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[eBay Plus] PlayStation 5 Disc Console $649 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ EB Games eBay


Thanks to scar4ace’s original deal and kazuyamishima‘s comment you can save an additional $50 via the eBay Plus’ July coupon

As always, remember to pay via discounted gift cards for additional savings :)

Original Coupon Deal

Mod 17/7 1pm - 10 More Available

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closed Comments

  • +9

    It’s good to see the price come down it should be this price all the time

    • -4

      It's about the price of initial pre orders 2.5 years ago!

      • +6

        You may be confusing this with the digital version. The disc version was $749 at pre order price.

        • +5

          Correct it was $749 RRP for the disc version. Amazon pre order was $50 cashback through zip and amazon credit for $30 - so $669 almost 3 years ago. You could also use amazon gift cards obviously

          edit: found it - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/566418

          • -4


            so $669


            You are still paying the $749 up front. You make it look like $669 but it isn't.

            Cashbacks aren't discounts. It does improve on the overall deal, eventually, but it doesn't discount it.

            Also, not everyone has Zip or wants it (BNPL / Credit).
            Further, the $30 credit must be spent on Amazon AU 'shipped & sold by' (and can't be stacked with CB on that $30 promo use etc etc).

            One could argue you can still bring the eBay price down another 10% with Gift Card usage & possible cashback on top of that… :/

            • +4


              You are still paying the $749 up front. You make it look like $669 but it isn't.


              Since it was ZIP pay, I didn't pay up front. BNPL is buy now and pay later. I only ended up paying $699 to ZIP due to the $50 credit ZIP applied to the account. And used the amazon credit nearly instantly, saving me $30. Also I had discounted Amazon credit I got at varying discounts which I didn't include in the price I paid for your said reasons.
              Either way, you get the $30 amazon voucher instantly, and the $50 ZIP credit instantly. No waiting involved.

              • @onlinepred: So you presented half of the story incorrectly.

                You said $50 Zip cashback and later called it Credit - they aren't the same thing. But, it still requires signing up to a Credit facility that isnt worth it against 1 purchase (with a small reward).

                The $30 amazon credit is useful to you, that's great, its not always that useful to everybody & newsflash, its still NOT a discount and needs to be used against a FURTHER purchase.

                Still not $669. But $699 due to your incorrect story telling.

                • @nismo: If you clicked the link you could have figured it out yourself. Stop grasping at straws lol. Even if it was cashback, OZBargainers would have jumped at it. Being Amazon credit, even better!! Used it to buy a dual controller charger. So basically got the PS5 Disc version and a controller charger for $699 out of my pocket - perhaps that maths works better for you?

    • Well PS5 slim and pro should be coming out soon enough, the PS5 phat will be second rate soon.

  • +4

    I'm waiting for $650 with god of war, that's a deal these days

    • +6

      About time for the Ps5-slim to be announced.

      • +12

        That's actually what I'm interested in and one of the main reasons I keep holding off; the PS5 is such an ugly, looming behemoth of a thing compared to the PS4 Pro, I hope they complete overhaul the look of it with whatever their mid-life iteration turns out to be

        • Weirdly enough, Microsoft seems to be pretty confident a PS5 slim and pro are announcement is coming end of this year, stated in the current legal battle.

        • +3

          100% agree.
          Call it pedantic but I simply could not stand the sight of it in my TV unit and palmed it off pronto. It looked ridiculously stupid and out of place. Bring on the slim or better yet, a complete redesign. Does it really need a collar? The PS4 Pro looked perfectly fine the way it was.

          • +1

            @Maths Debater: have you got the xbox? I do an it sits real nice and neat in a cupboard under the tv, horizontally takes no room at all

            • @botchie: Yep, basic design yet easy on the eyes.

              • +1

                @Maths Debater: wouldnt the ps5 fit in the same space as xbone then if its horizontally
                i am looking to get it but can only fit it this way

                • +1

                  @botchie: I would assume so? Honestly, even if they kept the PS4 Pro design I would have been happy.

          • +2

            @Maths Debater: It's just so…juvenile looking. I really can't fathom how NO ONE at any point in the design process went, "uhh…we wanna sell this to adults too, right?"

            Ahhh, whatevs. It's 700 bucks that gets to stay in my pocket for the time being, at any rate 🤷

            • +1

              @sob baget: Haha so true, it reminds me of the FK8 Civic Type R. Let’s design a vehicle to target a market that can’t afford it. Makes perfect sense 🤦‍♂️

      • I don’t think we are that far from the rumoured single SKU that is a digital console that you can buy the disc drive separately.

        I’ve been thinking about buying a second one for the other TV or maybe to have at my desk but I don’t want to do anything until that’s announced.

      • With only 3-4 years left on the PS5 you would think we are getting close to some sort of a revision.

  • +3

    And if you buy a DualSense Edge too, you can use a $100 coupon.

    ($100 off $1000)

  • Is this a good deal? I’d like to get one, but I’m waiting for something that has a game, and a maybe controller in it too? Not sure if this is a good price or not?

    • +2

      You’ll possibly have to wait until Black Friday to find a deal of the console with a free game for this price.

      • +1

        I would wait for prime day which is tomorrow

        • Ooh. Okay, will do. Do I need to have Prime membership to be able to buy stuff from Amazon? Sorry, I can look it up but just wanted to know. Thank you for the reply :)

          • +1

            @BertieBrown: For Prime Day deals, you will need Prime.

            For any other day, prime is not required.

            • +1

              @yummycoot: Thank you for the reply! Okay, time to get a membership I think.

              • +1

                @BertieBrown: if you have not got it before, maybe you wiil get a free trial for 30 days.

      • Fair enough, thank you for the reply :)

  • +1

    Is this the time good old ebay woop the amazon deal? 😅

  • looks like sold out

    • Still showing available for me.

  • +1

    no love for xbox at all?

    • They are doing the opposite and increasing the price of the console, soon.

      • Where did you see that?

        • Microsoft confirmed a few weeks ago they will increase the price of the Xbox Series X/S soon.

    • “WAOW! Fablll”

  • +1

    Out of stock / 14 sold ?

    Seriously? after 14 out of stock… LoL
    140+ likes

    • +3

      We all think its great value and like the deal, but we've all already bought one… or two LOL

  • +1

    In Japan, $649 is normal price. And you can get 10%off for tax…

    • I was tempted to get the XVI pack in Japan. under 70k yen. same pack retails for $900 here.

      • Yes, under 70k, and get 10% tax off.

  • +4

    There is an abundance of PS5’s in stock at retailers. I think we will see $600-$650 for the standalone disc very soon.

  • I keep seeing these deals and thinking, "PlayStation, 5 Disc Bundle"

  • +3

    Sony probably trying to clear out PS5s to make way for Ps5 Pro/Slim launch.

  • +1

    9 more available

  • +2

    Prices also slashed in Europe. Slim incoming.

    • but if slim requires buying separate disk drive
      is it worth it?

      Not to mention it would be take even more space with the separate disk drive

      • +1

        It might be IF it's like previous slims

        • better thermals
        • less power consumption
        • quieter
        • more storage
        • smaller footprint
        • just wondering how much saving it will have since most likely you would want to get the drive

          if you don't buy the disk drive then it is like a digital console
          if you buy the disk drive then it takes up more room and looks even more awkward (not smaller foot print overall)
          and what is total cost?

          It would look really bad with a slim console + drive hanging off it some where
          Would rather just get the original with the drive built in.

          Microsoft did this with The Xbox 360 HD DVD Drive at one point
          and don't think it was that popular


          • @pinkybrain: I remember the HD DVD. Got mine from Bing Lee for $50 (Thanks to Ozbargain)

            That's a bit different. The 360 already had an internal DVD drive to play games. The external drive was just to play HD-DVDs. A move against Sony's Blu-ray format.

            • @The Value:

              That's a bit different. The 360 already had an internal DVD drive to play games. The external drive was just to play HD-DVDs. A move against Sony's Blu-ray format.

              Not really…
              since the point I was making is the overall footprint of the console + drive would look similar to how the Xbox 360 + HD DVD drive would look

              ie Console + disk drive placed some where in the TV cabinet etc..
              It would look really bad and not something proud to display in your living room or where ever..

              Even though the original ps5 disk console is huge
              it would still look more better than having a disk drive placed on the side or where ever.

              • @pinkybrain: How it looks is subjective.
                I don't have an issue with it.
                It might be very slim. It's probably a single usb-c cable.

                • @The Value: in this case it is not subjective
                  cos people can already vision what it would look like

                  why would this look better than having a single unit with drive built in?

                  It's like you lost 20 KG
                  But now have a 20 KG bag that is attach to you via a cord.

                  Example of how it could look with ps5 slim + disk drive
                  Who would vote and say this actually looks better?



                  All Sony did is took the disk drive out so they make the console less fat
                  then made the disk drive an optional purchase.
                  So now they can just sell one type of console that can be digital or disk version (if you buy the optional disk drive).

                  • @pinkybrain: Now you can hide the ps5 and only have the disc drive in sight.


                    • @The Value:

                      Now you can hide the ps5 and only have the disc drive in sight. Clean.

                      But why would anyone want to hide their ps5
                      People want to show off their console purchase, not some stupid disk drive

                      And where do you think people gonna be able to hide their ps5 in a cabinet and still have disk drive attach nearby.
                      Most TV cabinets are not that big or deep to hide anything like a console.
                      Ps5 slim not gonna be small like raspberry pi or NUC, still gonna be huge just maybe a bit slimmer..

                      Not to mention you need proper ventilation for the PS5.

                      Keep dreaming man..

                      Realistically it is gonna look similar to the pics I posted


                      • @pinkybrain: I don't think most people want to "show off" their console purchases. They just want it easily accessible.

                        A hidden ps5 can also be properly ventilated. Hidden does not equal confinement.

                        • @The Value: Maybe you will go to the trouble hiding your ps5 and make it somehow properly ventilated in your giant cabinet
                          since you are a previous owner of the hd dvd external drive.
                          Post pics if you do..

                          Majority of people will not.
                          They will just place the slim console + disk drive together in their cabinet.
                          as shown in the pics posted.
                          And the setup will look crap.

                          The console + drive will now take up more space footprint in your cabinet than a single ps5

                          You also making it out as it the slim will be very small and easy to hide.
                          The best case is they could shrink it down to the original ps4/pro etc and that still not easy to hide in a cabinet.

                      • @pinkybrain: Have you seen a slim dvd drive? They have been common for macs/pcs for like 15 year and are like a quarter the size of those ancient Xbox 360 hd dvd drives… I agree though there is nowhere to hide a ps5 slim in my cabinet… it is already impossible for me to fit the current fat ps5 console in my cabinet at all, it’s just a butt ugly monstrosity.
                        I think the external dvd drive idea is so freaking stupid and frankly thought it was a joke when I started hearing people mention it.

                        • @lordezekiel: yeah seen some external slim dvd drives, will see what they can actually do
                          but the entire setup just looks stupid regardless.

                          History repeats itself.
                          Xbox did it with x360
                          Now Sony trying the same thing this gen.

                          If best case scenario that they manage to reduce the size to the PS4/Pro (not sure they can, since original ps5 needs lots ventilation)..
                          that is still a big console that takes a big spot in the cabinet…
                          so not gonna be easy to hide anyway.

                          Don't think majority of people are gonna bother trying to hide it anyway.
                          They will just put it next to each other like shown in the those pics..

                    • +1

                      @The Value: This is weirdly good logic lol

  • 9 More available. They added some more early this morning by the looks.

  • Cheaper with Prime delivered incl $50 credit and cashbacks:

    • there's big rumours that new ps5 console coming out this year ie slim
      and pro next year (possibly)

      so could be reason why it is drop prices to clear the stock more

      $50 credit is not a saving
      cos you still need to spend it at amazon.
      so best price is more like $679 (with cashback) at amazon.

  • +1

    Back in stock

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