Some more for the Perth people..
Free milkshake with every burger order at Burger Edge Carousel, WA. Only valid between 10am - 4pm until 21 September 2012.
Nom nom nom nom…
Some more for the Perth people..
Free milkshake with every burger order at Burger Edge Carousel, WA. Only valid between 10am - 4pm until 21 September 2012.
Nom nom nom nom…
Lol yeah good one, Porthos.. you just killed my lines. Crap! ;P
But since they're not charging, I don't think they'll teach you:p
I was at Carousel the other day didn't see any burger joints where does it hide food court?
In the food court, near the Jewellers (Michael Hill?) and towards the entrance to Target
Are they planning on bringing all the boys to their yard?