gift cards in store and tell staff you're tapping your phone to pay. Don't mention anything about Ultimate gift cards or anything.

      • Will do this, thanks 🙏

      • Does it ask for the pin? I’m planning to purchase 2200$ worth of Apple gc. Pretty hard to tell apart which card is which from Apple Pay… and if they ask for a pin upon tapping, it’ll be a scramble to get it..

        Do you purchase in blocks of 500?

        • They don’t ask for PINs as it’s already in your Apple Pay, which requires your Touch ID or Face ID before it authenticates at the payment terminal.

          I usually buy two $500 Apple gift cards in one store and tell them I wanna pay by two different cards. Then go to another JB.

          I have a few near where I live and work but you might have to buy it all in one store if you only live close to one.

  • Ordered 10.00 received 14.00 no confirmation email but received gift cards now. I tried a mastercard, successful but not charged, Amex failed but charged. I am not sure which transaction are the giftcards relating to. Suspect another lot of gift cards coming through

  • payment made 12.17pm. All 3 cards received 2.06pm

  • Question: If i add the cards to Apple pay, and pay with my iPhone, I don't need the 4 digist pin at all??

    • +2

      No such thing as a PIN when using Apple Pay. So to answer your question, no, you don't need the 3-4 digit pin when using Apple Pay.

    • +2

      Correct, Apple Wallet only asks for card number, expiry and CVV.

      Once it's in your Apple Pay, it just behaves like any other debit or credit card you have saved.

    • +1

      Funny guy.

  • Anyone have trouble adding their card to Apple Wallet? I bought 4 GC, two worked fine, but the other two showed 'invalid card' when I tried to add them to Apple Wallet.

    • Worked fine me, added 3 GCs n bought JB Hifi gift card using apple pay.

      • Did you purchase them online or in store? Do you have to tell them that you’re paying with GC and separately?


        • paid online, using apple pay. if ur buying from store, just tap using gpay or Apple pay. Don't tell them that ur GC to buy Jb Hifi gc, might not allow u to buy it.

          • @shanlee: Oh,I’ve just tried purchasing online. $500, went through and few mins after got an email saying the order has been cancelled.. probably have to buy in store :(

            • @Blackchocobo: ooo.. not sure what happen. i made 3 transactions n the JBHifi GC came after 30min of the order

  • failed with NAB cc

    no pending charges

    • Mine worked
      Chrome app wouldn’t let me auto fill though, security-shmurity

  • Purchased 2 x $500 @ 9.58am, received them at 12.17pm

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Ordered at 12:32pm, gift cards received 2:14pm. Just in time to get my phone on Friday.

  • +1

    Can a JB gift card be used together with a Perks voucher?

    • +1


      • Nice. Will use with the next 15% Perks voucher, whenever that will be.

  • Able to add the GC to Apple Wallet.

    But when trying to add the same as a Payment Method in Apple account on the iPhone, it keeps saying "The iTunes Store is unable to process purchases at this time. Please try again later". On the Mac, "Your payment method was declined. Please enter valid payment method information".

    Has anyone successfully managed to add these GCs as a payment method in their Apple Pay?

    • I added mine to apple pay to buy something in Nike but I realised that the GC isn't actually able to be used in Nike online, when I checked the webpage for the specfic ultimate gift card

      • Did you add it in Apple Wallet or Apple Pay as a payment method?

        • Added it in apple wallet so it would come up as a payment method in apple pay

    • +1

      Added all five gift cards to Apple Pay and they show up as five separate cards.

      • Right, that's just the Wallet part. Isn't it?

        How do you use one of these cards in the Wallet app to buy something from JB site online?

        On Apple devices there's a Apple Pay option but that won't let us use a card from the Wallet.

        We'd need to first add these cards as a payment method https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT201266 and only then can we use for making online purchases at JB or other retailers that support Apple Pay.

        Am I mistaken?

        • Haven't tried buying anything online. Was planning to go into a store to buy the apple cards in person.

          • @zzzman: Where are you getting the apple cards?

            Jb only has $200 gift cards so I would need 11 of them to get the iPhone 15 pro max, but apple only allows 8 gift cards per transaction.

            • @colt75: Add to apple account balance first

              • @RTY: Are you able to?

                • @sridhar: I don't need to buy any apple products at the moment, but in July I added around 15 apple gc to my account then bought a macbook

            • @colt75: The JB in North Sydney and Word Square both have variable load cards last time a similar deal was on. That was more than 6 months ago though.

              Will go to a JB tomorrow and see if they have variable cards still.

              You can use a maximum of 8 Apple gift cards in store. Or just add all the Apple ID balance and buy the new iPhone online.

        • You would need the card number from the email to buy online, it works just like a credit card.

          You may be able to exchange it to a store specific gift card

          • @omguleh: yes, am aware that these can be used just like credit/debit cards.

            The problem is that it is only possible to use one credit/debit card at a time during checkout at JB and other retailers - which is why, trying to add these as payment methods in Apple account.

            I'll try that exchange site, ty.

            • @sridhar: Did it work? These cards are hard to use online. The TCN cards allow you to convert to JB gift card and then use online.

              • @ken70657: No. Apple and JB not available in the list of cards to which these can be converted.

        • Had no problem adding 5 cards to Apple wallet. Then using an ipad logged into JB Hifi site to buy JB e-gift card and could pay with Apple Pay, which gives you the option just before you pay to pick any card in your apple wallet. The problem was with JBHifi then - only one order went through and every subsequent order got cancelled.

          • @8anddrank: With this method, it is only possible to use one GC and not multiple. Correct?

          • @8anddrank: Yeah, same here. Bought the first JB GC without issue. The subsequent all fails. Tried VPN, different IP, private browsing, guest checkout with different email. Haven't tried using a different phone number. Not sure if it's possible to do that online.

          • @8anddrank: My gf card order failed at JB as well, how do you plan to fix this?

    • You cannot use them with Apple. You need to first buy Apple Gift cards from JB Hi-Fi.

  • Received tax invoice immediately 10:45am. Just got GC at 14:09

  • e-card email just came through.

  • can i preorder the iphone in JB store? coz for online, only can use 1 card

    • Yes, you can make preorders in-store.

  • Got mine very quick
    Ordered 1.38pm
    Received: 2.40pm

    • what card did you use?

      • Westpac MasterCard.

  • This is ridiculous! Spoken to customer service twice and they are not very helpful! Why have this sort of deal if your servers cant take the load!! sort it out… so frustating!

  • +2

    Ordered 4 but having an issue with two of the cards not adding into the wallet on iPhone

    • same issue here.

      • +1

        Welcome to the club. I've been avoiding digital blackhawk gc as I have invalid card error all the time, ultimate gc and the restaurant choice/activ visa are all issued by blackhawk. Once you add too many to apple pay, you keep getting this error. Customer service asked me to not add anything for 7 days and see how it goes, I still need to wait for another 4 days before adding another blackhawk gc

  • many guys mention the apple pay here, it says it support google wallet as well. anyone have experience?

    • Yes according to https://d.pr/i/TNyzrz

      • yuh, I saw that and have my gift carded added into google, haven't tried to use it.

  • +1

    I think the site is working better now, or I just got lucky.

    Placed order for $500 Ultimate Him card, and within 10 minutes got invoice and my gift card in email.

    Best of luck to others with this stuff, especially ones who are running into problems. I used edge which worked first time after firefox never loaded the payment details part.

  • Ordered 4x cards at 1:50
    Received 2:40
    Now to figure out how to use them

  • Anyone been able to add it as a payment on Uber Eats? I'm getting an error when trying to add it as a credit card.

    • +4

      better to swap it to uber gift cards https://exchangeyourcard.com.au

      • Thanks. You're much clearer than the site.

    • +2

      The Ultimate gift card website lists Uber and Uber Eats as an exchange-only partner. In other words, to use an Ultimate gift card at Uber, you must go through the Ultimate gift card website and swap your Ultimate gift card for a digital Uber / Uber Eats gift card.

      My advice for next time is you check the Ultimate gift card website to see how a participating retailer accepts Ultimate gift cards, as different participating retailers have different rules on how they accept Ultimate gift cards.

      • Can Ultimate eats or Ultimate thanks be exchanged online to Menulog?

        • The Ultimate gift card webpages for Eats and Thanks says Menulog only accepts those Ultimate gift cards if you use it online with them. In other words, you cannot exchange those Ultimate gift cards for a Menulog gift card / voucher.

          • @WookieMonster: Thanks for responding. But they can still be used online as it is, on menulog, right?

            • @deals4amar: Yep, you use it like you would use any other Visa card on Menulog.

              • +1

                @WookieMonster: Perfect, thanks!

              • @WookieMonster: Would you know, how long does it take for the exchanged Uber gift card to come through? I have`done it on exchange portal, about 2 hour ago and yet to receive it in my email!

      • +1

        Thank you so much! Appreciate you posting this.

  • +1

    Ordered gift cards 10 mins ago. Got email confirmation straight away and received gift cards just now!

    • Yep similar for me!

    • what card did you use?
      I have tried CBA, AMEX, NAB without any luck since the morning!! :(

      • I used amex and purchased $6000 worth, no issues

      • I used CBA Debit Mastercard. Purchased via Google Chrome on my desktop computer.

      • +1

        Make sure you have no pop up blocker . They do safe verify thing with Amex.

  • Do these expire? Also what's the best way to buy? 5x $500 cards? Or 25 x100? Etc

  • +1

    Thank OP for the post

    Took 3 times to get past the order confirmation page, tried MS edge, Chrome on a W10 Laptop didn't work.
    Worked for me in my mobile phone with Chrome

    ordered 3 Cards around 11:10
    received Tax invoice by 11:12
    got 3 cards around 13:43

    Added all to Gpay

    • When added to Gpay are there still restrictions on where you can spend it

      • +2

        Not sure about that, first time adding to gpay.
        Hopefully someone else can chip in with more info.

        • Thanks, i think the benefit is so you can pay in person

          • +1

            @frazel: Went to OW and used 3 cards, no need for pin or anything just use as if you are using your phone for Gpay.

  • +1

    Those using gpay to add to their wallet? Do you have to verify the cvc first to use?

    • Nope, no need to verify CVC.

  • Great deal. Received all 6 of my cards after 2hrs of ordering. Was able to add to apple wallet and ultimate home does have Ikea!

      • on the card once i put it on apple pay. its like the first logo

      • This is what I just did. Go to ultimate gift card website and exchange for Ikea gift cards. Ikea gift cards came through very soon after I did this. Once you have the Ikea gift cards, you can order online. I just used 3 in 1 transaction of $600. According to another post you can use many many in 1 transaction on Ikea website.

  • Purchased initial 5Home X $500 at 11:58am with Virgin Credit Card and received 14:01.
    Purchased second at 14.40 and received them all at 14:50, pretty good.

  • @Jackjcca how did you get $6,000 with the order limit?

    • It's per person, different name different email and mobile number and voila…

      • yep!

        Redeemed to purchase 2 Iphone Pro Max!

  • Can the HOME gc still be used at IKEA? Listed above but not showing in picture when clicking through.

    • +2

      also lol at this comment given my username

    • Someone a few comments above you stated they bought Ultimate Home gift cards through this deal and they could see IKEA as a participating retailer when they added the Ultimate Home gift card to Apple Pay.

      Also, if you saw this comment I posted earlier in this deal, it explains why you should only refer to the Ultimate gift card website to see the list of participating retailers.

      • +1

        Thanks mate, much appreciated :)

  • How often do these deals come along? Just wanna try it first with a smaller amount before looking to buy a TV with a much larger amount in the near future

    • +2

      I've seen the 10% off deal come up on physical ultimate gift cards once every few months but the 15% off seems to come up less frequently

  • @adamm12 dosen't name and billing have to match payment though

    • It didn't for me, used my wife's details and payed using my credit card.

  • Finally got throught after nearly 7 hrs!!!!

    • and just received the cards…

  • Just managed to pay for a $500 JB Hi-Fi gift card with an Ultimate Him card online, but I still haven't received the gift card after 10 minutes…

    • can take up to 4hrs, if longer contact them

      • Thanks. It has just come through after 20 minutes, but good to confirm it works.

  • +1

    If i add my card(s) to my Apple Wallet, can i still use the Card no. exp. method on a website if it doesn't accept apple pay?
    i'm assuming yes but don't want to be restricted just in case.

  • How many IKEA gift card can be redeemed in one transaction online?

    Also, how to get IKEA gift card? Do we order ultimate home first and then go to ultimate website to swap against IKEA ?

    • +2

      You can exchange on the ultimate website for Ikea gift cards (max are $200 values but you can add multiple in 1 exchange). I just did it and it took minutes for the Ikea gift cards to come through. I then used 3 totalling $600 on the Ikea website in 1 order.

    • Since you are too lazy to read, let me point you to the light.

  • Has anyone had experience using the Home card at Mitre 10 for building supplies/materials? Unsure if this would be separate to the retail arm and therefore ineligible. Cheers

  • looks like the site to check the balance on the ultimate gift cards have changed?

  • Wish they had barcode like other digital cards for easy scanning and payment, instead of adding those to apple/android pay.

  • +2

    Thanks OP for sharing this

    And WookieMonster deserves another shout out too!

  • +1

    Do you need the pin to use in-store? e.g. Apple pay from Wallet paywave… then pin? isn't there a limit on paywave amounts

  • would this work when paying using credit card for a minimum spend within 90 day promo ?

  • If these cards are able to be added into Apple/Google Pay, does this mean the retailer identification is able to be done by Apple/Google Pay?

  • +1

    After trying out different things, reading Apple support pages, talking to an Apple support person for 20 min, buying JB GC (which promptly got cancelled automatically) I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to use more than 1 of these GCs to buy an item in a single transaction online at JB.

    The only way is to visit the store (JB) in person.

    • in person only unfortuently, should have asked here saved yourself the hassle

    • I purchased 2 x $500 JB Hifi GC online using 2 x $500 Ultimate Home cards I purchased today. Did it in 2 separate transactions. I understand there is a limit of 2 cards per day. So will purchase 2 more tomorrow and then place the iPhone 15 Pro order.

      • Looks like it's a hit or miss. For some, these are getting cancelled.

        In my case, it's a HIM card tho. Don't think it makes a difference.

    • +1

      A couple of hours back I exchanged 2 x $500 UH GCs for JB ones via 2 seperate online orders (I think max allowed is 2 per day so didn't go for 3rd).

      I used it as a credit/debit card and for the card name I used my name and it went through fine.

      • +1

        aaha! This was the missing piece.

        I was trying to use a card added to Apple Wallet via Apple Pay.

        Just tried using the card as a regular debit card and it seems to have worked. I got the order confirmation but not the actual JB card email yet.

        • +1

          and it came through!

          • @sridhar: Awesome glad it worked out! 🍻

  • +1

    Can we use the Ultimate Home online at officeworks? The checkout only has options for visa, mastercard, amex and diners club.

    • Ooft, hope the answer is yes

  • +1

    Reading comments about failed transactions- Here is my story, I went through the pain of failed transactions last time, wasted few hrs to save 15% on Apple gift cards last time- it finally worked last time after speaking to my bank to clear "potential fraud" block on these transactions, and also had to remove a "block" on my name & card at gift cards website end as well

    After all that pain last time, today- $500x5 went through first attempt, no dramas - same credit card (Bank of Melbourne)

    if you keep getting "transaction failed" and your bank tells they are not blocking the transaction, then you need to speak with gift cards customer rep- to get your name/card off the "fraud list" on their end as well- that took a day, and finally resolved my issues last time

  • Thinking to buy iPhone 15 with gift cards at office works and using OnePass membership (got it last week for $20/year) to get 5x flybuys points.
    Hope this will go through..

  • Ordered 2x$500 ultimate home cards, Chrome browser on phone. No dramas. Received them within a couple of mins. Thanks OP.

  • Just bought 5 x $500 with my Westpac card. Initially Westpac declined the payment. I had to sit on the phone waiting for them for more than 30 mins. A guy finally answered and knew exactly what I was asking for. He told me that a lot of people spending a lot of money on giftcards.com.au and I told him about this 15% discount. He told me that he'd jump on it himself lol.

    After he unblocked my card, transaction went through, received the tax invoice, no gift cards email yet though…

  • gone are the days when we could have stacked 10% on top of 10% gift card discount at BigW https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/739149

  • Since morning payment details are loading…
    Any Hope 🙏

    • Use a different browser.

      • Tried Chrome, Brave and Internet

        • +1

          Use Internet Explorer

    • +1

      Try your phone, worked straight away for me

  • Ultimate Home looks as though it has been removed from the promotion.

    • Argh what a shame, wanted to use for ikea. Oh well

      • Back in stock again

  • promo ended

    • Only for Ultimate Home.

  • Is it possible to convert a $500 Ultimate Gift Card to a single $500 Apple Gift Card at JB Hi-Fi, or do I have to buy 2 x $200 and 1 x $100 Apple Gift Cards to make $500?

    • they don't sell $500 ones

  • Can i use multiple giftcards in jbhifi and officeworks? coz it allows maximum value of 500$ per gift card.

    In case if i need to buy phone for 2200$, I will need to use 5 vouchers? is it possible?

    • Yep it's possible, they'll split payment you for the value of each card (in store)

  • +1

    swapped 2x$500 for 4x$200 and 2x$100 apple cards. 0 $200 left at castle towers

    • so you asked for $1000 in Apple GCs and paid by 2x lots of $500 Ultimate Vouchers using Apple Pay?, the staff were not curious or asked if you were using GCs when paying across 2 transactions at a $500 on each?

      • +1

        i added the ultimate home GC TO apple wallet. grabbed 2x$200 and $100 and paid with apple pay. i went for coffee and came back and did the same.

  • -1

    "Examples of participating retailers that will permit multiple Ultimate gift cards to be redeemed in one transaction include JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys."

    That's from the wiki. Is that still the case for both those stores? I think I read someone below say JB only allow one card per transaction.

    • +1

      They only allow one per transaction through their website, as in wiki

      • -1

        The wiki says "multiple".

        • +2

          Yes they accept multiple vouchers in-store

        • +2

          You can exchange Ultimate GCs for JB GCs online (I think max allowed is 2 per day).

          • +4

            @dins: Not just HOME, but any other type for which JB is one of the supported retailers.

            Ex.: HIM is also fine.

          • +1

            @dins: Yes, I exchanged 2 x $500 today for JB GCs online. Will exchange another 2 tomorrow.

            • @OZBsince2018: Jb emailed said I failed verification process wtf

              • @Soulflyer: I got this message when I tried the 3rd one. But first 2 went through smoothly and I received the JB GCs in 10-12 minutes

                • @OZBsince2018: Thanks
                  I have yet to convert any this was my first try

                  • +1

                    @Soulflyer: Apparently a lot of people went to JB Stores and directly used multiple Ultimate GCs to purchase the iPhones. See some comments below. So I suggest you don’t convert, and directly go to store and redeem. I have now 2 JB GCs and 2 Ultimate GCs 😅

                  • +1

                    @Soulflyer: Don’t convert. Simply add all cards to Apple, Google or Samsung pay and head to JB store and use all cards by splitting payment.

  • Ultimate Home back in stock

  • How much are we all spending? Got until the 26th to buy.

    • +3

      you naughty curious cat

      • Credit card rolls over tomorrow

        • +1

          Thanks for this, I’ve been looking for info on this. Is it the case for all cc’s?

          • @Alley Cat: No, i just felt ozb should know

            • @King Steuart: So even if I have 55 days of interest-free period, I’d still have to pay for at least part of it when it’s rolled over into the statement? The best way is to time the purchase on the 21st each month (since zip isn’t working for this deal)?

              • @Alley Cat: Oh, well yes for me that's how it works. The bill appears around the 7th and is due around the 20th.

                I've never paid interest on a credit card. That's the worst debt you can get.

  • +12

    Thought this might be helpful for anyone interested in using these Ultimate GCs to purchase JB GCs online.

    I exchanged 2 x $500 UH GCs for JB ones via 2 seperate online orders (I think max allowed is 2 per day so didn't go for 3rd).

    Make sure you use them as a credit/debit card and for the card name I used my name and it went through fine.

    • +1

      Helpful info, thanks.

    • Thanks
      Could you dumb it down a little more please
      Exchanged ? How is this done?

      • +2

        by adding a JB GC of $500 (or any other available denomination) in your cart and checking out with your Ultimate GC of the same amount.

        • Thanks 👍🏽
          Plan is to buy an Iphone
          So I can exchange for 4 x $500 and then go into store
          And buy - that simple?

          • +3

            @Soulflyer: Im planning to do the same. Can we not just use the ultimate gift cards we bought? Why would we have to convert them to JB.

            • +1

              @Jamesozbargain: All I can rather from previous reading
              Only 1 gift card can be used for the transaction?
              But unsure

              • +2

                @Soulflyer: I think i worked it out. I'm pretty sure instore you can easily use these (they just have to do multiple payments in the one transaction) but for online a 3rd party card like this one can only be used 1x per transaction. But if you exchanged your cards for JB cards then online you can use (i dont know the exact number) but multiple JB cards so you can order online

                • @Jamesozbargain: I tried concerting 1 x $500 for JB
                  Said all good
                  Then JB email said order cancelled as failed verification process

                • +3

                  @Jamesozbargain: Correct. I went in store today and did multiple gcs redemption of Ultimate GCs to purchase an iPhone.

          • +1

            @Soulflyer: If you're planning on purchasing in-store no need to convert to JB GCs. You can use multiple Ultimate GCs in-store.

            Exchanging to JB GCs is for online use since you can use multiple JB GCs online but only 1 Ultimate GC (as a credit/debit card).

  • I cant add the gift cards to my apple pay, says card invalid. Any suggestions?

    • Added it with debit/credit card option no issue at all. Did you type the PCN of the giftcard into the card number space when adding to Apple Wallet?

    • +1

      Not possible.

      Only Apple GCs can be added to your Apple account as a payment method.

      What is possible is adding in Apple Wallet and then it will work when paying via Apple Pay. The downside is that you can only use 1 of your GCs from this deal per transaction.

      To use multiple in a single transaction, you could buy your retailer's GC with these GCs (see dins message above) in batches of 2 a day OR use them in-store.

    • +2

      A friend had a similar issue, I'm pretty sure that error spits out when you've maxed out the limit of allowable cards in your Apple Wallet.

      The cards are active if you've gone through the activation, but fails when adding to Apple Pay because it's exceeded the limit from what I can ascertain. The only workaround is to have a second device / wallet to load the rest into based on WM's FAQ / comments, or to deplete the current cards and replace.

    • I have an 11 pro max with iOS 17. I can only add two of the five GCs I bought. Rest three were invalid. Added them into my housemate’s 14 pro and was successful. I think its because my phone is old or something

  • +6

    Bought 4x Ultimate Him this morning and went out to JB Hifi store to place a preorder for the IP 15 Pro. Load all the giftcards to Apple wallet and then tell the staff that I'll like to pay with multiple ultimate giftcards so she could split the payment method. All went through smoothly no issue at all.
    JB Hifi online only accept one 3rd party giftcard per transaction though.

    • What are the denominations available?

      • max 500, you can type in a custom number.

    • +1

      I did the same. 4 x 500 ultimate gift cards. Had to add to my mobile wallet in order to pay for the pre order but all went smoothly

    • Not sure why you are being negged.

      The answer depends on whether you want to buy from JB in-store or online or either. So how do you want to buy?

      • Looks like instore is the way to go.

      • Negged because of the number of times this question has been asked on this very same thread

    • -2

      See https://www.ozbargain.com.au/ for instructions

  • Can anyone who used share some info on activation process of these online GCs?
    Initially it is redirected to activate upon viewing purchased GC - Is there any time limit to activate? Does the expiry period starts from activation or purchase date?

  • Silly question here, can i use 5X500 cards to walk into JB HiFi store then to order an iphone? Why is everyone seemingly converting to JB HI gift cards ? Am i missing something ?

    • According to earlier comments yes you can, some of us (including me) didn't think of that LOL

    • Order online instead of having to go in store for ordering.

      Hindsight now is that I had to go in store to convert them after the first one anyway so was pointless in the end doing all of that.

      I also bought $2,500 worth but only needed $2,400 for the new iPhone Pro. Was going to convert the last $100 to Apple gift card, but then forgot so now have $100 in JB gift cards I don't need. Oh well, $375 is pretty good.

    • +6

      can i use 5X500 cards to walk into JB HiFi store then to order an iphone?

      That should be fine, as long as you can store the Ultimate gift cards on Apple Pay, Google Wallet and/or Samsung Wallet. I do not think there is a known limit coded into the JB Hi-Fi instore checkout system, and someone once used 81 TCN/Ultimate gift cards in one instore transaction.

      My top tip is to tell the staff member you want to pay using multiple cards (or multiple Visa cards). If you instead tell the staff member you want to pay using multiple gift cards, they will likely think you are wanting to redeem JB Hi-Fi gift cards; JB Hi-Fi handles the redemption of Ultimate gift cards very differently to JB Hi-Fi gift cards, so you want to avoid confusing the staff member serving you.

      Why is everyone seemingly converting to JB HI gift cards ? Am i missing something ?

      It is likely due to the redemption limitations for Ultimate gift cards on the JB Hi-Fi website.

      You can only redeem a maximum of 1x Ultimate gift card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website, as the Ultimate gift cards in this deal operate on the Visa network, and JB Hi-Fi only lets you redeem a maximum of 1x Visa card per transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website. However, JB Hi-Fi accepts an unlimited number of JB Hi-Fi gift cards on their online store.

      Additionally, JB Hi-Fi could be removed at any time from the Ultimate gift card scheme. That happened last year during a 15% off selected Ultimate gift cards deal on giftcards.com.au.

      • +1

        @WookieMonster thanks heaps, I might do that :)
        Assuming my NAB card doesn't have a fit as I'm seeing other members have had issues :)

      • Wookie sorry to hijack here but you're the experienced one.

        Do you know about the ongoing issues with some credit cards not working? My bankwest one failed like crazy on both this deal and the one 3 to 6 months ago.
        It's just lucky I have an AMEX but I'd like to buy more :/

        Any idea on what a solution is?

  • Went to one JB close to me this afternoon, was told 200 is the maximum amount to buy for Apple GC. Any one from Melbourne eastern suburbs with successful experience? Thx!

    • Go to a different store.
      Jbhi fi staff are very random.

    • Try a different store. There are 2 in the SE that readily accepts Ultimate GC (both on Apple Wallet or physical GC)

  • Payment is declining each time.. :(

    • Seems widespread, I also had same issue.

    • +1

      I've been trying all day on 4 different cards with no luck at all. Called Amex and they told me there were no blocks on my transactions and its a merchant issue…

      • +1

        Maybe they have internal quotas or time outs in the back end due to volume going through. Who knows. I'll try my luck again late evening or tomorrow morning, even though it may be sold out by then

    • I called them, and they told me it might be because I am blocked, and they will investigate.

  • Newbie question. Brought a $500 HIM GC. Can I split payments on different purchases online like $250 Adidas and $250 Nike? Cheers!