Red Rooster Mega Burger Dinner (4x Reds Burgers, 4x Snack Subs, 2x Large Chips) $49.95 + $1.99 Delivery Only


Eat 2.3x the daily kJ intake of the average adult, consisting of 4x Reds Burgers, 4x Snack Subs and 2x Large Chips for a tick over $50. Or share it if you must.

Deal represents nearly 50% off vs their regular delivery prices and still comes in almost $11 cheaper than pick up based on the prices at my local QLD Red Rooter.

Web page says "Click and collect only" but that seems to be an error. Definitely only available in my case when selecting delivery.

RRP Pick up RRP Delivered Deal Price
4 x Reds burger $35 $51.8
4 x Snack Subs $17 $29
2 x Large Chips $10.9 $15.5
Subtotal $62.9 $96.3 $49.95
Delivery fee N/A $1.99 $1.99
Total Price $62.9 $96.3 $51.94
Deal Saving $10.96 $44.36
(-11.4% vs RRP pick up) (-46.1% vs RRP del.)

The $49.95 Mega Burger Dinner (coupon code: RR1002) is only available for Delivery orders from Monday 3 February 2025 until Sunday 23 March 2025. Customers must use the coupon code provided. Only available whilst stocks last. Red Rooster reserves the right to end this promotion at any time.

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Red Rooster
Red Rooster


  • +9

    Christ $52 for slapped together burger and chips, doesn’t even including a drink to wash the shit tonne of sodium down…. Economy is (profanity)

    • +1

      Your username is making me hungry

    • Have you been to a cafe recently

      • +1

        Yes, thank you — less quantity, better quality, higher protein, better presentation, favourable ambiance, subjectively improved value for money … cest la vie

    • Exactly my thoughts - and what's with 8 burger/sub items but only 2 chips?

  • Low quality and overpriced junk food, although delivery may suit some for the extra tax

  • How are Red Rooster still in business

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