Exorbitant Fine for Not Renewing Pet Registration - VIC

Might be obvious to some, but if you don't pay your pet registration, you will likely get the maximum fine as allowed by fines Victoria.

I did receive a letter and an email prior to getting the fine, so there's no excuse.

The only thing that sucks is the fine amount is $370 per pet. So I'm getting slugged $740 in fines plus the cost of registration renewal.

There's really no getting out of the fine, so if you have a renewal, pay it before copping a fine.

I think if I knew the fine amount, I would have paid my registration renewal when I received the letter.

Hopefully this helps someone else. I know there was a similar post last year on this site, but I only found it after getting my fine.


  • +41

    I guess they have to find a way to make up the $$$ in revenue for the 90% of people who dont register their pet.
    Honestly I forgot this was even a thing. I've never registered my pets.

    • +12

      Puglife, more like thuglife.

    • +6

      And pay the people who have to clean up after dogs on the street.

      While most dog owners are pretty careful about picking up their dog's crap, there is a hard core of people who either don't do it or when they do, just dump the little plastic bag anywhere.

        • +19

          Typical entitled idiot attitude.

        • +2

          type of person who thinks car rego pays for roads..

      • +2

        Literally, shit everywhere you go here now. If owner's CBF picking up after their pet, what are they like at home?

    • +13

      Yep, only fool's register their pets.

    • +1

      I missed mine, but the council rang me and told me before they fined me. It seems strange that your council could fine you $370 per pet without a remider notice or anything.

      • They did.

  • +32


    WTF is this kind of scam?

    • +17

      We're cashcows to the incompetent and profligate.

      • +5

        Desexing minimises the chance of a dog developing reproductive organ related health issues (e.g. cancer), as well as having benefits in behaviour and inability to reproduce.

        • +6

          Why not apply such logic to humans?

          • +1

            @Leadfoot6: Because we care about dogs, humans can suck it

  • +1

    How did they find out you even have two pets? Does pet registration expire like car registration, did you forget to renew? I'm pretty sure my cat isn't registered. There's a tattoo on his ear, and he's kinda soft and lazy, so he's desexed at least. Bought from the pound so probably was registered. I don't drive him off of the property though so why would he need to be registered at all…

    • Not sure exactly, but I think after I took my dogs to the vet, the council somehow caught wind of them. They never bark and we have a high fence.

      I then registered my dogs, paid the fee for a year, then let the registration lapse.

      One council raked in more than half a million in these fees in just 6 months

      • +6

        I've taken my dog to many different vets and none of them have asked about the registration status. Why would they share info with the council?

        • +7

          Sorry may have been just a coincidence.

          I dug through my emails and this is what council first sent me last year:

          "Following a check of Central Animal Records database, it has come to our attention that in 2021 the details of the below dog have been microchipped in your name or had details changed recently….
          …Please be advised that Under Section 10 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, an owner must register their cat or dog that is 3 months of age or older in the municipal district (Council) in which it is kept."

      • +2

        It's not like they're using it to fill in potholes though are they? Where the F is the money going?

        • +14

          Money is spent scraping up off the road and incinerating the unregistered dead cats and dogs whose owners swear they never ever leave their yard, ie free body disposal courtesy of registered owners. Also spent providing along walking paths poopy bag dispensers that owners of unregistered dogs rarely if ever use. Nothing free here for unregistered owners unless they grab a handful of poopy bags to wrap the kiddies school lunches, again courtesy of registered owners. YMMV, but not out my way.

        • +2

          I think I've had my moneys worth back in the free poop collection bags already. Didn't cost much for a lifetime registration in WA.

  • +13

    What on earth is pet registration, and does it only apply to certain types of animal?

    • +2

      You pay a set amount per pet and whether or not they are desexed to the local council. Pretty sure every council charges this?

      • +1

        But most councils do it with a one-off lifetime registration if your pet is desexed and microchipped. Pet policy does vary a lot from council to council though.

        • Depends on the state. In Victoria, state law only allows one year registration (Section 11, Domestic Animals Act 1994).

    • +1

      Under the 9 comrades latest work programme:
      EVERY Pet bottle has to be registered, so we have zero unemployment!

  • +5

    The state government need to screw the public for every last cent they can.
    By any measure the Victorian government is bankrupt and if they were a public company, the directors would be taken before the courts for trading while insolvent.

    • +20

      Aren't dog regos local govt laws?

      • +2

        Vic law but you register with your local council and then council meant to use funds for animal-related stuff (eg: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/livestock-and-animals/animal-…)


        • +3

          All $$$ than goes into local govt employs more bludgers in the office. The more admin workers , the more salary the CEO gets as he/she hops jobs. The whole model is a sewer. Licenses don't keep dogs home, or stop attacks,or negate barking, or give better outcomes for them full stop.
          I reckon there must be a lot on unlicensed dogs out there since covid. Soon the rangers will be raiding backyards LOL. Gotta raise funds for the Xmas bash

          • -2

            @Protractor: Well, if any moron decides to complete this survey, that's exactly what they're going to do.
            This state government is corrupt to the bones. They need to payback this $7 million Animal Welfare Fund grants program somehow.


            • @ConsumerAffairs: any such survey is pointless without FIRSTLY eviscerating the data around obvious and acceptable cruelty in agriculture and horse racing.The laws actually protect serial cruelty in those areas.And the worst part is that those who know never call out those who do it.
              Pissing in the wind survey. But don't mistake smoke screens for corruption. Both sides of govt at all levels enable this shit

          • +1

            @Protractor: Leaving aside the usual ignorant rant about "it all goes on the Christmas bash, they're a pack of greedy bludgers, but freedom, etc etc", it is very clear where the pet rego money goes. Hiring rangers to ensure bogan pets do not bother others (eg cats that kill enormous quantities of small birds at night, dogs that crap everywhere in the streets, bitches in heat that bring every unspayed male dog for kms, etc) is bloody expensive.

            Not to mention the need to be able to track who is responsible if some kid gets torn to pieces by a pit bull - I suspect this last is why the fine for keeping an unregistered dog is so large.

            • +1

              @derrida derider: Rant is not ignorant.It's a lived experience in every rural & metro council I have lived in.

              Every issue you raise begins with irresponsible ownership. If you license humans to own animals you can cancel the license. Fines don't do a thing after an attack. Over 90% of domestic cats are basically home grown feral animals. Cat owners are the most ignorant entitled pet owners in this country. They breed more cats, dump more cats and get more cats when the last killer carks it.They should be banned full stop.Rangers on the whole don't and cannot make a dent in wandering nuisance cats.Cats off the owners property should be classified as feral and dealt with in the same way.

              Local govt is a trough.Look at the annual report in your local govt area. How many cat owners were pinged. What's the total of dog related fines. How much do licenses bring in, where is the money spent? Vs how many rangers. Then look at the rangers actual activities.

        • Registration fees go to the council, but fines for an unregistered pet go the the state government (in Victoria at least)

    • +1

      "Thank you for helping us paying for things that keep us in office as well paying off our (mismanaged) debts, your generosity is appreciated. Please continue to support us through Fines Victoria. Thank you" /s

    • Ah yes, the VIC Gov is thr first Gov to ever introduce pet registration.

      Couldn't miss an opportunity to harp on about it.

  • -8

    Ironic. Rural rangers watch 4X4 pass with multiple unlicensed pig dogs heading into Nat Parks and look the other way.
    Rover in the suburbs is a cash cow. Scrap local govt.It delivers nothing the state can't (and even cheaper) They are a trough for the viral scum that becomes Canberras tx funded zombie hoards

  • +28

    Wow. NSW registration is once for the life of the pet if it’s de-sexed.
    I paid $51 for my dog back in 2015 (it’s $69 now) - that’s all.


    • +23

      This is the way! If vic followed this I might register my pets. But I’m not giving my money to modern day thieves for their yearly registration they can go fu*k themselves.

      • +3

        Its frustrating, I have two dogs and a cat, and the cat has to be inside from August. If its inside all the bloody time why do I have to pay the council anything they will never see it!

      • +1

        Just an FYI that not registering is also an infringement offence, it's not actually optional, so if you get caught you'll be liable for the fine anyway. Not registering is always a risk and YMMV on whether it's worth it or not.

    • +1

      but it costs $5000 per year here just to register a matchbox car

  • +23

    The best thing to do is never register your pets in the first place, that way you can never get the fine! I have a dog and a cat, never registered, and obviously never fined for missing a pet registration renewal. I think it’s disgusting the government collect money from people for just having a pet!

    • -5

      I completely agree. Where is the money going? I'm, guessing wining and dining China Communications Construction Company big wigs for lending money for them to do infrastructure like Comrade Dan in People's Commutopia of Victoria.

      • +1

        Seems you have been already downvoted by CCP ozbargain freinds.

    • Incorrect, mine got picked up by the council cross referencing the central animal records where microchip details are recorded. So unless you don't chip them

      • Oh that’s a thing! My cat is not registered as it’s an indoor only cat, dog is chipped but not in my name the vet said when I checked them last and gave me the forms to fill out to change to my details.. I might need to rethink that one!

  • +14

    I wonder if you could just tell them "my pets died, you heartless b****"

    • +6

      And then register 'new pets' later

  • +2

    Have had an unregistered Labrador for years. Never been an issue. He doesn't make much noise and I also make sure to pick up after him, especially when he poops on others' nature strips

  • +3

    I've never registered my indoor fish. 🐠 🐟

  • +14

    Sure would suck to have pet Ants.

    • +5

      Would be hilarious to take in 500 photocopies of a registration form with different names for all the ants.

      • +8

        "this form is for gary junior, he's a fussy eater. and this one is for randolph - he is sensitive about his lisp, and this one is for susie, but she says she now prefers susan so do I need to fill out a change of pet name form?"

      • +8

        What is this? A form for ants?!

  • +8

    Ill register my dogs if they pick up garbage weekly not fortnightly….and they fix the potholes and mow the grass everywhere.

    • +5

      This! Thank god there is people out there who expect basic services from their council. Until they do this pay them nothing. They get $ from rates give them nothing more.

      • Local govt has MORE power pro rata than state govt, and has not been recognised as legitimate in our constitution. Make of that what you want. They collect taxes and levies for state govts and yet they are really not accountable anyway.The ministers above and responsible for them just look away. Try not paying some local govt charges in some states and they can put a block on your land title

  • +3

    Do i need to pay for myself?

  • +1

    Should only cost lunch money. Should only be against the law to not let the council know you have an animal in your name for safety and insurance reasons.

    One time I was badly injured by someone's dog at a dog park, I literally had to have a friend of mine chase after the guy. Became a civil matter because I needed to cover my medical expenses for a bad knee over-extension injury.

    I honestly don't understand how they think they can ask for a significant amount of money just because you have an animal. Unless there is some kind of public liability thing connected to it.

  • +4

    If your animal is microchipped then you will eventually be found. It seems the council has people trolling through the CAR (Central Animal Registry at Keysborough in VIC) records. If your animal is on there then it is there for as long as you don't declare it as sold or dead. If you register a dog in Vic then you have to also declare it dead or sold to avoid future fines. The system is structured so that you can't just forget about it. Vets check every animal for micro chips and probably raise a query if the find one micro chipped but no CAR record. Stuffed no matter what you do.

    • +1

      This is exactly what happed.

  • +2

    tell them you have moved suburbs (council areas) i did this and never heard anything again, also never registered my pet at my new address…

    • -1

      After copping the fine though or just when they requested registration payment?

      • when they requested payment i told them i dont live there anymore, never heard anything again (18 months ago)

      • do this, it works.
        did it years ago.

  • +7

    Let me guess, I bet OP only has third party registration for his pets too…

    • +10

      Plus fire and theft. There's some sickos out there.

  • Micro chipped?

    • -1


  • Many councils do pet registration checks if not all. It's a pretty significant cash cow for them.. Pretty easy to correlate a animal being on premises and checking if a pet is registered to that address. Even if it's a mistake and you are taking care it for someone else, at least you have to call and rectify the issue. Animal registration checks have happened for years.

    • I think this only happens in Victoria

  • +2

    Is this a scam that only happens in Victoria or something?
    In NSW you pay once.

    • +2



      Desexed cat or dog $50 every year

      The Victorian Government has levied a registration fee of $4.39 for each dog and cat.

      Blame your council, the VIC gov is charging <$5 per year.

    • +2

      This is barely the start of what will happen in Victoria as the state tries to reduce the absolutely ludicrous debt level…

  • +2

    I copped a similar fine for a pet cat, it really is ridiculous amount. Lesson learnt though. Also I thought about saying the cat passed away over a year ago so why would I register it

  • +3

    You have to register pets?

    • +3

      Many local councils require it. I kind of assumed all of them did lifetime registration for desexed pets though. Mandatory annual payments feels wrong.

      • It varies from council to council - they are free to manage it how they want. Very commonly they do a lifetime rego for desexed animals but charge annually for intact ones.

  • Na I'm pretty happy to pay the fine

  • If I'm ever caught my plan is to tell the ranger I'm just looking after the dog for a few weeks and it's registered in another council.

    • +1

      If it's chipped to you, think again

      • Maybe the dog's in my name but it actually belongs to my brother who's currently out of town…

        • +3

          There's also sorts of arguments you can mount. But you'd be surprised at the power of council rangers.
          Also you'd be less surprised that if the ranger thinks you are BS-ing him/her, they are likely to find a way to disprove your version. It gets down to 'their' attitude to your attitude.
          In our area in the last cpl decades we have had only one ranger who was not confrontational.

          Dog problems are 99% human induced.I reckon people should be licensed to own animals. (recent thread) And licensed to have kids as well

          • @Protractor: Exactly! If a human is a total idiot, the dog is usually just a mirror image of its owner!

        • 4D Chess

          "Take your time, there's plenty of room on the Stat Dec for you to write the whole explanation out"

  • +2

    Ignore it

  • Moreton bay (qld) tried doing the exact same thing with us. 2 x dogs 1 x cat. Ranger was really nice and said if you call today there won't be a fine.

  • if the fine was small then nobody would register their pets

    • +5

      The fee to register my 5kg undesexed dog is $150 or so annually, I am not nearly wealthy enough to fork out a yearly dog subscription. I'll take my chances and keep it unregistered irrespective of how corruptly excessive the fine is.

      • Money to feed a pet and pay its medical by bills but not 150

        • +2

          I do and I also pay for my own food and medical bills! However I still have not been asked to pay a yearly subscription to register myself with the local council or government… Come to think of it, that could be quite lucrative for Dan's poxy debt state!

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