• expired
  • targeted

Spend $0.01 at Woolworths, get 1500/2000 Rewards Points @ Everyday Rewards (Boost Required)


Check your Rewards App/Email to boost the offer.

Just received an email saying they'd give me 1500 points for spending 1c - must boost offer.

Title of email is "[Name], get the confetti ready. It's a 1500 points party!"

I use this rewards account regularly, so can't see why I'd be hand picked for not shopping enough.

I assume everyone will have different number of points to top up to/close to the 2k mark.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (959)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +6

    Thanks OP looks like I get 2000 pts for spending 1c

    • +9

      Nothing on well used card. 2000pts on rarely used card.

      • Same here.

      • +3

        1500 points on my rarely used card.

        Nothing on the regular card.

  • +1

    Buy 1 bean haha

    • Usual suggestion: 1 grape. Good luck😜

      Tied with tiny mandarin. Staff said too light to be able to buy.
      Worked with a larger one for 30c - receipt showed the bonus 2000pts.

    • -1

      Just buy a banana ffs - every1 eats these

      • -1

        Where's the challenge in that😉
        1 banana is usually free to eat in store🍌

        Grab whatever is smallest fruit / veg you will use to make it cheapest, & can be successfully weighed @checkout.
        Average banana 72c (online price)
        Average mandarin 46c - my suggestion @30c

        • +6

          1 banana is usually free to eat in store🍌

          Are you actually a child or just act like one?

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: I often act like one! It's freeing. Gives a different perspective on life. Can see things fresh. Try it😉

            Had a corporate consultancy in CBD. Clients paid me to teach them to think & play like a child. They created new ideas worth millions through play. It's a skill lost on most "adults"!

            I have bananas growing like weeds, just outside my window. So not so fussed with Woolies free nanas🍌

            • -1

              @INFIDEL: Eating a banana without paying is theft.

              • @Jazstar: Lol! What I said was factually correct. And meant to be tongue in cheek😉

                Woolworths encourages consumption of fruit within the store - by providing FREE FRUIT (*for kids).

                Must be a sad life, misunderstanding & taking everything so seriously😜

                Quite a common & long established custom by some to "sample" fruit in the store… without paying.

                Woolies would quickly lose customers if they called the Police every time an adult ate some grapes🍇

                Not much could be done. As staff told me - "We don't care!"
                Police would not be involved in such petty 'theft', even of a 🍌!

                As I know from my past, selling tonnes of fruit per day…
                Established, funded, & ran a community social enterprise selling fruit. (Popular Comment badge) Created employment, training & support for long term unemployed. Also gave away tonnes of free fruit to the community.

                "Sampling" by customers was an unavoidable drain on profits meant to help those in need. (Cherries cost the business 35c ea plus freight etc, were popular to try, so we stopped selling them.)
                But retaining loyal customers was far more important. Without them… it would be out of business!

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Also, I travel like a curious child - seeing things fresh. Locals admire my wonder at what they consider ordinary. It gives them a renewed appreciation for their lives.

            Locals in Japan welcome my curiousity into their different ways. I've appeared on TV there because of my childlike nature, telling stories in Japanese style (Rakugo). They try to find me work or a marriage partner, so I can stay.

            In other countries, in local restaurants my meal is often paid for by locals. Because they consider I show great respect through my interest.

            Its been a great benefit in my life.

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: There is something to be said for maintaining childlike wonder for as long as you can.

        • +1

          If it has a toothpick in it, it’s free

        • +1

          Free fruit are for kids. I think most people who comment on ozbargain would be regarded as adults by woolies.

          • +1

            @aka nioh: Some comments on Ozbargain would indicate many are still 'kids'😄

            I've grabbed a piece of free 'kids' fruit at my local Woolies & ate. Didn't hide it from staff. I like & grow fruit. No one said anything, or cared.

            Another time, staff member said other products (e.g. chocolates) are more of an issue. She had a trolley full of packaging from stolen goods…
            Told me "So eat the free fruit - we don't care!"

            • @INFIDEL: I saw your above comment about acting like a kid and upvoted it as I can see your point about it.

              However with free fruit for kids at woolies, woolies provide it as a snack for kids to encourage healthy snacking and to help parents placate their kids. They don't specify an age limit but one would assume it is for a child who needs to be accompanied by their guardian to woolies.

              Even though staff may say it's free, and technically it is but for people who meet the criteria, I'm sure many staff do not have the same views as their company/profession may do, for example corrupt law enforcement and health professionals who scam the sick. Woolies staff sometimes have no idea of the prices and policy, I've had to remind them a few times.

              I view this similarly to non disabled people using disabled toilets/parking. Sure you might get away with it, or say nobody was using it at the time and I'll only be a minute, but doesn't make it right, the toilet/parking spot is reserved for the disabled, just like the fruit was reserved for kids.

              • @aka nioh: Tried it once out of curiosity.
                As I was told by staff - they don't care.

                Oh, I know why they provide it - to increase sales!

                Strange it's led to this discussion!
                My comment was not at all serious, but parents with kids can view it as a cost saving. Just that bananas are often free for them.

                Was responding to the discussion of what is the cheapest item to buy to qualify for this Deal.

                And the comment…
                Just buy a banana ffs😜

                As have bananas growing outside, I personally wouldn't buy one to qualify for this Deal.

              • +2

                @aka nioh:

                I view this similarly to non disabled people using disabled toilets/parking.

                I think you are mistaken…

                Free fruit witn a sign "for kids" is part of a business strategy to attract parents (who may spend more & longer - with satisfied kids). It's a point of market differentiation for Woolies - "the fresh food people".

                Very different to the legally required public good of disabled parking spaces & toilets.

                If those are occupied by someone not fitting that category, more can't be easily provided.

                Whereas that free fruit is located alongside the fruit section. Just add some more! Easy!! It's there mainly for Woolies benefit.

                Need to see beyond what you are told & others want you to believe!
                It blocks opportunities!
                That was what I taught in my consultancy - to really see.

                (Be careful with your assumptions…
                Do you know who should be using the disabled toilets??

                Some of your "non disabled" people may need to use use a disabled toilet.
                Those with (covered up) urinary devices needing emptying or inconvenience pads fitted may not easily do that in a normal toilet stall. And can be embarrassing for them!

                Type 1 diabetics for example may use the disabled toilets to inject Insulin.
                There is a public stigma associated with injecting (another assumption), which can lead to abuse by others who see it. Better & more private to use disabled rather than the normal toilets.)

                • @INFIDEL: I'm a nurse so I feel that I have a decent understanding of disability having worked with spinal cord injured people for 12 years. Insulin in the community is the size of a pen. I'm aware of most clients reusing the disposable needle cap that attached to the insulin pen, which means they normally don't dispose of the needle and usually dispose at home. Sharps bin is the size of a pencil case. They can all easily fit in a small cubicle for example the size of an aeroplane toilet. You can administer insulin while sitting down on a toilet seat.
                  Those with a urinary catheter will have it attached to a leg bag. If they are able to rest their foot on the toilet seat, it's a matter of lifting their trouser, exposing the cap and emptying the bag by sliding open the stopper. So do not assume all people with a urinary device to be disabled and needing room, they could be as fit as you or me and have a temporary urinary catheter.

                  • @aka nioh: Good you understand.
                    Those examples were told to me by people affected - who find using the disability toilet is easier & far preferable for them to a normal toilet. Not that they couldn't use one if necessary. Its more about self respect.

                    Seems you know who should not be using disabled toilets. How judgmental! No one can know that all the time, by simple observation. Seems like an assumption.

                    And that you know why Woolies provide free fruit & only for kids… (It's a corporate strategy! Discussed with my corporate clients in the industry.)

                    And then strangely link an adult eating a free piece of 'kids' fruit… to misuse of disability facilities & scamming the sick. The end of civilisation!! Really😜

                    Unfortunately, I've found people working in health care, can be more prone to thinking their assumptions are absolute fact. Unable to distinguish the difference or seek a different view. Some admit it's their training & time constraints. Doubt can be seen as unacceptable.

                    But it's limiting & potentially dangerous to patient health!

                    Assumptions close off possibilities, hypotheses promote questioning & finding different solutions. Important in evidence based medicine.

                    Enjoyed teaching & problem solving with the Drs who asked for my assistance.

                    …And this discussion is totally off-topic!

                    • @INFIDEL: I wish there’s more of you lol the people who are loaded with assumptions are quite something. I try to not assume that and converse, then it comes back to square one, just like an NPC. So I had to deprogram myself to not assume the opposite either. It’s a little better irl tho.

                    • @INFIDEL: Seems you know who should not be using disabled toilets. How judgmental! No one can know that all the time, by simple observation. Seems like an assumption.

                      Seems like your assuming I have an assumption.

                      Let me tell you a story about a resident I cared for with dementia. Everyday she would forget her husband passed away.
                      She would ask when her husband would come home. An elderly nurse said it was best practice to reorientate to reality. No your husband has died.

                      So she would experience the pain of knowing her husband died everyday with her method.

                      I chose the method of humouring her and nodding and smiling, not refuting her fantasy. Funny how you can apply this method to random internet people and their assumptions/fantasies.

                      Nod. 🙂

              • @aka nioh: Just a comment. Disabled toilets are not meant for the sole use of the disabled. Where the law requires that toilets be provided one must be an accessible toilet but it does not stipulate that it is for the sole use of the disabled and was not intended for this. It is not an extra toilet it actually takes the place of one of the required toilets, either male or female. Common courtesy dictates that they should have first preference of course.

                • @biteme: Yes, accessible & disabled toilets can be used by anyone. There is no rule or law governing their use.

                  It's simply etiquette to avoid using them where possible, so that those more needing to use them can do so.

                  Whereas Disabled parking is governed by law. Penalties for misuse may be applied.

                  There may also be reasons why rules / conventions may be ignored…

                  [As a male, was spotted coming out of a Female toilet by a Policeman😳 On a beautiful remote island (rarely visited by Foreigners), in Okinawa Japan.

                  I showed him why - a fisherman had passed out drunk at the entrance to the filthy Male toilet. (Had checked he was OK & rolled him into Recovery Position.)

                  With only drunk male fishermen camped there, the Female toilet wasn't in use. It was much more preferable!

                  The Police officer was satisfied. He had earlier warned me not to camp there - because of snakes… Drunk fishermen would have been an embarrassing admission.]

    • Buy a few thinnest slice of salami.

  • +2

    I didn't get an email but the offer was in my app. But it could still be targeted as well

  • Only 750 points for me

    • +1

      Same here. 750 points on regularly used card

      • yea i'm moving to coles.. they have way better deals.

        • Will you move back once they post their profit figures?

  • +3

    Nothing 😔

  • I got 4 offers in same account, 1. $.01 2000 points 2. No minimum spend 500 points,23. $40 2000 points and 4. *3 points

  • What does 2000 points gets you? I only remember the occasional $10 discount at checkout.

    • +1

      Yep, 2000 points converts to $10 off spend, or 1000 Qantas Frequent Flyer points, depending on which reward option you choose.

    • $10 off at any woolies place like eg/caltex woolies for petrol, big W and woolies.

  • got 2000 points offer.

  • Didn't get any email

    • Check your app - Booster option

  • I didn't get the email but have 750 points for $0.01 spend in the rewards app.

  • 1500 points

  • +3

    750 points. :(
    Guess better than nothing. Went to spudshed last week (Wa store), so much cheaper. Usually just get nappies and so on from woolies when on sale as get the 10% off monthly shop. Swap between aldi, Cole’s and woolies.
    Today got salmon from aldi on special, $14 for 4 pieces 500g. Actually cheaper than getting tacos for the family. Taco packages are ridiculous prices. As everything else. Enough rant lol.

    • +1

      This is OzBARGAIN - just go where the best bargains (and points offers) are!

      • Thanks for clarifying.

  • 2000pt email:
    [name], we have a surprise for you…🎁

    Received 2 x 2000 & 1 x 1500 on rarely used accounts
    Likely emails are still being sent out, should already be in Rewards app

    • It seems not closely related to inactive accounts. I have one EDR just finished with $40 spend for 2k points per week for three times and got 1500 points offer today.

      • We could go crazy trying to guess loyalty algorithms😜
        Sometimes every Rewards account receives an offer, then only 1 or none.

        Woolies would consider $40 spends as close to no activity, so here's a 1500pt reminder to shop😉
        None of my accounts used last month received the offer.

        • I completed all three shops.

          • @Neoika: 3 x $40 spends!
            Woolworths shareholders will be so pleased😄

            As I said about your $40 spends…
            "Woolies would consider $40 spends as close to no activity"
            cf Woolworths supermarkets sales for Q3 were $10.7 billion

            My spends were $40 on those 3 week offers…
            Until I signed up to 4 x Rewards Extra offers of 3000 or 4000pts, plus 10% off once a month, etc.
            Now my fridge is full with $100+ spend each week. (Used a 5300pt offer for $100 spend)
            Received 4000pts on 1/9.
            Into my last month of Rewards Extra, before cancelling.

            • @INFIDEL: Another EDR redeemed $50 for 2300 pts offer last week and got 2k pts today. Most offers allow multiple shops to complete them now.

              • @Neoika: Have a few of those 2300pts offers this week.

                • @INFIDEL: Don't think so. The pattern is One week offer only occurs every the other week. This week is not, last week and next week are. This week EDR usually does not issue new weekly spend target offers.

                  • @Neoika: Received at least 2 today!
                    Best not to guess the algorithm - as I said, you'll go crazy😜

                  • +1

                    @Neoika: Yes I got these offers last week.

                    • @Yola: New spend target offers release tomorrow, excluding the EDR accounts that received 3-4 weeks spend target offers two weeks ago.

  • Thanks OP, 1500 points booster for me :)

  • 2000 points on the 3 least used accounts out of 8. 30 bucks for 3c works for me.

  • Got the offer as well, what's the occasion here? Is this them feeling guilty for price gouging or what?

    • Pretty regular offer - every few months, to usually bring back infrequent & low spend shoppers.

  • Thanks OP. I got this email as well.

  • Targeted. Didn’t get anything

  • 0/10

  • -1

    Didnt get this.. seems like only crack heads get these offers

  • Got the 1500 offer. First time I've got any additional offer in the 10 or so years I've had the rewards card.

  • Nothing for me on a well used card

  • I could not log into the APP. I can only log in online. Does any one else have the issue? I even tried to update the APP but it didn't work.

  • I got nuthin'.

    Where do I complain?

    • Here!

      • Is someone gonna gimme their boosted points?

        I'll wait.

  • so getting free $9.99 for free.

  • Nothing for me..

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