Should be cheapest ever for this monitor.
Take your game to the next level with the latest 31.5" QHD monitor and play your favorite games the way they were designed to be, with high-definition visuals and smooth gameplay.
Should be cheapest ever for this monitor.
Take your game to the next level with the latest 31.5" QHD monitor and play your favorite games the way they were designed to be, with high-definition visuals and smooth gameplay.
They didn't say it was 1080p, they said it was 2k which is how some people refer to 1440p
Yes, he already stated "2K IPS 165hz"
Imagine not going 4k in 2023
At this size? Pointless
Exactly too small and not 4k
@abctoz: Generally you sit further back from a tv though?.. You must hate modern phone screens with all those wasted pixels..
@Maychance: Not that far, I also use it for work it’s great
I’m typing this on a 5inch iPhone and I use this a lot too. But I sure as hell not going to do any work on this
They trying so hard to segregate tvs/monitors but honestly tvs are winning imo unless you play high level competitive gaming
You seen the price of GPUs?
I have used these for the last couple of months and they are brilliant for this price, considering getting another and no complaints.
One of the best bang for buck monitors for sale.
Can you confirm if the DP port on the monitor is 1.4?
The listing says DP 1.2 in the 'tech specs' section, but says it includes a DP1.4 cable.
I would expect DP1.4
Waiting it drop under 300….
Not worth the wait for $10
I think he meant under $300 for full tax deduction
Yeah fair enough…
I'm not good at taxes, which deduct is this?
@Pusheencat: Home office equipment if you work from home, you can deduct the full amount if the cost is less than $300
@Pusheencat: $300 or less is the special point where you can do an immediate deduction rather than depreciate over several years.
My accountant said you can no longer do that if you're an employee and WFH. They now give 67cents per hour you work from home instead of the 52c of last year, but no longer can deduct items less than $300 unless they are part of a set that adds up to more than $300, which is then deductable over 4 years.
My feelings and wallet were hurt.
@Ashkan: There are two methods. If you use the cents per hour method you can't deduct a monitor. If you use the alternative method you can.
@Ashkan: Old and new method allowed the depreciation of equipment; computers, monitors, phones regardless of using cents per hour work from home method.
The old method didn't allow the depreciation of assets like furniture, desks, lamps, filing cabinets, chairs if you used the hourly method.
The new method allows you to claim depreciation on both.…
I'm waiting for this for an instant write off…
The e-peen though
there is no blur at 32/1440p. if it was 1080p then yes but not 1440p
If I use this with a Mac, will it show me more estate than a 27"QHD screen, or just the same, but bigger?
you will definitely have more screen real estate, much much wider.
It will show the same amount of content, just bigger.
if you're comparing a 27" QHD to a 32" QHD screen, the real estate will be the same but be stretched over a bigger plane. Just note though, if you're using this next to a retina display, it's going to look considerably worse than your main display. Text is going to be near unreadable and you're going to need to turn off font smoothing to make it useable. Mac's displays are amazing to the detriment of using any other aftermarket screen next to it.
Text is going to be near unreadable
I have this hooked up to a 14" MBP and text is perfectly readable, although not a good as the MBP display of course. It does also look a little better hooked up to a PC but that's not to say it's bad at all on the Mac.
@DeToxin: I have a 27" QHD which has a Macbook Air and a PC plugged into it and the PC looks noticably clearer.
The PC automatically picks the 2560x1440 resolution while the mac just says 'default for display' but the monitor complains about not being at native resolution. If I opt for scaling in the settings the biggest resolution is 1600x900.
Text are not as sharp really. Just put 2 monitors side by side and you will see the difference.
Isn't it the same DPI as 1080p on a 24"?
You mean screen door effect, which is a possibility depending on your visual acuity and how far back you sit from the monitor.
Your eyesight most be so good…
Just realize my typo lol
I'm curious, do you find 24" 1080p monitors to be blurry? I have one next to my 27" 1440p monitor and while it's less sharp I wouldn't describe it as blurry.
Can you recommend any good 32 for officework and use stock market?
Currently I'm using dell 27 4k
OP one is good,
This one has much larger pixels, but fewer pixels than your 4k monitor. If you are comfortable with the 27 4k monitor at native resolution, I don't think you would like this one.
On the other hand, if you have your current monitor's scaling set to 150% or higher you might prefer this one at 100%.
I definitely would not try and use both together.
If I use this with a Mac, will it show me more estate than a 27"QHD screen, or just the same, but bigger?
I have two 27" monitors (in two different places), one QHD and one UHD. I prefer the UHD one because it shows me more things.
Same as your QHD 27" but physically larger.
I switched from a 27" 4K to the previous version of monitor above and SERIOUSLY regretted. For anything other than gaming, the pixel density is just too low.
I've since switched to 2x S2721DGF which has a much more respectable density without the to go back to 4K and hurt gaming performance.
Yet some people will still say theres no difference between 1440 and 4k. Wtf. The other comment by the mustache guy was destroyed by negs by saying the truth.
Was thinking of upgrading from the S2721DGF, but I'm happy with it, I like it better than my old 32" inch viewsonic ips 2k that i replaced.
I also like it better than my s2721qs 4k that sits next to the dgf, colours and image quality look better for some reason.
How do you think this compares to the S2721DGF? I currently have that, but always wanted to go to something around 32" in size. Not sure if this is the monitor, though, to upgrade to.
For anything other than gaming, the pixel density is just too low.
I use my 24" 1080p for reading documents and stuff no problem. Usually my setup is VS Code on my 27" 1440p and docs on the 24".
This is my main profession - if it matters.
I’d stick with 27 4k over 32 4k for this purpose and add more screens if more display info is required. It just depends on what you need/want to view at any one time. I require/want a number of charts up together and hate flicking through screens so use 2 x 27” 4k monitors. At some point I will move to 55” 8k - just to effectively get a 4 x 4k monitor equivalent arrangement within a given space. I’d like that same monitor to ideally work well for max setting 8k 120hz gaming - but hahahahaha….
For what I do resolution is very important and fine lines on the charts must be pin sharp to avoid me feeling like it’s 2003. My viewing distance is around 60cm +/-10cm and would likely remain that on the 55” 8k. If that screen isn’t burning my face off, it’s too far away!
I upgraded to the G3223Q in the last sale, from a U2718Q….. was worth the upgrade even though it is the same resolution
You can change the DPI and give you more screen real estate
On MacOS they have the upper limit, and I couldn't have the same amount of real estate on an 27" QHD as on an 27" UHD
Check the HP Z40C
4K curve
Maybe wait for another Dell deal, similar to this: Although you don't need 144Hz.
is the refresh rate limited over usb-c?
Most likely it will be. Usually you only get the full resolution and refresh rate through display port. Or the newest versions of HDMI.
On my mpb, usb-c to hdmi gets me 144hz, usb-c to displayport cables get me the full 165hz. Look em up on amazon
Scrolling through pages
So they can refresh photoshop faster
If the monitor can do 144/165 hz why settle for 60?
I take my work home and it's way nicer working on a high refresh monitor than 30/60hz. 30hz is plain headache inducing, 60 is ok but not great, 120+ is buttery goodness.
Not a gamer but currently using 2x27" for work. I like having separate monitors due to the ease of being able to drag windows easily but this looks like a great price for a 32" monitor. 32" + 27" might be a bit too much…..
It'll obviously work, but 32" + 27" may look a little weird, guess you could always go portrait for the 27"
Thought about that but 27" in portrait is ridiculously tall. Also dont think a single 32" would work either. Boo!
I have one at work next to a 34" ultrawide, it's tall but it's workable. Guess it depends on what you do for work.
Personally I'd probably stick to two decent 27"s
Will recommend my current setup, two 24” in portrait on both sides and one big 38 ultra wide as main. I need both realestate to display focused task on main monitor like work or gaming, I also need enough places to dock my windows specially for work, like email, team chat, any side tasks etc. so I use “powertoy” to split each 24” into top and bottom, having total 4+1 places for docking. For long content, I also have the option to use the full height of 24”
Another big advantage of this setup is the span of the monitors at least to me wont be too wide to break my neck from turning left and right…
@fan8956: Can relate to the neck comment. I have a 27" directly in front, another to the right and laptop to my left for video calls. Most of the work is done on the monitor in front because I try to avoid turning to my right.
@pooran: Yeah, I tried 27 on portrait but found it just way too heigh. 24 is good enough and works with the height of 38” main monitor much better
@fan8956: how far do your eyes stay from the monitors? we have a 38" ultrawide (21:9?) at work, and it already seems too wide for my neck movement
@Averell: around 60cm, but it has to be curved monitor. I found the flat one very werid to look at the both sides
I have 2x 27” and tried 32” at one stage. Like yourself I like two screens and two 32” was just too much. I reverted as 27” is the sweet spot for me. Although I’ve been tempted by the ultra wides lately.
2 x 16:9 (or 16:10) must be better than one 21:9, for work, I believe
I like the idea of a fullscreen video on one and a full screen game on the other. Or gaming on one and admin tasks on the other. I dont have the benefit of working from home so its all personal use for me.
I’ve got a 34 + 2x 24s at one desk, a 43 + 24 at the other.
You can never have too much screen real estate.
I tried a 43" 4k monitor when they were new in 2018….. I got physically sore in the first 3 hours having to turn my head
I gave it away to someone else
I have a 4 monitor setup: this 32" as the main monitor, a 27" landscape, and 2x27" in portrait. Works brilliantly
I use 32” 2k and 27” 2k as normal setup. 32” as main and 27” as side view.
Works great.
32” works better for games and viewing, just more comfortable at any distance
27" works best for me. Better pixel density and fits my central vision. Less/no head and eye movement. Your gaming performance declines when you start to rely on peripheral vision
Can anyone recommend a dell computer that can run 2 of these and a third TV screen for office work
Dell PCs are pretty rubbish. You'll be better of going to Whirlpool, listing your requirements and people will recommend a PC build that will be better and cheaper than a Dell PC.
Latitude 5420 will do.
Is this monitor good for routine office use? Like for manuscript editing, graph plotting n others ;)
Keen to know the same thing. Not doing anything graphics intensive that needs perfect colour reproduction, more word and the like.
Is this good or is there better options under $400. Better to get a lower refresh but 4k at this size?
It's fine, on my Mac its runs at 2560 x 1440 and is fine for my old eyes.
It's not retina, but it is good enough.
Ta. Ended up grabbing it. For my wife’s use mainly and she’s not going to overly scrutinise the display and would probably need to scale up the UI on a 4k anyway so this at 100% might work out to be fine.
27” 1440p would have been a good alternative also, but at $303 this is a cheap and cheerful option.
Yep it is, I have the 4K version and love it for work. 32 Inch is a great size for office work imo, multiple documents open ar once
The high 165Hz refresh rate might be overkill but it looks really smooth.
If you have a decent laptop or PC it will work well.
Not really, they are a bit grainy but not excessively so.
QHD at 32inch is not the best, so if your usage is mainly gaming then sure but the other way around I would not recommend it.
Such a great monitor for the price, ticking all the boxes 2K IPS 165hz